"my bracelet glowed as I looked down at the train and I said uoko and moe need me but for what"?

"well I don't care I just I'm just glad that I get to see to Cinetopia again and see Oncho, Leiria and King OHNO".

"Oh I think I should go to the back of the train to do this so that nobody gets suspicious".

"I looked at the book and it said, three new threat's arrive old threat's that have been defeated but are up to no good. And I said that exact sentence and a puff of sparkly yellow smoke appeared and I was transformed into a pink elf like always and falling but flying and not falling so I landed on the beautiful Green Grass of centopia by the Elven Creator and that's where oncho and his father were so I stopped by to say hi before saying hi to Yoko and Moe"." just then I saw a purple elf that looked exactly like varia or I should say Violetta that took a piece of my bracelet that broke but then I fixed it but how is she in centopia"?

a shout out and say varia varia I mean Violetta hi it's been so long how,how are you here I thought you gave me your necklace back didn't you I'm confused how are you here?


I don't know I think it was my friendship ring at let me here when you came here because we're friends in centopia so I think that's why I'm here cause you let me keep it at the horse jumping competition remember so that's how I got here I think I don't know I hope so cause I don't want to steal your bracelet again and I know I won't cause I learn my lesson now I'm friends with you.


I'm glad you learned your lesson now let's go find Yuko and moe together since we're friends ok


ok let's go do you want to bring oncho

and his father


sure let's bring them along to come on oncho let's go.