I don't own beyblade :'(
So it's a new two or three-shot; about one of the most adorable couples of beyblade. Yes, you guessed right. It's a MaxXMariam. I want to dedicate it to HeavenRider. Poor boy, he's getting bored by reading the RayXSalima fic. So, that's for you brother so that you can lighten your mood :D
"May I come in, Hilary?"
The furious brunette was trying to make a new schedule for the rest of the bladers. Although Tyson had won the match and become the world champion for the second time, they needed to practice. They needed to improve themselves more than the previous time. In fact, they had to be the best again. So, she was working hard.
"Come in," The girl replied reluctantly, not even looking at him while writing something on the notebook.
With slow footsteps, the American boy entered into the room. Finishing writing, the brunette kept the pen in the notebook. Closing it, she moved her gaze at him.
"What happened, Maxie boy?" She queried with a smiling face, "Do you need anything?"
"Actually…." Max was trying to tell but at the same time something was bothering him to do that. He was nervously crossing his fingers.
"Max, don't hesitate." Hilary spoke, with a soft tone, "You can share with me. I won't hurt you. Rather, I'll try my best to solve your problem. Is there any problem?"
"Hilary…I think…um…"
"You think what?"
"I think….I've got a crush on…."
"Crush?" Hilary cocked an eyebrow, "Oh my God! You've got a crush?" Her voice got louder.
"Sshhh…lower your voice, even the walls also have ears." Max put a finger on his lips.
"O…okay, I'm lowering my tone," The brunette tried to control her voice, "But at least tell me who the lucky girl is."
"I don't know whether she's lucky or not." The blonde blushed, "But I know that I'm a lucky boy. Because I've got a crush on such a beautiful sensational young lady like her."
"Someone is growing up." The brunette winked.
"Oh Hilary, please don't joke with me, I'm serious over this matter." The hyperactive boy snarled.
"Alright, I won't joke with you." Hilary assured him, "Now can you kindly tell me her name? Or I've to send you an invitation card to know her name?"
"No no, you don't need to do that." Max waved his hands, "Actually…I like…Mariam..."
"Mariam?" Hilary again raised her eyebrows, "You mean…the girl from Saint Shields?"
"Uh…yes…" Max bowed his head down.
Silence remained there for about 10 seconds. Then suddenly, someone burst into laughter.
"Hahaha….I can't believe…..you've got a crush….on Mariam….oh my God!" Hilary started giggling and rolling down on the floor, clutching her stomach tightly with her hands.
"Hilary, please don't laugh like that!" Max gritted his fists, "Someone will hear."
"Let them hear. If you love someone, why're you being so afraid, huh?" Hilary retorted, somehow controlling herself.
"Arghh!" Max punched in the air, "Listen, you're ruining my mood! It's been my mistake to come to you for some advice. I thought you're like my elder sister and so you can help me in this situation. But you aren't doing anything! Rather you're laughing!"
"Aww Maxie boy…calm down…" The chocolate-haired girl kept a hand on his shoulder, "I'll surely help you. Tell me, how can I help you?"
"I wanna impress her." The American boy stated, "In fact, I want to get her attention. How will I do that?"
"This matter?" Hilary stood up and kept her hands on her waist like a boss, "Remember, 'impossible' is a word that can never be found in Hilary's dictionary. Have no fear, because Hilary is here."
"Then kindly tell me what I should do." Max almost begged, with his innocent puppy-dog eyes.
"Hmmm….let me think once.."
The brunette scratched her chin thoughtfully for half an hour. For the next 30 minutes, she rubbed her head. And finally, for the next one hour, she kept walking here and there and ended up almost moving around the room for about 20 times. For this, she had to lose calories as much as the boys had to lose during their matches. The poor American was staring at her helplessly. Whenever he was trying to ask her something, she would tell, "Ah Max! Let me think!"
Finally, she stopped walking and acted as though she had found an epic idea. Turning to the blonde, she yelled, "Maxie!"
No response.
"Max?" She frowned as she saw the boy was hugging his knees with his hands and buried his face into his knees. The sounds of snoring were coming from him.
Being curious, she went to him. As she gently patted on his back, he almost jumped bouncing like a basketball, yelling, "No Mariam! I love you but I can't leave eating sugar for you! Please please don't tell me to do that! I'll die without sugar!"
"Max, it's me, not Mariam!" The brunette blurted, "You must be dreaming."
"Yeah, see, how worse my condition has been!" Max murmured sheepishly, "She also visits even in my dreams and nightmares."
Hilary sighed. For once, she was being irritated at Max's behavior.
"Now she won't." She said, "Because you're going to get her permanently in your life."
"Really?" Max stood up, again bouncing, "How?"
"Look, she's a traditional Japanese girl." She suggested, "And you know, the Japanese girls are quite fond of literature."
"Literature?" The boy gulped, "But I can't write even a single poetic line. How will I impress her?"
"You've to do it." Hilary squeezed his shoulders, "Start with a simple love letter."
"Love letter?" Max frowned, "Hilary, do you know how to write a love letter?"
"Huh?" Hilary uttered, in confusion.
"No…I mean…I'm a single guy, and this is my first time…" Max started musing, "So it would be better if anyone wrote a love letter for me…"
"Oh, and you mean I'm mingled?" The brunette began to shake him furiously, "What do you think? Am I in love? I also never wrote a love letter. And you yourself have to do it. If you get it done by others, then you'll be embarrassed when you both will go out for your first date."
"Alright…" Max again bowed his head in frustration and quietly left the room. Going to his room, he grabbed a pen and a notepad. After much scuffling with himself, he managed to make a draft. According to the draft, he finally finished his letter. Then putting it into an envelope, he handed it to the postman.
'Now let her reply come…just once!' He mused, 'Then she'll be mine, and I'll be…her…forever!"
He didn't have to wait for long. In that evening, he got the reply. There was written,
"I've been happy to know that you like me. Actually, I've also same feelings for you in my heart from that day when we met first. We were rivals. But eventually our bond got strong and deep also. If you don't hesitate, can you meet me at the riverside once in the next afternoon? And please please, don't take your beyblade or bit-beast with you. Because if you bring that, it will remind me about our enmity. We don't wanna be enemies of course. So please, leave draciel at your home, in any safe hand.
With love,
Rolling his eyes, Max read the letter from top to the bottom. Once, twice, thrice. Then he jumped like a little kid, punching in the air, almost dancing. Hearing him, everyone rushed there like the gushes of stormy winds.
"What happened, Max?" The navy-haired blader asked, "Why're you screaming like a donkey?"
"Donkey?" Max retorted, "Yes, I've been a donkey! Today I'm the luckiest donkey on the earth!"
"Tyson…I think Max has had too much sugar today…." Hilary tried to handle the situation, "Let me talk with him at once."
"But…" Tyson was going to protest but he couldn't speak anything in front of the violent expression of the brunette. The girl grabbed the wrist of the American and left the room, dragging him.
Going to another room, she whispered, "Has my idea worked?"
"Yes, it has worked!" Max giggled like a child who had got new toys, "It hasn't only worked, but also it has blasted everything. Look at the letter!" As the boy showed her the letter, "She has invited me for a date!"
"That's good!" Hilary almost cheered but at the same time, she managed her voice level, "I mean…Congratulations!"
"Thank you so much, Hilary!" He almost burst into tears, "It couldn't be possible without you."
"Mention not." She whispered, "Now go and get some sleep. And yes, don't forget to be prepared for tomorrow."
"Of course, how can I?" Max again yelled as both started laughing.
But they hadn't known yet that the destiny would have planned something else for them. Specially, for the hyperactive cheerful American young man.
How's it, guys? Good or bad? I know it hasn't been so good because…humor doesn't suit me at all. I kinda suck in writing comedies :P Yet please read and review. Pardon grammatical and spelling errors. Until…take care! :D
-Misty ^_^