A/N: I don't own Teen Titans or Grease. And to top that all off, I can't put any songs in here because the dudes from "Critics United" (sounds like a soccer team or something) will tattle-tale on me and make me take all my work down. But I'm not here to rant, I'm here to write. I've worked really hard on this, and I hope you all enjoy!

"Yes! Oh, Yes! I've finally done it! Not Slade, not Brain, not Dr. Light, but me! I've captured the Teen Titans! I am finally going to destroy the most beloved heroes in Jump City!" Control Freak gleefully exclaimed.

"You're not going to get away with this. You might have us, but the city won't stand for it. You're outnumbered, Control Freak!" Robin growled from within the electrified cage that all of the Titans were trapped in.

The overweight fan-boy chuckled as he made his way towards the cage, "You see, Robin, that's where your wrong. Nobody knows you're here, not Batman, or the Justice League, not even the police… Crime will be rampaging through the city, once again, and the beloved Teen Titans will be nowhere to be found… When Jump City realizes that their very own heroes have left them for dead, they'll basically be crawling on all fours towards a new hero, a better hero- no, a leader…" He ranted, "Me!"

The warehouse was completely silent for three seconds until the sound of uncontrollable teenaged laughter hit the ginger like a truck.

"HA! That's- That's just- Oh my God, I can't even- Hahaha!"

"Haha, the monologue of the Control freak is extremely amusing in the most entertaining of ways!"

"You actually think that Jump City will make you their leader? That's rich…"

"ENOUGH!" The fat ginger (A/N: South Park reference, I had to.) fumed, "I tried to be nice, okay? I tried to spare your lives, but oh no… You all have to ruin that for yourselves. Now I'm going to cancel all of you, starting with my greatest enemy…" He turned to Beastboy.

The green teen scrunched up his face in confusion, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Why am I looking at- What do you mean, 'Why are you looking at me?' You're my greatest enemy, my nemesis!" He explained.

Laughter once again erupted out of the electrical cage.

"What's so funny? Stop laughing, right now!"

Beastboy wiped a tear from his eye after laughing so hard, "Haha, sorry dude, but I am NOT your nemesis."

"Oh, yes you are! I've got your Wiki to prove it too! The internet knows all, Garfield Logan…"

"You know, I've heard that Wiki isn't really a valid source of information. I think you should really check your sources…" Beastboy teasingly chided.

Control Freak turned beet red, "No! Enough of this! As I was saying, I'm going to destroy you all, starting with my very own greatest enemy…" He pointed his remote at Beastboy, "Any last words, final requests? Well, too bad! You ruined that for yourself, too! Ha! Look who's laughing now, Titans! It's me! I am the one laughing-"

The villain was interrupted by a loud "Zinthos!", followed by the scraps of crackling metal that used to be a cage flying right in his direction. There was no time to lose, the evil fan-boy pressed any random button that his fat thumb could find. A green beam of light zapped the Titans out of plain sight.

A metal bar flew right at Control Freak, hitting him in his forehead. The man doubled over, and lost consciousness.

"This is the main brain, Vince Fontaine, beginning your day with the only way: music, music, music." The Radio blared as Dick Grayson slowly woke up from a deep slumber, dreaming about a… green light, was it? The Radio continued, "Get out of bed, it's the first day of school! Don't be a slob, don't get a job, go back to class, you can pass! And to start the day off nice and fine, I'm gonna play a new old favorite of mine…"

A fast-paced song began to play as Dick groggily sat up in his bed. It was the first day of school, summer vacation was officially over. Australia, the beach, Kori… It was all over. Everything he felt, everything he saw, was now just a distant memory… He met the girl of his dreams, and had to leave her, over the course of just a one-month long vacation. The teenager made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and grease up his hair for his first day of senior year.

Victor Stone ran up to Garfield Logan as he slowly made his way through Rydell High School's parking lot, "Class of 1959! Seniors, man! It's our turf now!"

Garfield whipped his head around, "Victor! How did you- Why are you-" The green teen (A/N Yes, he is green. This ain't an AU, but read on and you'll find out why) stuttered with an amazed smile as he stared at his best friend since first grade. Victor Stone was shipped off to Vietnam at the beginning of the summer, the day after his 18th birthday. Nobody thought they would ever see him again.

Victor knowingly smiled, "We were ambushed the first day in." He lifted his pant leg, revealing a prosthetic limb, "It was really, well, horrible… At first. But I'm just glad that I didn't lose my mind. You should see these guys, it's hell down there… I- I never, ever want to go back to that place…" He showed his prosthetic arms under his leather jacket.

Gar jumped up and hugged his best friend, "I'm just glad you're back, man!"

A blonde girl walking bye wolf-whistled at the sight of the two teens in their friendly embrace. Garfield jumped off of Victor, "Shut up, Terra!" He hollered after her.

"I take it you guys…"

"Broke up? Yeah. Turns out she was seeing someone else behind my back, and he was a Scorpion, no less…" He fumed, "She also slept with just about all of the guys on the football team. Bitch."

The brown skinned boy looked down at his friend, noticing some new qualities that have adhered to his features. Green skin, pointy ears, and a fang. This ought to be good, "What's up with the…"

Gar furrowed his brows, "What?"

"Everything, Gar, everything!" He indicated to the green hair and pointy ears.

"Oh! That! Well, that's a long… terrifying story… Monkeys… It's not pretty." He rambled.

Victor raised one of his eyebrows.

Garfield sighed, "Let's just say that I am never going back to Africa for Summer Vacation… ever."

Victor laughed, "How does one man manage to get bitten by a monkey two times while in Africa? First when you were seven, and now you're walking into senior year lookin' like the Creature From the Black Lagoon!"

"Shut up, man," He punched his metal arm, "Ow!"

"Damn, I'm liking this year already, and it hasn't even started yet!"

Three teenaged girls in matching pink jackets walked up the stairs of Rydell High for their first day of senior year. Rachel Roth (but everybody called her Raven, because of her hair) bore a proud, smug smirk as she passed the younger students in the hallway. Her best friend, Karen Beecher, walked alongside Raven, filing her nails and not paying attention to the gawking classmates in the Freshmen hallway. Jacklyn Weber (everybody calls her Jinx, though) casually smoked a cigarette on the other side of Raven while the three made their way to their hallway.

Raven leaned her back against the metal door of her new locker, "Well, here we are again."

Karen folded her arms and smiled, "Yeah, but this time we're seniors."

Raven laughed, "And we're gonna rule the school!"

Jinx took the cigarette out of her mouth and blew smoke through her nose while, at the same time, crossing her eyes at their fellow classmen when they walked by.

Karen nudged her, "Jinx, that is so adolescent!"

"We are adolescent!"

The three began to laugh, but it ended as fast as it began. Principal McGee spotted the girls and started to briskly walk across the hallway. Raven whispered, "Adolescent or not, we don't have to flaunt it."

Especially not in front of McGee.

McGee was a short, curvy woman. She was slightly over the age of 50, and always seemed to put an end to any fun at Rydell, especially when it came to the T-Birds or the Pink Ladies (that was them, if you didn't know).

The high school principal stepped up to the three girls, "Good morning, ladies? Summer treated us well, I presume?"

Jinx inwardly gagged, Karen's nostrils flared. "Some better than others," Raven slowly answered for all three of them.

Fake concern saturated McGee's demeaner, "Oh? I'm so sorry to hear that. At least we've got our summer reading done, yes?"

"Ha!" Jinx snorted, "Didn't even start!"

Principal McGee cocked her head, "Is that so? Well, I suppose we get started now."

"Get started now- how do we get started now-"

"Read that sign." McGee pointed to the black and red sign that rested beside the bathroom door, "What does that sign read?"

"Smoking is prohibited inside the school at all times," Jinx huffed.

The principal dramatically gasped, "It is? Oh! I'm so very sorry to do this, on your first day of senior year, too-"

"Do what?"

McGee handed a yellow slip to Jinx, and walked away to her office.

"Shit! A detention!" Jinx cursed. She ripped up the slip of paper and put it her pink jacket pocket, "Oops!"

The girls giggled, save for Raven, as the first bell rang, indicating that they were late to class.

"Heyayyy!" Wally West exclaimed as he grabbed ahold of Roy Harper's paper lunch bag, tossing it to his friend, Garth, thus beginning their extreme keep-away game against Roy.

Garth laughed, tossing the bag back to Wally over Roy's head, "You're not supposed to eat this, you're supposed to bury it!"

"Hey! That's a homemade lunch!" Speedy (they all called him Speedy) complained.

"The old lady dragged her fat carcass out of bed for ya?" Wally Teased, catching the bag and easily juking Speedy out and throwing it back to Garth.

Garth caught it, and handed it back to Roy, "Sure, Wally! She does it every day on the first day of School for her little Speedykins?"

"Big deal! Like your mom doesn't!"

Wally stopped abruptly as he noticed something, and nudged his two friends' arms, showing them.

"Is that-"

"It can't be Vic- Wait, why is Gar green again?"

"Hey Vic! Gar, Vic over here!" Wally waved excitedly.

Garfield and Victor noticed their three friends and motioned them to come over, in the coolest way they could possibly come up with (it's hard to keep an ego when you have green skin, or if you're crippled).

Speedy, Garth, and Wally raced over. Greeting each other with fist bumps and high fives, the five finally reunited after a summer of being separated. All in all, it was great.

"Where were you all summer?" Speedy asked Victor.

"What are you, my mother?" Victor retorted.

Speedy grabbed Victor's hand and put it next to his own, displaying the clear difference of skin color between the two, "Yeah, I don't think so- Hey… Why is your hand so cold," He knocked on it, "And metal?"

Garth shoved Speedy's shoulder, and quietly muttered, "V-I-E-T-N-A-M."

"Oh…" He whispered.

"The hell is up with your face, Gar?" Wally quickly changed the conversation.

"Monkeys, Africa, green. That's all you need to know."

"Alright, we got five out of six. We're missing one more, where's-"

"Dick!" Victor exclaimed, racing up to his side. The others quickly followed suit.

Richard took his cigarette and tossed it to the ground, putting it out with his shoe. He turned his attention away from the blonde girls he was talking up. Dick didn't take his sunglasses off, but he lowered them a little so he could see his fellow T-Birds clearly. Victor, Gar, Wally, Garth, and Speedy (or Roy). The gang was all here, everyone was united. He wondered if it was the same for the girls.

"Hey, you see any new broads over there?" Gar asked, motioning towards the girls that Dick was talking to.

"Ah, the same old chicks that everybody's made it with, you know?" Dick sighed, "Hey, wait. I thought you and Terra-"

Gar winced at the sound of her name. Dick figured it must've been a nasty break-up.

"Hey, so what'd you do all summer Dicky?" Wally asked through a wad of chewing gum.

Dick smirked, "Well, I was hangin' down by the beach, you know. We had this little vacation in Australia. Just a one-monther, no big deal and all. Kinda hard to get around though, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's always tough for me, all the girls… Must be the same for you with all those chicks hangin' around ya…" Wally winked.

Garth laughed, "Ha! Yeah, well, the only thing that hangs around you, Wally, are the flies."

"Hey, right here Garth!" He made his hands into fists.

Victor interjected, "Uh, how was the action at the beach, man?" He raised his eyebrows at the teen in sunglasses.

Dick chuckled, "Hoo… It was flippin'."

"Yeah? Crazy?" Garth questioned.

"Yeah!" Dick realized he was getting carried away, he lowered his voice, "I- I did meet this one chick, she was- Well, she was sorta cool, you know?"

"You mean she puts out?" Wally raised his eyebrows.

Dick rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on, Wally, is that all you ever think about?"

He lit a cigarette, "Freakin' A!" He laughed as he stowed his lighter back into the pocket of his jeans.

The bell rang, and the boys left for the school as Wally fiddled with his pockets, trying to fit the lighter in, "Hey! Hey, guys, wait up!"

"Do I look okay, Donna?" Kori Anders asked nervously as she climbed up the steps of the school.

"Sure, you look fine!" Donna Troy assured her new friend she was showing around. Kori was an exchange student from Australia.

Kori sighed, "I'm very nervous… "

Donna shook her head and laughed, "Believe me, you have nothing to worry about."

Kori laughed, but quieter. "So, this is Rydell," She exhaled.

Donna looked around and nodded, "Yep, you'll love it. Trust me."

Kori frowned, "I loved the last school that I was at. I wish I was there right now…" She sighed again, "Still, I'm no stranger to heartbreak."

"Why, you got psoriasis?" Donna softly asked, concerned.

Kori didn't understand.

Donna giggled, "I'm joking!" She assured.

"Blanche, do you have the new schedules?" Principal McGee asked from within the faculty office.

The old woman looked up from her filing cabinet, "Yes, Miss McGee. I just had my hands on 'em!"

The principal rolled her eyes and sighed, "Good, they'll be nice and smudged."

Blanche, the school's secretary, pulled out a stack of papers from another cabinet, "Oh, here they are!" She handed them to her boss, "If it'd been a snake, it would've bitten me!" The elderly woman smiled.

McGee studied the papers and frowned, "Blanche, these are the schedules we couldn't find for last semester." She handed them back, "Now, maybe next year you'll find the ones for this semester."

The principal marched out of the office, in pursuit of retrieving the semester's schedules.

A teacher, Mr. Lynch, whined in dismay from over by the coffee machine, "Ah, I've got Garfield Logan again!"

Mrs. Murdock, the school's garage keeper, poured some coffee into her mug, chuckling, "That boy's been here longer than I have."

The school nurse frantically walked into the office, "First day of school, and already my castor oil is missing!" She searched.

Kori Anders slowly walked into the office, she was supposed to check in with the principal so she could receive a homeroom.

Mrs. Murdock sighed, "How many days till Christmas vacation?"

"Eighty-six." Kori answered, sighing with her.

Murdock's eyes widened, "Eighty-six?"

She nodded her head, "I'm counting."

"Oh, Lord, we have a long way to go…" The garage keeper shuffled out of the office.

Principal McGee walked into the office, noticing the girl, "May I help you, dear?"

Kori nodded, "Oh yes, this is my first day of school and I don't know where I'm supposed to be…"

"Ah, Ms. Anders! We've been expecting you." McGee realized. "Welcome to Rydell. You'll have to fill out these papers over here, a few of these forms…" She heard a crash from outside of the office, "But would you please excuse me for a second? I'll be right back." She jogged out to see what was all of the ruckus.

"Jeez, every teacher I have this year has flunked me at least once!" Gar sighed.

"Hey, and if you don't watch it, you might be spending the bulk of your senior year in McGee's office." Dick warned.

"Yeah, well this year she's gonna wish she's never seen me!" The green skinned teen boasted.

Garth rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do?"

Gar folded his arms as he walked to his class, "I'm just not gonna take any of her crap, that's all. Garfield Logan don't take no crap from nobody!"

"Garfield!" The six boys turned around to discover the owner of the voice, only to find out that it was Mrs. McGee, herself.

Gar faced her and gulped, "Oh, hello, ma'am!"

"Aren't you supposed to be in homeroom right now?" She questioned.

"Uh, I was just going for a walk… heh."

McGee frowned, "You were just dawdling, weren't you?"

The boy's ears dropped, "Yes, ma'am."

"That is no way to start a new semester, Mr. Logan." She turned to Victor, "And you, Mr. Stone. I would have expected a little more from an army veteran."

Victor silently gritted his teeth, she crossed a line. Gar lowly growled, which Mrs. McGee heard.

"Perhaps a session of banging erasers after school would put the two of you on the right track?" She raised her voice, clearly offended by whatever escaped Garfield's throat.

"Yes. Ma'am." Victor coldly answered.

"Yes, ma'am!" Gar nervously replied.

"Well, are you just going to stand there all day?"

"No, ma'am- I mean, yes, ma'am- I mean- Uh, I just-" Gar mumbled.

"Well, which is it? Yes or no?"

"No, ma'am."

"Good. Then move!" She turned her heel to stomp away.

"Yes, ma'am." Gar replied, waiting for her to walk away before he started growling to himself again. He felt Speedy tap his shoulder.

"I'm sure glad you didn't take any of her crap, Gar…" He chuckled quietly, so McGee couldn't hear.

Wally laughed, "Yeah, you woulda really told her off!"

"'Mr. Logan!'" Garth mocked, "'Yes, ma'am. No, ma'am.'"

"Ah, shut up!" Gar moaned.

Blanche sounded the xylophone into Principal McGee's loudspeaker microphone, signaling the beginning of school announcements. McGee pulled her chair into her desk as she prepared for yet another year governing the hallways of Rydell High.

She cleared her throat, "Good morning, boys and girls, and welcome to what is sure to be our greatest year at Rydell." She emphasized in the most welcoming tone she could possibly muster.

She continued, "Saturday night will be our first pep rally and bonfire, and I want to see all of you students out there with plenty of support for Coach Calhoun and the Rydell Titans." She informed, "Remember, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter."

McGee turned the page of her announcements packet, "And now, for the really good news… Probably one of the most exciting things to ever happen at Rydell High!" She expressed, real excitement filling her every word, "National Bandstand television show has selected Rydell as a representative American high school, and will do a live broadcast from our very own gym! It is our chance to show the entire nation what fine, bright…" She frowned, "… Clean cut… Wholesome… Students we have, here at Rydell."

She signaled for Blanche to conclude the announcements with a tape recording of the Rydell fight song, and sighed as she leaned back into her chair, "God, save us all…"

Raven watched as her fellow Pink Ladies returned to the lunch table, carrying their trays and singing what has to be a God-awful reprise of Ritchie Valen's La Bamba. They giggled as they sat down next to Raven, taking in her usual, unamused expression.

"Hey, did you guys get a load of Dick this morning?" Jinx wiggled her eyebrows, "Lookin' pretty good this year, huh Rae?"

Raven rolled her eyes and adjusted the collar of her black shirt, "That's ancient history."

Karen smirked, "Well, history sometimes repeats itself…"

Raven bitterly laughed.

"Hey guys!" Donna, who is also a member of the Pink Ladies, walked up to the table.

"Hi, Donna," Karen greeted, moving over so she could sit down.

Kori appeared behind Donna, also carrying a tray of food. Donna pointed to the spot next to Jinx at the table, and whispered, "C'mon, sit down."

Kori sat down, and Donna followed suit, introducing her to the other girls, "So, this is Kori Anders," She named off her other friends, "Kori, this is Raven, Jinx, and Karen."

Karen warmly smiled at the new student, Jinx grinned and waved, Raven just sat and read her English book (she never really smiles anyway). "Kori just moved here from Sydney, Australia." Donna informed.

Raven looked up from her book and smirked, "Well, how are things down under?"

Kori clearly didn't understand the dirty humor, "Oh, fine, thanks."

Donna quickly noticed where this was going, and changed the subject, "Hey Karen, are those new glasses?"

Karen adjusted her bifocals on the bridge of her nose, "Yeah, just got them for school. Ya think they make me look smarter?"

Jinx scrunched up her nose, "Nah, we can still see your face!"

Karen rolled her eyes, and turned to Kori, "So, how do you like school so far?"

Kori smiled and began to explain, "Well, it's different-"

"Hi, kids!" A very blonde hair, blue eyed, tall, and… peppy girl walked up to their table, interrupting Kori in mid-sentance. Everyone groaned.

Raven quietly explained to Kori, "Terra Markov, the bad seed of Rydell- Hi!" She over-exaggeratingly greeted.

Terra flipped her hair, "Oh, I just love the first day of school, don't you?"

"Oh, it's the biggest thrill of my life!" Raven mocked, Terra not catching the sarcasm.

"Oh, you'll never guess what happened!"

Jinx leaned over to Kori, and whispered, "Probably not."

"They just announced the nominees for student council, and guess who's up for vice-president?"

Karen faked her interest, "Who?"

"Me!" Terra exclaimed, "Isn't it the most? Say the least!"

"The very least…" Raven muttered.

Terra sighed, "I just hope I don't make too poor of showing!"

Raven grew tired of the girl, and ended the conversation early, "Well, we certainly wish you the best of luck, don't we girls?" She elbowed Karen.

"Oh!" Karen whispered, "Yeah, good luck, Terra."

Donna pitched in, "Good luck."

"Oh, thank you! And here," Terra passed out fliers for the election to each of the girls, but gasped when she got to a certain orange skinned redhead, "You must think I'm a terrible clod for not introducing myself to your new friend!" She shook her hand, "Hi, I'm Terra Markov! Welcome to Rydell- Oh!" She sat down on a bowl of mac-and-cheese when she tried to join the girls at the table. Terra's nostrils flared as she violently stood up. Regaining her composure, she continued, "Well, I hope you're at cheerleader tryouts! We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends." She babbled on about being a cheerleader at Rydell, while everybody else lost interest in the conversation.

Raven has always hated Terra Markov. She was everything that Raven wasn't: blonde, tall, popular… and fake. The icing on the cake was that she was going out with Gar Logan all throughout sophomore year, and she knew how Raven felt about Garfield. Terra somehow weaseled her way into the Pink Ladies, and became best friends with everyone in the group. Everyone. Including Raven. They told each other everything, and somehow, she managed to get Garfield to fall in love with her, right in front of Raven. It was infuriating, disgusting, and definitely provoked homicidal thoughts (just joking… kinda)…

Later that summer, Gar found out what she really was: a lie. Everything she did was done so that she could gain popularity in school. The group's deep secrets became the school's hottest gossip, and Terra became queen of Rydell. Yet, through it all, Gar still kept a solid relationship with her during junior year. It wasn't until this recent summer that he found out she's slept with almost every guy on the football team while they were going out, along with a member of the Scorpion greaser gang, and he did not take it well. Furniture was thrown, houses were egged, it wasn't pretty… He was a beast. It was during that time in his life when Raven told Gar about how she felt. He was in his driveway, working on his dead father's old car, and he hasn't talked to anyone in weeks, not even Dick. He was crying on that day. All of his anger was gone, and there wasn't anything left to do but cry. They cried together, talked about how Terra's terrorized them all, and then she finally told him about the feelings she's kept hidden since freshman year. As it turns out, he's reciprocated those feelings since the second grade. That was the day they started going out together. So, maybe Raven could thank Terra in some form… (That was a joke, by the way)

Donna whispered to Raven, "How do you like Kori, huh? Think we could let her in the Pink Ladies?"

Raven broke away from her thoughts and shook her head, "She looks too pure to be pink."

"You wanna piece of salami?" Wally asked Garth as the guys ate lunch on the football bleachers.

The boy's long, black hair shook with his head in disgust, "Are you kidding me? If I ever ate that, I would smell like you!"

Speedy laughed, "What a stink!"

"Hey, guys. Guys, look," Dick pointed at the football players running on the track.

Victor announced, with an invisible microphone in prosthetic hand, "Ladies and gentlemen… Dingleberries on parade!"

The starting quarterback, Tom Chisum, looked up and tripped over a stray helmet. It stuck onto his cleats.

Wally laughed, "Hey, look!" He pointed, "You really put your foot in it this time, Chisum!"

Gar called out, laughing, "Try hopscotch, you hot-dog!"

They continued to laugh and jeer at the football players as their practice was underway, "Hey, any of you guys see that new chick at registration?" Speedy asked, "She sure beats the foam domes around here…"

Wally elbowed him, "You mean her jugs were bigger than Annette's?"

Gar chuckled as he lit his cigarette, "Nobody's jugs are bigger than Annette's." He took his cigarette out of his mouth, "Hey, I wanna hear what Dick did at the beach."

"Yeah!" Victor agreed.

"Nah, it was nothing…" Dick assured.

"Sure, nothing, Grayson!" Garth elbowed, "Come on Dick!"

"You got in her drawers, right?" Wally asked.

"Yeah, come on, tell us about that girl!" Speedy begged.

"Everything about it!" Gar pleaded.

Dick smirked, "Oh, come on, you don't want to hear all the horny details…"

Wally bellowed, "You kiddin' me?"

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you!" Dick laughed.

Wally put the apple he was wielding down, regaining his sanity, "Good."

"Well," He started, "I meet this redhead at the beach, right? We had a blast, she was crazy for me, you know?"

"Oh, come on, you gotta tell us more than that." Gar urged.

"Did you get very far?" Garth slyly asked.

Dick ignored them and went on, "I saved her life, that's how we met. She swam by me, and got a cramp. Nearly drowned, but I got her." He boasted, "Sun was really hot, so we were at the beach a lot during the vacation…"

"I still haven't heard the part where you went all the way." Victor laughed.

Dick rolled his eyes, "It's coming up." He said sarcastically, but continued on, "We went bowling in the arcade, you know? Then, we went for a walk and… made out under the dock… She was good, you know what I mean?" He couldn't help but proudly smirk.

"Alrighty! Here's the good stuff!" Gar rubbed his hands together.

"Yeah, but he doesn't have to brag." Wally folded his arms.

"Well, don't worry, I wasn't gonna tell you about it," He sighed, "Anyway… It got towards the end of the trip, days turned colder. I told her that we'd still be friends… Then I left."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, wonder what she's doing now, though…" Dick let himself get lost in the thought.

Summer dreams, ripped at the seams… But, oh… Those summer nights…

"What'd you do this summer, Kori?" Donna asked as the girls began to finish up their lunch.

Kori brightened, "Oh, I spent most of it at the beach. I met a boy there…"

Raven overheard this, "Hauled your cookies all the way to the beach for some guy?"

Kori blushed, "Well, he was sort of special…"

Raven laughed, "There ain't no such thing."

Kori disregarded Raven's input in the conversation, "It all happened so fast. I met the cutest boy at the beach… He was splashing around in the water, got my swimsuit damp. I was going to tell him off for it, but we ended up having a very nice time…"

"Was it like love at first sight?" Donna dreamily asked.

Kori nodded, "It was wonderful… We went for walks, and had lemonade in the afternoon… One night, we even stayed up until 10:00, just watching the stars… He gave me that nickname, Star."

Raven groaned, "Sounds like a drag."

"Oh, no… It was absolutely wonderful… He was really sweet, just turned 18. He even held my hand when we went into town... But, it ended right as the weather turned colder. We made our true love vows, and then he was gone…"

"He sounds real nice…" Karen gushed.

"True love and he didn't lay a hand on you? Sounds like a creep, to me." Raven explained as she got up from the table for their next class.

Kori turned to her, "Well, he wasn't. He was a gentleman."

"Hey, what was his name?" Jinx asked.

Kori smiled, "Richard. Richard Grayson."

Jinx and Karen busted out laughing behind Kori. Raven hit them with her notebook before she could notice, "Well, I think he sounds peachy-keen." Raven lied, "And maybe if you believe in miracles, Prince Charming will show up again someday… Somewhere unexpected." She plastered a smile to her face, "See ya later."

Raven walked away with Jinx and Karen, "Come on, girls."

Kori turned to Donna, "Do you really think so?"

She nervously laughed, "Sure."


She scratched the back of her neck, "Uh, Kori, I think we oughtta get to class."

A/N: So… Did ya like it? Hate it? Hate me? Love me? Let me know in the comments (but not the love me part… ew).