Hello! I'm back. The beginning of the year was a bit rough but even though I was away from the boards I was still writing. I have this full length story for you. Another installment of CAWM will be happening in May. I also have some long one shots planned that will not be on Fanfiction as they are exclusive to other sites. If you'd like more information on those send me a PM. As for future stories, yes I'm still writing and working on them.

This story was inspired by a request from abstractartist here on FF. We chatted, and this Romance/Light Drama was the result. Thank you abstractartist, not only for the idea but for all the laughs during the planning stages. I had a lot of fun working on the outline, sorry you had to wait so long for the story to actually get posted.

Huge thank you to the bestest Beta around Liason102. Glad you aren't sick of me yet, lol. I always enjoying our editing sessions.

Please feel free to leave a review, or a PM if you are feeling shy. I love hearing from you gals and guys. If you leave a review, or reach out, I ask that you please be polite. Criticism is fine, rudeness or meaness is not. Follows and favorites are always appreciated, and a great way to let me know you are enjoying the story if you can't leave a review.

Just a reminder. This is a work of fiction, while yes I do research topics that doesn't mean what happens in this story is true to life. I change things often to suit my needs something I have always admitted to. So if you hold one of the occupations in one of my stories, or live in a location I chose to highlight, things often will not be true to life. I'm not apologizing if you get bent out of shape.

Hope you enjoy the story!

ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright infringement is intended.

Number 1 Crush

Chapter 1

Francis leaned back in his chair and put his feet on his desk as he read the newspaper. Today was his favorite type of day. A quiet one. Having been in the mob for almost thirty years, much of it in the town of Port Charles, he learned to appreciate days where nothing of note happened. If for the rest of his time in the mob there was nothing but quiet days he wouldn't complain.

Because he remembered too vividly the days where it wasn't so calm.

Port Charles had been a mob town for decades. The docks made it a powerful location. Whoever controlled them controlled, to a large extent, what came into the upper portion of the eastern seaboard. While it was true there were a lot of ports on this side of the country this little nook in upstate New York was the most secure. Raids here were rare. Not because the police department wasn't very good at their jobs, but because they were very selective about what they brought in.

No drugs, no weapons, and no women.

If you were transporting that shit, you needed to find another way to get your goods. They also were secure because of one very hard and fast rule for their customers. If they shipped your goods, then you needed to have transport parked before the docking took place. No exceptions. After a delivery arrived the shipment was checked, loaded onto trucks, and it left the city. If you screwed up once, you weren't allowed back.

Families had gone to war for those docks. Francis knew the history of the area well. Knowing what came before helped him know how to avoid going down that path. Francis was eight when he first arrived in New York. He started out working for the Smith family. They had a very intense rivalry going with the Roscoe family. For years the two families fought for control. Until the Roscoes were wiped out. The Smiths didn't get to enjoy that victory for long though because the Jerome family arrived and tried to take over. So another round of warfare began. It ended with Jerome family in power. They absorbed all of the Smith holdings including the workers.

The Jerome organization enjoyed about ten years of peace until the old man died and the only son got himself blown up. With no heirs the then Don gave the area to the highest ranking LT in the organization. That was how Sonny Corinthos came to power.

The man was an ego manic who was hungry for power and money. He didn't care what you were moving. If you could pay then you could have a ship. Francis didn't respect him, but he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. Which was a good thing because for some reason Sonny liked him, enough to make him a LT, along with Johnny O'Brien. They were in positions of power when Jason started hanging around and eventually joined the organization.

The young man was lost, angry, and yes confused. He was easy pickings for Sonny to exploit. Due to his brain damage Jason didn't process things like everyone else. In the beginning he was almost devoid of any emotion but anger, and with a gun in his hand he turned out to be lethal. More lethal than anyone had seen in some time. Jason was also very smart. In no time at all he was the company's enforcer and their enemies were running scared. That just fed Sonny's already massive ego.

Francis and Johnny liked Jason from day one. Sonny put them in charge of training the new recruit, and they did their best to counter the negative influence Corinthos was exerting. Sonny for his part helped them tremendously by getting ambushed and dying about two years into Jason coming aboard.

There was a new Don by that point, Maximus Giambetti. He placed Port Charles in Francis's hands. Things had been quiet ever since. Quiet enough that changes started taking place. Not long after that the Don tapped Johnny to head his own organization. O'Brien returned to his native Ireland and took control uniting all the territories under one leader for the first time in almost fifty years. Later that same year Nico Dane, who the Don asked them to train, also got a promotion to family head. He was controlling Miami, and doing a damn fine job of it.

One year after his friends left Francis made a decision of his own. He sold half the territory to Jason. At some point, not just yet, Francis wanted to retire. The harbors would be in good hands with Jason at the helm when that time came. The angry young man had been replaced by a smart and methodical business man who just happened to know his way around a gun when needed.

They owned one of the biggest coffee businesses on the planet because of Jason's business smarts. He had seen the potential for not only a legitimate business venture, but for another way to clean their money. Deception was great, but the coffee business also gave them a reason to bring in ships from South America giving them a new customer base.

Now the region was successful and profits were up. And today was quiet Francis thought to himself with a grin. As that smile was gracing his face the phone rang. "Corelli."

"Hello Francis." Maximus was in a good mood. The families were behaving themselves at the moment. He knew why that was, and he would happily take it.

"Don Giambetti, how are you?" Francis put his feet down and sat up straight. The Don did not make it a habit of just calling people. Generally if he did then it was important. Because this was probably a business call, it would be formal.

"I am well. How are you?" The Don very much liked Francis. He was smart and tolerated no shit from anyone. Which meant people didn't want to mess with him. Or his partner.

"Good, thank you." Francis replied waiting for the point of the conversation to roll around. First they had to get through the pleasantries. "How are Mrs. Giambetti and your sons?" Max and Milo were both friends of the Corelli Morgan organization. They stopped by whenever they were in the area. Max would one day run Palermo, and Milo was one of the deadliest enforcers anyone had seen in some time. His reputation was almost as fearsome as Jason's.

"Everyone is well. How is your wife?" Maximus liked Diane as well. Margareta counted the attorney as a close friend. Their shopping trips were legendary among the shop owners in the city.

"She is also well." Francis replied looking at the picture of her that was on his desk.

"Good." Maximus leaned back in his chair and grinned. He was totally about to ruin Francis's day, and didn't feel at all bad about that. "I called to talk about the upcoming summit."

Once a year family heads gathered in one location for the opportunity to network, visit, and make alliances. It was a weeklong trip and everyone was encouraged to attend. Strongly encouraged. Most did if for no other reason than the chance to bend the Don's ear. Audiences with Maximus where highly sought and hard to get. The location of the summit changed yearly and this time they were meeting in Dublin. Which meant O'Brien was hosting. It was sure to be a fun week.

"I'm looking forward to going. I've already booked my hotel suite." Francis intended to spend the week hanging out with Johnny. Neither one of them needed to network.

"I've squared away my lodgings as well." Maximus rented a home for the week. He didn't do hotels. "I was going over the list of family heads and I noticed a name was missing."

"Oh." The back of Francis's scalp started to tingle. That normally only happened when something bad was about to go down. He really wanted to be wrong about what he suspected the Don was going to say next. "Whose name would that be?"

Maximus smirked and cleared his throat to cover a laugh. "Jason is not listed as attending."

"Jason is not much for socializing." Francis knew where this was going. He would give it his best shot, but a loss was inevitable. "Since I'll be there, we just figured him staying in Port Charles to watch things would be fine."

"Jason has not attended a summit since he bought half the business. I have given him a pass in prior years, but I think this year he should come." Maximus wondered how many swear words were going through Francis's head right about now. "You have a lot of capable men working for you, one of them can watch the territory for a week."

"Would you like me to have him call you?" Francis did not want to pass along this message.

"No, I trust you to get my point across. If it makes you feel any better this year I have decided that ties are optional after the reception." Maximus hated them.

"The truth is that Jason is really bad at socializing. He doesn't mix well with most people." Francis tried another way to get the Don to change his mind. "I'm not sure he will even make it through the reception on the first night." It was a cocktail party. Jason didn't do parties either.

"Tell him to bring a plus one. That way he'll have someone to talk to while he sits at his assigned table." The Don was having a really hard time not laughing. Francis was doing his best, but it wasn't going to be good enough. "I hear that he is currently single, but I'm sure that somewhere in Port Charles there is a lady who can spare a week of her time to help him out."

If there was Francis didn't know about her. Jason had ended a relationship last year and hadn't even gone out on a date since. He said something about not trusting his judgement in women. Francis had agreed that a reassessment was needed, that last one had been hard to tolerate. "I'm sure there is."

"Good. I will see you both in Dublin then." Maximus needed to make another call after this one.

"Yes, you will." Francis said as the call ended. He hung up the phone. "Shit." He said shaking his head. "There goes my quiet day." He got up and walked to the door grabbing his jacket along the way. At least he wouldn't be miserable alone. Now he got to go wreck Jason's day as well.

"What's up?" Jason asked as Francis closed the door.

Fast was best so he got right to it. "Maximus just called me, he said you have to go to the summit this year."

"Why?" Jason asked feeling something close to panic. While seeing O'Brien would be nice, there was no way he wanted to deal with everyone else.

"Because you're a boss now, and bosses go to the summit." Francis said taking a seat.

"I'm also an enforcer." Jason tried that route.

"Maximus is aware of which title you prefer. Marco will stay and watch things while we are overseas. You aren't getting out of his so there isn't any point in arguing." Francis told his friend.

"Buy me out then." Jason had only agreed to buy half the business because Francis said he wouldn't have to talk to people. His name on the business helped keep the area stable. Especially since they now controlled all of upstate New York. With them as partners if something happened to one of them then the region stayed stable.

"Maximus would have to agree to the sale." Francis pointed out the flaw in that plan.

"Shit." Jason just threw down his pen.

"Exactly. He suggested you bring a plus one. It's a good idea, it gives you a reason to ignore everyone else." Francis watched as his partner's frown deepened.

"Where am I supposed to get this woman? I'm not dating anyone, and I'm not hiring an escort." Jason tacked on.

"I wouldn't have even made that suggestion. Professionals were Sonny's thing." Francis pointed out. That was why he owned so many strip clubs. He liked sleeping with the dancers who turned tricks on the side. "You have to know someone."

"If I knew someone, then I'd be dating them." Jason had been serious when he said he needed to take a break from women. He needed to figure out how to attract ladies and not high maintenance divas.

"You don't know anyone at all?" Francis asked not believing that.

"No." Jason said at the same time his brain said yes. Considering he'd only had a handful of conversations with the women he was picturing the odds of her going to Ireland with him were between nil and zilch. However she was the type of woman he wanted to be with, so it wasn't surprising his subconscious was bringing her up. "But I'll tell you what since I'm in this mess because of you, then you can find me a plus one."

"How is this my fault?" Francis wanted to know.

"You promised me I could hide in this office with my contracts and not have to deal with any of our business associates unless I was shooting them. I'll be lucky to make it through the week without hurting anyone." Jason glared across the desk at his partner.

"Wow you have a great memory." Francis had to grin. Those were his exact words. Exact. "Fair enough. I'll find you a plus one. Someone you won't want to ditch by the end of the first night. While I'm working on that you need to go the tailor. Suits are required. You only need to bring one tie."

"Suits." Jason looked more horrified at that than the possibility of having to talk to someone. He didn't own any suits because he hated them. "I'm not taking any meetings." Jason was drawing the line there.

"You have to take one, Maximus will want to talk to us. I wasn't planning on taking any after that, so you don't have to either." Francis said getting to his feet. He was going to need some help with the plus one issue. Fortunately help wasn't that far way.

"If I go to Ireland, can I skip the next one?" Jason was going to have to take one for the team.

"We can ask." Francis said heading for the door. "I'll call you about the plus one."

"Yeah." Jason shut down his laptop and headed out as well. Walking into the coffee shop that fronted his office he took a deep breath. He loved the smell of fresh brew. Walking outside he scanned the area before heading to his SUV. He would swing by the tailor shop to see if he could book a fitting.

In her car Abby raised her camera and fired off a few shots. Jason Morgan was the most delicious thing in Port Charles. It was only a matter of time before he saw what was right in front of him. That they belonged together. Until then her collection of pictures was going to have to do. As long as no one got in her way between then and now things would be just fine. If some trollop did try to get the attention of her man, then she would simply show them the error of their ways.

Thanks for the reviews!