Hello everyone, here I am, bringing you an absolute wonderful story from a wonderful account (Iconic Star Child). They have asked me to write a new story and I humbly agreed. The whole plot was their idea, and I have to say it was amazing. They also wrote the ideas for the chapter, but it was like in general, more broad ideas, so that I could get the idea. And you know me, I add some stuff. Some depth and more detail. So anyways. Enjoy!

On a Broken Wing

3rd Pov:

Pony ran and ran as fast as he could, his face was throbbing dully. He couldn't, no, he didn't want to believe what had just happened. His chest was hurting and his legs were aching, getting more tired by the second, but he had to find Johnny. Johnny will understand, he thought frantically. He didn't even know what to think anymore, his mind was jumbled with thoughts that weren't really true. I knew it. Darry doesn't want me. He only loves Soda! He wants to put me in a boy's home. I shoulda known!

For one second, as Pony ran by some trees and looked up at the starry night, he forgot what he was running for. The cold wind that rushed past him calmed him down a little. He started to slow down and took a good look up at the sky, and thought that it was really pretty how the stars were shining bright.

But, only then when he closed his eyes, it hit him like a speeding bullet. The actual realization of what Darry had done. The actual realization of what it could have meant.

Oh, god. Darry hit me. He hit me! He kept thinking. He tried to push the thought down, but it was killing him. Why? Why?

Pony's sore and hurting face was a constant reminder of what Darry had done, and no matter what tried to do to forget it, he couldn't. Anger and sadness were eating away at him.

I wonder if'll I'll get a big bruise now, he thought sadly. I bet when Darry sees it, he's going to be sad he ever hit me . . . And then his eyes were suddenly clouded by tears from what he kept thinking. He was dreading the tomorrow, and the reality of what Darry might do, or even what Ponyboy was going to do, to get back at Darry.

The tears that were threatening to spill onto his face, were getting heavier by the second. But he didn't want to let them go. Not just yet. He wanted to talk about it with his best friend. Someone he thought would understand.

And when Ponyboy saw Johnny laying down the ground in the lot, he ran faster. He just wanted to talk to Johnny, to tell him what happened.

Johnny, who had just dozed off jumped up about three feet in the air when Pony had just collapsed on top of him gasping for breath. Pony sucked in big breaths and tried to explain what happened, but when Pony was unable to, Johnny grew confused. Johnny knew Pony wanted to say something, so he stayed quiet so he could be able to hear what Pony wanted to say.

Pony on the other hand, was conflicted. He didn't know what to say. Johnny has gone through worse that me, he might think that I'm overreacting . . . Shoot, I think I actually deserved it, he thought miserably. His hands were slightly shaking and he kept furrowing his eyebrows. Tears were clouding his vision again, and he forcefully swallowed the lump in his throat down. He couldn't cry. I have no right to. I deserved it. What happened to me was nothing compared to what happened to Johnny . . .

Johnny stared at Pony in the dark. And since Johnny couldn't see much, he didn't know that Pony was close to tears, but he knew that he was upset about something. So, Johnny being most understanding and wonderful friend anyone could ever have, spoke.

"What happened Pony?" He asked now, fully awake and fully aware that Pony was very upset since he had heard him sniffle loudly. "What happened?"

And as soon as Johnny spoke those words, Pony took a deep breath and opened his mouth to explain. Only, there were no words that came out of this mouth, instead, there was a strangled cry that Pony had so hoped wouldn't escape. But as soon as it was out, he broke down. He began to cry and it wasn't small crying, where no one made a sound. It was loud wailing and it shook his small body, and Johnny grew scared. He didn't know what had happened, and he knew Pony didn't really cry over anything. Yet there he was bawling his eyes out over something.

Johnny felt this nervous feeling creeping up his stomach. What happened to him? he asked himself as he took a good look a Pony.

They stayed silent, except for Pony's cries, but after he finally calmed down enough to talk, he uttered some words that he was never able to take back and would some day learn not to regret.

"Hey, Johnny lets run away." [A/N: I know, it's not the exact words from the book, but idc]

Johnny didn't ask any questions, and with that, both of them stood up and ran several blocks before both of them stopped. Pony who was out of breath, gasping, and still crying at the same time, sat down on the curb and buried his head in his knees. Johnny sat down next to him, and finally got the courage to talk, "It's going to be okay Pony, easy . . ."

Pony took in a deep intake of air and let out a quivering breath, "Gotta cigarette?" He asked quietly and Johnny took no time to hand him one. He even lit it up for him, and Pony felt a better knowing that at least his friend cared.

They kept quiet for a few seconds before Pony suddenly spoke. "I'm scared," he said out of the blue.

Johnny was a little surprised at what his friend had said, his serious face didn't falter though, he didn't want Pony to know that he was feeling conflicted himself. He was worried about his friend. He didn't seem happy for the past few days, and Johnny wanted to know what was occurring in his life.

And at that moment Johnny got the courage to ask him what happened. "Well, don't be. You're scarin' me. What happened? I never seen you bawl like that."

Pony debated on what he should say. After all, he did think he overreacted a little bit, but it still hurt him what Darry had done to him. The physical pain was subsiding, but his emotions were out of whack. He felt like Darry didn't care about him before, and now, everything had just gotten worse.

He closed his eyes. "I don't very often. It was Darry. H-he hit me. I just don't know what happened, but I couldn't take him hollering at me and hitting me too. I don't know... sometimes we get along okay, then all of a sudden he blows up on me or else is naggin' at me all the time. He didn't use to be like that... we used to get along okay... before Mom and Dad died. Now he just can't stand me."

Johnny nodded to try to reassure him that he understood, but Pony just felt dumb once his words were out of his mouth. Johnny felt sympathy for his friend, he really did, but Pony didn't seem to register this.

"I think I like it better when the old man's hittin' me." Johnny began and sighed deeply. "At least then I know he knows who I am. I walk in that house, and nobody says anything. I walk out, and nobody says anything. I stay away all night, and nobody notices. At least you got Soda. I ain't got nobody."

Ponyboy felt even worse now, when he heard what Johnny had said. He even felt bad. No scratch that, he felt horrible. Pony had been right. I was overreacting . . . He thought solemnly.

"Shoot," he said out loud, feeling down in the dumps. "You got the whole gang. Gee Johnny, Dally didn't slug you tonight 'cause you're the pet. I mean, golly, you got the whole gang."

Johnny smiled sincerely at his friend's attempt to make him feel better. He looked down and then looked back up at the sky, surveying all the constellation he didn't know the names of. "It ain't the same as having your own folks care about you," Johnny said simply. "It just ain't the same."

After that, Pony began to feel guilty that he was dumping all of his problems on his best friend. Johnny had is worse at home and he didn't go on crying and complaining all the time. What a good friend I am, Pony thought sadly.

Just as that, his anger he had once had, had faded. He had begun to feel very sleepy, after all he hadn't gotten a good night's rest and had woken up several times.

At the same time he kept doubting himself, thinking if it was such a good idea to run away. He just wanted to be at home and get in bed with his other brother Soda.

He took another deep breath in and wipes his eyes with his sleeve. He had stopped crying for the time being and decided that the only way he was going to fully calm down, was to take a little stroll. "Let's walk to the park and back. Then maybe I'll be cooled off enough to go home."

Johnny didn't object, "Okay," he said easily. "Okay."

Both of them stood up, brushed themselves and headed to the park.

Things gotta get better, he thought. They can't get worse.

But boy, he was dead wrong.

THE PARK that the boys were headed to, was about two blocks square. It had a fountain in the middle and a small swimming pool for the little kids.

Pony was regretting the fact that he hadn't gotten any source of warmth from a jacket or something. He rubbed his arms and tried to imagine himself at the beach where it was warm. Instead, Pony felt even colder as he snapped back to reality.

Johnny buttoned his jeans jacket and flipped up the collar, and took a good look at Pony. "Ain't you about to freeze to death, Pony?"

"You ain't a'woofin'," Pony replied and hugged himself as he took long drags on his cigarette.

He began to say something when all of a sudden, both of them were startled by a loud car horn. They both jumped high off the ground and looked at each other, fear clearly etched on their faces.

Both of them froze when they spotted a blue Mustang was circling the park silently

The car was pulling slowly down the vacant street and Pony thought that it was getting creepier on the Eastside. He gulped and looked a Johnny again. Looks like a horror movie where Freddie Kruger would come and kill someone . . . he thought.

Johnny was more nervous than he had ever felt before. Pony was too, but Johnny on the other hand was going to act nonchalantly. He swore not so nice words under his breath, and Pony muttered, "What do they want? This is our territory. What are Socs doing this far east?"

Johnny shook his head. He was sick with worry, for him and for Pony. Then all of a sudden, he remembered why the Socs would have liked to get them back. "I don't know. But I bet they're looking for us. We picked up their girls."

"Oh, glory," Pony said with a small groan, "This is all I need to top off a perfect night."

He shakily took one last drag of his cigarette and dropped it down onto the ground, stomping it under the stub of his heel. He now regretted ever going to the park. Anxiety was starting to fill his stomach and started to climb up to his throat. He tried desperately to calm himself down.

"Want to run for it?" Pony asked looking around for somewhere they could run off to. Johnny thought it was a good idea, until he saw that the car doors had opened.

"It's too late now," Johnny whispered and took a step back. "Here they come."

Five Socs were coming straight towards them, and when Pony and Johnny noticed that they were staggering, Pony grew more scared. Johnny stiffened beside him. He knew a cool deadly bluff could sometimes shake them off, but not if they outnumbered you five to two and were drunk.

Both of them knew the reality of this situation, and both knew something bad was going to happen.

Johnny looked around frantically as tried to think of something. His eyes widened when he thankfully remembered that he had his blade at hand, and his fingers went to his back pocket.

Pony who caught him moving his arm, recalled that Johnny had his switchblade with him, and was desperately wishing that he had a weapon, or maybe even the broken bottle from back at where they had watch the movie. Oh, if only . . .

Johnny was scared to death and Pony saw this. He noticed that Johnny was as white as a ghost and his eyes were wild-looking, like the eyes of an animal in a trap. They had both backed against the fountain and as they saw the Socs surrounded them.

Pony almost gagged loudly at how bad and strong they smelled. Whiskey and English Leather were choking off all the fresh air that might've calmed down the boys. Pony closed his eyes and wished silently. I wish that Darry and Soda were here. He knew that the four of them could handle the Socs easily.

But unfortunately no one was around to help them, and Ponyboy knew that Johnny and him were going to have to fight it out alone. He noticed that Johnny had a blank, tough look on his face, but Pony knew that he was scared. And only when he looked close enough, he was able to see the panic in his eyes.

Pony stared at the Socs coolly, thinking that since they were drunk and they couldn't scare them to death, at least they didn't want it showing.

Pony and Johnny realized that the Socs were made up of Randy and Bob and three other Socs, and they recognized them.

Johnny noticed that when they got closer, one of them was wearing rings. He felt himself choke up. He- he was the one. He thought, anger and fright rising in his head. He watched the moonlight glint off Bob's rings with his eyes.

"Hey, whatta ya know?" Bob said and staggered forward, "here's the little greasers that picked up our girls. Hey, greasers."

Johnny took this chance to say something. He lowered his voice so it sounded menacing. "You're outta your territory. You'd better watch it."

Pony was observing Johnny and he slouched, to make it seem that they weren't worried at all.

Randy looked at them and laughed at what he thought wasn't a threat. He swore at them and they stepped closer.

Bob was eyeing Johnny, who was trying his best not to tremble. "Nup, pal, yer the ones who'd better watch it. Next time you want a broad, pick up yer own kind- dirt."

Pony felt himself getting mad. Johnny felt the same but wasn't about to let his guard down with a group of Socs. He ignored it and stayed silent. These words didn't falter him, because he had heard even worse out of the mouths of his parents.

Then Bob smiled evilly. "You know what a greaser is?" he asked and looked around. "White trash with long hair." He finished, and spat out the last words. He turned around to face his friends. They snickered.

Pony and Johnny stayed silent, trying to comprehend the insult that had hit them hard.

This time, Johnny indeed reacted and let out a small gasp. However on the inside he was fuming. They have no right to call us that! They're the trash, jumping greaser kids to old people . . .

Johnny stayed silent, but you could probably tell that he was ready to beat anyone who stood in his way. If only, he had the power to.

Pony felt weird when he heard those words. Of course he he heard other things, 100 times worse than what Bob had said, yet it made him angry.

"You know what a Soc is?" Pony yelled, his voice was shaking with rage. "White trash with Mustangs and madras."

Poor Pony, and because he didn't have anything else insulting to say, he spat at them, and the drunken Soc's rationality snapped.

Bob shook his head, smiling slowly. "You could use a bath, greaser. And a good working over. And we've got all night to do it. Give the kid a bath, David."

That's when all Hell broke loose.

David, the other Soc ran towards Pony and caught him in a deadly tight grip. He shoved him into the fountain, Pony's arm was twisted behind him, and David grabbed Pony by the back on his neck and kept him in that position. "How do you like your bath, Greaser!?" He screamed and the others laughed. They began to heads towards Johnny, who was wide eyed. Johnny's words that were going to be directed to Pony, were caught in his throat as he saw Pony grabbed, repeatedly dunked into the fountain. Oh god, Johnny thought, his heart beating fast. His legs turning into Jello. They're going to kill us. He gulped.

Pony, had tried to make a run for it of course, but he too, was caught off guard. He didn't actually think someone would try to kill a kid, much less him. Even though Pony was smaller compared to the Socs, he fought. And he fought hard, with all his might as he tried to escape.

"Like it down there, you're going to stay down there for a long time!" David laughed and pushed Ponyboy farther down into the fountain, yet to bring him back up again, gasping for breath before he was dunked back in.

Johnny was chased down and tackled by the others, not far from where Pony was struggling. And as they threw him on the ground he vowed to get revenge on them and that he would give them the satisfaction that they were really hurting him. The socs kicked hard, everywhere on his body and it wasn't just a few times. It was everywhere, and then when a sudden kick landed into his rib, he yelped out loud, unable to control the pain. The Socs laughed and continued to beat him.

Oh my, it was such a sad sight to see.

Somewhere close by, there was a small looking girl with her short blond hair tied up in a ponytail with a small curl that came down. And every time she walked, it would bounce up. She was wearing a short red mini skirt and a long sleeved white top. And to anyone,she looked like a Soc. But then again, what was a Soc, doing in greaser territory way past the middle of the night? And where was she going?

Well, only reason she was outside, was because she was trying to look for her brother. Bob Sheldon. The girl was scared, being all by herself at night in the park, but she didn't want to go back home. Now without her brother at least. She growled silently as another small rush of wind hit her bare legs. God damn it Bob, where did you run off to with your friends? She thought angrily. If dad wasn't home, I wouldn't have to be looking for your lazy butt . . .

And as she unknowingly made her way closer to where all the commotion was occurring, she heard loud grunts. Then she let out a breath and thought she had found her brother and his friends. They must be playing tag or something, she thought with relief.

But as she got closer she was met by a horrifying sight.

There in the middle of the park, was her brother, and his friends, beating some boy. She gasped and took a step back as she looked around. Her eye caught another figure bent over the fountain, and as she squinted to try to see what was happening, she saw that is was David. One of her brother's friends, holding a boy and ducking him under the water.

Her eyes widened and she felt her heart start to beat faster. She was clamming up as she saw one of the older boys hit the other young boy straight in the ribs. She shrunk back when she heard the impact, and small yelp. She felt bad, but then again, she knew that her brother must have been drunk. Bob, wouldn't be this reckless and do this if he wasn't drunk. She thought and closed her eyes. Right?

But she knew deep down in her heart that no one deserved to be treated like that. She had to stop it. She didn't want others to feel what she had been feeling for so long. Pain.

And it didn't matter if she didn't know the boys, she took a deep breath and walked towards them.

She noticed that the younger tanned boy had stopped moving, and after one of the older guys gave him one last kick to the leg, they all went off to the other boy who was struggling. She raced to the boy in the fountain because he was still conscious, and he still had the risk of dying. Please, don't let me be too late, she pleaded.

Then all of a sudden the tanned boy came out of nowhere, holding a switchblade. And he was headed to Bob, who was holding the boy down. No, she gasped quietly. No, I have to stop Bob, before the kid-!

She ran ahead of the limping and gasping boy and swiftly snuck up and grabbed Bob's arms then shoved him to the ground, his friends jumped back.

Bob, spun around in a rage and was about to punch the perpetrator when he recognized the face. "The hell? ALI!?" he hissed at let go of the auburn haired boy. The tanned younger guy ran to him and threw him onto the grass. They're safe now, she thought and turned to give her brother a cold look. Johnny watched, stunned at what was happening. He shook Ponyboy and started to drag him away from the other Socs. They saw what was happening and she stood in front of them.

Johnny watched from afar, and was amazed that this was happening.

"You're a monster!" she yelled at her brother who took a step back and eyed his friends. They were sizing her up but she didn't back down. Ah, she was a tough one alright.

Bob sighed and told his friends to back off. He took a step forwards and bent down to her level. "Come on this is a Greaser we're talking about! They're basically worthless!"

Once those words were out of this mouth Bob regretted them . He knew his sister didn't' care, and even though he was drunk he knew his sister could still pack a punch. She didn't care about the social status' around here. If someone needed help, she went for it. The girl stared at her brother and her face turned red from anger.

"Right now, you're horrible!" she hissed and poked her finger at his nose. He rolled his eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do!" he slurred and stomped his foot like a baby.

Well, that's what alcohol can do to you, she thought sadly, too familiar with this scene.

Johnny was slapping Pony in the face, and then he started to pump his chest when he didn't react. Come on Pone, you can't do this to me! He thought in a panic. You can't do this to the gang. Your brothers!
Pony suddenly sat up and spewed water out of his mouth. He blinked, looked around and was surprised. He began to cough and vomit water until he got enough strength to sit back up again. Thank god! Johnny said and put his switch blade away, He let out a small groan when he stretched out too much, forgetting that he had just been beaten up. I bet my ribs are broken, he thought.

Pony was confused and I mean really confused. He was mumbling and looking around. "What happened?" he whispered and looked at Johnny. He turned around and saw the Socs, he immediately lowered his voice until you could barely hear it. "What?"

Then both the girl and Bob, erupted into loud arguing and the the Socs eyed them uneasily. They smiled crookedly and wobbled back to their car when Bob shooed them away, and even though the boys couldn't understand what was being said, they understood it was getting heated. The girl was pushing Bob, and he was shoving her. It was getting ugly. Their voices were raising.

"What's going on?" Pony whispered through chattering teeth, His heart was beating fast, adrenaline running through his body after what he had been through.

"I don't know." he whispered back. "She came outta nowhere." He looked at Pony and started to shake. "You know, I was going to kill him." -Pony snapped back at stared at Johnny - "He was holding you down, and he wasn't going to move. I- I was going to kill him." He choked out the last words and stopped talking.

"Then the girl went up to him and grabbed him, and dropped you."

Pony was about to open his mouth to say something when Johnny cut him off. "I thought, I thought you were dead Pony," Johnny said, his big eyes wide and scared looking. I can't believe, I was going to kill that boy, Johnny thought as he stared past Pony who was giving him an incredulous look towards the couple.

"Is that his girlfriend?" Pony asked.

"No, I don't think it is at least. Remember what he said? He was going to give us a lesson for picking up his girls. Cherry was, no is, his girlfriend," he looked at the boy and girl. "Well, I hope she still is."

Pony was shaking, and when I say shaking, I mean shaking. The cold wind was making it colder for him, and Johnny saw that, So he painfully and slowly removed his jacket and draped it across Ponyboy.

Then the voices stopped all of a sudden and then both of them looked back, Bob had disappeared and the girl was just standing there. She sighed and turned to the boys.

Here I go, she thought and closed her eyes. I hope Bob, forgives me. I know I did the right thing. Well, I hope I did . . .

The boys stared at her as she made her way to them,

"Is she, is she coming towards us?" Pony asked bewildered.

"I don't know, I think she is," Johnny whispered and rubbed his sore leg.

"Hey, are you kids okay...?" the girl asked, as she ran to them. Both of the boys watched her in wonder.

- That's one tuff blonde, for her to stand up to Bob that way . . . Pony thought.

- Wow, I didn't think we'd get out alive if it wasn't for her, Johnny thought.

"Thank you for helping us," Johnny quietly said and the girl nodded. She looked flustered.

"I'm glad I could help you two boys out, Man, I don't know what would have happened if I didn't get there in time, I don't even want to imagine it . . . "

No words were exchanged after she said that, because what she said had been true. The girl stood up and brushed herself off and was about to excuse herself and wish them luck, and leave, when Pony said something.

"What's your name?" Pony asked between breaths, his teeth softly chattering as he hugged himself.

The tanned boy looked at her and she felt her stomach twist up. Weird, she thought. Maybe I'm sick . . .

The girl stared at both of the boys and wondered if she should say her name. She shrugged off the feeling that something bad was going to happen, because she assumed these boys were harmless, and they were.

She sat down by them and smiled.

"My name is Ali. Ali Sheldon."

OOPs, I'm sorry was that too rushed? Well, anyways, excuse any spelling mistakes (sorry)

And I hoped you enjoyed the story. If you want me to add anything feel free to PM me or review! Until next time BYe!