Hey, everyone!

This story is officially on hiatus. I've been really busy lately with school, theatre, and other (to-be published) fanfics, so I'm going to put this on hold for a bit. Since I didn't truly say it would be on hiatus until now, I'm giving you a short and unfinished chapter, but just know that you probably won't be getting any more chapters in awhile!

Thank you all for reading this story, love you 3

Jessica woke up from her nightmare, sweating and out of breath. She was exhausted and felt as though she had run a marathon in her sleep. Looking around her room, she noticed nothing out of the ordinary. It all really had been a dream, but it had felt so real.

Jessica got out of her bed and went to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cold water and looked at the dark circles under her eyes and her pale skin in the mirror until she heard the sound of crying inside of her the closet.

Fear welled up inside of Jessica, making her freeze in her tracks.