"There... I think that's how you had it before?"

Deidara was silent as Sakura finished re-adjusting his hair back into it's usual style.

"I don't have a mirror on me - but it's mostly out of your face now," she brushed aside the long section from in-front of his eyes. Deidara leaned away slightly. He'd allowed her to do her medic thing and restore his hair, but that did not mean he was open to conversation or further petting as if her were one of her girlfriends or something.

"Ah, sorry, force of habit..." She moved away, taking the old bandages from his arms with her. She dropped one, but he couldn't be bothered to say anything.

Sakura had picked up his hair-tie from the floor of the interrogation room before leaving - which meant that she had seen him in there. Had they all been in there and seen him at his weakest moment? His memory was hazy.

Kakashi and Gai stood nearby, talking to one another; and watching them at the same time. They never took their eyes off him.

And last night...

He'd been paralysed with pain; unable to think straight, let alone sleep. It wasn't the physical pain; he was able to cope with that, as he already did with his arms.

Deidara could not rid himself of that feeling gripping him. In the end, it forced him onto his knees and he unwillingly found himself vomiting it out.

Then Kakashi was there beside him - held back his hair , cleaned his face, let him drink. Guided him back down on the blanket before re-assuming a respectable distance sitting a few feet away.

Fuck him.

Fuck him.

Deidara would kill him. Who did Kakashi think he was? He was said to be one of the most powerful ninja, but he was acting like a mother hen ...and who did he think Deidara was, for that matter? A child?

He was dangerous. They were both dangerous. Deidara was used to being treated like a deadly force - people feared him. Why had they reached that point, that point of just kneeling on the grass like that... It was sick. He'd been compromised and they did whatever they wanted to him. This included them inflicting their pity on him... pity, condensation, weird psuedo-comforting gestures.

He couldn't understand them! Sakura made some sense, as she was their healer - and she was a girl - therefore he could not understand her anyway. If there were any women with motives that he could relate to, then they existed in another universe somewhere. But it still bothered him...

They thought he needed it, maybe? The comfort? After what had happened - they thought he was sensitive. Weak. That Gai guy...he might be the worst, infact. He hadn't done much, and Deidara could not be sure... but Deidara had the uncomfortable feeling he'd almost...like, patted him on the head that morning? Almost. Mistaken him For Naruto or something? Gai absolutely had to die.

Was this all just an elaborate torture technique - a huge mind-fuck, worthy of Itachi? Two-faced Itachi who was so unnervingly polite as he performed his genjutsu. Those crazy Leaf guys... his own Iwa had a reputation for being rock hard, but these hard-to-read Konoha ninja were something else.

They wanted him to just think that THEY thought that he was weak? Was that it?

And after that, they had talked about something while they thought he was asleep, Sakura had told them something about Sasori...

Deidara's thoughts were interrupted when he realised that Eyebrows (of all people) was standing right next to him; staring down at him with a dead-set determined look on his ugly face.

"What do you want, hm?"

"I am sorry for what has happened, Deidara-san. I want to offer condolences."

That word sorry again - aimed toward him. Deidara wasn't sure how the hell to respond. He didn't want any more shitty pity - though, he did like being referred to with san, however, - that was quite appropriate. But the kid probably had the wrong words, because condolences were typically for a death, not someone in his position. How stupid. He glared at him. Really, these idiot children shouldn't know what had happened to him at all. Or, probably this was still about his arms? Eyebrows had seemed woozy when looking at his injuries earlier...

"Sakura told us that your friend was nearly as you strong as you are."

Condolences for Danna...

"He wasn't my friend, un. And he was always stronger than me."

Eyebrows looked surprised. Yeah, It still surprised Deidara when he thought about it - it had taken only two ninja to take Sasori down, and seven for him. That old lady had to really have been something...

"Your partner, then. He sounds like he was impressive."

This. This fake shit was what he hated about them the most.

Deidara narrowed his eyes. "Come closer, Eyebrows kid."

Deidara wasn't good with genjutsu, but he could perform a manual leaf-style mind-fuck too.

Eyebrows obeyed and bent down, crouching so he was level with Deidara. He didn't react to the nickname - Eyebrows kid was seriously was allowing his own prisoner to call him 'Eyebrows kid' and tell him what to do...that was amazingly pathetic.

"Do you have any idea of the number of people I've killed, hm?"

Eyebrows hesitated. He was actually searching his mind to see if he knew the answer. "Uh...no? No."

"No, you wouldn't. 'Cause neither do I, yeah? But - it's a high number, right. It's somewhere in the hundreds. Not just shinobi, but civilians - including kids. And my partner, he was older than me and he killed way more people than I did."


A brief silence between them. Just 'Oh'...

"Yeah? Well what do you think of that, hm?"

"I think that's awful." Eyebrows didn't hesitate this time because he was sure of the answer.

"I know, right?" He was going to wipe that pleasant, idiotic look off of his face, "And we would've kept going - so you should happy that your team killed him - and happy that you've completely fucked me up like this, right? We deserved it."

"I don't think that's entirely right."

Oh fuck off. "Oh yeah? Why?"

"Because we shouldn't hold grudges, and it is better to avoid inflicting unnecessary cruelty on ones enemies."

Kid didn't waver or anything when he spouted that sap - he seriously meant it, how disgusting. Deidara turned that idea around in his head a few times. No. he'd happily watch his enemies suffer, in particular these guys right here. And they should be the same.

"No 'cruelty infliction', really? Not even on me? But I killed your Sand buddy."

"Gaara-san hurt me too, and I forgave him."

Hmm, so that Gaara guy pummelled Eyebrows at some point along the way - rearranged his face maybe? Did that explain his weird look? Anyway, apparently it had been a bad choice to use the guy as an example.

"You do realise who you're talking to, right?" Why the hell was Eyebrows still even talking to him, on his level? "I'm Akatsuki, I killed your friend - I enjoyed doing it. I look forward to doing it to you too, I'd blast you all apart. You, your Sensei, that girl you like so much - I'm the real thing. You guys have no idea, un - just hurting your enemy is a lot different from killing them."

"I think it can be just as bad."

Deidara paused, despite himself.


"You're a fool, Eyebrows. And shouldn't you be doing your stupid exercises, or talking to your giant green clone thing over there or something, un? "

There was a yell from the woods.

"Kakashi, Gai -!"

Neji was calling out.

Kakashi had his questions, but he would leave them to the interrogation team. Akatsuki were collecting tailed beasts - that much at least, Konoha knew by now. Did this mean that they were planning to somehow harness the powers for a huge attack? Where did they keep the beasts once extracted - were they resealed in a new host, or stored elsewhere? How exactly could and would they be used? They needed details, where did they meet, who were their contacts...

Sakura had told Kakashi about her fight with Sasori. Apparently, he'd been willing to share info toward the end - he kept a spy with Orochimaru, no one else knew - but he died before he could tell her the details.

On a more curious note, what DID members of Akatsuki stand to gain, exactly, from throwing their lives away for the organisation? It was easy to see why Deidara had been recruited - but difficult to know why he would choose to join - he seemed such a naturally loose cannon. But as did seem heavily lead by his emotions - that would have been no problem for Akatsuki to manipulate...

"Kakashi, Gai -!"

Neji had seen them first.

They should have expected this. It had been unwise to rest for so long.

Red clouds against a black background... Phantom pain wrenched through his gut as he was struck by the memory of that devastating Tsukiyomi. Ripping, twisting into him. It was the first and only genjustu he'd faced that even his Sharingan had not been able to undo it. But these were not Itachi and Kisame, he had never seen this pair before...

The two did not rush at them but instead stood some distance away, observing.

The team moved to surround Deidara without being asked. Kakashi looked down at him to gauge his reaction. He could detect annoyance bristling, but that was normal state of being for Deidara- but it did seem that he might be less than pleased to see these two colleagues...

"Stay in the back!" Naruto had stepped up eagerly - Kakashi placed a hand on Naruto's chest to keep him behind himself.

One of the pair had silver hair, wore his robe open and wielded a red scythe. His scratched forehead protector bore the mark of the Steam village and hung loose around his neck. He had a confident stance and was grinning widely. The other was fully masked but had a particularly menacing look about him that made him seem more dangerous. Strangely, he carried no visible weapon but a briefcase.

Gai leaned toward Kakashi and spoke, "They want him back."


Gai was apprehensive "I don't know what you are thinking, Kakashi, but as Konoha is not far; we should retreat. The mission is complete, we have rescued the Kazekage. There are no lives at stake, so it is not worth the risk to our students to engage in a fight with Akatsuki now."

Kakashi was on the exact same wavelength. "That would be best." There was no point in jeopardising everything, "But it may be easier said than done - let's to get some measure on what they may be capable of..."


"Sensei, why would they care about wanting him back? Aren't they evil?"asked Sakura, surprised, "and he can't...well... anymore." It seemed that Sakura had trouble stating that he was completely function-less as a shinobi now, unable to fight or perform jutsu.

"He is still their friend," Naruto said, "Well, teammate, at least." Naruto always tried to believe in the friendship between any group of comrades - he just simply could not relate to it being any other way.

"This again,"said Deidara coldly, he hadn't spoken for a while. "Shut up kid. All of you have real a weak way of thinking, un." Clearly, that hadn't been Deidara's first thought. It had not been Kakashi's either...

"They want him back because they don't want us to interrogate him." Kakashi provided his students the simplest and most obvious reason.

"Oh...yeah, that too. Of course."

Deidara was completely demobilised; so the only point of Akatsuki regaining him would be ensure that their secrets remained secret.

Although the distance was not very much, the silver haired man shaded his eyes with his hands as if he had difficulty seeing - and then he called out to them across the divide, "Is that our Deidara I see there," he grinned as he spoke, "- or a trampled yellow kitten?" His voice was grating and excitable, he would be even more trouble than he looked...

Deidara made a long quiet growl through his teeth. Gai was standing by Deidara, and gripped his shoulder a little harder. "Steady." Kakashi could tell that Gai was thinking the same thing as him. Their captive was not the type to let an insult like that slide - so did Akatsuki intend to kill him upon retrieval, if they spoke to him in that disrespectful way - a punishment already began through insults? Either that, or they wished to kill him during this encounter. It would actually be the most logical action that they could take...

"Akatsuki." Kakashi decided it was time to cut to the point. "I suppose that you want this one back?"

"You suppose right," replied the masked one. His voice was strange, a low grumble.

"That one... Neji spoke softly but urgently to them.

"What is it?"

"I'm looking at him, and his chakra, his body - he has several masses, it's not normal!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure..."

The silver-haired one called out again. "Hey, Deidara - that IS you, you look wrecked! Don't worry, big brother Hidan and Kakuzu will take care of things, that second-rate Sasori-"

"SHUT the hell up Hidan!" Deidara screeched at him, "I have this under control, un!"

Under control? The whole team had to work to control their reactions to that statement.

"So you still have your tongue?" Hidan was relentless. "I was wondering if they cut that off too - I'd say things look a bit out of your control - what else did they take from you? Maybe y-"

There was a torrent of angry yelling from Deidara. Hidan began laughing, when the masked one struck him so hard with his briefcase they could hear an crack of bone. Gai grabbed Deidara's forehead protector - Deidara's eyes widened and he leaned away, growling. "Alright, alright! No stupid gag, un!"

Gai gagged him anyway. Deidara groaned in annoyance, fixing an angered stare on the ground as if to burn a hole through it.

There was a momentary quiet.

"They have you so whipped," muttered Hidan. He rubbed the back of his neck and glared at his partner, "Kakuzu, you douchebag. I was just having fun."


So that was just the way that Hidan spoke to everyone.

Kakuzu lowered his head and pinched hard on the skin between his eyes before speaking, as if suffering a headache.

"We want the matter of that other loud one that you hold to be resolved, immediately. We have other appointments today, so I'd rather not fight at this time. It would be a huge inconvenience."

"Heh, 'loud one,'" Naruto snickered to Sakura in amusement. She shushed him.

"You speak as if you don't want him back all that badly," stated Gai, "Why not let us just keep him, then, in that case?"

"He is surely of little use to you anymore," added Kakashi. It was cruel but true.

"I wouldn't take him back if it were up to me, but I will follow our orders," Kakuzu informed them bluntly.

"Aw, listen to all of you. I want him back."

"That's not what you said earlier, Hidan."

"Well I changed my mind just now!"

They began an argument between themselves. Kakashi listened to them bicker with interest. Orders. From whom did they receive orders? The leader of Akatsuki was unknown. The longer they talked, the more he could learn about the dynamics of their group...

His own team began to bicker too.

"Don't do it Kakashi Sensei! he'll just join in the fight as soon as they have him!"

"Join the fight with no arms?" asked Tenten, incredulous.

"He could, they could do...uh, something to him," Naruto explained awkwardly. "Some special jutsu."

"Even Akatsuki can' grow back arms," said Sakura.

Kakuzu turned to look at them again. "Give him to us."


Hidan and Kakazu moved in a startling blur. They rushed at them in opposite directions.


Gai grabbed Deidara, and the team rushed from the clearing, into the trees. What powers did these two possesses? Itachi specialised in genjutsu, Deidara bombs, Sasori had used puppets, Kisame strength and water...

Neji and Tenten tried to take up the rear but Kakashi moved to the back, encouraging them to keep going.

He overtook Lee...Lee remained behind him.


Kakashi turned around to see that Lee had abruptly stopped. Lee was clutching at his chest and shivering oddly - he fell on his knees - a redness bloomed over his jumpsuit. The others rushed back to his position.

Gai was by his side in an instant, and Sakura second later. She tore open the front the front section of his jumpsuit with a kunai to see the injury.

"They are hurting him somehow," she pressed her hand against it, gathering her chakra to the spot. As she did it, another wound appeared above it.."His clothes are not torn wear the injuries are...just here," she touched a small tear on Lee's sleeve - I think that this is the only place they actually touched him, I don't understand!" There had been no damage to the material on his chest.

There was a groan, but it came from Deidara and not Lee.

"Do you know about this?" Kakashi pulled the gag from his mouth.

"Hm, I told you not to gag me - bastards!" Deidara hissed, furious. "But you need to go back, yeah!"

Gai grabbed Deidara's shoulders, "What technique is this! Do you know how to stop this?" Gai shook him so aggressively that it would have been almost comical in any other situation.

"Oi, oi! I'm tryi-."

"Gai, let him talk! He's not the one doing it!"

"Ah, sorry..."

Deidara spat a length of his own tussled hair from his mouth. "You guys..." he panted, still recovering from being shaken at Gai-speed, "Stupid Leaf shits...all of you, crazy..."

"Deidara, how do we stop it?" asked Gai, desperately.

"Don't...use my name so casually," he said between pants, "Who the HELL do you think you are, un..."

It was too familiar. However it was probably already a mental effort for Gai not to use kun as he would with the students, and Gai had only one thought in his mind right now...

"What's happening to Lee! PLEASE!" persisted Gai.

Deidara's mouth was set tight, his eyes glaring. He seemed to be considering his options - he looked at Gai and Kakashi, then at Lee.

Lee's eyes were closed in meditation, his breathing was hard. Sakura was healing him, but it would not be enough...

Deidara pulled his gaze away from Lee, smiling darkly at Gai."That jutsu," he said, narrowing his eyes, "He's been linked with Hidan. So, LIKE I TOLD YOU ALREADY YEAH, you'll have to go back; or it'll never stop - not till he's dead, yeah."

What was with that look? It was suspicious as hell.

"So, you want us to return to the enemy," said Kakashi, "The enemy, who will by now have a trap laying in wait for us. That's a little convenient - don't you think?" In a flash he pulled him forward, brought out his kunai and had it pressed firmly against Deidara's throat to make sure he understood that he was serious. "What other options are there?"

Deidara's eyes widened - he had not been on the receiving end of aggression from them in a while - it had to be a shock. "Hm! What's the knife for?! I told you the only way already, yeah! Even though I don't need to tell you fucking anything...that was free, un!"

"We will have to do it," said Gai. He was right, of course. They had to act on any information they could get right now...

Kakashi was determined not to have any causalities. "We'll start looking for them,"

"They'll be where you left them, hm," said Deidara, "He draws a circle..."

Deidara would only be this helpful if he were up to something, but they had no choice.

"It would be better not to return with him," said Neji, "Someone should stay back..."

"No, we will stick together", Kakashi told him.

They might need to trade him, for Lee's sake.

To be continued...THIS year...not in 8 years...seriously


I wont push the kakadei so hard this time, I like it, but it felt forced that way. It'll still be there but very very light and non-explicit which is more natural I think

Significant changes from the original, I think this makes more sense. I would love feedback please

This chapter was kind of hard to write, I wrote 5 first and this is mostly transitional to that