The Last Uzumaki Part 1 Banishment
Summary: After Naruto and Sasuke thought at the valley of the end Naruto returns near death when he's healed enough he's summoned by the council who banish Naruto for almost killing there precious Sasuke. Naruto will wander around visiting Wave before he finds Uzushiogakure where he finds a temple and only Uzumaki's can enter. He finds out about his mother finding out he is now the Heir to the Uzumaki clan. Naruto starts his new path as the Last Uzumaki of his clan.
A/N: The Pairings are known but I won't tell anyone yet apart from my friends who I discussed it with. There will be anger in this chapter and sadness but enjoy.
Kurama Talking/Jutsu's
'Naruto Talking to Kurama/Sakura Talking to Inner Self'
Inner Thoughts
Inner Sakura
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto just this story
Naruto and Sasuke have just finished their epic battle with Sasuke coming out the winner only because Naruto didn't want to kill him. Of course, Sasuke had no problems with killing Naruto and shoved a Chidori through Naruto's Chest barely missing his heart.
Sasuke looks down at Naruto whose badly beaten and bloodied body is barely moving and hisses, "Don't come after me again and next time I will kill you," Sasuke then runs off.
A short while later Kakashi arrives. He first sees the devastation of the surrounding area, next, he sees Naruto unconscious in the water face down. He quickly rushes over and pulls him up, as he does so he checks unconscious boy for breathing and a pulse. He feels a faint beat in the wounded boy's neck but it's weak and faint as is the shallow and slow rise and fall of his chest. He then sees the hole in Naruto's chest, Sasuke had used the chidori, an A rank technique whose only reason for being is to kill, on Naruto. Kakashi quickly picks up Naruto and carries him back to Konoha as fast as he dare go.
He constantly checks Naruto's condition, his ability to heal was working but it seemed that it was somehow impaired. Kakashi realizes that the boy could still die so he picks up the pace. He arrives back in Konoha and rushes to the hospital only stopping to ask one of the the guards to inform the Hokage.
Tsunade quickly enters the hospital and sees Kakashi holding Naruto. She tells Kakashi to follow her and leads him to a room where she starts working on Naruto. A short time later she's joined by a worried Shizune.
After several hours Shizune leaves the room. She sees Kakashi outside in the hallway with the rest of the Konoha 11 there as well. The ones that are okay to move that is. Choji, Lee and Neji are still in the hospital too injured to move.
Kakashi looks up at the Hokage's assistant, "Shizune how is he?"
Shizune smiles tiredly at the one eyed Jonin, "It was touch and go nearly the whole time we were working on him. Sasuke's move, the chidori as you called it, barely missed his heart but he'll be fine after a lot of rest."
Sakura then speaks up without thinking or considering the circumstances and stetting, "What of Sasuke-Kun?"
Pretty much everyone glares at her for that comment. Kakashi finally speaks though his voice was tight and barely restrained, "There was too much destruction in the area where he and Naruto fought. There also was no sight of Sasuke anywhere, but Sakura, with Naruto this badly hurt I'd say Sasuke left on his own free will."
Sakura then speaks somewhat in denial, "So they tried to kill each other? I asked Naruto to bring Sasuke-Kun back to me not try to kill him."
Everyone looks at her in surprise, some with disgust (Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata) showing in their eyes and she's startled somewhat by their anger, "What? He tried to kill Sasuke-Kun!"
Kiba scoffs, "No doubt Naruto tried reasoning with that bastard and he wouldn't listen and what did it get him? A chidori to the chest that's what!"
Shikamaru nods in agreement, "Naruto, he only probably stopped because he promised you he'd bring Sasuke back. Knowing him, he probably held back his power, wanting to bring that traitor back alive. Man, this mission was such a farce. For years Sasuke's made his intentions known to anyone that listened, he wants nothing but power and betrayed the leaf to do it. He's nothing but a traitor and this village needs to realize that their prince is nothing but a traitor. Having said that, I...I have a bad feeling of what's going to happen to Naruto."
Ino looks at Shikamaru in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Shikamaru rolls his eyes "Simple their prince fought Naruto and although Naruto almost died all they're going to think is that their precious prince was almost killed. So, instead of marking the Uchiha as a missing nin they'll take the easy way out of this mess. They... will... want... either Naruto's head or banishment for his supposed mistreatment of their oh so noble Uchiha."
Everyone is shocked, but after thinking they admit it's probably true. They all don't like it, a few like Hinata glare at Sakura knowing this is all her fault. Some of the others are thinking along the same lines. Kakashi, who heard what Shikamaru had said, fears that judgment may come to pass as does Shizune.
Several days later and Naruto finally wakes up. As he looks up he groans, "Crap, here again. I hate this place." He looks around the room noting that it was completely empty. Sighing in resignation he shrugs his shoulders, no surprises here.
Just then the door opens and in comes Tsunade. As she enters she sees that Naruto is awake. At first she's happy then, she remembers what will happen now he's awake "So, you're awake."
Naruto nods stiffly, "How long have I been out Baa-Chan?"
Tsunade lets it drop this time, probably the last time she will hear it, as she sighs, "Get dressed Naruto and follow me we need to talk in my office."
Naruto nods and noticed she looked shattered and sad. He puts on his trousers and jacket, it seems that they cut his t-shirt to shreds or the Chidori did. He zips up his coat and as he leaves the room he sees an ANBU squad and they're all staring at him. As he starts walking he glances over his shoulder and finds them following him. He continues looking over his shoulder, "Is there a reason you're following me?"
One of them nods slowly, "Yes to make sure you visit the Hokage."
Naruto just shrugs with a care, "Whatever."
He arrives at the door and the ANBU captain knocks before he opens the door and ushers, more like pushes Naruto inside. Naruto looks at Tsunade sitting stiffly at her desk, "What's up Baa-Chan?"
She sighs in sadness and resignation that she had failed one of her own, "Sit down please Naruto."
Naruto seems confused, 'No gaki but my name? Wow, something bad must have happened'.
Naruto sits down and Tsunade sighs again, "I'll get straight to the point. The council found out about your battle against Sasuke and they were not pleased. They think you went there with the intention of killing Sasuke."
Naruto is shocked, "But I didn't, I tried talking to him, even begged him to return for Sakura-chan's sake, but he wouldn't have it! He tried killing me! What did they expect me to do? Let him kill me? I almost died out there! Did they even ca... Oh wait, what am I talking about? They're probably pissed I survived."
Tsunade sighs, "It is true the council doesn't like you, that claim was stopped. But, a new vote was done and I'm afraid the vote was unanimous. Naruto Uzumaki, from this moment on you are banished from Konoha, never to step in these lands again under pain of death. Hand over your headband."
Naruto is stunned but deep down he knew this could eventually happen. He stands up and takes off his headband before dropping it on her desktop with a dull clang that echoed in the silent office, "Is that all Hokage-sama?" he asked in a near whisper.
Tsunade nods but inside she's crying. She would like tell him that for days she's been trying to get them to change their minds but what would be the point? Naruto turns slowly and walks to the door without saying a word not even looking back once.
When he opens the door the ANBU are all staring at him but he hardly cares he leaves the Hokage tower and heads to his home. He sees more glares than usual from everyone but he hardly cares. As he gets to his apartment he sees Kakashi there.
Naruto looks up "Here to see me off Kakashi-Sensei? Or are you here to drag me out? Wouldn't put it past you, it's not as if you were ever a good sensei to me."
Naruto doesn't wait for a reply and if there was one he never heard it. He steps up to his door which has been kicked in, like he cares anymore. He sees his apartment is trashed, no surprise there either. He just heads into his room. He sees his wardrobe is open and his clothes have all been slashed, he can even smell urine on them. At this point he's beyond caring. He goes to his bed and sits down until he hears Kakashi approach.
Kakashi sighs as he loses himself in his thoughts, 'Sensei, I've now not only failed you and our Team, but I've failed your son, my little brother as well. Kushina-Okaa-chan will never forgive me now. Sensei, I'm sorry.'
Looking at Naruto Kakashi locks his emotions away before he speaks to his student and little brother in a cold voice, "I'm sorry Naruto but you have to leave now so please get what you need."
Naruto scoffs and gets off the bed and lifts up several floorboards and pulls out two bags one is full of money not that Kakashi needs to know. The other contains items he's bought on his travels, again not that Kakashi needs to know. He puts the bags over his shoulders and walks past Kakashi without saying a word.
The walk to the main gates is quiet and Naruto's glad, he has nothing to say to him anyway. He finally arrives at the gate and finds that nobody is there, not that he expected anyone to be there anyway, (all kept Hush hush from his friends.) He gets to the gate and Kakashi just walks away without saying a word or giving him a final glance.
Naruto strangely Is hurt by that but chooses to ignore it. He gets to the gate and sees Izumo and Kotetsu. Naruto likes those two, they see him as he approaches. Kotetsu sighs heavily, "Sad to see you go Naruto, your pranks were funny as hell, it's going to be pretty dull around here."
Izumo nods in agreement, "Yeah, banishment for trying to bring back a traitor. That's harsh, heard he almost killed you."
Naruto nods in return, "Yeah, shoved a chidori into my chest that our Sensei taught him, how's that for ironic? Well, I hope to be seeing you guys again one day, Kami willing and the creeks don't rise. You two were pretty cool in my opinion so catch you later."
Kotetsu sighs, "What you planning to do?"
Naruto shrugs, "Travel I guess, haven't really thought about it yet. Well, I better go, probably got a time limit before they execute me for being here too long."
Izumo sighs, "This really is a harsh punishment to do to you, well, good luck Naruto."
Kotetsu nods, "Yeah, good luc... Hey! Almost forgot, we got you something." He passes Naruto a scroll, "It's got food in it, when we found out what they did to you we went and got you as much food and water that would fit in that scroll. Should last you about a week or so."
Naruto takes the scroll, touched that the gate guards would think about him in such a way, "Thanks, guys," was all he could get out before his voice cracked with emotion.
They both shake his hand before he turns around and leaves. He doesn't even bother to turn around for one last look just climbs up a tree and jumps away.