The Barson Daily Prompt of the Week: Resolution

She set out the new calendar, taking a sip of her coffee, looking at the date. January 1. A new year. A new start, or so she guessed. She was never one for resolutions. Ever. Like she had the time. And what was she supposed to do?

Work out more? Please. All the running and walking and her weekly yoga was more than some people did in a month.

Get out of debt? When you have no time to have a life, what debt could you possibly incur?

Eat better? She laughed. She wishes she had more time to cook!

Date and maybe get a life outside of work? That one made her pause. She grabbed her phone, scrolling down to the last messages they had exchanged, wishing each other a Merry Christmas a week ago. His mother had begged, pleaded, threatened him into taking some time off so they could visit family together. So, he did. He got back late last night, or so she had assumed. That is what he had told her prior to his leave – his flight got in from Miami on the 31st in the afternoon, sometime.

Barba not being around for the week gave her time to think. About him. Them. Life outside of work. She glanced at the calendar one last time. Maybe one small resolution she thought to herself, tying out a message to him.

Have dinner with me tonight.

And his response less than a minute later…

I would love to.