Author's Note: PHEW‼ At looonnnggg last … this first installment of my fanfiction is one-hundred percent completed. I gotta say, for awhile there, I thought I would NEVER be done with writing this. And now, onto the much harder part: writing out the sequels to this story. I just hope and pray that it won't take me nearly as long to fully publish each one of them (depending upon exactly how many I choose to write) than it took to fully compose this one.
The Grid
Hes' eyes immediately snapped wide-open. And upon clambering at once to his feet, he hastily looked all around him at his now unfamiliar surroundings, finding to his great shock and confusion that he was no longer anywhere in the Theed power generation complex, but someplace else entirely. The surrounding area, whatever and wherever it was, was shrouded almost entirely in darkness. Everything for miles around as far as the eye could see had a bluish grey tone to it.
Looking down at his chest, Starrgazer found that his wound which he had sustained from the Sith Lord's lightsaber blade was now fully healed. He also surprisingly found himself to be wearing the exact same articles of clothing that he had worn while on Earth during the time that he, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and the others had spent on the planet in order to make repairs to the Naboo ship's hyperdrive, as well as when he first encountered Harry Potter and Sirius Black.
'Where the hell am I? What is going on here?' the boy thought rather bewilderingly to himself.
Suddenly hearing what sounded to be some kind of skirmish or whatnot, Hes turned and slowly walked towards the strange noises. Upon cresting over-top a steep slope just ahead, Hes could immediately make out what appeared to be three individuals, all of them wearing what looked like strange black glowing neon-colored body armor and black helmets, battling against a fourth individual who was sporting nearly identical body armor. They each wielded bizarre neon-glowing discs against the lone fighter, who as it appeared, was more than holding his own against his three assailants.
As Hes steadily made his way down to ground-level from just over the rise on other side of the hill, the conflict escalated as the lone combatant both quickly and fairly easily gained the upper hand in the struggle, promptly swinging his arm out with his disc-shaped weapon and catching one of the attackers square in the chest area, with the individual quite literally falling to teeny-tiny pieces as his body all of a sudden disintegrated upon contact with the combatant's weapon.
The two remaining attackers rushed the lone warrior head-on, but he easily avoided their assaults as he ducked, weaved, and blocked each and every attack that came his way. The combatant then promptly dispatched one of his two opponents, decapitating him as the man's body shattered like glass: the pieces falling to the ground in a large outwardly-spray of tiny particles. The remaining assailant immediately turned and ran for it, choosing to flee for his life, but as Hes both slowly and cautiously approached from a slight distance way, the man suddenly spotted him and came rushing at him full sprint.
Suddenly, the man's whole body instantaneously disintegrated right in front of the Hes, and the particles sprayed outwards at him in a brief heavy mist. But the boy instantly thrust his arm out in front of with his palm raised and his fingers outstretched: the particles immediately deflecting off of an invisible barrier and flying both left and right away from him as Hes used the Force to block the shower of particles from hitting him.
Carefully lowing his arm back down to his side, Hes slowly as well as guardedly approached the one surviving combatant that remained, not knowing precisely what to make out of all that had just now occurred before him.
As the two individuals gingerly walked up to each other, they starred at the other for a briefly long awhile. Hes then broken the eerie silence.
"Who are you?" he asked almost at once.
The strange-looking man remained silent for a moment, but when he finally spoke, he said something that was most definitely unusual to say the least. "Greetings, program!"
Hes looked at the strange warrior in absolute confusion upon hearing that. "Program?! What- What is going on here, where are we!? What is this place!?" he demanded strongly.
The stranger immediately spoke-up again, this time saying sometime even more outlandish, and to Hes, frankly… crazy.
"Welcome… to the Grid!"
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Remember that I stated back at the beginning in the Prologue that this fanfiction was going to be a retelling of the Star Wars Universe, combined with a number of other favorite genres that I liked, which takes place in a Multiverse setting. Well, it just so happens in fact that Tron is one of my favorites.
Author's Note: And to all you Harry Potter and/or Star Wars fans alike out there, I would most certainly appreciate any feedback and/or ideas as to what you would like to see happen in the next fanfiction installments that you can give me, and I'll try to incorporate them into my fanfiction if at all possible. So please, think of absolutely anything that you can for the upcoming stories, and post them (including any and all thoughts and comments regarding this first installment as a whole, and whether you liked/disliked it) in the 'Post Review' section down below.