Brian's was busy, as it usually was at 6 in the evening. The restaurant's employees were trying to keep up with the diners' requests. The chefs were hurriedly cooking dishes that would go on the buffet and regular menu, the woman running the cash register and taking orders dealt with a long line of customers, and the waiters and waitresses rushed around, filling drinks and taking dirty plates off tables.

Cat hurried through her section, taking care not to bump into any diners or other waiters or waitresses. She filled a few drinks at the soda machine for a table of five and put the glasses on a tray. She stopped immediately when she turned around to go back to the table. A white beagle wearing a red bowtie and glasses with round, black frames was walking to a table by a window. Cat only stopped for a second before resuming her duties, but as soon as she set the drinks for the group of five down on their table, she briskly walked to the spot where the canine sat. She smiled at him and said, "Good evening, sir. What can I get you to drink?"

The beagle looked up at her, and their eyes met. He smiled, politely, in return and replied, "Water, please."

"I'll get that for you right away, sir."

Cat walked back to the soda machine and filled a glass with ice water. As she turned to go back to the canine's table, another waitress holding a tray of dirty plates bumped into her. Both the plates and the glass were knocked out of their hands. Before any of them could fall on the floor, Cat held out her hand, and the tray and the plates stacked neatly on it. At the same time, she grabbed the glass of water with her other hand. Then, she stood up straight. Nothing had fallen on the floor or had been broken or spilled.

The waitress looked at Cat in amazement. "Wow. That was incredible!"

Cat handed the tray to her and said, "Quick reflexes."

Relieved, the other woman apologized, thanked her, and walked away. Cat went back to the canine's spot and set the glass of water down in front of him. "Thank you. You have an extraordinary response time," he stated.

Cat was so amazed that he had seen that she stammered, "I've been a waitress for awhile. You have to be prepared for anything." Then, she stopped. She was acting like a fool but rapidly gained her composure, determined to be as formal as possible.

The canine nodded, thoughtfully. The waitress asked, "Is your water okay?"

"Yes, thank you." Then, he ordered a light dinner and gave his menu to her.

"Do you need anything else while you wait for your food? Do you need more napkins? Perhaps a refill?" Cat's voice was quick and slightly shaky.

"No. I am quite alright."

Cat told the canine that his order would come shortly, then went to tend to the other diners in her section. Soon, she got the beagle's food and set it in front of him. "Enjoy your meal, sir," she told him, and he began eating after he thanked her.

The young woman focused on her work, making sure that all of the people in her section were taken care of. She put a bit extra effort into serving the canine well, though, determined to make his dining experience what he would get at other restaurants he most likely was used to going to.

His name was Mr. Peabody. Cat knew a few things about him, such as he was a scientist, athlete, politician, and an array of so many more things. She mostly knew that he was wealthy, so she was confused why he would dine there. It wasn't a fine dining restaurant, though also not a low-class one. Surely, he'd want to be somewhere that would fit his status. She never asked him about this, however; it would be rude, and she never had the time to speak to him.

Later, when Cat checked on Mr. Peabody again, she gave him a refill without him even asking, and she saw to him often, even though he really didn't need anything. The final time she checked on him, he was finished with his meal. "Please let the chef know that the food was perfect," he told her.

"I will do that. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal, sir."

"I also am grateful for your wonderful service," he said, laying money on the table.

Cat wasn't used to being thanked. Really, being a waitress was a thankless job, one that sometimes involved dealing with picky and angry diners. The ones that enjoyed their meal would only say they enjoyed the food and service when they were asked. Even when a diner found their meal to their liking, sometimes the tip would be a pitiful amount. Mr. Peabody was one of the few who thanked the workers and tipped well.

As Mr. Peabody got up, Cat took the dishes he had used and saw the tip he gave her, which was a rather large amount. She took the money and set the dirty dishes where they would be washed. Then, she went back to her section again, filling and refilling drinks, getting silverware, and cleaning empty tables. She did every task rather quickly.

All of a sudden, Cat heard someone yell in pain, and she immediately stopped what she was doing and looked toward the sound. Mr. Peabody had a paw on his side, and a man was angrily beside him. "Watch where you're going!" the man yelled.

"I apologize," the canine said, painfully, trying with difficulty to speak.

"What is a dog doing in a restaurant, anyway?! You'll get your fur and germs everywhere!"

All of the other diners and the employees looked at the two males, distracted by the scene. A hush fell over the restaurant. Cat immediately glared, her eyes burning with rage, and before anyone could say anything, she ran to the man and forcefully grabbed him by the collar. She picked him up and rushed toward the front door. Barging through it, the young woman threw the man outside. He landed, face first, on the ground. Cat screamed, "DON'T YOU EVER COME NEAR MR. PEABODY OR THIS RESTAURANT AGAIN, YOU CRUEL, BIGOTED ASSHOLE!"

Everyone was stunned at what was happening. The manager on duty ran to Cat and surveyed the scene. Outside, the man slowly got up. His face was bloody, and he yelled, "You psycho! I'm going to sue you and this restaurant for every penny you have! I'll see you both in court!"

The startled manager rapidly attempted to calm him down while Cat stood, still seething with rage. A voice calmly interrupted them. "I can easily countersue for assault and battery."

Cat and the manager turned around and saw Mr. Peabody standing behind them, and he walked to their side, looking at the man who had hurt him. "I'm sure it is in everyone's best interests that this doesn't go to court. It would be more trouble than it's worth, since you were the one who instigated this, sir."

"The bitch threw me!"

"I'm terribly sorry that this happened to both of you. I will do my best to remedy the situation," stated the manager, trying to diffuse the situation.

"I'm calling the police!"

As the man got his cell phone out, Mr. Peabody started writing in a checkbook. Before the man could call the police, Mr. Peabody tore out the check and gave it to him. The man's eyes widened when he looked at it, and he put his phone away. "I'm sure we don't need to discuss any of this further," the canine said.

"No. This will do." The man took the check and got into his vehicle. The others watched as he drove away.

Calming down, the manager said, "Cat, I'm going to have to let you go. What you did was intolerable, though a bit noble."

"I did it to protect someone," she stated, unapologetically.

"Still, the restaurant cannot risk its reputation by having violent employees. Please get your things and leave."

Mr. Peabody spoke up. "Surely, there is another way. You said yourself that what she did was noble. I don't want this woman to lose her job over something that happened to me."

The manager turned to him. "I'm sorry, but her actions put the whole restaurant at risk."

Cat interrupted, firmly. "I won't apologize for standing up for someone. Give me just a minute."

The young woman went inside, then again went outside a few minutes later. Mr. Peabody was speaking to the manager. When the manager saw Cat, he said, "Cat, you are banned from the premises. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

Looking the manager straight in the eye, Cat replied, before Mr. Peabody could protest, "I understand. Still, you won't get an apology from me."

The manager went back inside.

Mr. Peabody was going to follow him, but when he saw Cat leaving, he turned to her. "Just a moment," he said to her, quickly.

Cat stopped, still worked up. "I will only apologize to you for any embarrassment I caused you. Maybe what I did wasn't the right thing, but I don't regret it. I can't stand bullying."

Mr. Peabody nodded. "I understand why you did it, and I thank you for defending me. I don't approve of violence, but I am impressed by your sense of justice. I will do everything I can to get you your job back."

"Thank you, but I don't want to go back there even if I could. Maybe this is an opportunity to change my life."

She walked away from the premises. With each step, she realized more and more what consequences her actions would probably have. She would probably be blacklisted from other businesses, so she wouldn't be able to pay for her college classes anymore. She would lose her home, and all because of her temper.

Cat wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on around her until she saw Mr. Peabody walking beside her. "Please allow me to make this right. It would be unfair to you if I didn't remedy your situation. How would you like to work for one of my companies?"

The young woman stopped. "Thank you for the offer, but that would be detrimental to you."

"Nonsense. A loyal employee would not be detrimental to me at all. At least consider it." With that, Mr. Peabody handed her a business card. "This is the number for one of my companies nearby. Please call if you change your mind."

Cat nodded and thanked him, and they parted ways. She walked home since it wasn't too far away, constantly thinking about what had happened that evening.