A Choice – Home Again:

For the next few minutes, Astrid and Hiccup looked around the restored island for fish and other supplies and they packed them inside Toothless's saddle bags.

Suddenly they saw thousands of dragons flying towards the island: their restored birth place island. There were Stoker Class Dragons, Sharp Class Dragons, Boulder Class Dragons, Mystery Class dragons and the other Dragon Classes flying towards the island.

They landed and what an amazing sight Hiccup loved seeing, they were all so beautiful with their colours, horns, wings etc.

Suddenly they heard four familiar roars, Toothless turned round and saw Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug and Barf and Belch. He hopped around in delight while Hiccup laughed with happiness, the four dragons up above saw them. They dove towards Toothless and the moment they landed, Toothless ran forward to nuzzle them all, "Oh, my friends you're back,"

"It's so good to see you again, Toothless," Stormfly said as he nuzzled her last.

"You and Hiccup did it," Hookfang said.

"It's so good to see you four again," Hiccup sentence caught their attention as he ran towards them.

Toothless's four friends came forward and licked and nuzzled him to show how much they loved him.

"You did it, Hiccup!" Meatlug said as Hiccup gave her a stroke on the nozzle.

"We're so proud of you!" Barf and Belch said at the same time.

"It's really great to see you all again," Hiccup said.

"You can understand us?" Stormfly asked.

"Yes, I can, the Dragon Spirits gave me the power to understand dragons,"

"The World has been saved, all thanks to Hiccup," Toothless declared. Hiccup gave all his new dragon friends, a big hug.

"Wait a minute is that Astrid?" Hookfang growled as he saw Astrid. The other dragons growled at her and prepared to attack her. But Hiccup blocked them from Astrid, "Astrid, helped save the world, she truly is sorry for what she did,"

The dragons calmed down and walked forward towards Astrid sniffing her slightly, "I'm really sorry, dragons," Astrid said calmly, "I never meant for this to happen but I'll make it all up to you four,"

The four dragons looked to Hiccup and with his smile, they forgived Astrid.

Astrid saw Cuoo Koo poking out of one of Toothless's saddle baskets.

Astrid rubbed his head and said, "Goanna miss you, drumstick,"

"You could come with us, you know," Hiccup said surprising Astrid, "My people are going to need a master Explorer,"

"They already have one," Astrid showed her shirtless back and on it appeared a tattoo of Hiccup and Toothless.

"But if you come with us, you'll never have to be alone, again you can be happier than you've ever been before,"

"I appreciate your offer, Hiccup but I don't think your people would want a demi-goddess who cursed the world living among them,"

"Just give it a try and I'll protect you,"

Astrid thought for a moment and replied, "Okay, I'll try," they then smiled at each other. Astrid turned into a Deadly Nadder while Hiccup got on the saddle, they started their long journey back to Berk along with Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug and Barf and Belch who had earlier accept a request from Hiccup to come and live with him, Toothless and his family.

As they did, they looked back and saw the Isle of Draghasha with all of its new inhabitants disappearing out of sight.

At Berk, the clouds darkened the island and black dragons were surrounding it, Stoick and everybody else had their weapons out to attack.

But before the attack could occur, sunlight lit up the sky like a lamppost and all the dark clouds disappeared making the sky sea blue and the island was green all over again. As the pitch clouds vanished so did the dark colours of all the dragons that were hovering above the village, the bright light in the sky made their true colours stand out.

They started flying down, Stoick and the others prepared to fight but instead of attacking, the dragons gently landed down showing no signs of anger. But Stoick still wouldn't stand down. In front of him was a massive dragon with a fins covering its head and hanging from its side in orange, yellow eyes, two legs with three brown talons on each other, four large wings and a long tail with fins.

He prepared to attack when Valka stopped him, "Stoick, wait," she walked slowly towards the dragon which was in fact a Stormcutter. She reached her hand forward gently and the dragon gently touched it, it was not dangerous. The Vikings were surprised, no Viking had ever been able to do that in a thousand years or so they thought. More dragons came forward to greet the Vikings and they petted them now realising that they meant no harm at all. It took a little courage and feeling to put their weapons down to be brave enough to greet them.

The Stormcutter allowed Stoick to pet him. While everyone was distracted while they were petting their new friends, Valka looked into the distance and suddenly saw her son. She gasped and ran towards it to the plaza. Stoick noticed and ran after his wife towards their son; Hiccup with Cuoo Coo in his arms smiled at the thought of seeing his wonderful Berk again. Toothless meanwhile was more than happy to be able to live for the rest of his life with his Hiccup. But deep inside, he heard his heart telling him, his family was out there somewhere. The four dragons were looking forward to having a new life, a new happy one.

"Mum! Dad!" Hiccup called as he ran up the plaza to them.

"Hiccup!" they all called back, Hiccup ran into his mother's arms while his Dad hugged both his wife and son. They stayed in their family reunion for a long while before letting go, "I may have gone a little ways past our borders," Hiccup said nervously to his dad with a smile.

"It suits you," Stoick answered much to Hiccup's surprise. "We're so proud of you, Hiccup…..I'm so sorry I was so hard on you all your life, I just wanted to keep you safe,"

"No dad I'm sorry for not understanding and I never should have said those horrible words to you," Hiccup answered. "But now it's all over, we can all go back to be Dragon Riders and Explorers again,"

Suddenly they heard the calls of all the Berk villagers that had come to congratulate their hero, even Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Fishlegs. Woolo ran faster than the crowd and ran to his owner, "Woolo!" Hiccup cried out. Woolo leapt into his arms and licked him several times, Hiccup placed him down, "Woolo this is Toothless," Woolo was a bit scared but then realising that toothless was friendly, he tattled forward a bit and toothless licked him before nuzzling him showing he was a friend. Hiccup was even more surprised to see so many dragons flying down to greet him, the Dragon God had sent word to them all that it was he who had saved them all and restored their bond to all humans.

Spitelout, Ingrid and Snotlout were shocked at seeing Hiccup get so much praise from everyone, they reluctantly walked forward as they feared Stoick would be aggravated with them for not showing Hiccup respect for saving their home.

Everyone crowded Hiccup and told him things like "Welcome home" or "Thank Hiccup for saving us all,"

The dragons meanwhile cheered with roars and all came to nuzzle Hiccup.

"Wait a minute is that Astrid?" Stoick pointed at Astrid drawing the others' attention.

"Yes, it is I, Astrid Hofferson, demigoddess of the sea and skies, oh great chief," Astrid said awkwardly.

"It is her, she's the one who cursed our world and stole the Heart of the Dragon God!" Spitelout shouted out.

The villagers were glaring at Astrid making feeling nervous; even the dragons started growling at her. Toothless went behind and snarled at the villagers to keep away from her. Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug and Barf and Belch shielded her from the crowd as well.

"Astrid stole the Heart to give it to our ancestors with good intentions, but she made up for her mistake by helping me and Toothless restore it," Hiccup stood up for Astrid as he blocked her from the villagers view. "We could never have saved the world and our home without her,"

"So what we're just supposed to forgive her for what could have happened to us?" Spitelout retorted.

"No I don't think so," Snotlout agreed.

"Astrid could have caused our island to be destroyed, how are we supposed to let her live among us?" Mulch asked angrily.

"Do we just live on our lives and forget about what happened?" Hiccup's aunt Ingrid demanded.

"Whatever we do on with our lives now, Astrid is goanna help us rebuild our ancestor's ways and teach us how to be Dragon Riders and Explorers," Hiccup declared.

"She will?" Aunt Ingrid asked more softly.

"Yes I will," Astrid said stepping out into their sight again. "I'll teach you all everything about this archipelago, its history and help you discover new things and new dragons, and I'll even teach you all about the great adventures that your ancestors had, I will help make you all master Dragon Riders and Explorers again,"

"Worth a shot I guess," Spitelout answered more softly but with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Dad, I understand how you feel about this," Hiccup said as he saw his dad still glaring at Astrid, "But give her a chance,"

Stoick looked at his wife and her face told him that if Hiccup trust Astrid then so should he. "Very well, Hiccup let us all let Astrid help us rebuild our people ways.

Everybody celebrated, hours later a great feast was held for Hiccup the one who risked his life to save the world, for Toothless, the Night Fury who had given anything to protect Hiccup, for Astrid Hofferson who helped Hiccup save the world and…slightly Cuoo Koo. Even if he didn't really help Hiccup, he was still a great companion in his courageous adventure; turns out there was more to him that meets the eye.

There was dancing later that day, Stoick danced with his wife while Hiccup danced with Astrid. Toothless and Stormfly were nuzzling each other as they watched. The party lasted for ages.

Hiccup helped everyone bond with the dragons that had taken a liking to everyone, he helped his parents train the Stormcutter that had greeted them earlier and also a Rumblehorn that went to greet Stoick, the moment the party started. He named the Stormcutter: Cloudjumper and the Rumblehorn: Skullcrusher.

The next day, everyone went to the beaches near the village and pulled out the large Explorer boats from behind the waterfall, they also strapped loads of saddles to their new dragons.

For the next few weeks on the boat, the Hooligan Tribe on dragons and large extra fast boats (which could sail at the same speed of a flying dragon due to their enormous sails and loads of wind) travelled across the sea and skies stopping at nearby islands to see amazing new dragons. They soon forgived Astrid having realised what a great demi-goddess, she was; Hiccup spent a lot of time with his adoring new fans telling them the story of how he, Toothless, Astrid and Cuoo Koo restored the Heart. Even Woolo joined in with the children.

Loads of Children laughed at the part when Hiccup told them of the time, he put in his hand and water and it got slimly because of Toothless's sticky saliva.

In addition one night as Hiccup was telling the children more about his adventures, his aunt, uncle and cousin came up to him and told them how sorry they were for being so selfish to him and for destroying his paintings. They also apologised to Woolo for getting him dirty. Hiccup easily forgived them and he invited them to join in the story.

On the third week, they finally arrived at the Isle of Night. Hiccup, Toothless and Astrid went on shore first and Hiccup did a Night Fury call and out of nowhere came thousands of Night Furies.

Toothless was so happy to see his family; he bounded towards them and nuzzled every one of them.

He introduced them to Hiccup and told them about everything Hiccup did for him and Hiccup easily bonded with all of them. But for Astrid, it took a bit of convincing from Toothless to forgive her for what she did that caused them to lose Toothless for so long.

Soon after they got back to Berk with the Night Furies who were welcomed to live among them, Hiccup was crowned its new chief with Toothless being declared Alpha Dragon by all other dragons that had come to live on the island.

Soon the Gods and the Dragon Spirits came to congratulate Hiccup for saving the World.

The Gods told Astrid how proud they were of her for mending her mistake and had offered to let her come back to them and live among them again but Astrid gently refused because she and Hiccup had fallen in love with each other and she wanted to stay on Earth with him.

As they kissed, much to everyone's happiness, Astrid clothes changed in more chieftess style ones; she wore a long skirt with a lot of spikes on the straps and the skirt had a lot of fur around them, her belt was more shiner than ever with slightly bigger skulls, she had a fury hood, she had fury arm bracers, her boots were more furrier, she wore a ruby red shirt and a blue leggings made of the finest cotton, her shoulder pads were slightly larger and her she wore a diamond headdress round her forehead.

The Gods told her that although she would be mortal from now on, she would still have her magical axe and Mini Astrid would still be on her arm as a reward for what she did to help Hiccup save the world.

The Gods wished the couple good happiness and before the Dragon Spirits left with them, they breathed white light orbs into every villager giving them to power to understand and communicate with Dragons and gave Hiccup, a special large yellow jewel crafted to look like a small dragon symbol to put on the chief podium on the high mountain to represent his love for dragons and his family and people.

Before they left, Saraiki's spirit appeared to everyone so did the spirit of her husband: Stock hugged his parents and they told him about they loved him. Hiccup hugged is grandparents and they told him how they and all of their ancestors were extremely proud of them.

They then disappeared back to their home in the sky, Hiccup placed his gift on the chief podium on the high mountain as everybody watched. He and Astrid were soon married and Toothless mated with Stormfly, a few years later, Hiccup and Astrid had a son together named Henry and Toothless and Stormfly had a hybrid dragon called a Night Nadder named Nightspike. Henry looked so much like his father but had blue eyes like his mother, Nightspike had four legs like his father but with large yellow claws, inside of head fins, he had head spikes and a small nose horn but no teeth over his jaw and his teeth were retractable, he had to large wings and his tail had spikes instead of tail fins. He was blue like his mother but had spots of black circles with yellow linings.

And for the rest of their lives, everybody lived happily ever after.

The End

I know this is extra-long, but I wanted to do it since this was the last chapter. Hope all of you fans are enjoying Race to the Edge Season 6.

P.S I need more poll results on my poll, I can't decide between My Version of Pirates of the Caribbean and Hiccup Haddock Legend of the Sword since they're both fifty, fifty. You all have one more week to add in more polls, in the meantime, I'll be making more chapters for future stories. Anyways hope this story was awesome for everyone.

To the Guest who sent me the previous email of a story idea, I don't know any vampire stories or films based on your suggestion and I'm sorry to say but I have other stories planned. But I'll think about doing it.