Author's Note: Hi friends! Thank you all so much for the encouraging reviews. They're so sweet and make me super happy. Thank you for taking the time to read my humble little book of drabbles and I'm glad you find enjoyment from them. There have been some requests for some scenes from the TV show – and I will get there, I promise! Enjoy the next installment!

Five; Loved

Rapunzel could still taste him on her lips.

In the moment, when she grabbed the neck of Eugene's vest and pulled him to her, her joy at him breathing had thrown all caution to the wind. She had felt no fear. Gothel was gone, he was alive. Even as they left the tower together hand-in-hand and mounted Maximus, speeding through the greenery of the woods, she had felt safe. She felt so hopeful for the future. The warmth of his chest at her back and the feel on his hands around her waist – oh, it was foreign – but it was wonderful.

The taste of her courage still lingered on her mouth, salty but sweet, but she couldn't contain the sudden bite of anxiety that seeped in her voice.

"What if they don't like me?"

It seemed in that moment that all of the bravery that she encompassed only an hour ago flooded into the balcony through the soles of her bare feet. She was mildly shaken and doe-eyed. Her arms came together so she could nervously clutch her elbows. Eugene had asked the guards to get the King and Queen, told them that their beloved daughter had returned.

All of the ugly words Gothel had ever said to her started running through her head. Once, they had been endearments, words of 'protection' but now she knew that they held only malice and a desire for control. But - what if all those things she said were true?

'Sloppy, underdressed, immature, clumsy…'

How could she possibly be enough to be the daughter of a royal couple?

'Please, they'll eat you up alive…'

"Hey," Eugene's smooth, masculine tone cut away from the shrill singing of Gothel in her head.

"Hey," his rough fingers came to the side of her face, "Don't like you? That's crazy talk."

She met his eyes, green melting into golden brown, struggling to fight back tears.

"They've been sending out lanterns for 18 years, waiting for this day. Sure, will they be surprised? Of course. Will they be completely blown away by your fabulous hair cut?" His mouth lifted into a coy smile as he reached his hand from her face to gently pull on a strand of hair. "Most definitely."

This rose a laugh from the brunette, loud enough that it broke away a fraction of her fear.

His hand again came to her cheek, warm against her skin.

"They will love you, Rapunzel," his voice held no tease.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the doors behind them opening, and Rapunzel turned around to see a women and man in the archway. The woman approached first, warily, and nervously the young brunette waited.

The woman's hand reached out to touch where Eugene had just held her and the recognition flitted between them.

Gothel's words died on that balcony in that moment.

She didn't have to be afraid anymore. Not of the world and not of the people who lived in it.

Because all at once, she was loved.