
Everything was going fine in Godric's Hollow. It was October 31st 1981 and everything seems fine to the Potter's. They didn't notice the faint 'crack' of apparition and little did they know that the were in grave danger. And little did they know that a man had appeared suddenly in the middle of Godric's Hollow. The mad was tall, thin, and very old. He had a sliver hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He wore long robes, a purple cloak that swept the ground, and high-heeled, buckled boots. He had on half-moon spectacles and, in the light, his bright, baby-blue eyes sparkled. He had a long nose that looked like it had been broken at least twice.

His name was Albus Dumbledore. He walked slowly to to the Potter's door. James, sitting in the family room, heard a knock on the door. At the door, he opens it to a distraught Dumbledore.

"Albus, come in. What's wrong?"

"My boy, you are in grave danger. One of the spies have come to me and told me Voldemort has started to search for you and your family. We need to protect you from Voldemort. To do that, my boy, you need to go into hiding." Dumbledore finally looks James in the eye.

"Ok, Albus. Anything to keep my family safe." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkle under his half-moon spectacles.

"Wonderful, now get everything ready. We are leaving tomorrow. You will need a secret keeper and a new place."

"We do have a place and Sirius can be our secret keeper. Well as long as he accepts and if not than petter. And before you ask, Albus, why not Remus. Well me and Lily believe he might be a spy for Voldemort. We hope not but we won't take that chance. Bring the both here and we will see what happens. Bloody hell can't believe this is happening. Why now

after everything?"

"Severus Snape overheard a prophecy; and at the time being a loyal servant of the Dark Lord, he told him. But not to long ago did Severus find out that Voldemort thought that it meant Harry. He came to me right away and begged me to protect you, Lily and young Harr. He has switched sides."

"What! You believe him? I know that you truly believe everyone deserves a second chance but really? You believe him?"

"Yes James I do believe Severus. You know that he's in love with Lily and even though Harry isn't his son he love Harry too, because of Lily. He has even given up his hatred of you that night. He has vowed to protect your family with his life. In fact I would suggest to use him as your secret keeper but he spies for us and as Voldemort is a mastered Legilimens it wouldn't be a good idea."

"Ok, Albus. I want him here to than." James has come to question himself. If Severus could let go old school hatred and risk his life for a family that isn't him that so could he. James knew that Snape was a mastered Occlumens and was thinking of making him secret keeper. "Albus, I have to go and get my family ready. Get them here, ok?"

"Of Course James."

Later that night, Voldemort shows up at their door and with a flick the door is blaster open. "Lily he's hear! Run! Take Harry to the nursery! I'll hold him off!" Lily takes Harry and runs up the stairs. James and Voldemort enters into a silent duel. Voldemort lets out a laugh "mice battle, James Potter, but i think it's time to finish this little duel. Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green light light. Thump, James has fallen. Voldemort comes to the nursery door. Sensing its magically locked, he tries to unlock it and fails. "Smart witch but not smart enough." Blastin the door open he walks in. point his wand at the witch, "avada kedavra!" Turning to Harry he points his wand at him, "avada keda…" he stops. Red eyes meet bright green and he puts his wand away and picks up harry. He start to cry. Voldemort rocks the fifteen month old baby and young Harry quiets down.

Back Down Stairs Snape comes to the hous. Seeing the front door off its hinges he rushes in. Finding James on the ground dead, he thinks of Lily then Harry and rushes up stairs to the nursery. Finding the door blasted on the floor and Lilly on the ground he rushes to her side not noticing Voldemort next to the crib holding Harry. He starts to cries and harry is now fussing again and Voldemort calms Her down so Severus can morn Lily in peace, for now.

"I...I promise L...Lily t...that I w...w...will keep our son H...Harry alive. I will keep my promise not to tell anyone. I love you Lily and I will always love Harry. For now on i am loyal to only Harry." what ever else Severus says was masked by sobe he was racked with

Harry starts to cry again. At the sound of his son crying he stops and turns to find Lord Voldemort holding his son , rocking him, and humming to calm the crying child. "M-my Lord, seeing as you heard all of what i just said may I finally hold my son before you kill me for betraying you?"

"Severus i will not kill you but Doesn't mean that you won't be punished. But yes you may hold you child."

Severus lets out a sigh of relief, "thank you: Voldemort carefully hands the black haired baby boy to Severus. "finally ," he says under his breath, "my baby boy. Nothing will harm you while I'm around. I mean it Harry. I just sorry i couldn't be around more." He he starts to hum baby Harry to sleep.

"I will help you to do that Severus

"What!? But he is supposed to be your downfall."

"No it said the child's' parents would have thrice defeated me you haven't. You are Harry's father and if you wanted to keep him you have to tell the world that you are his parent." Voldemort thinks of the future "Something stopped me from killing harry. All I know is that I don't want him dead

"You are Right."