(A/N:This is my story and Fred did not die.)
(A/N:Harry, Ron and Ginny bashing.)
Hermione Granger s eyes grew misty and she stumbled as she read through the file.
Adoption Certificate for Hermione Singer.
Foster Application for Hermione Singer.
Replaced by Hermione Granger.
Born in South Dakota, Sioux Falls.
To be moved to London.
Her listed Primary schools.
Her very first letter from Hogwarts when she was eleven.
Her perfectly graded exam results.
A single, lone tear ran down her pale face and she closed the folder she had found in the attic of her parents old two bed-roomed house. Except they weren't her parents were they? She opened the folder again. Mother:-Unknown. Father:-Robert Steven Singer. She had no idea who these people were, or why they didn t want her, why they gave her up. More tears travelled down her cheeks. She wished she could speak to her mum and da- Laura and Wendell. The parents she had known since she was just months old. Hermione shuddered and walked on shaky legs to her computer. She didn t know where to start looking for this Robert Singer. She went on the internet and searched South Dakota. Nothing but restaurants, hotels and the best tourist hotspots. She tried again. South Dakota Sioux Falls The same results but different places. Hermione groaned in frustration.
"You should try adding Singer to the end of that." Said an unknown voice from behind her. She jumped and pointed her 10 " long, vine wood, and dragon heartstring core wand at the sound of the masculine voice a curse on the tip of her tongue.
"Bloody hell Fred you scared me half to death." Her wand dropped as she flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He returned the hug gratefully and took her seat at the computer. She stood behind him her hands resting on his shirt-clad shoulders. South Dakota, Sioux Falls, Singer. Results! Singer Salvage Yard. It s the only result. Hermione mentally slapped herself, why didn't she think of that.
"Thank you Fred! Thank you so much!" Hermione yelled and hugged him from behind. Where's George? She added as an afterthought. Fred's eyes brightened.
"We're working on a new product it's called Gryffindors Gum." At her raised eyebrow he coughed and elaborated. "If you eat it and you're not a Gryffindor or former Gryffindor then your tongue gets stuck to the roof of your mouth for about an hour but if you are one of us lions then it's just like your ordinary muggle bubble-gum." When Fred had finished his little rant he found Hermione positively beaming and bubbling the say something.
"I'm so proud of you and Geor-"
"Hermione! I know you want to say something so just say it."
"I don't know what your talking about." She looked away sheepishly.
"Hermione! Please just tell me."
"Just. STOP! And bring George over here as well. Fine. I m going to go and floo George." Fred kissed her on the forehead as he passed and went into Hermione s purple and black sleek style living room. He grabbed a handful of the lime green floo powder said Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. Fred stepped through the fireplace and Hermione ran into her white, tiled kitchen to grab a drink of water.
"Just say it Hermione. Where s your bloody Gryffindor courage. Just say it, Fred George I m going to America to find my fathe-"
"Your WHAT! Fred stood there gaping with George by his side."
"I'm sorry but I need to find him. I was going to tell you in a better way." She gave a watery smile.
"You don't-" Fred began
"Really think-" George continued on.
"We're letting you-"
"Go to America-"
"On your own-"
"Do you?" They finished together. Hermione's mouth opened in shock and she stood there gaping clumsily.
"Fred. George. You have a business to run, you can't just pick up and leave." She stood with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.
"Yes we can and-" George said smugly.
"We aren't leaving-"
"Forever are we?-" Fred crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the countertop smiling at a glaring Hermione.
"Fine, it's a good job I love you both." She ran up to them and jumped into their waiting arms. "And by the way we're leaving in the morning, you can stay the night if you want." Their eyes softened and they released her with care.
"Are you going to tell them?" Hermione's face contorted in rage.
"No and you can't make me!"
"What actually happened? We don t know." The twins spoke simultaneously
"I only found out last week. They never really liked me or was my friend. Ginny couldn't stand me just put up with me for Harry, and Harry and Ron only put up with me to get me through school. They said-" Hermione choked on a sob. "-th-that they only needed my brains to get them through the war. They never did care about me. So I'm not telling them anything." Hermione had tears streaming down her face, her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were blotchy. The twins -while she was speaking- had guided her to a chair and the were crouched on the floor either side of her consoling her. She calmed down, wiped her scarlet nose on her sleeve and gave another watery smile. "So. Erm, tomorrow we re going by portkey to Singer Salvage Yard, It s too dangerous to apparate so far." She placed her hands on the twins shoulders and told them to set a movie up and she was going to make some popcorn.
"Okie dokie, bloody brilliant you muggles. I don t honestly how we survived without eliktisity."
"Electricity George." Hermione gently chastised as she wandered off into her kitchen, wondering what she would do without her boys. Fred turned on her sleek, black T.V while George ventured to her rack of DVDs.
"How about The Bridge to Terabithia" Fred pulled a face and shook his head harshly.
"Okay then how about InkHeart that sounds really good." George smiled and handed the case over to his twin, who set the rest of it up. By the time Hermione came back in the twins
Were seated either side of the couch with a fluffy, blue blanket spread out over them. Hermione jumped over one side of the couch and landed neatly inside the warm cover spilling chocolate-coated popcorn in the process.
"Press play then."
"Yeah hurry up Forge."
"Oh shut up Gred." They silenced when the opening credits came on T.V and around half way through the film they each fell into a deep sleep leaning on one another, thinking about how America would be the next day. The only distinct sound being popcorn spilling and covering the carpet like a sea of sweetness.