Hello! Welcome to the self sustaining tornado of fanfiction, what may I do for you?

Okay, anyways, this is an idea for a small series I came up with. Originally, it was supposed to be a series of short comics and stuff, but I decided to take it into the realm of writing as well! This makes it easier to make into comics, as I basically have the whole script right here. The series will cover the Skelebros younger years, with Gaster as their father. Thus, Skeledad was born! I don't know if that pun has been used or whatnot… It was something a friend of mine came up with! Big shoutout to him, if he's reading this!

I don't really think I'll have much order to this, as most of these are going to be funny oneshots. I may include some sappy family stuff or something, just depends on what you wanna see! I need some help for ideas, so please tell me what you'd like to see in a review!

Also (sorry for making this take forever lol) I have a Undertale Roleplaying forum! I would really like to see some people over there! It's mainly Roleplaying, but it's also a chat. Really laid back. Come join us (us as in my lonely self… Lol)

Disclaimer: I do not own Undertale. Now on to the story!

(Warning, alcohol references and unintentional underage drinking)

It was a normal day in the underground. Flowers were blooming… Birds were chirping…

On days like these… Skeletons like those…

Should not be looking through the kitchen.

Gaster was out at work, as usual, leaving the two young Skeletons alone. Papyrus, the younger brother, was wearing a bright orange sweatshirt that was a bit too big for him. Sans, on the other hand, was wearing his normal blue hoodie.

The two Skeletons stood at the door to a rather small kitchen area. Papyrus's bare feet clicked on the tiles, and the young skeleton giggled slightly before jumping around, attempting to make a song out of clicks and thumps.

"Alright Paps, do you know where dad keeps the extra ketchup?" Sans asked, sticking his whole head into the refrigerator. Nothing. Of course dad wasn't stupid enough to leave ketchup unsupervised in the reach of the wild ketchup addict.

"Nah?" Papyrus replied.


"I'll find da Ketchep!"

The orange clad skeleton began running in circles, before hopping onto one of the counters and prying open the cabinets.

Sans watched for a few moments before turning his attention back to the fridge. He grabbed a single hotdog from a container and began eating to raw. (Don't ask, XD)

While Sans was enjoying his uncooked snack, Papyrus found a cabinet that was a bit hard to open. After a forceful tug, it opened, the hinges screaming in protest.

Papyrus peeked inside, only to see dust and a large glass bottle. The bottle intrigued the skeletons interest, and he pulled it out, turning it over in his hands. He realized there was red liquid inside, and grew excited.

"Sas, look!"

Papyrus jumped down and carried the bottle to his brother proudly.

"What's that?"


Sans took the bottle from his younger brother, looking it over. The label had fancy markings on it, some of which looked like a mustache. It didn't look like ketchup…

"I mustache you a question…" Sans started, until he raised the bottle and looked under it. The liquid inside was red.

"…but I'll shave it for later." Sans finished, smirking.

"Sas!" Papyrus whined.

"Heh, sorry bro. Looks a bit too watery to be ketchup, but I'm too lazy to put it back. Might as well put it to use." Sans said, trying to open the bottle. The top didn't budge.

"… Oh. I see how it is."

"Let me try!" Papyrus said, trying to grab the bottle from his brother. Sans shook his head.

"Nah, I know what to do."

Sans walked over to the edge of the counter, and without a moment of hesitation, smashed the neck of the bottle against the counter. Papyrus jumped as the sound of smashing glass echoed throughout the house. Dark pieces of glass scattered across the floor.

"Loud but it works." Sans said, putting his nose-hole by the opening of the bottle. "Eww, this stuff reeks."

"Sas, I'm hungry! And bored!" Papyrus whined.

"Why don't you eat the clock? I'm sure it will be very time consuming…"


"Fine. Go grab a hot dog then I'll play Mario cart with you."


Sans always beat Papyrus at Mario cart. It was almost like a rule. But this time, Papyrus beat him. At first the little skeleton was full of joy…

Until the process was repeated over and over.

Sans was acting weird in general. He looked tired, and he was talking slowly. Not to mention he was miserably failing at Mario cart.

Papyrus was beginning to wonder if his brother got sick from the watery ketchup. It smelled bad and tasted even worse, so maybe it was bad. Papyrus didn't understand how Sans could keep drinking it though. Papyrus spit it out the second he tried some, the harsh taste too much for him to handle. Sans, however, wasn't batting an eye.

"Is coffee you're daily grind? Cause that'll cause A latte problems!" Sans drawled as his character ran into a wall.

"Uhhhhhh, Sas, are you Kay?" Papyrus asked worriedly.

"Nah, I'm fine bro. Maybe justa nap…"

Sans rolled off the couch and onto the floor. Papyrus shot up.


"Baaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, I'm sheeeeeeeping…."


Papyrus shook his older brother, to no avail. Sans just remained there like a rock.

A rock that said "Z" out loud repetitively.

Soon those Z's turned to actual snores and Sans passed out, leaving his younger brother alone.

Papyrus started playing Mario cart again, picking single player and then rainbow road. After a few rage filled minutes, he decided that animal crossing was the way to go and began playing that instead.

Gaster sighed, feeling worn out after a long day in the lab. The soul research was going nowhere. He was thankful to be out of that place, the smell of chemicals behind him.

He pushed open the door, brushing his feet on the green mat outside before stepping in. He could hear happy music coming from the living room, and even happier feet running across the floor to greet him.

"Dad!" Papyrus said, sounding happy and relieved and the same time.

"Hello, child." Gaster felt tiny, bony hands hugging his leg.

"Is Sas shick?"

"Hmmm? I don't think Sans is sick. He looked fine when I left." Gaster said quizzically.

"Sas drank old ketchup and now he's napping!"

"He drank old ketchup? Where?" Gaster asked. Strange, I remember buying ketchup two days ago. And how would he find it?

Papyrus pointed to the living room and ran towards it. Gaster sighed and followed.

"See! Napping!"

Sans was sprawled out on the carpet, snoring loudly. Gaster could immediately smell alcohol.

"What happened here?!"

"Sas drank the old ketchup them went to shleep!"

Gaster looked around before spotting a broken, empty bottle by the lamp. He picked it up, sighing.

"Sans, I swear to Asgore… What will I do with you… Papyrus, you see this?"

Gaster bent down, showing Papyrus the bottle.


"This, my child, is not ketchup." Gaster pointed to the label. "This is called whiskey. Not for children. Never touch this, okay?" Gaster didn't even remember owning a bottle. He didn't even drink. Maybe Grillby left a bottle behind at some point.

"… Kay!" Papyrus cheered, nodding his head fiercely.

"And you, Sans… Are giving me an explanation when you wake up."

This is pretty bad, lol… The writing AND what happened… Remember, they are young so I'm pretending that Sans has no idea what alcohol is. I was going to make the drunk part longer, but then I had no time, XD. Remember this was originally going to be a comic, so although it's short in writing it would seem longer as a comic. I actually have most of it sketched out! So remember to tell me what you think and what you'd like to see! I'd also love to take suggestion for other stories as well, anything is fine. I really like to do short, feelsy one-shots, and I did one on Asgore if you'd like to check that out!

Wolfie, out!~