Okay so, I found my notes and will be trying to go with what I wrote down years ago, and on top of that add a little flare here and there of my new ideas.
I'm gonna go ahead and apologize now...because the author I was back then is not the same author I am now. Writing styles and development might seem a little off, but what I hope will happen is I can bring back the magic of the characters I wrote all the way back in chapters 1-5. We'll see though.
Any feedback is welcomed, you guys!
TW; Just as a heads up there is a lot of gore and talk of needles, cutting, and torture involved in this chapter. Though I feel it's on par with other chapters in the past, I still feel the need to warm everyone.
A king was only as good as the queen that stood beside him, and Amon knew now that Victor Creed was without his queen, he was now half the man he could have been. Though this thought did not please the snake feral, it did put his mind at ease knowing one beast was easier to take down than two. Beatrice, now in his partner's clutches, was out cold and limp. She was no threat to them. Even with her fire breathing and minute healing powers, she was little threat, to begin with, compared to the elite feral that was Sabertooth.
"You're doing it again"
Amon turned to his companion and frowned deeply as he squinted his eyes to her "What?"
Bella chuckled softly to herself as she glanced back at the tall slender man "You're so deep in though your lip is doing that cute pouty thing again...It's rather amusing if you ask me" she snickered
With a slight blush under his green scales, he turned his head away from her "No one asked you"
"Says you"
Amon turned from her as they kept on with their travels. They had their history deep-seated in fighting for freedom and struggling together. They were feral mutants of their kind. Dr. Penn found them separately and during plenty of experiments and brainwashing techniques, both Harpie and Basilisk were exhausted from fighting so long. They both gave in to Penn's demands and chose to work for him to earn their freedom. They also realized something else...they would never earn their freedom. They were too different from the human world to join them in any form of normalcy. Humans would never accept them. So in solidarity together, they chose to work for Dr. Penn. So long as they worked together, they could accomplish anything.
Amon came to know Bella as not only a friend but his only companion in life. The only one that didn't turn from his scaley appearance. She was his light, and in some odd and twisted way, Amon knows Victor's pain. If someone were to harm Bella, he didn't know how he would react. He turned his gaze to her face for a second and reached forward to brush a black strand of hair out of her face. She glanced back at him and they shared a sad, but a long look into each other's eyes. A look that told them both everything.
They would never know any other life than the one they know now.
. . .
Victor's whole body burned with the fire and fury of what he was going to do to those two. His eyes were focused on the path they took and how far they had gone since he'd been out. He would end their existence personally for attacking his mate. He dusted himself off from the tussle with Basilisk and he looked over at the peering morning light. Shining down on the last burning rubble of their mobile home. Victor stomped over and climbed into the burnt ruins as he pulled up his barely singed trench coat. He was glad to see it was tucked under something so that it survived the blast. He scavenged for other things that survived and sighed heavily once he had finished. His rage was still burning bright inside of him, but now he had focus and intent in his rage. He was ready to take the necessary and calculated steps into getting his mate back. He slung his bag over his shoulder and took one last glance at the burning iron frame that was his and Bea's sanctuary. He could find another mobile home. He could replace everything in that beat-up old piece of shit. He just couldn't replace Bea. That was his one goal at this point was to find those that took her from him and end them once and for all.
Their dream of a little cabin in the woods could wait. What couldn't wait was Beatrice and their baby.
. .
Victor leaned his forearm against the payphone as his eyes were cast down and his ear was pressed against the receiver of the phone waiting for someone to pick up. For once he was almost thankful that the voice he heard on the other end was in fact, Logan.
Their relationship had somewhat healed over the weeks that he and Bea had spent at the X-school. That didn't change years of trauma or a century of fighting with each other and finally against each other, but what it did help was the conversation Victor needed to have. For once he needed his brother's help. He couldn't take down these two new adversaries alone, and he now knew he would need the extra hands, or claws, in this case, to take down Baxter as well.
"Jimmy? That you?"
"Victor? What the hell are you doing? Where's your cell phone?" He paused for a second "What happened up there man your sketch is all over the local papers?"
"None of that matters right now. They took Beatrice. This fucking lacky duo Penn sent after us. They have her, Jimmy...They have my girl and I couldn't stop them" Victor huffed out his words as if panic finally settled in his voice. He was beginning to grow angry at himself for showing such weakness. He couldn't lie though, he feared for her safety. Everything he did to try and keep her safe. To try and keep her away from Penn, all of his efforts were for nothing in the end. It nearly broke him.
"Shit..." Logan cursed as he let out a concerned sigh "...Victor, there's nothing we can do if two of these guys took you both on and you lost. We need to get you to the X-school and now. Professor Xavier will know what to do and with more manpower-"
"All I need is you and me, Jimmy!" Victor cut him off with force and fury. He was appalled that Logan was even suggesting he wait in getting Bea back from the sick sadistic psycho that Dr. Penn was. The only reason he waited now was that for a split second he thought he could reach out to the one person he trusted besides Beatrice "I shouldn't even be on the phone with you right now...I should be on my way to getting my mate and you're telling me I should waste more of my time to be rejected again by those elitist mutant assholes you call a team?!" His anger was rising as each second ticked by "Fuck this. I'll take them down myself, and get her out my way" Victor slammed the phone on the payphone with brute force.
There was only one thing truly on his mind at that moment. It wasn't trying to preserve the relationship he had with his little brother. It was getting back the one person who understood him better than even Logan did.
. . .
Logan clenched his jaw as he glared at his phone screen and sighed heavily. There was nothing he could od now but to catch up with his brother and try to stop him then and there. Little did Logan know though, was that Cassius was already on his way to catch up with Victor. He had overheard the whole conversation and knew that Beatrice was in trouble. He knew she risked her life to help him and knew he had to do the same. She needed all the help she could get at this point. Victor would go off on his own anyway. The best he could be was back up, in case things got hairy. Cass wasn't at his full potential yet either. His body was still recovering and his mind was still weak from the intense brainwashing that he went through. Yet he knew he had to do this.
Cassius left a note on his bedroom door for Logan to read. It explained where he was going to be and why. He knew he may end up back in a padded cell after this but he needed to risk that for Bea. After getting the last of his clothes on. Wearing anything that didn't resemble the school at all, to keep himself hidden in plain sight, he made his way out of the school and into the fresh air for the first time in weeks if not months.
Cassius made little time for smelling the flowers in this sense, he was quick to jog in the direction he thought the nearest forest coverage was. He lifted his nose to the air and tried to pinpoint where the nearest feral mutant was beside Logan. The sooner he could find Victor, the better.
. . .
Her eyes slowly opened to the metal ceiling of a cage. It took Beatrice a moment to realize that she was back where she began. She sniffed the air for a second and not only smelled blood and other various bodily fluids but the strong stench of fear and agony. Her eyes fully opened as she turned her head to the side, seeing nothing but metal fence material, and then turning to the other side of her and seeing nothing else but more cage. Her heart dropped very suddenly as she lifted her body slowly and focused on the world around her. She was back at Penn labs. Or something resembling that hell space she was in for 20 years. Bea lifted herself all the way and inched back until she was pressed up against one of the cage walls. Making a loud enough noise to get the attention of the doctor in the room. She tugged her arm up and looked down to see an IV drip connected to her veins. She panted for just a split second at the fear of what they were pumping into her.
"It's just a saline solution to keep you hydrated" A not so friendly but familiar voice rang throughout the room and caught her attention. It was the doctor at the table in front of the cage. She looked around once more and noticed that she was the only one in the cage at the time "Don't fret, you and your child are safe for right now...I need that pup of yours healthy till you pop it out of course. There's no need in killing you or causing either of you harm at this stage in your pregnancy" These words did not cause her any comfort. For although he said that he would not cause her child or her harm now, she feared what he had planned for in the future.
"What do you want from me?" Beatrice was firm in her words and let out a menacing growl.
"What do I want?" As he stepped out into the light, Dr. Baxter Penn grinned deeply and showed the ugly nature of his true self. Both in stature and practice "I want to study the evolutionary traits of the feral mutant kind. You are a high-class alpha female of your breed, Beatrice, and you somehow managed to mate with a high-class alpha male! That feat alone is rare, let alone you two bonding for life!" He chuckled deeply and moved back to his table, turning on another light. Showing in detail what he was researching "I never knew ferals could bond for life, like other animals until I met you two...honestly I cannot wait to keep Victor too, being able to study the father in this instance will bring more light as to how your child will interact with the world" He picked up a glass full of scotch and smiled as he took a long sip "As it is, your child seems to react well to our procedures...I'm willing to bet he will be able to survive nearly anything he encounters, much like his father"
Beatrice snarled like a wild beast now as Baxter went on and on about her baby, she gripped the caged with al claws and hissed like a big cat that's been threatened "What have you done to my baby!? You monster! They're just a baby!" She froze for a second in her snarling and growling and looked up and down at the doctor, wondering if he was playing with her emotions for a second "He?"
"Did you not know that you were having a boy?" Baxter chuckled and swiveled around in his chair to face her "Well, Congratulations Ms. Crow...You're having a bouncy baby boy! We did an ultrasound while you were out cold...He's very healthy and looking very good" He grinned softly "We did our own versions of experiments, at first it was something as simple as pressing on your belly with a firm touch, He moved out of instinct. Shows he has good brain function at least...then we changed to needles. I wanted to test your amniotic fluid and once the needle went in it was nearly no time before the skin healed again" He grinned firmly "Then I took a scalpel to your belly to see if I could peer in and see the sweet little bundle of joy without harming either of you...I got past the first layer of skin but the wound healed so fast and the skin was so tough I knew I wasn't going to get any further that day"
Every word that spilled from his lips after he mocked her with congratulations and such, made her blood boil. If Victor knew the kind of torture this monster committed to her and their baby in just the span of a day or so while she was asleep...He would gut Penn alive within an inch of his life and then make him suffer further. She knew he would tear him to bits just as much as she wanted to in that instance. Instead of lunging at the cage wall like she desperately wanted to, she crouched lower and pressed her hand firmly against her belly. She would never sleep again if it meant protecting her child from the riding fingers and knives of Dr. Penn "You're a fucking monster!" She spat out finally.
"I am merely a doctor. A scientist who knows that science...to truly reach its limits, must have no limits" He grinned very lightly this time.
"He's just a baby!" She shouted at him "You're experimenting on a pregnant woman and an unborn child...you're no scientist, you're a psychotic kid with too much money and a god complex!"
Baxter slammed his hands against the cage and made Bea back up as far as she could. Both hands covering her belly this time "I am no child...but I will tell you this...until the moment that child is removed fro your womb...and your life ceases to exist...I AM THE ONLY GOD YOU WILL EVER KNOW!" Baxter shouted with such a deep and terrifyingly dark tone in his voice, it scared even this tough-skinned feral female. His eyes wide and bloodshot like he had been up for hours on end. His voice so low and demonic sounding it was like a whole new person shown through in that very instance. Dr. Penn grinned down at her and turned from the cage very slowly. He sat back down in his chair and looked down at her with a soft sigh "I was going to wait until tomorrow...but I see that your attitude will not suffice until we go on with this next procedure" He clicked a button and spoke in a softer tone "Bring in Barry and Hank, I need assistance getting Chimera off to the operating room...Oh and bring me my neurological tools" He stood up and began to put on gloves.
Beatrice felt panic well in her chest as she heard those words. She snarled at him again, fear wafting off her own body gave off an even more sour smell than she had smelled off anyone else. More so than any average human, or even Victor. She was terrified more at that moment than she had ever been in her life. More than anything he had done to her as a child. Back when she was unable to defend herself. She hissed loudly when she watched as two large shadows walked into the room and loomed over her cage. They pulled the lock off the cage and while one stepped in to unscrew her IV line from the actual catheter in her arm, the other grabbed the other arm to make sure she didn't scratch at them. Beatrice tugged at both arms and tried to escape. She lunged forward and tried to bite both of them at one point but they were both very strong as they drug her off to another room. She fought and struggled and screamed as much as she could.
"Help!" She screamed at them and struggled against their grip "Please someone help me!" She cried out for help knowing that even if she were to escape their grip, Penn would personally make sure she suffered for it. She couldn't afford his torture now though. Not when he showed an obvious interest in harming her baby. She struggled again and at some point, as the tears dripped down her cheeks and her shrieks became more desperate and unheard she cried out next for Victor "Help! Please! Help me! Victor help! Victor!"
"VICTORRRR!" She wailed as loud as she could until her voice went hoarse. She was stuck. She was scared. She was lost.
There was nothing she could do.
OH, my gods that was a pain and a half to get to this point! I hate the way I started such an important chapter! but man it was worth it to get to the really important bits!
Sorry by the way if this chapter is somewhat dark but I've been meaning to express just how bad and evil Dr. Penn was for awhile. My goal in this fanfiction was to write a villain that no one liked. Or more so one that I didn't like. Most of the time when I write a villain I want to write a fully-fledged background story for them too and that works sometimes, but other times it makes them seem more human than I'd like. This was perfect. Baxter turned into the type of Villain that became more of a monster than I could hope for. I am definitely looking forward to ending him in future chapters!
Thank you so much you guys for following and enjoying this story, I am so sorry it took me so long to get back into the swing of things but here we are! Hoping that everyone who's left reviews continues to do so and let me know how I'm doing. I hope to hear from you guys and hope to keep plugging away at new chapters very soon.
OH. Before I forget, this chapter will take place over the update that I made the other day, so it will look like it's been updated or something, but really this is a whole new chapter.
Any other questions feel free to either leave me a review, or pm me!