


This will be my first fic based around a movie and feedback will be greatly appreciated. I'm also currently running 3 other fic's so updates and new chapters may be slow. This is set in an AU so some things will be different (Such as Russia being friendlier in the Timeline and America more aggressive). I hope you enjoy.


March 2019 – Britain officially leaves the EU

May 2019 – ISIS is officially eliminated after their final base got hit by the familiar 'BRRRRRRRRRRRT' of an American A-10

August 2019 North Korea manages to nuke itself as one of its new bombs blew up just after launch, killing and wounding hundreds of people

August 2019 – America grows warier of North Korea while South Korea prepares for a possible nuclear attack

July 2020 – Countries around the world suffer from a severe lack of fuel

September 2020 – Russia, China and many other countries stop exporting oil, using it only for themselves as China places strict rules on the usage of vehicles, practically clearing their streets and massively lowering their fuel consumption rates.

November 2020 – America can no longer keep up with its local demand, and strict laws regarding fuel consumption are put in place by the American Government as Riots break out in France as it fails to keep up with the demand for fuel, the same thing happening in multiple places around the world

December 2020 North Korea invades China in a desperate attempt to get more fuel

January 2021 China, having pushed the North Korean army back with relative ease, is Nuked by North Korea, and China nukes North Korea in retaliation

February 2021 – North Korea is Annexed by China as America goes into a state of martial law, the fuel crisis halting mass transit and causing panic.

March 2021 – With the ever-growing concern of nuclear war, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Belarus and Russia decide to work together in building large bunkers under their Capital Cities to ensure their citizens safety

April 2021 – Greece enters a state of Anarchy as Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Belarus and Russia form an alliance and sign a Defensive Pact as construction begins immediately. All the countries above begin to put new laws in place regarding the consumption of Fuel as Russia sends Fuel to its allies

May 2021 America becomes more and more desperate for fuel as thousands of people begin to take action, with other countries barely managing to keep themselves running

November 2021 – America runs out of fuel to mine entirely as its newly elected president takes immediate action by invading Mexico for their fuel

December 2021 – NATO is disbanded as Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Belarus and Russia form the 'Reinforcement Treaty' – A treaty to expand on the original defensive pact and alliance, forging a strong bond between all the nations

June 2022 With Mexico annexed, America has enough oil being supplied to keep basic services and food supplies moving, although the Members of the Reinforcement Treaty have denounced America for their wrong-doings.

July 2022 – The members of the Reinforcement treaty cut all ties concerning alliances and fuel to America

September 2022 – China runs out of fuel to mine and immediately enters an economic crisis, employing relatively the same laws the Reinforcement Treaty members have regarding Fuel.

October 2022 – Saudi Arabia is invited to the Treaty and the Treaty forms into the 'RC' – Reinforcement Coalition and its own Bunker begins construction

December 2022 – America uses up all its oil again and sets its thirsty eyes on Brazil and its vast ethanol production used to fuel its diesel-powered vehicles

July 2023 America invades and annexes Columbia to gain a direct line of sight on Brazil. Meanwhile, Canada and Denmark join the RC and with the RC's help, the 2 new members begin construction of their own bunkers

September 2023 – America invades Brazil to keep up with its Fuel demand and keep its population somewhat happy while German scientists manage to make 'Maintenance drones' that can run on either Diesel or Solar power.

October 2023 – A rebel group is formed in America to install a new government and stop the American war machine – Said group has gained full backing from the RC as supplies and weaponry are sent to them secretly

December 2023 – Brazil is Annexed as the Rebel group grows dramatically, with thousands joining each month, carefully orchestrated attacks weakening the American war machine slightly

October 2024 – A new weapon designed for RC usage has been made – the RCR-1 – firing 6.5mm rounds and looking somewhat like a FAMAS, it has a high rate of fire and a decent stopping power, its accuracy being half decent, with its only real flaw being the fact that it's extremely prone to overheating.

December 2024 – Saudi Arabia is attacked by its surrounding countries as they desperately attempt to get to its oil supplies – The new RCR-1 sees its first glimpse of action here and underperforms, and thus the RC-2 was made, trading Fire-rate for improved accuracy and a water-cooled barrel

June 2025 – Saudi Arabia is reinforced by RC troops sent over by Plane and boat to be stationed there – America sets its greedy sights on Canada as Brazilian, Mexican and Columbian workers go on strike and begin to riot.

August 2025 – China runs out of oil while America prepares what troops it has, the new Rebel group still striking the military bases

November 2025 – Rebels begin attaching heavy weapons onto electric cars while Russia introduces a heavily modified KV-2 with less fuel consumption rates and a modified gun into their arsenal

March 2026 – Germany finishes its bunker designed for 100 thousand people and America invades Canada. China also runs out of Fuel and Japan is starving while Russia manages to make the world's first AI, which is then used in Maintenance drones to improve them

July 2026 – The famous American A-10 'BRRT' machine is decommissioned as the RC declares war on America, sending troops to Canada quickly where the new KV2 sees its first bit of action, its modified gun tearing through the American tanks armor with ease

August 2026 – Australia joins the RC and begins making its bunker and China assists America against Canada for a share of the Canadian oil fields as an RC standard issue handgun is made – the RCH-2026 with a 18 round 5.7mm magazine, the ability to go semi, full and burst and a half decent amount of stopping power, looking somewhat like the five-seven

October 2026 – Mongolia declares war on Russia as it declares an immediate state of martial law

December 2026 – The rebel group in America manages to take New York with the help of the RC while Mongolia is taken over by Russia

January 2027 China, using some of what little fuel it still has, sends a force 100k strong to help invade Canada as the Rebel group continues to take more land for 'the rightful leaders of America'

May 2027 – Britain and France finish their bunkers, designed for 250k people while Russia continues to work on its 500k bunker

July 2027 – Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Belarus and Denmark finish their 100K bunkers

September 2028 – America has been heavily pushed back while China has been driven out of America, while the Rebel group have moved slowly south towards Washington, the RC lines reinforcing them

November 2028 – China enters a state of anarchy with multiple small countries following suite.

December 2028 – American scientists, with the help of Chinese scientists, develop a hydrogen bomb 5 times more powerful than the 'Tsar Bomba' and threaten the RC with it.

July 2029 – The rest of the bunkers are finished and Cryogenic technology is discovered and implemented in the bunkers, allowing residents to go into cryogenic stasis

August 2029 – Tons of supplies varying from fuel to weaponry are transported into the bunkers with multiple historic documents and other things

October 2029 – America is pushed back to its capital and launches all its nukes at the RC, forcing the RC to retreat to their bunkers and to pull back their troops as America is nuked by all the nuclear capable countries in the RC, resulting in a full-blown nuclear war, killing millions – if not billions of people.

December 2029 – With most of the world in chaos and both the RC and America in ruins from the quick nuclear war, most people in the bunkers deemed society 'over' and entered Cryogenic stasis with the Maintenance drones preserving everything while they slept


July 8328 - A man in his mid-twenties wakes up 172 Years early due to a 'Failure in the cryogenic array' in the Canadian bunker

Alarms blared to deaf ears as a pod slowly opened, revealing the grey walls of the deep underground vault to the pods sole inhabitant

Said inhabitant trips and falls face first onto the floor as he attempts to get out of the pod he had been locked in.

He groaned as the sound of the pod closing normally enters his ears, the maintenance drones having fixed whatever failure may have caused him to fall out

He stood up calmly and looked at the now-sealed pod, before looking at all the other sealed pods

"Fuck" He said simply before beginning to pace around in thought

He couldn't re-enter the pod before its opening date without damaging it or causing a failure, one of which might kill him and the other would get him a court-martial if they found out

He halted his pacing and crouched down on the floor, holding his head in his hands before deciding his course of action – follow normal procedures for this situation

The man was currently wearing a green MARPAT uniform used during the end-war by his fellow RC soldiers, and it was soaking wet thanks to cryogenics.

Muttering obscenities, he slowly shuffled out of the huge hall that held the clear majority of the pods and out into a long hallway, currently filled with nothing but maintenance drones that hummed lightly

The drones were pretty much your everyday drone fitted with an AI system and a variety of tools – They couldn't speak to you, but they did most definitely hear and record everything you say and do, which most of us soldiers found 'creepy as fuck'

Eventually he reached a room with a code lock on the door – The code was 'so simple that no one would guess it' according to his higher up, so it always put a smile on his face when he put it in – '1111'

He pushed open the now-unlocked door and opened a locker that wasn't too far from the entrance with the name 'Edward Nova' imprinted on the handle – HIS locker

Grabbing a new pair of MARPAT fatigues, the RCR-1 that has served him since he first obtained it and the RCH-2026 that he had modified solely for fire rate and the standard issue helmet and armor with complimenting go-pro, phone, earbuds and backpack with ammo for his weapons, he prepared to run the normal procedures.

He stepped out of the room after closing the locker, locking the door shut behind him and walked towards the vehicle bay – The standard procedure for an early wakeup with no-way back into stasis early was to scout and record the land above.

The bunkers inhabitants wouldn't know what's up there when they wake up, so the procedure saved them the hassle. Food is in stasis and Potable water should be easy to obtain with the equipment in the scouting vehicles made for such a situation

Upon arrival at the bay, he looked for the keys to the scout vehicle, finding them in a draw at a desk, next to a huge spider which quickly got falcon-punched into oblivion with a totally-not-girly scream

Reaching the scout vehicle – An armed Humvee with a .50 on top, maintained by the drones – with keys in hand, he unlocked the vehicle and sat down, putting the key into the ignition only to forget that he didn't fill the bloody vehicle up

He smashed his head against the wheel in frustration and went to fill it up with Diesel, finding preserved cans near the same desk the keys were located, running into more 'scary' spiders

"I hate spiders" he muttered as he went about refueling the Humvee, grabbing some spare cans and shoving them in

By the time he had managed to get the Humvee to the huge lift that was easily large enough to fit a jet, he was tired. Who wouldn't feel fatigued from a small amount of work after having over a thousand years of peaceful sleep?

He wasn't in the Humvee, that was off on the lift – he was busier trying to remember how the hell you make the lift actually lift.

If he was correct, if you pressed one button, the lift stops for emergency purposes, and if you push the other it goes up or down depending on where it is. There's a third button for a huge 'trap-door' of sorts that's sealing the place up

He held out a hand to press one of the buttons before stopping and moving the hand to one of the other buttons.

His hand began to shake as a look of concentration adorned his face, the intensity clearly intensifying

He randomly pushed a button, and nothing happened

Two minutes later, nothing happened, and by now he was banging his head against the panel, letting out a string of obscenities that would make anyone blush


The lift buzzed to life as it slowly began to rise, old warning lights tinting the area surrounding the lift a mix between red and orange

Edwards began to chuckle slightly at the sheer thought of this old machinery working like it was. He stood up straight with his RCR banging against his bag and pressed the next button, causing even more lights to turn on and a loud groan to echo throughout the bunker

With a great deal of protest, light cut through the gaps of the slowly opening hatch as it groaned in protest. Now all Edwards had to do was wait a good 20 or so minutes for the lift to reach the surface

When he realized this, he promptly face-planted as his eye twitched at the prospect of waiting 20 minutes just to go outside

The world outside had changed. It's not what it used to be, yet it's not the wasteland we expected – Green lush trees surrounded Edwards and the Humvee as a simple dirt road could be seen nearby

He drove the Humvee off the lift as it began its usual closing procedures, motion sensors having detected no one else on the lift that could be harmed should closing procedures begin

The dirt road was bumpy and VERY unstable, causing Edwards to bounce around uncomfortably – luckily for him, however, a normal, undamaged and ridiculously straight road lay before him, no one and nothing in sight

A devilish smirk adorned his face as he took off at high speeds in the Armed Humvee

"So, Sirius, How're the kits?" Asked a laid-back female antelope in full ZPD Uniform sitting in the police vehicle

"They're doing good, but now's not the time to be talking about my offspring" Responded a more serious Leopard officer

"What's the time then?" The antelope asked

"Are you serious?" Sirius asked calmly

"No, you're Sirius – I'm Rochelle Adams"

"Sirius is my Surname, not my actual name – you know that" Sirius said with a smirk as the loud sound of an engine invaded their ears

"Get the speed checker ready" Sirius ordered as Adams lazily got it ready and pointed it at the road

Soon enough, an unknown green vehicle sped past the hidden police car, tearing its way down the road

"How fast was it going?" Sirius requested

"Speeding" was the response

"Define speeding" Sirius sighed

"Too fast" Sirius banged her head against the wheel in frustration as the Antelope laughed at her. Sirius then started the engine and turned on sirens, beginning to chase after the vehicle

Adams grabbed the radio "This is Officer Adams, we've got a green vehicle speeding down Burrow Lane towards Zootopia, no Backup currently required" She radioed in

Soon enough, another voice buzzed through the radio "You're not even going to go through the right procedures when taking over the radio? Typical" the voice on the other side sighed after tutting lightly

"This is going to be another walk in the park, so I don't think full radio procedures are necessary now"

"Don't blame me when you get fired" The radio buzzed once more before going quiet, the sound of the sirens outside of the vehicle being the one thing they can hear


Although, yes, there may be a lot of loopholes and things that don't make sense, I ask that you do NOT correct me through Reviews, and rather do so through PM. Some things may just be attributed to this being set in an AU, so try not to think TOO hard. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. (Sirius was Inspired by Tremainj's Zootopia fics, go check him out!)













*intensity intensifies*