The author doesn't own RWBY or Fate/Stay Night. They are won by their rightful owners.

Dimension travellers...

Plane walkers…

These are people who are able to walk between the lines of various worlds and view them and their realities. One of these plane walkers has found a world that has captured his attention, and now he might change the fate of one of the very lives that inhabit it.

This plane walker in question has short white hair and a white beard. The man was dressed in a black royal like attire with a short black cape on his shoulders standing alone in the stone room staring down into a crystal ball. The man held the crystal ball in one hand while staring into it with a mischievous smile.

'Now let's see what this world has to offer, it's surprisingly entertaining.' The man thought as he watched images pass through the crystal ball in his hand. This man, staring into the crystal ball, was Zelretch, one of the twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors. Zelretch was an immortal who found great pleasure and entertainment in watching and interacting with the human world. At the moment Zelretch was messing around with a magic crystal ball he had found.

Within the crystal ball Zelretch was surprised to find the sight of another world. In this other world, Zelretch has been watching over a certain young man's life.

The first image in the crystal ball Zelretch saw was an 18-year-old blonde boy, dressed in a black hoodie and a pair of jeans with armor, being dragged, by a girl with orange hair and turquoise eyes, away from an angry flaming blonde chasing them. Zelretch found the sight amusing as the young blonde was screaming for his life while the girl was laughing in joy.

The image changed to one of the same young blonde, wearing a different attire was now dodging for his life from a rather small ice cream themed women with a bladed parasol. 'Hmm I wonder what happened to him there.' Zelretch thought before watching the young blonde get the snot beat out of him by the women.

The image changed again to a surprising sight of the same young blonde being raised by a large burly red haired man. Zelretch wondered what might be making so many different experiences for the young blonde before the image changed again. This time it looked like the young blonde now being raised by some flashy golden man.

Zelretch rubbed his chin in thought at the sight of this before the image changed again, the boy now being abandoned by his friends while going through his day in school with every one glaring or whispering behind his back. It was a sad sight as even the staff seemed to hate him, with how they acted around him.

Zelretch smiled mischievously at the sight as a thought came to mind, reaching into his pocket to pull out several objects.

Eight cards but these weren't ordinary, they were class cards.

These cards contain the spirits of heroes of their very classes:

The Saber class, Servant of the Sword.

The Archer class, Servant of the Bow.

The Lancer class, Servant of the Spear.

The Rider class, Servant of the Mount.

The Caster class, Servant of the Spell.

The Assassin class, Servant of Murder.

The Berserker class, Servant of Madness.

The Avenger class, Servant of Vengeance.

Zelretch smiled at the cards he held in his hands. Yes, these will do for what he had planned for the blonde teenager, especially with the spirits in each one. 'Ho ho, I can't wait to see the mayhem that will occur once the boy has them,' he thought, putting them into a cardholder and throwing them through a portal he made to the young blonde's dorm room.

[JNPR Dorm, with Jaune]

"Ugh…no matter what class I go to… Where I am… Everyone here hates my guts." Jaune grieved to himself, of how everyone, except for Ozpin, seems to either want him to die or to be expelled with his aura sealed.

After a while, he walked back to the very rooftop that he used to train with Pyrrha, with Crocea Mors strapped to his waist, as he walked to the edge of the roof and sat down, letting his legs dangle off as he propped himself up with his two arms behind him.

He looked at the night sky…


He started to chuckle…

Then it slowly turned into a small laugh, before it turned into full grown laughter...

It wasn't the laughter that one would have when presented with something funny,


This was the laughter of someone who was completely and utterly broken...

You're probably wondering 'what the fuck happened', 'why is he like that', and 'what's he talking about' right? Well, it happened close to a month now. You see on that rooftop with Pyrrha, he told her about faking his way into Beacon with fake transcripts. At first it seemed like everything was fine, but it happened once he walked upon his friends talking together without him.

His 'friends' had been talking behind his back for a long time now. He overheard them a few weeks ago while he was walking past RWBY's dorm room. The sad thing was they all agreed on the fact that he was a failure, and as Weiss had put it, he was undeserving of his title. Those words, those exact words, were the ones that always hurt the most. All he ever wanted was for his family to become proud of his accomplishments and not be fucking useless.

'Was that too much to ask for?!'


Feeling the cold night air and watching the stars and the shattered moon, he always asked himself this question.

Every. Single. Day.

Why did he have to born into a family of heroes? Why did he have to be a weak, useless failure? Why did he even bother faking his way into Beacon? Why did he have to be constantly tormented by everyone? Why did he think, even for a second, that he actually had friends? Why did he leave home?

He should've just stayed home and be his mother's and sisters' servant. He didn't need to do much, just do as they say and nothing bad would happened to him. Just be what they wanted from him, nothing more, nothing less...

His family, his own family, had made fun of him. His sisters would always tease him when he came back to school bruised after getting beat up by some students before patching him up and cooing at him like a fragile doll. Always laughing at him when he did something wrong like a little puppy that didn't know what to do, and they would never even think about helping him do said things either, thus forcing him to do it all over again until he got it right. You want to know the worst thing about all this?

They were the reason this happened to him!

They all do this to keep him from leaving home, from leaving them! They been like this ever since his father passed away from fighting grimm.

What he would give to see the one person that made his life a living hell better once more.

"Brother hurry up!" shouted a red haired boy, wearing a black shirt and red shorts. A younger blonde boy was running after him wearing a orange shirt with a blue sleeveless hoodie over it and grey shorts. " I'm coming! Wait up! The young blonde cried out as the redhead laughed as he ran with the other boy following.

'Haa… I miss you brother' he thought in sadness.


"Haa," he let out a sigh." I hate life..."

He really did. It wasn't really life itself that was bad. It was more of HIS life that was bad.

He looked at Crocea Mors and let it gleam brightly under the moonlight. He tilted it until he could clearly get a look at his reflection. Upon closer inspection, he noticed something.

Clipped to his waist was a cardholder that wasn't there before. He would know since he only brought Crocea Mors with him, and nothing else, when leaving his dorm.

Unclipping it off his belt he took hold of the cardholder and took out what was inside. Eight cards in total were what came out of it.

They were all pictures of different figures, some in armour some looking noble and cool or demonic and monstrous. Under each picture of these cards were what he was guessing were their names or titles: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Caster, Rider, Assassin, Berserker, and lastly Avenger. "Weird cards, though some of these names do seem appropriate for them I guess, but why is this one named Saber? Shouldn't Blade sound much better?" he said looking at the Saber card. He paused as he felt something from the card, as if it was tugging at his soul. Resonating with it.

Jaune could see a young girl talking to a woman, telling the young girl about the king, who she shall serve and then succeed him as the ruler of the kingdom; then it changed to the girl training day in and day out never resting, never stopping to become a knight to serve her king. Then it changes to the young girl, now a young woman. She sported golden blonde hair which seemed to be slightly curly on top of her head while the rest was pulled back into a ruffled ponytail which ran down her back. Her eyes were a sapphire blue and against her pale skin, From head to toe, she was covered in ornate silver armour that despite it likely being made for a man, it had been tailored to fit her and it certainly made her figure noticeable. She was thin and trim like an athlete, but held the beauty and grace of a model. Her armour covered her torso, arms, and legs, all of it decorated with images of ivy along the chest and the sides of her arms and legs. What the armour did not cover was defended by chainmail which was just as polished as the rest of her armour. On her hip was a silver sword which had images of more ivy wrapped around the hilt and was resting in a white sheath that was decorated with silver which made the image of a cross, if one included the hilt of the blade itself. On her opposite side and under her arm was a silver helmet, which had a visor that would protect the eyes and had several long horizontal slits to see through while topped off with a long white feather trailing from the top like a ponytail. Her eyes full of hatred and pain…

Jaune blinked at what he saw. He stared at the card in his hand. What was that? Was that some vision? And who was that girl he just saw?

Shaking his head of those thoughts, he put the Saber card away in the cardholder and with the rest of them but he stopped with the last one, the Berserker card. He held the card in his hand, as he felt something similar to the Saber card, only he felt anger and grief.

He put it away with the rest of the cards.

These cards…they're strange but for some reason, Jaune felt better. He felt some sort of... warmth from the cards, like he's wrapped in a blanket of warm aura. Maybe he'll keep them, even if they weren't his to keep.


It's been a long day for Jaune. After having successfully avoided Cardin, much to his tormentor's annoyance, he decided to put his spare time to some good use and do some extra studying after hours in the library. Leaning back in the chair, he took a deep breath, happily looking over the revision notes he's written up to help him on the upcoming exam week. He glanced over to the overhead clock and sighed when he saw it was almost three in the evening. Sighing, he got up and packed his things before leaving the library.

Making way to his dorm room, he thought back to the cards in the cardholder… something wasn't right about them and yet… he didn't care. Maybe it's because they made him feel safe, or maybe it's the fact that he feels more confident, more prepared for whatever his life in Beacon will fling his way, like maybe what his 'team' will say or do to him.

Thinking back to his team, it made him wince.

They all hated his guts for lying to them and his way into Beacon. That, he was sure of. Sure he didn't use honest or legal means to get here but he's here and he isn't going back to his previous life anytime soon.

He sighed walking into his dorm, 'it seems they're out for the night'. He sighed, taking a shower before changing into his pajamas. This time, instead of his onesie, he wore a white T-shirt, and black and white shorts. He got into his bed, drifting off into sleep to prepare for tomorrow.




"Is he awake?" a feminine voice asked.

"Of course he's not, woman! I mean look at him!" came a fierce male voice.

" Don't call me that!" the feminine voice growled.

" I wonder how he can sleep through this?" came a childlike voice.

" I dunno… humans always seem to surprise me these days" came a aloof voice.

At that point Jaune woke up from the sounds of voices around him, he heard foot steps back away from him. He looked around but all he could see was silhouettes circling him.

One was in heavy armour from what he could see, another was the size of a child, another was really tall, hell one was hunching over, while another was leaning on what he could presume was a spear. One he could guess was wearing a hood from what he's seeing, and another one was short from his last figure creeped him the fuck out, that one lacked a head! How the fuck?!

"w-w-what?" was his smart response.

"hmph, he's awake" came the hooded one's voice. Jaune was beginning to freak out from the silhouettes surrounding him.

"w-w-who are you?" Jaune asked, cautious since they all surround him from all sides.

" Who are we? Haha, kid you should know who we are-" the fierce and joyful voice was interrupted by the aloof one.

"Hey hey, you can't tell him. He has to find out for himself." The aloof voice said.

Jaune heard a scoff from the spear wielding silhouette. He then notices the child silhouette walked forward to him.

"I'm sorry about the others… but you will know us in due time, okay Jaune?" the child silhouette said.

"He's right you know." Said the armoured silhouette as Jaune turned to it.

"But for now you should wake up Jaune, we'll all meet each other again in due time." The silhouette said before Jaune woke up with a bit of sweat on his forehead.

Luckily for him, his team did not seem to stir from their slumber. With a sigh of relief, he gets out of bed to start the day. He brushes the hair out of his eyes while he exits the dorm to head to the male shower rooms.

After taking his shower, he puts on his uniform and left his dorm room, never noticing that Pyrrha was pretending to be asleep.

[some time later]

Going through his day, with his team ignoring him along with team RWBY. He was currently in Professor Port's class.

" and that, students, is how I saved the village of the Waswell and become a noble hero with nothing but my bare hands and a bucket and broom." Professor Port ended his story while half the class were either asleep, half awake or goofing around.

Jaune yawn, looking at his notebook only to see what he sketched from the dreams he's been having lately.


The class bell going off, most of the students were packing their things and leaving the classroom.

"Ah yes! It seems its end of class! Do remember to research more about grimm's natural routines and habits. We'll have a test about it in two days." Professor Port said as most left the classroom.


Jaune sat at his desk at lunch by himself. He gotten used to it since he told his team and they in turn told team RWBY, staring at his dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and started eating until something he was hoping not to hear today.

"Ow! That hurts!" a different rabbit faunus from Velvet exclaimed as Cardin yanked on one of her rabbit ears. The rest of Team CRDL laughed at her misfortune. They ignored her pleas to be left alone, continuing to mock her as she reclaimed her ear from Cardin's grasp and fled the cafeteria.

The faunus had ears like Velvet but hers were silver she had long, thick silver hair coming around her head. Her eyes were still wide, beautiful and purple. She was wearing the female school uniform and she looked to be in great amount of pain.

Jaune's hands clenched hard till they turned white at this, he wanted to stop them but what's the point besides that he'll get beat up for nothing. What's the point though, he can't do anything, he's weak… and he hates it.

"Hey! Back off you fucking pissants!" yelled a unfamiliar voice at Cardin and his goonies. It was a guy no that taller than himself but he looked much taller than the faunus girl. He had messy auburn colored hair on his head with forest green eyes, he had an auburn fox's tail as well. he saw he was wearing the same male school uniform that all males students wore.

He had a furious look on his face as he glared at Cardin. He literally punched Cardin in the face, forcing the bully off his long ear companion.

"Gah!" Cardin let out as he held his bruised face. He glared at the faunus who was chuckling at what he did and was about to punch him back only for a arm to grab his arm.

Turning to see who it was, he was surprised as most were others to see the lone Arc stopping Cardin of all people.

"Jauney-boy! Didn't see ya there, loser. Mind taking your hand off mine? I'd really appreciate it." He growled.

"Yeeeah, hell no! Not if you're gonna do that again or hurt her or this guy" Jaune growled, receiving a scoff in return.

"What's it matter to you?" Cardin sneered, snatching his hand back while rubbing his wrist. Surprised that behind that scrawny appearance that the blonde was actually getting strong. He could still feel the powerful strike from his blade during his sparring lessons. "All I'm doing is playing with an animal, is that so wrong?" he grinned cruelly.

"She's not an animal, she's a person, just like you and me, and you know that!" Jaune snapped angrily. If there was one thing he hated it was the treatment of the faunus. It was racism like Cardin's that caused the White Fang to turn violent. Were it not for the hate they faced, the White Fang would have never turn violent. And Weiss would have never had to look over her back in fear of them. Seeing this had reminded him and made him regret his lack of action when he had seen Velvet picked on. She wasn't picked on because she was a failure or a loser like him, but because of the adorable ears on her head.

He hated bullies just as much as he hated racists, maybe even more! Right now, he doesn't care if he's beaten to a black and blue plup, he's not letting him harm anyone else!

"Hehe, you're really standing up to me, Jauney-boy? Even when you're weaker than even the bunny here?" Cardin taunted. Stepping away from the wincing faunus silverette, Cardin draped his right arm over Jaune's shoulders, patting his chest with a rough smack of his palm, causing minor harm but harm none the less "You should really watch out with that thing. We don't want a Beowulf to maul you apart. Maybe you should focus more on trying to get better than ruining my fun. It's not everyday that me and the boys get to play with a bunny girl." he laughed. Jaune could hear the fox faunus growl at the comment, himself included.

Gritting his teeth, Jaune pushed the brown haired hunter off him, "I'm not going to ignore someone in pain, even if they're a faunus. Shit like that shouldn't matter! Especially to a fucking asshole who gets a sense of superiority over bullying others, it's fucking pathetic!" he barked as sweat dripped down his face.

Cardin's face twisted in anger at the insult. "You're going to pay for that!" Cardin was now livid.

He launched a punch straight at Jaune but the leader was enveloped in a purple aura that started to surround him. Jaune was relieved at that when he saw it also surrounded the Cardin's teammates.

"That is enough, Cardin." A voice called out, making everyone turn to see Glynda walking up to them, looking around she turn her gaze back upon Cardin and his team, to Jaune and the two faunus. "Care to explain what is going on here?"

"Yeah teach, this asshole thought it be nice to torment my partner by pulling on her ears despite her complaints." Said the fox faunus, pointing at the floating leader.

"No way! This damn fox and his partner tried to jump us!" he lied.

"No we didn't you jerk, Miss goodwitch they torment me, they even try to harm my partner and then this guy here came and tried to stop them. Cardin try to lug him before you came" came the girl bunny faunus.

"Yeah right, you damn animal!" he growled, Glynda looked and see many of the student shrink under her gaze before staring at Cardin with a slight glare.

"I heard enough!…Mr Winchester, you and your team are hereby sentenced to detention for the next week." Glynda said, making half the team groan while the other half whimpered. Glynda simply looked over to Jaune before she gave him a slight nod, while both the fox and bunny faunus smiled at cardin getting his just desserts.

Jaune let out a sigh in relief, before both the faunus walked up to him. " Gotta say, you're pretty brave to stand up to Winchester." Commented the fox faunus, giving him a light jab at his shoulder.

"It was nothing, I hate to see others being bullied." He said, never wanting to see another in pain like him. The fox faunus nodded, completely understanding where he was coming from.

" Well I can say you're in my good books bud. The name's Nicholas Everwilde or just Nick for short." He introduced himself as the bunny faunus walked over.

" And I'm Judy Grey-hopps. Thank you for coming to our aid with those asses" she scowled at the thought of Cardin and his team.

" Don't mention, I'm just helping out some friends'

"Friends?" both Judy and Nick said confused, Jaune laughed at their expressions.

"My mom always says; 'strangers are just friends you haven't met yet'. I've lived by that saying" he explained to them, causing both faunus to chuckle.

"Heh heh so we're friends huh?" Nick said, getting a hopeful nod form Jaune and a giggle out of Judy.

"Well, I guess we're friends then, hehe" after the group of three walked out of the cafeteria, to talk and get to know one another.



You know what? Jaune should've seen something like this coming but here he was in a fight against the whole team, CRDL. Turns out Miss Goodwitch made a deal with Cardin with his team if he could beat him, then his team wouldn't get detention, but if they lose and Jaune miraculously wins, then his teams had detention for four weeks.

'Dear Oum…. Why me? No seriously Why me in general out of everyone here?! What? Did I kill a god in my past life?!' Jaune mentally complained, as he readied his shield and sword as he looked to see the cocky smirk on Cardin's face and then to the stands to see the concern face of both his new friends, Judy and Nick.

They were in their combat outfits, Nick was wearing a burnt orange hooded vest with his own symbol, a orange fox pawprint with three palm tree leaves behind it and a large green scarf around his neck. He wears tan cargo pants with a braided brown belt. He has black boots and has two bands wrapped around both arms, one red and the other green. Judy was wearing a long blue jacket with three tails at the end with a symbol of a badge with a golden star overlapping it a bit in the center, grey cuffs and collar. The jacket has a gold back and trim on the cuffs and collar. She wears grey pants with a black belt, brown boots and brown gloves.

Both were wearing a concerned look for Jaune, considering he told them of his status and how bad of a fighter he was before class during lunch. He really wasn't the best in this class or fighting grimm at all.

He looked onto the field they were going to fight on.

It's a randomising training field, it helps the students to get used to any sort of terrain, whether it be an open field or narrow alleyways…a generous gift from the Schnee Corporation, if he remembered right.

Facing opposite from Team CRDL as the field turned into a rocky terrain with trees in the distance and huge boulders not that far from either himself or Cardin's team.

"You all know the rules, if your aura falls below yellow you lose."

Jaune held his shield in front of him and his sword at side nervously. He readied his feet and shifted his grip nervously as Cardin smirked.

The timer counted down from 10 and each second felt longer.

"Heh this will be over in a second, you don't stand a chance Arc. You should've just given up. Then again, it doesn't matter, we still get to beat you up either way." Cardin taunted him, and to say the least, it was beginning to work as he felt angered by Cardin's words. "You should just quit Arc, everyone knows you don't belong here. You never did."

'Just ignore him, Jaune. He's just trying to get in your head.'

The timer counted as it got closer to zero.






Russell went in for the fist blow on his left, with Dove on his right as the boy swung his sword at Jaune. But Jaune nervously ducked under Russell's blades as he then raised his foot up and tried to kick Dove in the stomach. Dove blocked before sweeping him off his feet with a swipe of his blade.

Falling onto his back, he quickly rolled to the side to avoid Dove's sword. He got back on his feet and step to the side to avoid Russell's daggers. Russell quickly attacked him as Jaune clumsy parried only for Russell to forced Jaune's blade away before delivering a series of blows to him but Jaune quickly blocked with his shield, before shooting him away with a well time shield bash.

Sky rushed at him from the side as he swung his large halberd weapon at Jaune, who raised his shield to take the blow from the weapon. Thinking quickly, he grabbed the pole and dragged the boy close to him as he smashed his head against the teens face and the smacked him across the head with his elbow before Sky kicked him in the gut while taking the hit. Cardin took this chance to send a wave of fire at the man as Jaune rolled out of the way before settling into a sprint and charged at the boy attempting to try and get a hit in. Cardin smirked at this as he prepared to beat down the boy like he used to. He raised his mace, ready to smash against the young man's face. He then swung it with all his might, fully expecting it to met his fleshy face…

Only for Jaune ducked underneath his swing with a yelp. Jumping back, Jaune decide to keep his distance from them. That plan sadly wasn't going to work since the moment he got some distance, they switched to just shooting at him before Cardin decided to roast him. Dropping both Crocea Mors and his shield, Jaune yelped, ducking behind a boulder as the fire from Cardin's mace bath it in flames.

' This is it! I give up! I can't compete with him as I am now! I can't fight against any of them, I really should just give up.'

[Hey! You can't give up just yet! You can do this!'] Jaune froze hearing a voice rang out in his mind, calling out to him.

' Okay, it's official Jaune, you got hit way too hard because I'm hearing voices now' Jaune thought, it makes sense since he did took a hit from a mace to the head.

[ No I'm not a voice! Now listen. You can do this, you can win!]

' How?! There's four of them and I'm by myself! Hell I should've just given up and save myself from the pain' there wasn't any point, Cardin made his point to him and the whole academy. He didn't belong here and that he should just leave.

[….. Then what was the point of coming here in the first place if you knew you didn't had a chance?]

That stopped him, why did he come here in the first place? The question repeated itself in his mind. What was his reason? He wanted to say he wanted a better life for himself but that wasn't true.

[What was it that you wanted to become?] the voice ask him. He didn't have to think on that, though the reason why escaped him. he thought back to when his grandfather was alive.



A hero. He wanted to become a hero just like his father and his grandfather. To become a hero unlike any other.

Jaune wanted to become a hero, and he wasn't going let a bully and his gang of asshats keep him down!

[Ha ha! That's the spirit!]

' Thanks for the prep talk.'

[ Don't mention it. Though you can thank me by taking the thug and his pals out and winning this match.]

'Right…..Fuck! Almost forgot about them.' He thought thinking back to team CRDL.

[ Then use my power, let me help you! It'll be two on four instead. Show these idiots who's the true Huntsmen!]

Jaune nodded, standing up and getting from behind his cover. Team CRDL, seeing Jaune stopped hiding, began to laugh.

"Oh look who decided to stop hiding." said Cardin, hoping to see the Arc ready to surrender and if not, well he could always beat him around until he had brought his aura to the red.

But what they all saw was a look of determination etched onto his face as he stood on his feet, something glowing from his belt, it was one of the Class cards he had in his cardholder.

"Equip, Archer!" called the teen as the card's glow blinded CRDL, as their eyesight returned the team was greeted to the sight of Jaune, standing tall but with a strange presence.

"Ha! So what?! Nothing happened! Time to show how much of a weakling you are" Cardin said, walking closer with the rest of his team.

Two golden portals appeared behind Jaune. Everyone watching were surprised seeing the portals appear. Coming out of the portals were weapons, one in the shape of a sword, the other in the shape of a chain… and both were aimed at Team CRDL.

They shot like bullets at them, Cardin and Russell dodge to one side while the Sky and Dove ducked underneath the sword.

"What the hell?!"

Jaune held out his hand as another portal formed, thrusting his hand into it and pulling out a claymore, with that he dashed towards DL with fast speed. One minute he was at a far, next he was right in front of them.

Quickly swinging in an arc, both Dove and Sky blocked with their weapons, Sending both back from Jaune. Gaining their bearings both change their weapons into their gun mode and then proceed to shoot at him. Jaune was just either blocking, cutting or ricocheting them away as he charges them.

Seeing this, Dove switched out for fire dust rounds as shot at him. A portal appearing before Jaune he took out a shield to protect himself. The rounds exploded the moment they hit the shield, smoke rose afterwards.

All members of Team CRDL looked at the smoke, waiting to see Arc on the floor either knocked out or in pained, Dove and Sky being the closest.

Cleaving through the smoke was a golden scythe right towards Dove's right side. Quickly bring his sword up to blocked the sweep of the scythe's bottom side of the blade, he smirked but then the scythe was pulled back with the scythe's blade, dragging Dove as well with his sword blocking it towards the smoke.

A huge gauntlet fist stride out from it and smashed into Dove's face with great force sending him flipping through the air. Everyone in the audience winced hearing the crack sound of his face hitting the ground.

"That's gonna leave a mark" commented Yang at seeing the damage that Jaune did to Russell.

"If it wasn't for his aura that would possibly caused him brain damage from the sound of the impact of that fist and his face hitting the floor." Blake added.

Cardin and DL were wide eyed in shock at what happened, puny Arc just took out one of them. Cardin went from wide eyed to an angry glare as he charged towards Jaune.

Returning the scythe back to the portal it came from, he saw a enrage Cardin coming his way. Jaune reached behind his back for as another golden portal appeared, and pulled out a marvelous looking warhammer. It was rather large, a bit bigger than Maghild and it looked heavy from the crater it formed in the ground.

Jaune stood ready to swing, and when Cardin was close enough, he swung the warhammer like a home run bat only upwards, smashing it into jaw and sending him back a few feet.

Cardin shook off the dizziness and pain he felt and charged once again at Jaune, bringing down his mace to smash his face in but Jaune blocked with his war hammer. They exchange blows, each attacking the other and each blocking.

Jaune's hammer flashed as it clanged against Cardin's mace. Jaune didn't even try to overpower him and spun away, another portal formed at his waist two knives appeared, Jaune hooked two fingers through the loops of the knives and threw them at Cardin. He swung his mace and knocked them out of the air with a sneer, they disappeared into two portals.

The sneer abruptly gave way to a shocked expression as he saw Arc's warhammer heading straight for his face. Hard burst of pain spread all over his face and he tumbled back. Jaune somersaulted over him before kicking him in the back to his fallen teammates and Cardin's aura dropped into the yellow.

A portal appeared in front of him, a short sword shot past Jaune's head aiming at Russell who was going for a sneak attack. He parried the sword away with his daggers, not noticing Jaune closing the distance between them, both arms at his right side.

His hands in two portals, swinging his left with a long sword at Russell. Quickly blocking the long sword with his right dagger, he managed to avoid getting hit but it didn't stop the axe in Jaune's right hand.

Hadn't been given any more opportunities as the fight dragged on. Finally, Russell had over-swung one attack and Jaune roared forward with a sudden burst of aura. He disarmed Russell with his left long sword and slammed his axe into Russell's stomach, with the swing of his arm, he sent Russell across the area just by the rest of team CRDL.

CDR were on their feet as their teammate was on the ground in front of them, while Sky helped Russell onto his feet.

Jaune threw both of his weapons behind him, both disappearing into two portals, after they disappeared. A huge one appear behind him, he jumped into it.

Over twenty portals formed, surrounding team CDRL from all sides. They readied their weapons, Cardin spoked angrily.

"Where are you Arc?! Quit hiding!" All everyone could hear was a chuckle from the many golden portals.

"Hiding? Hehehehe I'm not hiding, Winchester." He began to laugh once again.

"Bullshit! That's the only reason you're not here, you're a fucking scared little weakling." No one heard anything from the portals, Cardin smirked, shutting up Jaune's laughter.

"…You're quite the hypocrite Winchester. I'm scared? A weakling? No, only weaklings gang up on others, like you tried before to with Judy and Nick. Heck, you do it the most with Velvet. I'm not the one whose legs are shaking like leaves right now. No, I'm not scared nor a weakling, unlike you." He said, getting smiles off Judy and Nick, while making (J)NPR and RWBY to frown at his tone, it wasn't like him before.

"Shut up Arc" came Cardin's smart response.

"he heh heh… I'm not hiding Winchester…" he said,as the portals all around them started growing bigger until they were the size that someone could walk through the portal. "You said I was hiding? Wrong, I'm finishing this fight. Rush of the Babylon!" with that said a blur shot out of one of the portals towards CRDL like a ballistic missile, most of them dodge out of the way except for Sky who got slashed as the blur entered another portal.

Then suddenly the same blur shot out of another portal and into another, its trajectory from portal to portal lined up with them, each time it happened it kept getting faster and each member of team CRDL did all that they could to defend themselves from the onslaught as the blur which all the students and Glynda figured out to be Jaune, using different weapons as to attack and chip away their aura and damage them.

It was hectic for CRDL since they couldn't get chance to breathe, for every minute they try to catch their breath the blur attacked them again and again, and they couldn't be prepared for each time as it used different weapons. Swords, hammers, spears, daggers, axes, katanas, sickles, hell it even used chainsaws somehow! Where did he even get all these things?!

"That's enough! The fight is over! Team CRDL's aura is in the red. Jaune Arc is the winner!" Glynda announced as the blitz rushed seized, the portals all disappeared except for one. Out came Jaune with a smirk on his face as he looked over team CRDL who were all on the floor to breathe deeply and resting, Cardin was glaring his way.

"Did you see that?" Ruby said in awe next to her partner.

"How would I have missed that?" Weiss replied rhetorically as she too watched him awe of the boy that both once tried to gain her affection and that she hated , for his display of strength and speed were amazing and powerful. The way he maneuvered the use of the weapons and those portals were intriguing as well.

Back on the training field, Jaune chuckled as he unequiped the Archer card without anyone seeing before looking over at Cardin.

" How was that Cardin? Still think I'm a weakling?" Jaune said making Cardin growl in anger.

Glynda wasn't going to have any of that, with a whip of her crop she gained their attention.

"Mr. Winchester, you display great strength but you fail to coordinate with your teammates. You could have easily had your team flank Mr. Arc from all sides and attack, therefore leaving him with no chance to escape or fight back. Not to mention you charge heedlessly into the fray without planning ahead for yourself or your teammates. Do work on that." She lectured Cardin before doing the same for his teammates.

Jaune chuckled before she turned to him with a small glare.

"And you, you shouldn't be laughing Mr. Arc, despite your great skill a few moments ago with each weapon you summon and use against their attacks. Not to mention your large pool of aura allows you to take heavy hits better than most," She said to which he felt good.

"However, you lack in every other category. Your strength is sub-par, your agility leaves much room for improvement, and your timing needs much work as well from before. You let yourself panic when cornered instead of staying calm and allow yourself to be attacked by Cardin's teammates. Your stance was stiff and you had lots of chances to use your shield as a weapon as well. You also wasted a lot of energy on that last attack when you could have saved it for a final attack if Cardin and his team had more aura and ready to fight on. You have a lot to improve upon, do take the time to think of what you could have done differently during the match."

Now that did hurt him, but, instead, he nodded nonetheless as he knew that he had a lot to make up for, compared to everyone else.

After listening to Miss Goodwitch listing out his flaws harshly, Jaune walked over to his new friends, Nick and Judy.

" Man, Jaune, you really had us worried there for a moment." Nick said, giving him a friendly punch to the arm that would no doubt hurt. The slight stab of pain brought back another memory. Yang and Nora would often do the same after they brought down a particular challenging opponent or grimm. Both the punch and the bruising.

He told himself the sudden feeling of belonging was only a fleeting thing. Jaune rubbing his arm with a nervous smile before he was eagerly hugged by Judy.

"You don't know how we felt when you were behind that rock and that jerk was laughing at you with his gang of goons" she said with a sad pout, her ears lowered behind her head.

"Well I'm alright now, and I won! So no need to worry anymore guys," he said to which they nod.

Class went on after team CRDL went to the infirmary as usual, with Jaune sitting with both Nick and Judy, while Pyrrha, Ruby and the others took glances at them.

Nick joked around about how Jaune is now famous to all faunus now that he took down Cardin, while Judy was fighting on the field with another student who wielded an axe/shotgun weapon. Jaune himself wasn't really paying attention to the fight or to Nick at all, his mind went back to his fight and that weird voice he heard before, he was sure he heard it before somewhere.

So deep in thought, he didn't realized that both Nick and Judy were trying to get his attention. Nick slapped him upside his head to get his attention.

"Ow! What the hell Nick?!" he asked as he glared at the fox faunus but he was surprised to see Nick looking concern, Judy had the same look as they stared at him.

"Uh… guys, what's wrong?"

" You tell us Jaune, you've been silent the whole time and Judy here- Gah! We were beginning to worry" Nick said with Judy nodded as well. Jaune felt guilty for worrying them.

"Hey guys I'll be alright, I just have a lot of on my mind today.. okay?" he said to them.

"Jaune? Are you sure? You were really out of it." Judy said worried.

Jaune looked down at the gray hair girl looking up at him with mild concern. He rolled his eyes and patted her head, chuckling. She pouted while Nick chuckled at her as well.

"I'll be fine Judy. I just need some fresh air and some time to think, that's all" he said as she moved her head away from his hands as Nick looked at his scroll.

"Well I think you'll get that time since that's the last of the classes for the day. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to take a nap, my bed is calling for me. I'll see you later, sir knight!" Nick joked as he began to walk towards his and Judy's dorm. Judy waving at Jaune as she followed her partner.

Jaune waved back as he went off towards where he can go about his thoughts.


Jaune was once again on the rooftop. Taking a seat on the edge, he thought back to his fight with team CRDL and using the Archer card...

'What happened back there? That was insane, I mean how was I doing all that?'

He thought in confusion, he knew he couldn't of done that before or ever at all.

[ Hehehe] came the sound of chuckling ringing out in his mind.

"Huh?" Startle he looked for the source of the giggling. " Who's there?"

[ It's me silly.] Came the voice once again, looking around he didn't see anyone. "Me who? I don't see you. C-can you come out already?"

[ Hehehe it's not coming from anyone out there Jaune. I'm speaking in your mind.] The voice stated, making him stop looking around like a idiot.

"M-my mind?" He said a bit worried and confused.

[ Yup! ] The voice answered.

Huh? He hears voice again in his head after his match with Cardin and his team..

"Maybe I did get hit too hard in the head by Cardin." He said, hand on his forehead, maybe he's gone insane?

[ Hey! You're not going insane, and I'm not just a voice! That's rude Jaune!]

"Okay okay I'm sorry, but a moment ago I was getting my ass handed to me before... Something happened... And I won with a strange power and it wasn't a semblance..."

[ That 'strange power' was me. That was my power Jaune]

't-that was you? Your power? What do you mean by that?" He asked now curious about he use the voices power.

[ Yup, that was my power you were using to fight back. All of that was you using my power, and to say, quite effectively. I mean I've never thought of using my portals that way before.] The voice explained to Jaune, complimenting him as well.

'Thanks... I guess... Okay that doesn't explain how I was able to access it though unless you were just waiting in my head for it.'

He heard a laugh in his mind once again.

[ No no Jaune... The cards ...]

Jaune's eyes widen. The cards! Reaching for his belt, he took the cards out of the cardholder clipped to his belt.

Holding the cards in his hands, he looked them all over, the archer card glowed in his hand.

Images of a young golden haired boy talking to people, helping them as they all cheer for him as he smiled innocently at them all. To images of a the same boy now a grown man ruling over them, to images of the same man fighting another man/women(?) with green hair and robes with a smile and a expression of joy...

"What the hell was that?!" He blinked from the barrage of image and... Memories?

[ That... Was my past that you've just witnessed and received...]

'your...Past? But you sound like a kid!?' clearly not believing the voice in disbelief. That guy looked fucking strong from what he saw.

[ Hehehe true, though I wasn't always a kid. I may have lost some of my traits from being my adult self, but that was me before I took a potion of youth.]

' Potion of youth? Wait that actually exists?!' his eyes widen at the impossible fact that the idea of a youth potion is true.

[ That it does... Anyway we're getting off track Jaune...]


[ Do you know what you hold in your hands Jaune?]

'uh...No.. honestly I don't even know who left me these cards... What are they?' he asked now generally curious and interested about what they were for the first time since he found them with himself.

[ Those are called class cards]

'class cards?'

[Yup! They are based on the holy grail system of the servant classes used for summoning heroic spirits.]

'Heroic Spirit?' repeated Jaune in confusion.

[Indeed they are the souls of some of both, the most heroic and/or infamous figures in human history who upon their deaths ascended into the Throne of Heroes, complete with the power of their legends that usually manifest as what we call Noble Phantasms,] explained the voice with a surprisingly serious expression.


[Yeah... tell me how did it feel using my card for the first time?]

Jaune frowned, thinking back to the fight he had long ago today as he brought out the Archer card in his hand.

'It felt good…I've never felt anything like that kind of power before but at the same time it felt like I wasn't fully in control of my body. Like I was being either dragged along by someone else or like someone was forcing my body to move to their tune.'

[That's what I thought. Jaune, the feeling will pass in time as you become more in tune with mine and the other Heroic Spirits' cards.]

'okay then...Um...'

[ Hmm! What is it Jaune?]

'Uh.. what do I call you? It's just where if I call you 'voice in my head', it be too rude in my opinion...'

[Oh! Hehehe it's okay Jaune, you can just call me Gilgamesh, or Gil for short]

Jaune nodded with a smile. ' hehehe okay. Nice to talk to you Gil.'

[ Same with you Jaune hehehe]

They both laughed together, as they talked some more with Gil explaining how the Holy Grail War works and some the wars he's been in himself.

'Really? He took control of something like that!? How does that work?' asked the bewildered Arc at some of the events that Gil had been in, like facing the berserker of the fourth grail war.

[ Heh believe me I was more annoyed than surprised when he did that. Even more so once he tried to take me and my master out of the sky]

' I bet hehehe '

Without his knowing the sound of footsteps were becoming more clear as the doors to the rooftop were opened by none other Pyrrha with the rest of his team and team RWBY as well behind her.

"Jaune! Where are you?!" She called out looking for the sight of him.

Hearing Pyrrha's voice made Jaune froze and then prayed that she or anyone spots him.

His prayers go unanswered as Blake sees him and directs Pyrrha and the others to him.


Jaune's eyes narrowing and flashing red.

Gil growled... How dare these... These mongrels look and act concern for him. Before Jaune could say anything he felt his body move without his consent.

He stood up and turned to meet the faces of his team and that of team RWBY. Both teams stopping and flinching at the glare of his cold eyes.

Glaring and crossing his arms did he took in their presence.

"I am right here, and to what do I owe the pleasure of you lot being here?" He said with edge in his tone.

Most felt uncomfortable under his frozen glare but not Pyrrha, who spoke up.

"Jaune we just came here to get answers and to see what's wrong with you.."

His glare intensifies as his clear blue eyes glowed, turning red as he turns his gaze upon her.

"...' To see what's wrong with me?'...heh heh don't make me laugh... " He said with a scowl on his face at her.

"Last time I checked, none of you wanted nothing to do with me, none the less 'see what's wrong' "

"We can-" whatever she was going to say was interrupted.

"Save it…I don't want to hear your lies, since you hated me for lying my way here." He said looking at the rest of the group with disdain.

He then turned his attention onto Pyrrha. " And you, do you have any idea how deep your words hurt me?. I trusted you with my secret since I thought you were a friend I could depend on, besides the fact that you were my partner but what did I get in return from my trust?! Insults! You called me pathetic, weak, and hopeless, and how you should of been the leader of our team. On top of that I should never been there and should've stay where I belong... Now those words cut deeper than anything..." He said looking at her expression of pain and guilt, tearing up and close to crying.

'Gil...That's enough... I think you got our point across...'

Jaune scoffed at them before walking past them all towards the door.

"W-Where are you going" whimpered Ruby, but she was ignored.

None of them moving from their spots, though they did turn once they heard his voice.

"I'm doing myself a favour," Blake's eyes narrowed at that.

"And not bear being here with you. Don't look for me you despicable mongrels..." And with that he left, slamming the door behind him. Leaving them in silence as Pyrrha broke down in tears as she cried. Both Ren and Nora comforting her.

The others weren't sure what to say after what Jaune said. I mean how can they? He was right in some way, that they did insulted him and turned their back to him.

Blake looked back at the door that Jaune slammed shut with his leave.

'Something is wrong with Jaune,' Blake thought back about how Jaune talked since he never talked like that, but those thoughts were casted away in favour of comforting her friend, who was currently crying in Yang's arms.


'Okay…. What was that?' Jaune asked Gil since he never like that before unlike Gil who'd spoke so harshly.

[…Sorry Jaune about that… It's… It's just that how they treated you and then they had the gall to come say something like that? It just pissed me off] Gil told the young Arc, who felt touched by his concern.

'… I can understand… Just try to control yourself okay?' he asked the Heroic spirit. As he walked away from the rooftop.

[ … I'll try Jaune, I'll try]

' Gil?' he asked.


' Thanks for that' he said, he swore he could see Gil smile in his mind. Smiling himself as he walked towards the library.

Walking pass the doors and the librarian, Jaune bumped into someone. Stumbling back he saw who he bumped into as the person turned around. Ozpin stood before him, his ever-present mug of coffee in hand.

"Oh! I'm sorry headmaster Ozpin! I wasn't paying attention," he apologized, Ozpin simply chuckled.

"It's fine , no need to apologize… hmm. And what, if I may ask, are you heading into the library for? " he asked with a glint in his eye as he stare at him.

Jaune looked down at the floor in thought from the events of today up to the rooftop to now.

"Honestly Headmaster Ozpin… I need time alone to think." He said.

"Is that so? "

"Yes, a lot has been on my mind today and I think it's finally settling in. I just needed a place to relax and think that's all." He said holding his head with his right hand.

Ozpin nodded, quite understanding where the young lad was coming from. Looking back to how he was when he first begin attending this school he was quite, for the better word, unprepared and overwhelmed. Now he was better than how he started out but he still had a long way to go.

" I see.. then don't let me stop you ," and with that he was walking away.

Jaune thought back to the whole reason everyone began to dislike him..

'A lie… A single lie that let me come here and this far… A lie that broke the trust my friends had in me'

[True it is because of a lie that you're here Jaune… and lost the people that you could of depended on... but it's because of that lie that you've become stronger no?]

'I.. I don't deserve to be here.'

[Yes you do…. Tell me, what do you want to be Jaune? A honest and truthful huntsmen or a liar instead.]

'No… not a liar… I want… I want… to be a hero and a huntsmen that people could look up to. I'll tell headmaster the truth, the least I can do is be honest and truthful even if it means I'll be kick out.'

[Good… that's the Jaune I know]


"Wait!" a shout stopped Ozpin as he turned to see Jaune there staring at him.

"Hmm? Yes, ?" he said.

"Headmaster Ozpin," Jaune breathes, trying to meet the calm man in the eyes and almost failing. He was betting everything on this. "There's something I must tell you."

"Something you must tell me?" questioned Ozpin, interested, sipping away at his ever present coffee mug. Jaune nods.

Jaune used every ounce of courage he could muster, trying to remember his confidence lessons from his father. 'Stay calm and never back away'. Those are the few of the Arc's most promising oaths. Although those lessons haven't really helped him in the love department, his father must've nabbed mother somehow, no matter how much he hated that he did.

"Ys," he sighs, wondering how lucky he truly was. He can't help but lower his head in slight shame, "It's about my stay here at Beacon."

"Oh?" Ozpin trails, actually lowering his coffee mug, Now Jaune Arc's got his full attention. "And what about your stay here at Beacon?"

Looking up, Jaune bravely walks up forward to Ozpin's desk, putting everything on the line.

"It's about my transcripts."

"Yes I have heard of something about that lately" he mussed, Jaune sweating in fear.

"You have, sir?" he asked

"Yes I have, there has been something I've heard from the grapevine" Ozpin said.

"What is it?" Jaune asked with a worried look.

"That you cheated your way into Beacon" Ozpin replied with a stoic face.

"What he said is true, sir. I did lie..." Jaune replied with a sad defeated tone in his voice.

"Truth be told Mr. Arc, I already knew" Ozpin said in a calm voice, taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"WHAT?!" Jaune replied with a shocked tone, staring at Ozpin

"I kept you here because of the mass potential I see in you." Ozpin told his student.

"B-but why?! I mean I cheated my way into your school unlike the other students who worked their lives to get here. Unlike them, I don't deserve to be here at all." He said in a sad and yet disgusted tone, Ozpin shook his head and lightly chuckled.

"I believe in the same philosophy that Lions have with their young." He said, getting a look from Jaune, He said.

" Lions would often throw their cubs off of cliffs in order to test their strength. I wanted you to experience the ordeals of my school and see if you had the will and determination to stay and try harder despite being weaker than the other students," He finished while drinking from his coffee.

It was a good lesson to be learned, and Jaune nodded his thanks towards the man. Even so, it did little to erode the mixed feelings he had, namely his anger, self-loathing and his determination to become better. It also wouldn't change anything in the long term, though the headmaster couldn't know that. He was doing the best he could with the knowledge he had.

"I… see. Thank you Headmaster," He said with Ozpin imply chuckling.

"Please call me professor, . For just like your teachers, I too help teach you and the other students here as well," he said, Jaune nodded.

"Right... Thank you Professor Ozpin," he replied.

"Well I should be off, I have matters to contend to. Have a pleasant day " Ozpin said, walking away from the library.

Once he said that, he left Jaune alone to his thoughts. Jaune didn't think about himself like that, I mean, compared to what everyone else thinks he's nothing but a black sheep of the school, but then again... Professor Ozpin's words lit a fire in his soul, Gil could feel the courage and determination burning brightly in his soul.

[Well Jaune, I guess you'll have to train to become better to live up to his expectations now huh?] Gil said, Jaune nodded to the spirit.

'Yeah… and I won't fail him. '

[That's good, though first we need to get you updated]

'Updated? Updated for what?' he asked, clearly lost by the young spirit's rolled his eyes.

[On Legends..] he said as Jaune walked into the Library's archive computers this time.


"Greetings Ozpin, I was looking for you but I couldn't find you in your office." Glynda was slightly annoyed, if the scowl on her face was any indication.

"Ah, yes. I do apologize Glynda, but I thought a walk would help my mind better." He replied, sipping from his mug.

"Is that so? Then who was the student that you were having an conversation with then?"

" . I just wanted to simply talk with since he seemed stuck in deep thought considering the last few days and his latest performance," he stated.

"Yes, his performance… I must say I wasn't expecting him to bring out his semblance out like that at all.." she said, watching a recording of the fight.

"You said I was hiding? Wrong I'm finishing this fight. Rush of the Babylon! "

She watched closely before looking back at Ozpin. " Though, something like this is rather... peculiar." She said to which Ozpin chuckled with a smile at her.

" That it is, Miss Glynda... though it just shows how much potential has if he's able to bring out such an extraordinary semblance and tip the battle into his favour.." he said, frowning seeing her look over the fight with a critical gaze. He sighed seeing her like this.

"You're still going to make him take that practical exam of yours? Even after what you and I both have seen from his last fight?" Ozpin asked, likely knowing the answer already.

"Of course." She answered. "I intend to get to the bottom of this rather than beating around the bush. Besides, I already have perfect combatants to test him. Don't worry… it will be a fair examination. Nothing more." She said with a small smirk.

"Very well but I hope you don't mind if I add on to your little test. Think of it as a appetiser to what you have in store for him." he said. She thought about it and nod in agreement. With a satisfied nod, Glynda walked off with a triumphant posture.

Ozpin could only sigh as he knew that this little exercise would be anything, but fair if she knew of Jaune's true abilities like what he's seen, she would've stopped right away. He could only hope that the boy would achieve a satisfactory score at least to avoid some measure of suspicion or maybe surprise her instead.

He could only wonder what the young Arc will show him come both the little tests that he and Glynda has in store for him to come.


Well I know most of you were hoping for a new chapter update but sadly I'm still working on that so I'll have to give this to you to wait for now. This is my take of Heroic Straight Flush and Holding all the Cards only in the Rwbyverse. Please read them, their good ones to read. So everyone please take a seat and enjoy the ride with Jaune on this journey of his.

Speaking of the class cards.. I'm going to make it so that when Jaune includes that all stats are down by one rank since it'll it be pretty much overpower if he just uses the power of the spirits without some restraint and without him dying from the power of the cards tearing his body apart. Also please feel free to correct any missing information here posted here on the stats or any mistakes.

So here's Archer's stats

Archer Include state:

STR: C (D)

CON: C (D)

AGI: C (D)

MGI: C (D)

LCK: A (B)

Magic Resistance: E (F)

Divinity: C (D)

Child-Gil was a great half-god, half-human king born from the union between the King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun. And as such displayed incredible talent and skill due to the Divine blood running through his veins. A small portion of this Divinity is granted to Jaune from the hero when using the Include state.

Charisma: A+ (B+)

Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh already has an extremely high Charisma from a young age, as if it was a spell (curse). This charisma is granted to Jaune as when in include state.

Golden Rule: A (B)

Being fated a life that is filled with riches, he can live as a millionaire. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no money troubles for the entirety of his life. In the legend, he claimed all the world's treasures as his own and is said to have infinite wealth in his Golden Capital. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasury were collected during this period. Although this ability seems unrelated to battle, it plays a great role in arming Gilgamesh. Jaune has access to Gilgamesh's riches when in include state.

Collector: EX (A++)

Gilgamesh is a collector of treasures. "Gathering all the treasures of the earth" is his habit, but it is not a metaphor either. Within his era, he aggregated, paid and sealed unto his collection all the fruits of civilization in his lifetime. Rather than "possession of individual items," it would be more appropriate to say that the true treasure he grasped was "the very essence of human ingenuity." To him they were the very being of humans that he collected throughout his life and one of the reasons he kept them within his treasury..

Gate of Babylon : King's Treasure

Owner: Jaune Arc (Child Gil included)


Rank:E~A++ (F~B+)

B+ (C+) (Child-Gil included)

Range:Long - Mid - short

Maximum number of targets: 5-20

The Gate of Babylon is the connection to Gilgamesh's vault of treasury. It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" that allows for the contents to pass through upon the user's command. Thus, allowing for easy access to the items of the treasury, Gilgamesh is able to pick and utilize them as he pleases. The items that pass through the gate form glowing ripples in the empty air as they appear. He can summon items directly into his hand, pull out weapons from directly behind him, or prepare numerous weapons in the air, loaded like bullets. Sadly, Child-Gil is weaker in ability than his older self, lacking sufficient magical energy to summon a large amount of Noble Phantasms from the Gate of Babylon. Despite that, he lacks the "Conceitful skill" that his older self possessed and displays better usage with his limited weaponry, so it could be said he is stronger as a child in that sense. The maximum amount of portals he could make compare to his older self was fifty when his older self can create 10,000 more. This disability is a bit nullified since when Jaune uses the gates, he can create to at least twice as much if he uses his aura.

Attacks/ Techniques

Please be told that not all attacks here will be real, for they will be create for each Class card and if I feel like its needed. Please be feel free to offer any idea's.

Rush of the Babylon

Owner: Jaune Arc (Child Gil included)

Type:Anti-Unit, Anti-Army

Rank:B (C)

Range:Mid - Short

Maximum number of targets: 4- 8

An attack of which Jaune jumps into the Gates of Babylon and then creates many portals in which he launches himself out of and into another while attacking the enemy with all sorts of weapons from Gil's treasury. The maximum number of gates that Jaune can open when using this is twenty-five and the kinds of weapons he uses have to be ones he feels comfortable to use, that aren't too strong for him to use say A rank and above.

Next the Heroic Spirits and Throne of Heroes.

Also I know that this isn't how the Class cards work in Fate Kaleid but once again I'm changing it for the story, so if you don't like it then sorry but it's not changing.

Lastly the identities of the Heroic Spirits sealed in the cards, I have all of them decided , however I am uncertain on who to pick… as such I left clues in this chapter to who their identities are…

Saber: ?

Lancer: ?

Archer: Child-Gil (Grand Order)

Caster: ?

Rider: ?

Berserker: ?

Assassin: ?

This is Speedy24 signing off.