I know it's been a while since I've updated anything, and I promise I'm not dead. But it's been a little impossible to squeeze in my fanfictions when I already have such an aggressive writing schedule. Since I've started school, I've been either writing something new, or reworking things every single week, and by the time I'm done with that I'm too burnt out to do anything else.

I think part of the problem has been just how big the expectations of my updates have been. When I first started Something New I used to post 1k-2k at a time and I would update 2-3 times a week. Now my updates for all my stories are 3k-5k and it just takes so much longer to write and edit such big chunks at a time.

I think I'm going to try going back to my 1k-2k format to see if that's going to work better for me. Going on hiatus months at a time has been hard to come back from and I would really like to finish my stories. I even have two others I haven't posted because I know I'm not going to have the time to update them regularly. I'm currently working on an update for Something New, I'm hoping to have an update for that up soon, but it will be a lot shorter.

I'm posting the same message under all the 3 of my current stories, so If you read more than one, the same note is going to be there.