AN: I am so sorry this is SO late. I just simply forgot it was publishing day. This is final chapter... stay tuned to the end for an important announcement. Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I would be lost without you, my faithful readers. On with the story...

Judith Rose Hart and William Robert Orton were the rulers of their homes, and no one cared.

It had been a bit touch and go, but William or Billy as they called him, arrived a screaming, healthy baby. Dolph recovered very well, but Randy had to do all the lifting and carrying of the baby for two weeks. He turned out to be a wonderful, loving father and Dolph fell even more in love with Randy.

Adam fully closed up and recovered in twenty-four hours. He was happy to have Dean and the grandparents look after Judith while he slept and healed.

Both and Jason and Heath cried when they saw their beautiful "niece" for the first time, live on face time. Seth and Roman doted on her as well. Dean finally had to referee the grandparents before a "let me hold her," fight broke out.

Judith Rose was asleep in her nursery. Adam sat at the kitchen table, his final history test in front of him. Glenn Calaway sat at the table and quietly read from one of a few magazines he'd brought with him. Glenn was there to supervise and give Adam his final exams. Shawn didn't want Judith at the high school day care, three of the children had severe colds, and Judith was too young to be exposed. It was decided that Glenn would give Adam the tests at home. Dean was at WWE High, taking the same tests.

When the baby began to cry, Adam sighed. "Oh baby, daddy needs fifteen more minutes. Be a good girl." He spoke to Judith over the baby monitor. The baby fussed even more. She could hear her daddy, but couldn't see him.

"Baby girl, daddy will be there shortly." He worried that she cried, but Adam also didn't run to cuddle her the instant she cried. She had to learn, tantrums would not work, not even for a two week old baby.

"May I go?" Glenn looked at Adam. He would love a chance to have a baby in his arms again.

Adam gave the Vice Principal a look of gratitude. "Yes, please. I know she is wet, sure you don't mind? Everything is on the changing table." Adam looked up from his test paper. He wanted to get all "A's" to make his daughter proud.

Adam watched the monitor and smiled. Glenn handled Judith like an expert. He went back to his history test, with complete confidence in Glenn Calaway.

Dean sat in the history class room. He was fully concentrated on his test, but only after a slight altercation with AJ. To be honest, Dean had been in the wrong, and AJ could have voided his test. A void would have meant a failing grade.

AJ had caught Dean with his cell phone in his lap. The thing that saved Dean's bacon, was the fact that he watched Judith, and wasn't cheating on his test. Instead of making a huge deal out of it, AJ whispered a stern warning in Dean's ear, and took his cell phone away.

Dean was upset at first, but then he realized he was lucky it was AJ. Miss Phoenix would have failed him, and probably taken his phone for good. After a couple of minutes, Dean caught AJ's eye. He gave the man a smile and nod of thanks. AJ returned the smile with a wink.

Back at the pool house, Eric arrived to help out, just as Adam was about to start his second test. "Do you want me to take her to the house? So you can concentrate?" He looked at Adam with a hope filled smile.

"Well, it would be easier, but daddy, please remember. I need you to reinforce our rules, don't coddle her the second she cries. Wait to see if she settles herself first. Promise me?" Adam gave his dad a stern look. He wanted to be a good parent, but he had to have the help of others.

Eric smiled. "Son, who taught you that? Remember, that's how I raised you. I have diapers and formula, so don't worry. Just concentrate on your tests. I'll have lunch ready for both you at one. Good luck, son."

Adam kissed his daughter as she slept in Eric's arms. Soon he was concentrated on his test, as Glenn continued to silently read.

The tests lasted three days. Once finished, the seniors did not have to return for the last two wees of school before graduation. Going to school after tests seemed pointless to those underclassmen that had to go, but, it was the way the school year worked out. No real learning went on, but teachers kept students busy with worksheets of puzzles or playing games that did teach facts if nothing else.

Dean loved being home with Adam and Judy. They took her out every day and she seemed to blossom and grow stronger and healthier every day. She was the absolute apple of Dean's eye.

The odd thing was, there wasn't but one streak of Orton in Judith's look. She had Randy's storm colored eyes. She was a miniature version of Adam, except she had a softer chin and forehead. Her hair was curly, and a very light brown, that would probably go dark blond with time. She was already a beautiful child, and would grow into a lovely young woman.

Judith Rose Hart slept through her parents graduation ceremony. Eric and Vince both had emotion filled eyes as Adam gave his Valedictorian speech.

Bret and Shaw were just as a proud, not only of Adam, but Dean as well. Their son was not in the Honor Society, but wore the gold braids of being one of the top ten students in the class. Seth was the Salutatorian, as he had finished one half a grade point behind Adam. Roman also wore the Honor Society collar and gold braid. The group of friends had done well in school.

Randy and Dolph didn't make the Honor Society, but they had pulled their grades up. William Ziggler held his grandson, and watched with pride as Dolph accepted his diploma.

Dolph was the last student in the line, but first in William's heart. Dolph was alive, sober and healthy, it was all William had ever wanted. He was also pleased that tomorrow, he would gain a son-in-law. But best of all, was the beautiful baby he held securely in his arms. Billy was so much like Dolph's birth daddy, it was spooky, except baby Billy had Randy's stormy eyes, and dark brown hair.

Also, at the graduation, sat two surprise guests. Jason and Heath had flown in for the week. They had bought a small house close to their campus and they wanted to get back in time to settle in before they started their summer class session. No one had any idea the couple were coming to the high school graduation.

Adam had not told Jason about being the Valedictorian. He wanted to surprise his friend. Adam had asked Bayley to record the ceremony to send to Jason, along with some new video of Judy.

After Dolph returned to his seat, Principal Mark Calaway went to the podium to say a few final words. "We all wish you the very best in your future endeavors. I now declare you all as Graduates of Wilbur Wallace Eaton High School. Congratulations!"

A rousing cheer went up, along with the mortar board caps the graduates wore. The students had removed the tassels of teal, gold and white, to keep in remembrance of their years at WWE High. It was their first step into the future and into adulthood.

Before they left the student seating area, Eva Marie found Adam. The flame red headed girl hugged Adam tightly. She had tears in her eyes.

"That was a wonderful speech, Adam. I just wanted to say thank you. You were the only one that understood and helped me out with Charlie. I really appreciate all the times you kept him, just so I could refresh myself. We're flying down to Mexico at midnight. His dad and I finally get to be together. This isn't much, but it's from Charlie to Judith. I know how you love elephants." Eva handed Adam a small gift bag lined with yellow tissue paper.

Adam spoke as he fiddled to take the gift out of the bag "I didn't mind, Eva. I was glad to help. I will miss seeing Charlie, he's such an angel, but it is good you can finally be a family, Maybe we will come down to see you, I've always wanted to see Acapulco..." Adam paused and pulled the gift out of the bag, just as Dean joined them.

Adam pulled out a soft gray bath towel. The cute thing was, the towel was hooded, but the hood was a cute elephant head, with floppy ears and a short trunk. When she got a bit bigger, Judith would look adorable in it. Adam was thrilled.

Adam hugged Eva Marie. "Oh thank you, sweetie. I wanted one of theses but couldn't find one! It was out of stock at Amazon. I am gonna miss you two." He hugged Eva again. Adam put the towel back safely in the bag.

Dean said his goodbye to Eva Marie as well. Adam would have loved to have seen Charlie, but he was at home with a neighbor. He was teething, and the ceremony would have been too much for him.

Adam and Dean eventually made it to where Eric, Vince, Shawn, Bret, Stephanie, Bayley, Shane and Kurt stood talking. Adam's heart leapt out of his chest.

"Where is my daughter?" Adam exclaimed. None of the family had her. Eric did have her diaper bag slung over his shoulder.

Eric shrugged. "Oh, some guy thought she was cute, and I let him hold her. He is around some place." His eyes sparked with mirth, Dean caught it, but Adam didn't.

Adam went ballistic. "You just handed my child, your grandchild to a random stranger and you didn't stay with her? Daddy, what is wrong with you? Did you lose your fucking mind? Where is Judith Rose?" He was actually about to hit his dad.

"Adam Joseph, will you calm down. I am not going to run off with your daughter, but I would if I could. She is beautiful, my brother." Jason spoke from behind, Judy safely in his arms.

Adam's knees actually buckled, Dean caught him. "Baby, you know your dad was teasing. He would never just let someone have our Judy." Dean nor anyone else had expected Adam to react so... dramatically.

Adam then let out a suppressed laugh. "Ha! I got you! I got you all! I saw you, Jaybird, during my speech. You were trying to duck down in your seat. I'm sorry daddy, but I finally pranked you back. Are you mad at me?" Adam looked at Eric with his best pout.

Eric was so relieved, he was to overcome to be mad. Laughs and hugs were exchanged all around. They loved Charlie's gift to Judy. Everyone then headed to the McMahon's house for an after graduation gathering.

Seth and Roman got to hold Judy briefly in the parking lot. They had been invited to the McMahon's house, but Roman's family were also having a very small party. Well, small for Roman's family, only fifty people had been invited. It would be Martin Rollins first time at a Samoan party. Roman didn't want to scare him with a full on family fest.

Seth held Judith to his shoulder and rubbed her back. "She is so sweet, Adam. I can't get enough. I can't wait to have one of our own. Don't panic, Ro, I don't mean immediately. We'd better go, can't keep hungry Samoans waiting. Love you, baby girl, yes, your Uncle Seth loves you." He kissed the baby and handed her to Adam. Roman also gave the baby a kiss. They left to find Martin and head for the party.

Dean secured his daughter in the car seat in his Malibu. It had quickly become the family car. It was easier than trying to get the car seat in and out of the Mustang. Before college started in the fall, they would invest in a second car seat, but for now, one was enough.

When they got home, it was Dean who fed,changed and put Judith down for the night. At one month and one week of age, she slept most of the night. She really was a very good baby.

Dean had put Judith down in her own crib in the pool house. Both he and Adam kept one eye on their cell phone monitors. After all, she was only a few steps away, the party was poolside.

The pool had also been the site of another party last weekend. Roman's birthday was on May twenty-fifth, Eric's was on the twenty-seventh and Seth's was on the twenty-eighth. Stephanie, Shane and Adam had pitched in, along with Bayley, Kurt and Dean to give Eric and Vince a cruise from Long Beach to San Francisco and back. It was a ten day sail cruise with whale watching. They would leave right after Stephanie and Bayley's wedding on July seventh. The kids told their parents it was about time they got away for a while.

The cruise had been Adam's suggestion. He felt guilty that his and Dean's elopement had thrown every thing off. He'd ruined Vince's plans to take his daddy on a well earned vacation. It was Steph who gently reminded her baby brother that it wasn't his fault, it was Vince and the horrible cold that really spoiled the plan. It didn't matter though, they were all happy to pitch in for the cruise tickets.

Now, on the night of graduation, Vince stood, drink in hand. "Adam, I want you to know how proud of you we all are. I only wanted you to do your best, and you far exceeded that. We're also so proud that you gave us a beautiful, healthy granddaughter. To, Adam, our Valedictorian and our Judy Rose..." He raised his glass. Everyone echoed the toast. Vince raised his hand, he had more to say.

"Dean, we are equally as proud of you. Eric and I couldn't have wished for a better husband to Adam, or father to Judy Rose. You may be young, but you are already more of a man than most. I truly believe, that if it weren't for you... we would not be here now, celebrating. Celebrating two special people; Adam and Judy. Words can never put our thanks deep enough. We love you as one of our own. To Johnathan Dean Hart." Vince once again raised his glass. The others too again, echoed Vince as glasses were raised and sips taken.

Bret cleared his throat, eyes turned to him. "I can't add anything to what Vince has so perfectly stated. However, I would like to try. Adam, we too, are proud of you. We've loved you since you were two or three years old. We never guessed that one day, you would be our very own son-in-law, and give us a wonderful grandchild..." He paused briefly to shift his gaze from Adam to Dean. Bret continued.

"Dean, our dear son. Shawn and I had given up on having children, and we had accepted that. Then I decided to give some of my time to the orphanage. When I first spied you and that unruly mop of auburn hair and dirt smudged face, something spoke to my soul. Slowly we became friends. Shawn couldn't wait to meet you, but we both knew we had to let you build up your trust. You did, and eventually we had you for a weekend visit. Shawn insisted you were sent to us, for a very special reason. The day of the final adoption was and remains the best day of our lives. Then you and Adam... you saved each other. Now, Dean, you are a father. If anyone can do do the job, it's you. Son, we love you so very much. Adam, that love expands to you and Judith Rose. We love you." Bret ended as he raised his glass. Once again a group toast was made.

By now there wasn't a dry eye anywhere. There was no shame in having tears of emotion flowing as freely as the waterfall of the pool.

Adam took a turn. "First of all, thank you for turning me into an emotional wreck. I couldn't have been a success at school without you urging me to always do my best. I know I've caused a lot of pain and worry to the ones I love the most. The ones I should have turned to for help. The day that Judith asks me about my scars will be a hard day, but I will tell her the truth. Not about what happened, but that no matter how dark your life becomes, there is always a voice of hope that will belong to someone who will help you. Dean walking into my heart was the best thing that ever happened. I know that phrase gets used a lot, but it is the truth, how else do you say it?" He gave a shrug, as a moment of brief laughter broke out.

After a glance at a sleeping Judy, on his cell phone, Adam continued. "I love all of you so much, for rallying around me, when I didn't even realize I needed you, and when I did. I wouldn't be where I am now without any of you. Dean, my husband, thank you for always standing up for me. Thank you for giving me all your blood, you saved not only my life, and our daughter's life, you saved my soul. You are my life and my hope. I can't wait to walk beside you in what ever comes our way. Now, I will shut up, but I love you all." Adam gave Dean a kiss, then laid his head on his husband's shoulder as they settled down together on a chaise lounger. Dean's cell phone was on his chest. Judy slept peacefully.

Jason and Heath were talking about their little house in Cambridge. "It's two bedrooms, and not much bigger than a doll house, but it has an amazing backyard. It's long and narrow, but a paradise. The original owners must have sacrificed house size to keep the yard. I have never seen such thick, lush, green grass. It's also a great investment, so that's why mom and dad helped us buy it. I will send pictures once we are done. It's only half painted right now. We have a lot to do before our summer classes start." Jason explained as Heath showed one picture of the outside of the tiny house. When it was repaired, painted and decorated it would be charming.

Adam smiled at his friends. "Small places are nice. I only wish we had one more bedroom, but Shawn can attest, the air bed is quite comfortable. Why are you loading up on summer classes? Surely a break..." He stopped, Judy had started to fuss.

"That's her dirty diaper cry. Be right back." Adam started to get up. Dean stopped him, ready to go to his daughter himself.

Vince beat Dean to the punch. "I've got her. Does she need feeding too?" He looked at Judy's parents, a smile on his face.

Adam chuckled. "Okay, Gramps. Yes, she is due for a bottle. You can bring her out here, I will feed her."

Vince patted Adam on the shoulder. "No, I'll do it. And yes, I know, don't microwave the bottle." He winked at his son.

Dean spoke up. "There is one in the warmer. It should be ready. Just remember, take one out, put one in. It's hard to explain to a crying infant about taking time to warm a bottle. Oh and reset the timer for two hours please." He gave his father-in-law a smile with a wink. They loved the computerized bottle warmer. It could be on timer, then when warm, was kept at temperature for up to thirty minutes. Any longer then it would have to be thrown out, but so far, that had not happened.

Vince gave his chuckle-laugh. "Don't worry, I do know what I am doing. I mean Shane and Stephanie are still alive." He returned the wink to Dean. Vince then went into the pool house.

Adam and Dean watched the monitor. They soon both relaxed, Vince handled Judy like a pro. Eric took a look at Dean's cell phone. A soft smile crossed his face.

Vince sat in the rocking chair and fed Judy her bottle. Vince spoke softly as he held his granddaughter. Eric let out a sigh, but it was a happy sound.

"He used to rock you to sleep, just like that. Sometimes, he was the only one who could settle you down. Of course, you were older, but still, he hasn't lost his touch." Eric had a wistful look on his face.

The party talk changed to the topic of Stephanie and Bayley's wedding. It was going to be the first big social event of the summer season at the Long Beach Yacht Club. It hadn't started out that way, but it soon became that way. It was still going to be a small, elegant affair. Eric had worked his ass off to make it exactly what the girls wanted.

"I wish Judy-doodle was old enough to be our flower girl. She would be so precious. You will bring her, won't you? I feel she is our lucky charm." Bayley spoke with a smile as she sat in a lounger with Stephanie.

Adam nodded with a smile. "Of course. I'm making her a dress to wear. It's so much fun to sew for her. Finally all her great grandmother taught me, and Shawn, has paid off. Even Dean has done some of the hem work. He can hand sew tighter and smaller than I can."

Dean's cheeks dusted over. It embarrassed him that Adam always bragged about his sewing skills. Shane laughed. "You know, knowledge of sewing can help you date clothing or blanket remnants you find on a dig. I remember, not too long ago, they discovered a mummy they thought was the oldest ever discovered. Then they realized the stitching in the cloth was seventeenth century. I was a prank. So all kinds of knowledge can pay off."

Dean nodded. "I read about that. Shane, I meant to tell you, I really enjoyed the class trip to the Tar Pits. Once we got past all the tourist crap, it was fascinating. I mean they are still uncovering Dino bones from the tar. It's amazing. You know, I should have gone there years ago, but all I could think of was the tourist trap crap." He gave a shrug.

"Glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure you'll be back there. All the colleges and Universities have lab rooms there. I'm sorry the trip to the Calico Early Man site didn't work out. I always take my senior class there. But, when I called to confirm, they said the site was temporarily closed. They are excavating a new dig site, which is what I wanted you all to see, but, oh well. You can always go there on your own." Shane gave Dean a smile. He had been really surprised at how deeply interested Dean had been at La Brea. He actually had to pull Dean away, or they would have been late back to school.

Dean waved a hand at Shane. "I enjoyed the Tar Pits more. Um.. I'm sorry I got kind of put out at having to leave." He gave Shane an apologetic look.

Adam's eyes went wide. "Wait, you didn't tell me about this. Shane, was he a bad boy? Does he need to be punished?"

Both Shane and Dean laughed. Shane spoke. "No, not at all. They were cleaning the tar off some new found bones. I wanted the class to see the process, but they got bored quick. Seth, Roman and Dean stayed to watch. I called for them to come to the bus. Seth and Roman came, but not Dean. Seth said that Dean was zoned out on what they were doing. Anyway, I had to go pull Dean away. I got a very dirty look. Honestly, I was impressed. Dean, you are going to be a fantastic Archaeologist. You, Seth, Roman and Bo Dallas were the only ones that didn't run goof off. Half of them went right to the coffee shop with their cell phones or lap tops to play games."

"I just thought it was amazing that still, today, they are finding million year old bones. I hope I can do some work there sometime." Dean had a dreamy look in his eyes.

Vince returned. "She is just so precious. I forgot how wonderful a baby feels and smells.. She is so good, too. That's down to you two. She feels safe, secure and loved." He settled down to have a cigar and brandy.

The evening progressed till nearly two in the morning. Everyone decided to take up Eric's offer and spend the night. After all, they certainly had enough rooms.

Heath and Jason took Adam's old room on the third floor. Steph and Shane shared their childhood bedrooms with their partners. And Chris, AJ, Bret and Shawn had the two second floor guest rooms. Glenn and Mark used Miss Ellen's old room. They all fell asleep, cozy and comfortable with the promise of Shawn's pancakes for breakfast.

In the pool house, Adam rocked his daughter back to sleep after a diaper change. She wasn't really hungry, so Dean put away her bottle. In the morning, it would warm up while Adam bathed and dressed Judith.

Dean stood in the doorway of the nursery. He could just make out Adam's shadow in the moonlight flooded room. He had Judy up to his shoulder and rubbed her back. Adam hummed a quiet lullaby, as Judith nuzzled against her daddy.

Dean thought back over everything that had happened over the last year. Adam changing into a sullen, angst and fear ridden shell of himself. Then finding out Adam had feelings for him. The hardest memory for Dean was when his Uncle Chris had taken him into... all the blood, and Adam looked so lifeless. The emergency room... and the terror when Adam died, the elation when he came back. It still made Dean tremble.

Dean smiled again, all the time he and Adam had spent, just talking in the hospital. They learned so much about each other and found out they had so much in common. Adam loved his romantic side, and if Dean were honest, Adam had been the only one to see it. He'd never been romantic with Drake. They just had hard, dirty sex.

Dean thought of Drake. While he had loved Drake, it was always Adam at the center of Dean's heart. Drake knew there was someone else, or at least it was the vibe Dean gave off, but he accepted it. What he and Dean had was good. It had killed Drake when his dad was transferred, but it was military life. Dean fucked him one last time, at that was it.

Dean came back to reality when he heard Adam stand. Adam smiled and with a wiggle of his head, indicated for Dean to come over to the crib. Adam held Judy as Dean kissed her little cheek. Their daughter never stirred, as Adam laid her on her belly in her crib. Dean covered Judy with her soft blanket. She was so sweet and precious.

Dean put an arm around Adam's waist. The young couple just stared at their sleeping daughter. Adam laid his head on Dean's shoulder.

Adam thought back to all the things that had happened over the year. His life had turned a full circle.

Adam had thought his life with Randy was written in stone; how quickly it all changed. First came the terrible darkness of death, then, like the shining white knight of folklore, Dean had called him back to the light, where he remained.

Adam had loved learning about Dean while they were in the hospital. He'd learned that Dean was really a soft hearted romantic. Adam knew Dean had kept that side hidden because he had to be able to survive at the orphanage. Dean had to be the tough, quick tempered, protector of the smaller children.

The blond reached down and put Horton the Elephant closer to Judith Rose. She seemed to reach her little hand out and make sure her friend was there. When the baby felt the soft, gray fur, she let out a sound that sounded much like a sigh of contentment. Dean and Adam looked at each other.

The love that flowed between them ran deep. They knew there would be fights and arguments, maybe even a dust up or two, but, in the end, they would work it out. Dean and Adam had so much to look forward to; good and bad.

Dean had told Adam, during one of their hospital talks, that without bad, there could never be any good. If nothing bad happened, or nothing ever went wrong, how could you learn to appreciate anything. If Adam hadn't been through the things he'd gone through with Randy, their lives would have been different.

As horrible as everything had been for Adam, it had helped make him a better, stronger person. It brought Dean into his life and ultimately, Judith Rose.

Adam let out a sigh of his own. "Happy, my darling?" Dean asked in a barely there whisper.

Adam's hazel eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Very happy my handsome knight. I love you." His voice was soft as a feather. Instead of going to their own bed, Adam nuzzled deep against Adam, content where he was.

Dean pulled Adam in closer. Neither could bear to leave the nursery. They were afraid Judith might just vanish if they didn't stay. It was Dean who finally realized, if they didn't sleep now, they wouldn't get any. Judy was ready for the day at five-thirty every morning. If it was warm, Adam took her outside and fed her as the world came to life with the sun.

As Dean and Adam left the nursery, Adam stopped at the doorway and looked back on Judith Rose Hart, one more time.

Adam Joseph Copeland-McMahon-Hart, sighed in contentment one last time. Happiness, hope and love had, at last, replaced Adam's angst.


AN: Once again, thank for for sticking with this one... I hope you enjoyed it. Again, I appreciate each and everyone of you who read this story. Now, I am in the process of writing a new story, and have nine and half chapters written. The problem is, I am suffering from a severe case of writers block. I know where I am going with the story, but I am having trouble getting there. It will work out I am sure. I hope to have the first chapter of the new story, "Shipwrecked", up and ready to go in four to six weeks. Thank you once again for all your support, without it, I would be lost. I wish you all a wonderful and blessed day. All the best, Lady Dragonsblood