Part 7

"One day I'll fly away, leave your love to yesterday. What more can your love do for me? When will love be through with me? Why live life from dream to dream? And dread the day that dreaming ends…"

Kol was standing in front of the window with his arms crossed, he had no idea what the hell was he doing. Jinx was lying on his bed; she was wearing one of his shirts. She had spread her arms and legs and she kept singing.

"Let's disconnect all communication. I've told your mother not to call. So lay down on the bed coz now I've locked the door. And you don't live out there no more. I'm the widow in you bedroom. And I can see you in the dark. Tonight's the night I shed my wicked soul. Take it out on you and watch you lose control. Tonight's the night I shed my, tonight's the night I shed my, tonight's the night I shed my wicked soul. My wicked souuuul…"

"Could you stop that already," he finally huffed.

"What, you don't like that song, Dracula?" she hummed, waving her leg back and forth.

"I would like you to shut up and let me think."

She broke into a snigger.

"Think about what? What kind of kinky things you're going to do to me? Let me guess, let me guess… You want to dress me up as a schoolgirl and make me call you daddy? No wait, I know, you want to chain me up and…"

"Shut up!" he snapped.

"Ooh," she giggled. "Someone's sensitive. What's the matter, Dracula? Can't get it up? How about I'll help you with that and then we can finally end this ridiculous charade."

Kol pressed his lips together; he was starting to agree with her. What the hell was he doing? She wanted to die, why wouldn't he just put her out of her misery. It made absolutely no difference to him. She made no difference. Why would he care what had happened to her.

"Come on, daddy," she hummed and ran her hands up and down her thighs. "Come and play with me, I promise to be a very good girl. Or a bad girl, so you can spank me. Is that your thing? Would you like to slap me around? Show me what a big man you are."

He turned to look at her and smiled.

"As cute as your little act is, you're not fooling anyone, darling."

"Ooh, you want a role-play? What am I, your helpless little sex slave?"

"Don't flatter yourself," he huffed. "Do you really think that I have to force anyone in my bed?"

She clicked her tongue and sucked her finger.

"Well, the last time I checked, I made it very clear to you that I don't want to be in your bed. Or anywhere near you for that matter. Unless you finally start to act like a man and deliver what you promised."

"Hmm. I have to say that I'm a little confused here, darling. You want me to act like a man and yet you seem to despise men. Does that sound very logical?"

"I don't despise men," she replied smiling. "I despise pathetic losers who call themselves men. Like you for example."

"Ouch, that really hurt my feelings," he snorted. "No wait, it didn't. I don't have any feelings."

"Oh yeah? Prove it. Kill me."

"Sorry, darling, but I don't take orders. I'll kill you if and when I feel like it."

She snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Typical. This is all about power, isn't it? You're only doing this because you want to dominate me. You want to show me my place."

"Your place?"

She let out a joyless laughter and spread her legs open.

"Yeah, this is how you see me, isn't it? This is all I am to you."

"Again, don't flatter yourself. I have had sex with countless of women, there's nothing special about you."

She looked at him and burst into laughter.

"Finally some honesty! You're not doing any of this because you would care if I live or die; you only want to take away my right to make my own decisions. Do you want me to beg, is that it? Do you want to see me on my knees? Would that turn you on, daddy?"

She spitted the last word out like it would have been a curse. He looked at her calmly for a moment before speaking.

"Your father, huh?" he stated.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replied icily. "And you're really boring me, just kill me, fuck me or let me go."

"Are those my only options?"

"Oh god," she snorted. "You want to talk? I prefer torture."

"You and me both, darling," he replied. "You want honesty, fine. I have no bloody idea what the hell I'm doing here. Happy now?"

She stared at him for a moment before replying.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know why I haven't killed you yet. You're right, I don't care if you live or die, you mean nothing to me."

She got into a sitting position and smiled at him.

"Now you're starting to sound like my Dracula."

He rolled his eyes.

"Could you please stop calling me that already?"

"Sure thing, Edward."

His eyes narrowed.

"On second thought, Dracula is fine."

"That's what I thought," she hummed smiling.

They were both quiet for a while; he really wasn't sure what to say. Finally the words came out without much thinking.

"I have a proposition for you."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Really? What kind of a proposition?"

"Wait until the sunset. I'll kill you then."


He shrugged.

"Why not? I'm bored and I find you more interesting than most humans."

"Right? And what are you suggesting we do before the sunset? Talk about our feelings?"

"Dear lord no. I'm confident that I can think of something to do. And before you ask, no, I don't mean shagging you. Honestly, get over yourself already."

She observed him for a while before speaking.

"Why would I believe anything you say?"

"Because I give you my word," he replied. "I don't give it often, but when I do, I keep it. You can ask anyone."

She was quiet again, clearly pondering about her options.

"Alright, Dracula," she finally said. "We have a deal."