The next two classes before gym had been rough. Teachers acted like they couldn't kill them any second,not that any of them would because the Accords protected mundanes, but they could do it if they were allowed to. Alec was sure they were just jealous that someone who had been home schooled (that's what Eliza told the school anyway), hadn't had trouble figuring out US History (which was a lot of politics and Alec knew politics like no one else) or Chemistry (which was basically jut herbal remedy studies which Alec had been studying since he was ten).

Gym class had three options today: foundation of fitness, which was basically just weights, lifetime fitness, which was things like rollerblading, and adventure ed. Adventure ed was held in the basement and that's where, Eliza excitedly told him, they held the archery equipment. Eliza liked archery enough so she decided to join him, however quickly got distracted by teaching a handicapped boy how to shoot.

He ran his left hand over the bow the string of the bow, letting his middle fingertip stop just below the nocking point. He closed his eyes, trailed his fingers back down the string, like he was memorizing the feel of it in his hand. He let his hand wander to the wooden part of the bow, the arrow rest familiar to him as he opened his eye to reach down and pull an arrow out from the bin. The arrows, nor the bow for that matter, were not high quality. He didn't expect much from a public school in Ohio, but they were nice enough to wear the string didn't wither down in between his fingers and the head of the arrow fit snug on the stick (not too tight, not too loose). He set the arrow in the rest, pulled the bow up to his level and looked. He took a deep breath before pulling back, letting the tension in his body slip from his hands to the bow, and then he found a target at the other side of the room and let go.

He breathed out as the arrow made a satisfying sound against the target as it ripped through it, he could hear clapping behind him and he turned around. A boy with brown hair that spiked upward and wore dark red velvet jean with a white dress shirt seemed to be clapping for him. Alec blushed, turning his head down towards the floor before taking out another arrow and fiddling it between his fingers.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you,. You seemed so concentrated, do you like to do archery?" He asked.

"It's one of the only things I'm good at." Alec shrugged.

"That and wearing skinny jeans." He smiled. Alec nodded, turning to look across the long empty room at Eliza who had her arms wrapped around the handicapped boy's shoulders as she tried to show him how to hold the arrow in between his two fingers. The boy followed his eyes, noticed the two, and turned back to laugh at him.

"Yeah they've been pretty close since she got here. But she seems to be teaching him some what of a physical skill." He nodded. "She's no match to you of course."

"I should know." Alec said, watching as she pulled the boy's arm back at too high of an angle to hit the center of the target. "I taught her how to do it after all."

The boy nodded, before reaching out his hand. "I should have introduced myself before hand, the names Kurt Hummel."

"Alec Lightwood." He said, returning the handshake.

"I'm in Glee Club with Eliza." Kurt said, as Alec turned back round to face the target and shoot another perfect shot straight to the center of the red and white target. Kurt made a sound of surprise at his clear ability to multitask.

"So I've heard." Alec said. "About Glee Club I mean. How many people are in it, exactly?"

"Not many. Although we're always looking for new recruits, all you need is a voice." Kurt's voice was high pitched, sing song like, he probably wanted a lot of the feminine songs considering they were better for his voice but most likely got stuck with male parts too low for him. Not that Alec paid that close attention to music.

"Singing's not my thing." Alec shrugged.

"You must like more physical activities like your brother." Kurt said, taking note of the clear distinction of muscle underneath Alec's "McKinley High Phys Ed" shirt.

"Jace?" Alec asked.

"I guess. I'm pretty sure Coach has already asked him to lead two different sports teams, don't ask which ones I'm not that knowledgeable." Kurt laughed at himself, but Alec just bit his lip and nodded. Not even the end of day one and Jace was already the star. "You don't see that excited about that."

"Jace can do whatever he wants." Alec shrugged.

"I can't say Glee Club will make you more popular, but you will probably make some friends." He said, reaching his hand over the shoulder of his shirt.

"I don't really make friends." Alec said, turning to watch the boy he was talking to as he pulled back an arrow.

"The dark sullen bad boy type, eh?" Kurt gasped as Alec shot an arrow straight in the center without even looking at the target. "But, you seem to be friends with Eliza."

"Cousin." Alec mumbled, setting the bow down onto the ground. "S'different."

"Well consider me your first friend at McKinley." Kurt said, holding out his own hand. Alec, surprisingly, had had enough of handshakes today. He instead smacked the boys hand, in almost a sideways high five kind of way, as Kurt stumbled towards the direction of the force. Alec laughed, and then he turned to look at Eliza.

She had her hand on the handicapped boy's shoulder, leaning down towards his face as she laughed, presumably at something he said. He had a small little smile, and his eyes were following every movement she made from the shaking of her head to the lifting her up to her face to cover her mouth as she laughed.

"They like each other. I think. Not sure, you can never really be sure. I was sure Mike and Tina were forever but he just called it off a little bit ago, just before Eliza transferred. Maybe he likes her or something. They do talk a bit in Glee Club." Kurt was rambling, Alec didn't know him very well (hell he just met the guy) but for some reason he felt like that wasn't something Kurt did.

"Are you still talking?" Alec said, honestly he stopped listening after 'I think' because he couldn't trust what was coming out of this kids mouth. If Eliza liked someone, someone that was involved in the mission in anyway (someone that was a mundane), she would have told him, wouldn't she of? Alec turned to look at Kurt who had sort of a surprised smirk on his face. "Sorry."

"Don't be." He smiled, before looking over at the clock. "Oh I better make it back to study hall before the end of the period. See you around,"

"Alec." He said.

"Right. See you around, Alec." He said before turning to go back to shooting when someone behind them shouted ten minutes. He sighed, started to pick up the archery equipment and put it back on the wall when Eliza and her friend came over to him.

"Well you're quite the star around here aren't you Alec?" Eliza said, patting him on the back as she reached him.

"Not really." He shrugged.

"Sure you are. You've met Rachel, and Kurt. And now, Artie. Artie this is Alec, the one I told you about." She said, tilting her head a little bit and her hair fell over the front side of her ear. Artie nodded at Alec, before turning to look at Eliza.

"Is he gonna come?" Artie asked.

"Come where?" Alec asked.

"Glee Club. Artie, I don't think so. Alec and his siblings really have to focus on school and getting caught up." Eliza said, putting on that warning tone that said 'don't argue'. She didn't use it very often, her sister was the more aggressive one definitely, but this was reserved for people who aren't listening.

"Come on dude, there's like a ton of banging chicks there." Artie said, looking towards Eliza before turning his head back to him.

"I don't think Alec's necessarily interested in banging chicks Artie. Now, let's get you to class before we get pile drived in the hallway. Alec," She paused. "Wait for me just outside the gym, I'll come down to pick you up and take you to lunch."

"Okay." He said, going up the locker room and getting changed. He waited outside the gym with Isabelle and Jace, pacing back and worth in his head (because if he did it for real, people would look at him funny). And he remembered what Clary and Simon had told them about the lunch room.

"Just wait til lunchtime." Clary had laughed. "You'll love it."

"All those beady little eyes starring at you like some kind of freak, where you gonna sit huh?" Simon had shaken his head back and forth as if reliving the memory.

However when Eliza picked them up and started down a hallway it didn't look like a crowd of angry and hungry teenagers, instead she pulled them into a staff women's bathroom closet. Actually what was glamoured to look like a staff women's bathroom closet.

The room was light blue, with a singular table in the center of it only big enough where they could sit and eat their prepared lunches. Alec sat down, listened as Jace and Isabelle talked about what classes they had and how the teachers were. But eventually the four just sat in silence, the only sounds filling the small room were soundings of chewing and swallowing food.

They bid their farewells to each other before returning back to their schedules. Algebra 2 hadn't been so bad, it was just math after all. It didn't have to be that complicated, if you thought about it too hard, you'll never understand any of it. Economics was basically more politics, which Alec was still exceptional at, and the this teacher however seemed to be very pleased with him, while the other one hadn't very much so. However, as Economics ended, so did all that was familiar to Alec. Because his last class was something he had never dreamed of doing in his life, the arts. While Eliza explained the options, they stood at the end of the arts wing and looked down. The floor slopped downward, the louder the ensemble the further it went, except for the dance room at the end of the hall just before the auditorium, the only ensemble missing was the choir room, but that was a little bit to their backs. Alec took a deep breath, and looked down at the list below.