Breakfast passed without much in the way of conversation. Hermione got the distinct impression that Severus did not know his children particularly well, there was little in the way of exchanged glances and nothing resembling affection at all. She brushed the thought from her mind however and saw to it that Inna was able to eat her toast without choking on it. The rest of the time, she ate herself, knowing she would need it to see the rest of the day through.

When Severus had finished, he set the paper he had been hiding behind down and looked at them all. He got to his feet and coughed. Sophie, Flora and Dominic instantly finished what they were doing and rose too. Hermione raised a questioning look up to him. "It is half past eight Ms Granger, they need to get to school," he said. She nodded, realising that it was a Monday. It looked as though instead of staying at weekends, the older children commuted to Hogwarts, whether that was on a daily basis, she didn't know. She would ask him about it later.

"Charrisa and Davon attend a school down the road, it will not take you five minutes to walk them there," he said. "With that, he apparated the other children away, leaving her along with the others. So, her job was not to be an educator as well as a ward, that was fine by her, it would leave Inna for most of the day and that was something she was sure she could deal with.

"Come on," she said, glad she had dressed them all already, "Shoes on, we need to get going," she added.

There was no argument from the children and they followed her order without question. Moments later, they were at the front door ready to walk to the school.

Severus was right, the building was only five minutes away. She dropped them off with no trouble at all. They both asked if they could walk home together on their own, insisting that this was something they were allowed to do. She gave an indulgent nod at them before turning and walking back to the house with Inna in tow. The little thing had done very well to walk on her own in both directions and she could only smile when she announced how proud she was of that too. "Maybe you can tell Daddy when you get home?" Hermione suggested.

Inna nodded enthusiastically at that, it appeared that the little thing doted on her father. Her wide smile and bright black eyes seemed to light up at the idea. "Not Mummy though," she said.

Hermione wondered about that but kept her observations to herself, "I'll not tell her," she said with a conspiratorial wink. She grinned at the gesture and they both walked casually back to the house. When they returned, Severus was waiting for them both. His arms were folded over his chest and he looked every bit as stern as he had in the classroom. It did not bother his little girl however and she ran up to her father.

"Daddy!" she called. Severus bent down to pick her up and he sat her on his hip. It seemed so at odds to the way he had been with the children during the meals.

"What is it Princess?" he asked. The smile on his lips transformed his face and he looked far younger than he had before, the harsh lines faded away from his eyes and forehead.

"I walked all the way to the school and all the way back again!" she said. The smile on her face was infectious and Hermione was drawn in by it. She knew she should retreat and leave them to have their moment but she could not bring himself to do so.

"All the way?" he asked. The little girl nodded, "You are getting big," he commented. She threw her arms around him and he pressed his lips to her forehead before setting her back on the ground again. "Go with Hermione," he said when she pouted, "Daddy had to go to work," he explained.

"Can we come with you?" she asked. Severus shook his head.

"It's too dangerous in the lab, you know that." Her pout deepened, "Maybe you can come and visit later on," he said, "So long as Miss Granger doesn't mind." She shook her head.

"We'd be delighted, maybe we can bring lunch?"

"We can have a picnic!" Inna cheered, her face suddenly much brighter than it had been before. Hermione smiled at her indulgently and she caught Severus' nod.

"I can agree to that, why don't we say half past twelve?" he suggested. Inna nodded.

"Don't be late, meet us on the lawn," Inna said.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He bent down then and ruffled her hair. He turned and left them there then, heading off to his lab to perform whatever work he had to do. Hermione turned to Inna and smiled.

"What shall we do this morning?" she asked. Inna pressed a thoughtful finger to the side of her face and tapped it, as though this was a most important question.

"I can show you the house!" she said.

"I would like that very much, I bet you know all the interesting places," she agreed. Inna took her hand then and gently tugged it.

"I do," she agreed. "We'll start upstairs, we can end in the kitchen and then get the picnic ready," she said. Hermione nodded again, more than a little taken in by the tiny black haired girl who had looked so sombre the night before. They spent the rest of the morning searching through the large house that the girl called home. By the time they were done, it was quarter to twelve, it would give them enough time to make the picnic so they wouldn't be late for their lunch meeting. Hermione had found herself smiling throughout the morning, thoroughly enjoying the company of the little girl. She also found she was looking forward to meeting with her father once more, if only to see how much he doted on her.