The water from the faucet in the bathroom leaks after Hayley finishes washing her hands. It had been a few weeks since her little mishap with her trying to kill the baby and Klaus spanking her, Kol coming to New Orleans and a whole bunch of other crap that happened.

Klaus had killed a witch tonight by the name of Katie. Not only did she happen to be the witch that had given Hayley the wolfsbane but also happened to be in a secret love affair with Marcel's right-hand man, Thierry. Klaus' schemes had come to pass and now they were both out of his way. That left family having a one-up on Marcel. Really it was just Klaus because nobody else had no idea what the hell was going on.

Hayley splashes some water on her face and sighs. She rubs her eyes with a yawn.

"My, my, my darling," Kol says standing against the doorway of her bedroom. Hayley screams turning to stare at him in fright.

"Are you crazy," she screams.

"A little." Hayley walks into her bedroom and scoffs. "You simply look delightful tonight." Kol stands with his arms crossed and an evil smirk planted on his face.

"What do you want Kol," She mumbled as she gets into bed, rolling her shoulders into a simple stretch.

"I couldn't help but notice a bit of a spark...or was it a glimmer in your eye tonight," Kol stated.

"Do you want something," she questions him sassily, biting the inside of her cheek. Hayley pulls the duvet over her legs and makes herself room on the bed. She lays there tired and unamused waiting for Kol to speak but really caring for what he has to say.

"The look you had when Klaus told you Elijah would be returning to us. It was something that I've seen in many eyes before you," He tells her.

"Was it admiration," Hayley asks rolling her eyes.

"No," He tells her bluntly. "It's love." Hayley scoffs.

"So it's true. You love Elijah?!" Kol begins to laugh hard. The thought of anyone romantically loving Elijah hasn't happened in years. And for it to be Hayley, well...that's just...laughable.

"Will you stop it," Hayley snaps. "I don't even know if I love Elijah. I just know that he was here, then he was gone and I want him back."

"That's the thing sweetheart," Kol replied. "When he comes back he shouldn't be with you." His eyes darken.

"What?" The heart inside of Hayley's chest begins to beat faster.

Kol comes closer to Hayley and is inches away from her face. He speaks to her softly but in a rather frightening tone. "Elijah has to worry about this family. And you darling, aren't apart of it. You're some drunken piece of ass that Klaus had gotten and now you're knocked up with a member of this family. My brother, Klaus' child. You'll do well to remember that." He continues on with a sarcastically aware voice, to which one will never know what tone he uses which frightens Hayley more. "I won't have you creating some teenage love triangle in what's already an unstable household."

Hayley moved her face back and began to lean on the headboard. Kol grabs her hand and gives it a small kiss. "It wouldn't be good for the baby," he whispers looking at her with a small tight-lipped smile. "Have a good night darling," Kol says as he walks out of the room leaving Hayley in tears, frightened.

On the other side of the Quarter, Stefan and Damon close the doors to Damon's car and stand in front of St. Anne's Church. A Priest by the name of Father Kieran sits on a pew at the front of the church when he hears the doors open. "The church is closed for the night," he says without turning around and standing.

"We're here for someone," Damon replies. "He's upstairs. Would you mind pointing us in that direction."

"I would like to be left alone," Father Kieran says.

"We made actually made an appointment," Damon replied as he and Stefan walked towards the altar.

"Does he know your coming," the priest asks suspiciously.

"I'm sure Marcel must've told you we were coming," Stefan says before Damon can. Trying to use his charm to influence the man.

"He didn't."

"We're here to help," Damon says. "He's been having trouble with a guest."'

The priest, though still suspicious of them, points them in the direction of the stairs to the attic.

Upstairs a young girl stands, hugging Marcel in the middle of the room. She could be no older than Bonnie around the age of 16. She has blue eyes, lightly tanned skin and long dark brown hair. Stefan and Damon stand near the doorway as neither one of them has been noticed by the two in the room.

"Thank you," Marcel whispered to her. "Whatever you did, I felt it. You helped me."

"It was the old ones, wasn't it," Davina asked angrily.

"Actually," Marcel begins as lets go of her. "Klaus is the one that saved me tonight. I'm gonna make things right, starting off by giving him his brother back."

Davina looked confused and unsettled. When Marcel looks into her eyes he can see how young she really looks. "No," she screams.

Marcel looks at her sternly. "What," he asks her shocked. "Davina—."

She cuts Marcel off and shakes her head. "No," Davina tells him. "You said the old ones were dangerous. I won't give him back until I know how to kill them." She turns her back towards him and walks over to the coffin.

"There is no way to kill them, Davina," he tells her. "They're immortal."

"I've got to try." Her hand hovers over the basket.

Stefan and Damon make that their cue to walk into the room with Damon clapping his hands. "Well, well, well," Damon says. "That was such a good performance. A little too much teenage angst for my taste though."

Davina tries to throw them both into the wall with her magic but fails humiliatingly when Damon waves his hand and knocks her to the ground. He laughs at her attempt and looks Marcel into the eyes. "So this is what keeps you in control," Damon asks. "An angsty teenage witch with no control of her powers?"

"Who the hell are you," Davina fumed getting up with the help of Marcel.

Marcel glares at Damon but when he sees Stefan behind him, he gives his youngest brother a sincere look.

"Marcel hasn't told you about his brothers," Damon asks sarcastically and Davina looks at them with wide eyes.

"What do you want Damon," Marcel asks.

"I'm here too," Stefan adds putting up a hand as he walks forward.

"Yeah and I don't want you to be. How did you guys even find out about this place?" Marcel helps Davina get settled into a chair.

"Tu es pas bon pour cacher tes traces," Damon sarcastically replies with a smirk on his face.

"A tracker spell is so easy to do when vampires work with untrained witches," Stefan says after him rolling his eyes. "Does she even know what a tracker spell is?" Stefan looks the girl up and down knowing all too well she had a lot of power but no skill behind it.

"I'm stronger than I look," Davina says stepping forward only for Marcel to pull her behind him.

"I'm going to ask again," Marcel spats at the Salvatore-Mikaelsons. "What the hell do you want?"

"Relax Marcel," Damon says. "We're not going to kill the girl. We just want Elijah and we'll call it a day."

"I already told Klaus I'd return him myself."

Damon and Stefan quickly side eyeing the other, knowing that Marcel had no control over the young witch and they never would have gotten Elijah if they hadn't come.

"Klaus may have trusted you with that little detail but we don't," Stefan says. "Give us our uncle and we'll be on our way."

"What do you need him for? You're the ones who gave him up in the first place," Davina questioned them.

"Marcel. Keep your little witch in line," Damon tells him ignoring Davina.

"Aren't you guys brothers," Davina asks. "Couldn't you have just given him a call?"

Stefan rolls his eyes and replies to the young girl. "We are...or we were." He looks at Marcel with a bit of sadness in his eyes but that quickly goes away. "It's hard to say when someone pretends they're dead and doesn't care if his family had to mourn him."

"I'm sorry Stefan," Marcel tells him walking towards him with sad eyes.

"You're not," Damon replies quickly getting in front of Stefan and blocking Marcel's way.

"Damon, I—," Marcel starts.

"Don't," Damon says cutting him off. "You can lie to me all you want but you won't lie to Stefan."

"I'm sorry." Marcel's voice is sincere as he looks at Stefan with emotion clear in his eyes.

"It's about a hundred years too late for apologies," Damon scoffs. Stefan nods at Marcel but it's clear he has yet to be forgiven.

"Though we came for Elijah, we really just wanted to see your little witch," Stefan says, his heart not wanting to react to the familial drama.

"She needs training," Damon says. "She sucks at juju."

"I'm the most powerful witch in New Orleans," Davina says moving from behind Marcel.

"Your confidence is cute...But seeing as I was able to counteract your magic," Damon tells her unamused, not wanting to argue with some teenage girl. "You're only that powerful because your psycho coven wanted to perform that dumbass ritual."

Marcel immediately gets back in front of Davina, afraid for her safety. "How did you know about that?"

"How the hell else would you be able to "control" the witches. I lived here and messed with a few witches myself," Damon says. He rolls his eyes as Marcel tries to push Davina even more behind him. "And stop acting like I'm going to hurt her. The coven messed with magic they don't understand. They even think we don't know about it but there's a lot of information you get when you get someone on your dick...You taught me that."

"You tried to save her," Stefan states morbidly. "You should've let it happen."

"I was supposed to let them kill a sixteen-year-old girl," Marcel argues angrily.

"Her powers are going to get out of control and kill her," Damon says.

"She's not gonna die," Marcel yells. "I'll make sure of that."

Damon laughs. It's cruel but he does it anyway. "You," he laughs. "You think you're stronger than ancestral magic?"

Stefan sees the hurt pouring through Marcel's eyes. "Damon," Stefan says quietly somber.

"Stefan. I truly think our dear old friend is full of shit if he thinks he can just save a sixteen-year-old girl from an ancestral ritual," Damon says with sarcasm heavy on his voice.

Marcel's eyes narrow and he looks as if he wants to violently hurt Damon. "I think it's time for you two to leave."

"Aw," Damon pouts sarcastically. "Did we hurt your feelings?"

"You need to go." Marcel directs.

"Well then. It seems we've overstayed our welcome," Stefan states. "It was fun seeing you. It's too bad you won't remember we were here."

"What are you—." Davina doesn't get to finish her question. Both her and Marcel blackout and fall to the ground. Elijah's casket slams closed. The next time Davina and Marcel wake up, it'll be morning and they won't remember a thing.

Hayley sits in an abandoned study at the desk. The room is filled with journals, book, and texts probably centuries older than herself. Klaus stands at the doorway watching her type away on a laptop before walking in to speak with her.

"I thought you might like to know, Elijah is returning to us," he tells her as he stands in front of the doorway.

"Congratulations," Hayley replied. "I guess being diabolical has its perks."

"You hardly know him, and yet you miss him," Klaus states monotonously. "What is it about my brother that always inspires such instant admiration?"

Hayley hesitates to answer. She stops her typing and looks and the man who was the other half of the child that grew inside her. "He was kind to me," She answered.

Klaus flinches at her reply. He doesn't know what else to say to the woman who will soon birth his child. He turns around in the doorway and begins to leave. Hayley calls him, "Hey!" He stops in his tracks but doesn't turn around to face her. " I learned something today. I think it's a girl." She smiles and soon after Klaus smiles too. He leaves her alone and heads out of the room.

He walks to the other side of the house to check on his daughter. He overhears voices coming from her room and stands outside behind to door listen in on her conversation

Bonnie sits up in her bed against the headboard her laptop in her lap FaceTiming Caroline. "Come on Care! It's not like that," she laughs. "He is really cute though." Caroline rolls her eyes at her best friend.

"Seriously Bon," Caroline responded. "He's not cute! He's gorgeous. Look at his Instagram. His body. His cheekbones. His ass! You'd have to be blind to just call him cute!"

"I think you're forgetting who my dad is," Bonnie remarks. Caroline laughs at her friends face. "I won't be able to date anyone till I'm 3000 years old and maybe not even then."

"Klaus is 3000 years old," Caroline asks shocked.

"No," Bonnie replied. "I don't really know how old he is but he's like over 1000. Plus Stefan's hardly had an actual girlfriend since I've been alive except Elena and we both know how that turned out."

"Well Elena's a total bitch for letting him go," she says. "And then she had the nerve to fall in love with Damon while they were dating. I mean Damon who already told her that he's not trying to the doppelganger thing. I mean who wants to be second best to somebody's first love and then try to—"

"Back to me," Bonnie says cutting her friend off. They both know that Caroline could go on and on for hours on end.

"Right," Caroline says. "Sorry. Anyways, who do you think you'll have sex with first? Hot and ruggedly handsome guy from your 3rd period or the blond, gorgeous and sophisticated guy from your chemistry class."

"Well if my fantasy ever plays out, it definitely—."

Klaus had heard enough. He quickly knocks on the door and says, "Sweetheart, I'm coming in."

"Hi Daddy," she greets him. "I'll talk to you later Care," she tells her friend she smiles at Klaus who walks into the room.

"Did you have a nice night," Klaus asks her with his arms crossed on his chest.

"I've been home all night," Bonnie whines. "I feel like I'm being stuffed in this house."

Klaus sighs at his daughter's whining. "If you made friends at school you wouldn't have to stay in the house."

She rolls her eyes. "I did make friends," she tells him. "Just with the guys and the girls here are too gossipy and weird and witchy." Bonnie looks down at her phone. 3 texts messages had come in but she wasn't going to answer. "I'll just stick to hanging out with Stefan and video chatting friends from back in Mystic Falls."

"There's a music festival in the quarter tomorrow night." Bonnie's head shoots up. "You can go with some friends but." Bonnie waits for the but. She knows it won't be that bad but there's always a but. "Stefan has to be with you." Bonnie groans.

"Seriously," Bonnie says. "What if only have one friend?"

"I'm sorry, maybe Kol would be happy to go with you," Klaus suggests sarcastically. "You all go to the same school."

"You're not being funny."

"I wasn't trying to be," Klaus smirks as Bonnie falls onto her back to lay on her pillows with a groan. "You'll have fun."

Bonnie smiles and looks over at him. "Good night Dad."

"Goodnight Sweetheart." He closes the door behind him.

The next morning, Klaus walks into Rousseau's and sits down at the bar. Camille or Cami—as she likes to be called—is waitressing and wiping down the bar. "Hello Cami," Klaus says with a seductive smile.

Cami smiles back before her complusion takes the best of her. She frowns at Klaus confused. She suddenly remembers everything that she had been compelled to forget. "How is it that when you come up to me now, and no one else is around, I suddenly remember that you just told me you're a vampire, and you're mind-controlling me," she questions the man exasperated. "And then you leave, and then I go back to thinking you're just some hot guy with a cute accent and money to burn on your sprawling memoir?"

Klaus smirks in amusement. He leans in closers to her and answers in a low voice with, "Well, that's how compulsion works, Love."

"Yeah, but what's happening," she questions. "Is it hypnosis? Are my neurons being shut down somehow?"

"You're always the curious scholar. Let's talk about Marcel." Klaus gestures to the seat next to him at the bar so that she may sit down with him. "You said you have a little information for me."

Cami nods her head. " He's bringing someone to the music festival tonight. A girl he's mentoring. Apparently, she's going through a hard time. Rebelling against authority, anger issues, that sort of thing. I guess with my psych degree, he figured I could set her straight, but I said no."

"I'm going to go ahead and insist that you change your answer to 'Yes.'"

Cami stares at the original vampire for a moment and then frowns. "You're going to force me to do this, aren't you," She questions him. "Why even bother with politeness?"

Klaus sighs in frustration. "Because I like you. I like the way your mind works. Under different circumstances, I think we might be friends. However, I don't have the luxury of passing up tonight's opportunity. You see, in addition to being Marcel's rather potent secret weapon, this girl, Davina, is holding my brother captive." Klaus begins to compel her, "In other words, the girl needs your help. Call Marcel. Tell him you'd be happy to oblige."

At the Mansion, Hayley sits on the couch next to Stefan, flipping through a maternity book while she talks to Agnes. Rebekah and Damon sit at the coffee table where Rebekah types on a laptop and Damon drinks bourbon.

"I told you, Agnes," Hayley says to her annoyed. "I feel great."

"You are overdue for a checkup," Agnes tells her.

"What am I gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound?" Hayley scoffs at the witch. "A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here!"

Rebekah looks over at the werewolf with jealousy. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours." Damon kicks her under the table. She turns to glare at him but goes back to looking at her laptop.

"I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path," Agnes says. "Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it."

It's quiet for a moment and Hayley thinks about it before rolling her eyes and reluctantly agrees. "Okay, fine," she says. "Bayou baby doctor it is."

Agnes takes Hayley's hand for her to get up and come with her. "Wait," Damon says getting up from his seat at the table. "I'm going with you."

"That won't be necessary," Agnes says.

"I know," Damon says. "But I'm going anyway."

Agnes glares at him but nods in agreement. Leaving the room with the vamp-witch hybrid and the werewolf girl.

Stefan is writing in his journal and it's unusually quiet before Klaus walks in and laughs at Rebekah.

"Please sister," Klaus remarks. "Tell me you're not still at it with the internet search. How does one begin, anyway? Just type in 'anonymous attic?'" He pours himself a scotch.

"Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans."

Stefan looks at his father from the corner of his eye. Klaus sees but says nothing. "Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles," Klaus states.

"I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to," she tells him. "There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin.

"Well, that should narrow it down immensely. Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor. Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance." Klaus sips his scotch with a smirk and Stefan rolls his eyes.

Rebekah smiles bitterly at her brother. "As usual," she says. "Your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother."

"I prefer to think of it as killing two birds with one stone. Rob Marcel of his secret weapon, bring our brother home." Klaus takes another sip of his drink and Rebekah remains unimpressed.

It's quiet when Kol and Bonnie walk in. They look at each other confused. "Is there something we missed," Bonnie asks.

"No sweetheart," Klaus tells her. "But we should get going. The festival is starting soon."

Bonnie smiles, runs over to Stefan and grabs his arm pulling him up from the couch. "I'm ready," she tells her father.

Marcel walks on Dauphine Street with his crew of vampires. He doesn't even look at them as he gives them instructions on how he wants the night to go. "Big event tonight, a lot of people drinking, a lot of eyes watching. I don't want any trouble, which means no witches. Send word through the Cauldron- any witches come here, we kill them," he instructs. "And, while you're at it, no Originals, I don't like how Rebekah's been snooping around. I got my girl Cami coming, her and a little friend of hers, I want eyes on them at all times- eyes only. Alright? I don't want anyone getting anywhere near either of them. Everybody's got a post, everybody keeps an eye out. You cool?"

The vampires look at Marcel in agreement. Each saying their piece or nodding before walking away.

Davina smiles a bright wide toothy smile as she walks down Dauphine Street looking at all the people and listening to the music. Dauphine Street Musical Festival was annual but she hadn't gone since she was a young child. It was filled with jazz, pop, hip-hop, and classical music. Marcel catches up to Davina and walks her to Rousseau's which is swarmed with people drinking and listening to the brass band that plays up front.

"So," Marcel asks. "Is it everything you hoped for?"

Davina shakes her head enthusiastically and lets out a little giggle. "Yeah!" She looks over Marcel's shoulder to see a young handsome blond boy calling for a friend near the bar. She recognizes them both. Both boys are charming, handsome and ridiculously funny. She hadn't seen them in a long time. She smiles.

"So," he says. "We should probably go over the rules."

Davina sighs at this. "I won't talk to anyone about anything. I won't say anything about witches, or vampires, or Originals, or you." She rolls her eyes in the way in which every teenager in this story does. Marcel nods and smiles at Davina. She, in turn, smiles in embarrassment. "You said you weren't going to hover!" Marcel eyes get large as he looks at her in disbelief. Davina laughs.

Stefan and Bonnie stand on Dauphine Street listening to the music. Bonnie smiles as she and nods her head to the music. "Bonnie! Stefan!" They turn their heads to see Andrew, their classmate from school. Also, their new friend. He runs towards them with Tim who holds a violin in his hands. "I didn't think you guys would show up."

Stefan nods at them. "Yeah," Bonnie says. "Our dad is super strict but we were able to convince him to let us have some fun."

It's an awkward silence before Andrew elbows Tim in the ribs. "Well I'll be playing with a band soon," Tim says wincing. "You should definitely come by."

Andrew smiles at Bonnie in hope. "We will," Bonnie replies. Stefan inwardly groans at the two making googly eyes at each other.

"Great," Andrew says. "I'll be playing piano. We go on at 7:30."

The siblings smile and nod before heading off to one of the restaurants.

The clinic in the bayou isn't the best place to be having a checkup and ultrasound for her baby but Hayley doesn't mind at this point. Damon however does. He sits in a chair in the corner on his phone texting Bonnie and Stefan to see how their night is going.

Dr. Paige sits in front of Hayley giving her an ultrasound. They can hear a fetal heartbeat coming from the machine. Dr. Paige smiles at Hayley. "Your baby's heart rate is perfect. "Your baby's heart rate is perfect," the doctor tells Hayley.

"I knew it." Hayley smiles at the machine. "She's a tough one, like her mom."

"I actually have a surprise for you," Dr. Paige tells her. Damon looks up at them curiously. "If you look at the machine you'll see a big dot." She waits for Hayley to nod before she continues. "Well, there's another one hiding right behind it."

Hayley's head shoots over to look at the doctor. "What are you saying?"

"You're having twins," Dr. Paige chuckles. "Congratulations."

Dr. Paige hands Hayley a tissue to wipe the ultrasound gel off of her stomach. Hayley wipes the gel off before sitting up. Dr. Paige suddenly notices the crescent moon birthmark that sits on her shoulder. Her smile tightens.

"That's a unique birthmark," she says. Damon raises an eyebrow but doesn't look up from his phone.

'Where are you?' his text from Rebekah reads.

"Your blood pressure is a bit high. I've got something for it." Dr. Paige walks into the next room where Agnes is waiting.

'Bayou clinic with witchy doctors' He texts back. The doctor had come back in and was talking to Hayley. When he looks up he sees her lunging at Hayley with a needle. He quickly gets up and snaps her neck. The doctor falls to the ground.

"That wasn't very smart of her," he talks for the first time walking into the clinic. "I think it's time for us to go." Damon picks Hayley up bridal style before being shot in the should with a vervain coated arrow. "Shit!" He vamps out of the clinic quickly escaping with Hayley in his arms.

"That was amazing," Bonnie beamed to Andrew and Tim as they walk off the stage. "You guys make me wish I could play an instrument."

"Thanks, Bonnie," Andrew responds. Tim nods with a smile.

"It was nice," Stefan smiled at them.

Andrew works up the courage to kiss Bonnie on the cheek. She blushes.

"I told a friend that I'd meet up with her," Tim says. "So I'll catch you guys at school." Tim runs down Dauphine street and meets Davina. Stefan's eyes widen.

Bonnie looks over at Stefan and fakes a cough. "Stefan," she says. "You were going to go meet a friend too, right?" Stefan smirks and nods at his sister.

"Oh yeah," he tells her. "She's down the street. I'll meet up with you guys later."

"No problem man," Andrew tells him. Bonnie smiles and takes his hand.

"Let's try some of the street vendors."

Rebekah drives quickly into the bayou. She looks at the red dot on the map and sees that she's only minutes away from Damon and Hayley's location. She steps on the gas.

Damon and Hayley sit in a makeshift hut on the far side of the road with an elderly woman. She comes in with a pot of hot water. Damon sits there cracking his neck. "You're lucky I let you in here," the woman says. "I don't usually mess with your kind."

"My kind," Damon asks smirking.

"You know what I'm talking about bloodsucker," she tells him pouring him a cup.

"You realize that I know you put vervain in this water," he tells the silver-haired bitch. "I don't need anything to drink but thank you for the offer granny."

The woman scoffs. "You're probably older than I am."

Outside a car door slams and Rebekah walks to the door of the hut. She tries to barge in but is stopped by the magical shield. "Are you both out of your mind," she yells at them from the doorway. "We are leaving this instant. We are in werewolf territory. I have no need to kill any more people than necessary at the moment."

Damon nods at her. "We're coming Barbie." Damon stands up and holds his hand out for Hayley.

"Thank you for the hospitality," Hayley says to the elder. The woman flips her silver hair and nods. She sits down and drinks her cup of tea.

It's pretty dark when everybody gets back to the house. Stefan and Bonnie are the last ones back. Bonnie had a wide smile on your face.

Klaus stands at the table drinking bourbon with Damon. "I trust you both a hide a nice night."

"We did," Stefan states.

"It was the best," Bonnie tells him.

"Your friends Tim and Andrew are quite the musicians," Klaus says. "You should invite them over to play."

"Please tell me you weren't following us," Bonnie huffs. Damon laughs in his seat.

"Only up until you and dear Andrew went to the restaurant," Klaus says. Bonnie rolls her eyes. "We all had an exciting night. But I believe it's time for bed." He puts his glass. "I'll see you all in the morning." Before he begins to head up the stairs and looks directly at his brunet son. "Stefan. Follow me," he demands.

In Klaus' room, Stefan shuts the door behind him as his father takes off his jacket. "Now little rippah," he says to his son in a light tone. Klaus goes into his closet and takes out a thick leather belt. He turns and sits down in the chair next to his closet putting the belt in his lap. Klaus looks at his son with his elbows on the arms of the chair, his feet up and his hands crossed. "Do you want to tell me about the Harvest before or after belt your bottom for not telling about Davina Claire and the Harvest?"