"Maggie, please! I promise you that's the last time I ask you to watch the kids this month!" – Meredith asks her sister, while they're both near the front desk on the cardio ward.

"Mer, I am really sorry, but I have plans!" – Maggie points out, smiling.

"DeLuca is not a plan, plus, you and him can do whatever is that you guys do whenever you want. I just need this one night!"

"Why is your date more important than mine?"

"Whatever. I hope he gets stuck in the OR!" – Meredith says, angrily, making Maggie throw her a disapproval look.

"I can babysit the kids for you." – Arizona said, out of the blue, while she was finishing fill in a patient's chart. "I mean, if you want, of course, I didn't mean to intrude" – the blonde says.

"Ha! Problem solved, Mer!" – Maggie says happily, while she leaves the two women talking.

"No, of course it wasn't intruding anything. But that's no need, don't worry" – Meredith answers, with a little awkwardness on her voice.

"I actually don't mind, I've been missing Sofia like hell, it would almost be a selfish act to just hang around some little humans outside the hospital" – Arizona replied, trying to convince Meredith.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course. Is 8pm a good time?"

"Sure. Thank you, Arizona."

The two of them weren't really close, actually. Ever since the custody episode, Meredith and Arizona barely spoke, and even though Arizona let Callie take Sofia to NY, Meredith never talked to her about it. In fact, she didn't spoke to Callie either, since the latina seemed to forget about all of her life in Seattle. Meredith tried to call Callie several times, since she left 8 months ago, and she didn't answer a single time. But Arizona knew the friendship between Meredith and Callie was solid and she couldn't blame her colleague for testify in Callie's favor at the court. At least she didn't try to lie about Arizona's rights or ability to motherhood. Arizona was conscious that she and Meredith wouldn't be close friends, but sure it would be good to be around her kids for just one night.

She was running a few minutes later when she knocked on Meredith's door.

"Hi, I'm sorry, I'm a bit late! I got an emergency surgery that kept me longer than I've imagined" – the blonde said, realizing that Meredith didn't seem dressed for a date or something like that.

"Gosh, I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot! I completely forgot to call you!" – she replied, feeling guilty.

"Why, what happened? Is everything ok?"

"Well, my date got cancelled. I was going to let you know and I think I was just getting things together around here, and I forgot. I am so so sorry!"

"No, that's ok. Don't worry. But are you ok?" – Arizona asked her, noticing she seemed upset.

"I'm fine. I think I just can't do the date thing anymore. Maybe it's for the best" – Meredith points out.

"Yeah, tell me about it!" – Arizona replied, laughing.

"Do you wanna come in? We can drink some wine, at least. That way I would feel less guilty for making you come over for nothing" – Meredith asks, hoping that the blonde would accept.

"Uhm, that's ok. I think I'll go home." – Arizona says, a little shy.

"I actually would love if you stay. Please?" – Meredith asks her again.

"Ok, then. Let's have some wine" – the blonde said, while entering the other woman's house.

"Red or white?" – Meredith asked, with a big smile

"White, please"

Sitting in the couch on the living room, the two started talking about their kids and the funny things they do in every age group. Meredith asked Arizona about Sofia and the NY situation, surprised that the blonde seemed very reasonable and fine, after all.

"It's hard. Some days are harder than others, but I think she's happy and discovering new things there, so I'm fine. We talk a lot, too." – Arizona said, when Meredith asked her how things were.

"Does Callie talks to you? At all? – Meredith asked.

"Nope. Besides basic things regarding Sofia's trips and school matters, we actually don't have any other conversations. She drifted apart and I'm in no position of judge, I try to respect."

"Well, she doesn't speak to anyone in fact. She never answered a single one of my calls since she left. I stopped caring, to be honest" – Meredith pointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know, actually. I thought it was just with me".

They continued the conversation and soon it became more and more comfortable for the both. Arizona lost her distance and Meredith lost her fear of asking something too personal. The second bottle was half way to the end when they were both laughing and telling things from their past.

"I don't wanna jump to the part where Zola's a teenager. I was so horrible when I was a teen. I am terrified" – Meredith quips

"I think that's make us more prepared to deal with them, don't you think? I was a train wreck myself, I just hope Sofia don't do anything really stupid" – Arizona sighed, trying to hear something nice from the other woman.

"You grew up in a military environment, how could you be a wreck?" – Meredith asked, laughing, don't buying what Arizona had affirmed.

"Well, for a start, I grew up being gay. Surrounded by militaries. I guess that's trouble enough!"

"Oh my God, I haven't thought about it. Did you always knew?" – Meredith asked her, totally comfortable with the lesbian subject.

"Yeah, always. I mean, since I discovered sexuality at all. But it's not that easy to find other gay teens when you have to move every six months!" – Arizona answered.

"Well, I was kind of gay myself. A little bit" – Meredith jokes.

"What? What do you mean 'kind of gay'?

"Well, I've date some girls in high school and college. And some boys too." – Meredith explains.

"Wow, that's a surprise! I would never imagine that!"

"Well, Dr. Robbins, I'm full of surprises!" – Meredith jokes, making the blonde laugh hard.

They were in the middle of the third bottle when Maggie came back from her date. A little confused that Meredith was already home and Arizona was still there, Maggie soon understood that the two women were quite drunk.

"Why are you home so early? I thought you were off tomorrow" – Maggie asked Meredith

"I am, indeed. My date was cancelled. But I actually had more fun drinking with Arizona! Join us, Maggie!" – Meredith replied her sister, with a drunken voice

"Oh, shit, it's late, I should be going guys" – Arizona said when she looked at her watch.

"No! Maggie just arrived! You can't leave now, I still need to tell you about my girlfriends!" – Meredith begged the blonde, holding her arm.

"Your what? Did you have girlfriends on the past?" – Maggie asked Meredith, laughing with a curious look.

"Apparently she did, Maggie. I was surprised too!" – Arizona pointed.

"Well, as a matter of fact I did. But I was no good to them. To anyone actually. I was never good at commitments!" – Meredith explained the two women.

"People like you made me bad at commitments in the adulthood!" – Arizona pointed, laughing. "What about you, Maggie? Did you ever broke a girl's heart?"

"Not really. Only boys, I guess. But right now I'm thinking if I was going to be better at this date game if I have been with girls before" – Maggie says, a bit drunk too.

"How old were you when you had your first girlfriend, Arizona?" – Meredith asked.

"16. I mean, the real first, out and everything. But it was awful!"

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, I was totally in love with her. Like, writing love letters and buying her chocolate in love. I introduced her to my parents and grandparents, which was almost the world war three for my family. But I was so happy and in love that everything seemed easier than it really was. Until I caught her making out with a guy from our school at the library. She was with me because she needed a spot on the poetry class that would never admit her because she actually was a terrible writer. But she thought being gay would obligate them to accept her so it wouldn't look like prejudice" – Arizona told the women.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry. She sounds horrible!" – Maggie said, while holding Arizona's hand.

"Yeah, she really broke my heart. But when you're sixteen everything seems so heavier and worse than now. But after her I became a bit of horrible myself too." – Arizona pointed, a little ashamed.

"I think she must have felt something for you too. Maybe she just wasn't ready to come out of the closet. I would never be with someone that I didn't like just to be in some group or something" – Meredith pointed.

The three of them opened one more bottle of wine and not so long after that, Maggie was half asleep on the couch. Meredith and Arizona were really drunk by now, trying to keep the laughter down to not wake Maggie or the kids.

"Mer, I really have to go now, it's freaking late!" – Arizona whispered.

"Are you crazy? You can't drive like that. You're staying!" – Meredith replied, right away.

"No, I can call a cab, don't worry"

"Gosh, you are hard to please!" – Meredith sighed.

"I really hope that wasn't your game with the girls!" – Arizona jokes, making Meredith laugh too.

"Shut up!" – Meredith try to look serious, but can't sustain it. "Look, I have a very large bed and you can easily crash there until tomorrow morning. If it bothers you, I can sleep with Bailey, he usually likes my company in bed"

"It is supposed to be the other way, no?" – Arizona asks. "Like, if you are bothered to share a bed with me!"

"Why would I be bothered? I am the one asking you to stay!" – Meredith answers, confused.

"Not every straight woman feels comfortable sharing bed with lesbians, if you must know…." – a playful Arizona teases Meredith

"I think we've already established that I'm not straight, right?" – Meredith teases Arizona back.