Mario Fart 64, by Dickfart
Today Mario was a floating head on a title screen. Every player stretched and pulled Mario's face into so many funny and various contortions. Then they prnt sc'd their designs, put them on MS Paint, and MS Painted hot pink dicks in Mario's face.
"It's the best dick I've ever had," Mario grumbles. Then he squeezed out a petulant toot.
"Well SORRY I gave you that infection!" Gay Bowser wailed, running out of the room in tears.
"What's a old Italian a plumber gotta do to get some decent trouser salami?"
"I'd share my boyfriend with you," said Luigi, pulling himself out a fierce make out session with Link. "But you are a dick and I hate your guts."
"Mama Mia considered aborting you," said Mario, slamming the door behind him before Luigi could say anything. He sunk to his knees and wailed to the heavens.
Then an old Team Rocket grunt showed up and sent out his Koffing.
"Koffing!" said Koffing, all sixty-four buttholes of him.
"That's it!" said Mario, whipping out his dick.
"Oh, you sly dog," said the rocket grunt, extending his arms and accepting the fat naked gay plumber into his world. Mario would never cum, though, never again with a human. With a floating, farting anus ball like Koffing, Mario knew that he had found his soul mate. So he spent the entire night sticking his penis in every hole that Koffing had.
The End