A/N: Hi guys! This is a sequel to my other Miraculous Ladybug fanfic called "Worthy" and I was really proud of the hard work on it so I decided to make a sequel to it.

I gotta be honest, I almost gave up on it because I couldn't come up with what to write but fortunately I broke my writers block and came up with something, so thats good news! ^_^

I hope you guys enjoy!

She didn't know how to explain it but she felt like a whole new Marinette! That private conversation with Cat Noir really paid off, although it took a while for his words to sink in, they were really helpful to have more confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.

She threw away the magazines on how to look prettier, the standards in that book were pretty much unrealistic to the point where they were just unattainable anyway.

She stopped putting herself down about who she is as a person and putting down her appearance, realizing that she can never be anyone else except herself.

Marinette Dupain-Chang.

The thoughts in her head about leaving this earth to avoid all the pain made her reconsider. She had a family that loved her dearly and she just couldn't do that to them, she just couldn't imagine the grief-stricken expression on their faces if she ever passed away. She'd leave a huge hole in her hearts that will never be healed, and she didn't want them to feel like that for the rest of their lives.

And her friends? Tikki, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Nino, and Adrien. She couldn't imagine their faces if she's ever gone. She couldn't even imagine the pain they'd go through losing her.

And what about the citizens of Paris? What will they do without their hero Ladybug? Who will protect them from the Akumatized victims? And Cat Noir? He already explained how he would feel if she was gone, and it absolutely crushed her emotionally just remembering what he told her, even if he did get on her nerves sometimes, she cared about him at the end of the day and didn't want to leave him heartbroken and alone without his lady.

Despite every disheartening thing Chloe threw at her frequently, she just couldn't leave her loved ones behind because of one horrible spoiled brat. At the end of the day, her loved one's words were the only ones that truly mattered and she didn't want to see them hurt and depressed.

Instead of crying in bed at night and letting Chloe's awful words replay in her mind like she used to, she wrote down positive things on a piece of paper that she loved about herself.

Instead of looking at a reflection of herself in disgust, she admired it and reminded herself that she was beautiful but in her own unique way. She may not have what people would consider to be "the perfect figure" that she sees in those magazines, but she loved it anyway, it was hers, and even if she was "fat" as Chloe claimed she was but who cares? that wouldn't change the fact that she is the same sweet, kind, funny, and smart Marinette Dupain-Chang. She'd still be the same person that her friends and family loved.

Sure, she wasn't the most perfect person in the world but that's what made Marinette, well, Marinette. She may not be the richest but she wasn't a failure, she still has her whole life ahead of her. Including her fashion design career, she wanted to achieve that goal and there was no damn way she was gonna leave all of that behind because of Chloe. She just needed to keep working hard to get there and believing that she will.

She wasn't a waste of life, she wasn't a burden, and she definitely wasn't a mistake. She was worthy of living just like everyone else on this earth and she had a purpose just like everyone else. She was worthy of being loved and feeling loved, and just like everyone else, she was special and unique.

Nobody, not even Chloe Bourgeois could take that away from her because, at the end of the day, Everything Chloe tells her is wrong, dead wrong. She realized the things she says about her parents, her friends, her looks, her character and Adrien weren't true and never were true. They were just sad and pathetic attempts to tear down Marinette limb from limb to make herself feel powerful.

Tomorrow, Marinette was going to go right out to the world to show that she wasn't useless or worthless or a waste of human life, she was going to go out as a whole new Marinette. She wasn't going to show the world that nothing will stop her from living life to the fullest. Even if it means facing people like Chloe every day and other obstacles she will come across.

Thank you Cat Noir, Thank so much for helping me realize that I'm worth it in life, Thank you so much for helping me realize how beautiful I am, inside and out. If you ever get this note, I hope you read this know I am grateful for having you as a friend. Just so you know that I would never leave you or the rest of my loved ones behind like that, I never want any of you to feel alone without me or a missing puzzle without the last piece to fit there. I want to let you know that Ladybug is here to stay! And she isn't going anywhere! :)

Love, Ladybug.

A/N: Just to let you guys know, that this is just the first chapter, not a one shot! :D It's gonna have another chapter that I'm now working on. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Chapter 2 will be coming soon!