Hi, darlings! It's been so long since I posted something in this site (and in other places of the internet), but here I am after many mental breakdowns in this year. And now that I'm feeling a bit better, I have the goal to finish translating this fic and I'm even considering posting it as a podfic (record it).

If you want to keep in touch with me or chat for a bit, you may follow me on my social media that's written at the bottom of my profile (I'm on Twitter and Tumblr).

Ok, so that's all I wanted to say! I hope you like this chapter!

Day 2: Idiots

Naruto wasn't surprised at Sasuke Uchiha's attitude. He knew that would be his answer because he had ignored or talked in the same way to all his fans. Really cold and with no feelings.

The boy felt some guilt for not warning Ino, but he didn't want to offend her either. She had supported him and if he disappointed her, Naruto was sure that Ino would try to take revenge on him for the rest of his life. Now... He ended up with the least desired result, despite his efforts to avoid it.

Ino would kill him.

He sighed. He never imagined that he would be in such a delicate situation, especially concerning unrequited love. He wasn't an expert. Naruto felt like in the Academy, when he had bad scores in all the tests assigned by his teacher. But, despite that, he knew that the most sensible and reasonable thing was telling Ino something cheesy like "Sasuke is the biggest idiot of all. You don't need to feel bad, instead you should... train until you forget him?"

Damn it. That was a good example of why he didn't help others with their feelings. Naruto was a ninja. He was supposed to show no emotions because the fights were only... punches.

He placed his hand over his chin. After a few minutes of thinking, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to go with Ino. If he didn't know what to do when he was suffering, how would he treat a person with a broken heart?

Yamanaka was going to kill him. It wasn't even his fault. He couldn't control what would Sasuke say, but the girl wasn't going to accept it. So, all he could do was to face the idiot who destroyed his counselor. Not to force him into liking her, but because he didn't have the right to despise the people. No one should.

He knocked the door with determination and immediately heard his enemy on the other side of the door.

"What do you want?"

"I came to tell you that you're an idiot."

That was enough for the Uchiha to go out. He showed his typical serious face, but Naruto identified easily his hidden anger.

Perfect. He could get him out of control.

"Look, I don't understand why you're helping each other to achieve something impossible."

Well, that was unexpected.

"But don't get me involved."

The Jinchūriki wanted to keep the Uchiha quiet and it turned out to be the opposite. How did he know? Were they that obvious? If Sasuke already knew with only one day of implementing the plan, it wouldn't take long for Sakura to find out. She was a very smart girl, and no one should underestimate her.

"If you want Sakura to fall in love with you, I'm not interested. Leave me alone." Sasuke closed the door and left him paralyzed. Those words only caused his heart to start beating stronger than it already was.

He was definitely the idiot that Sakura said.

The ninja found Ino without any problem. He ran to the Yamanaka store and luckily, she was standing behind the counter, arranging an elegant flower vase. She cleaned it with force even though the glass gnashed against the towel.

"Ino!", Naruto said frightened. "You need to know that..."

Her eyes were ferocious. Ino usually used that look to get him away from her Sasuke-kun, and now she would use it to dismember him with her thoughts. In the moment Naruto opens his mouth, there would be a crime scene in Konoha.

"Sasuke already knows about the plan."

Ino felt a pressure on her stomach. That was the least thing she wanted to hear. Her day started badly and would end worse. If Sakura found out, she would unleash a new ninja war and she wasn't ready to fight, at least not in her current mood.

Now she had to wait and see.

"Fine," the girl whispered.

"Is that your answer, dattebayo?" He crossed his arms. Naruto couldn't believe what he was listening. He was already resigned to end with a black eye because of the plan. But his situation indicated that everyone would lose because of an insensible. "What about the idiot of Sasuke?"

The blonde resisted the urge to shout that Sasuke wasn't an idiot. It was her habit, one that she would remove because there was no point in defending him. She had sworn to love him, and he simply ignored her. Ino's efforts to leave the category of "ordinary girl" were in vain. She had been rejected like most of the people she knew. There was no point in fighting against the fans who loved Sasuke, not even with Sakura Haruno, who had once been her best friend.

She felt like an idiot... Changing a friendship for an endless fight because of a boy who would never pay them attention.

"I'm not interested," Ino left the vase she was cleaning on a shelf. For a moment, she forgot what she was doing.

"We'll continue with the plan, right?"

She clenched his fists. Ino wanted to hit him, but she wasn't sure if it was because he was feeling sensitive or because he was worried about the plan. Maybe it was both.

"There's no deal".

"You can't take it back!"

Naruto was an idiot. They weren't friends, but he should have had a shred of decency. She was suffering from the rejection of her love and the only thing that he was interested in was a fucking plan that worked thanks to his luck.

Why was he worried? The boy could go on his own, forget about her and let her cry in peace. He could have another date with Sakura.

"Yes, I can".

Even if Ino had a lump in the throat, she didn't regret her words. She wasn't a girl that gave up easily, she was one of the most stubborn and rudest ninjas. She swore to do everything to conquer Sasuke's love, but her mission was over. He didn't want her. Naruto had to understand it, more than anyone.

"You made a promise!"

"The deal was that you would help me and the other way around, but it doesn't matter anymore because Sasuke isn't interested", said Ino with his wet eyes. "Do you want to force him to love me?"

Naruto folded his arms. The girl was right. The deal couldn't go on, but they had gone so far on one single day that he couldn't imagine being alone with his luck and Sakura Haruno. Most of the time he was beaten, and he couldn't understand why. That's something he couldn't change overnight without guidance. Besides, Ino was the perfect person to help him, because she spent a lot of time together with Sakura, even if it was just to argue.

"But I still have a chance with Sakura-chan," said Naruto discouraged.

"Right," Ino said, causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow.


"Don't be silly," she pressed her lips, trying not to say something she could regret, but it didn't make sense to do it. Naruto was the one who started being insensitive.

"Your date was great! You didn't need to change your hair, or your clothes, not even your personality! You never did what I told you, and it still went perfect!"


"You're only interested in the plan!"

It was true, but at the beginning of that whole mess. His opinion had changed quickly when he noticed results thanks to her help. Even if she did it to win her lover's heart, it was a gesture he valued. The deal was no longer a favor, it became a promise.

"That's not true," he said clenching his teeth.

"Just get out".

Naruto pressed his hands against the shop counter. He wanted to stay and argue like never, but that wouldn't change anything.

He breathed deeply, gradually decreasing his anger, and walked firmly to the exit.

He had to stop talking and start acting.