This bar was absolutely disgusting. Freya scrunched her nose up the moment she stepped inside, looking around and wondering if this was really the best idea after all. She held the folded piece of paper tight in her hand as a comfort, and a reminder of why she was there in the first place. The front page of the newspaper was all she needed.

In the corner, in the shadows, was the person who had asked to meet her in such a seedy part of the space port. She was sure it was just for effect more than convenience or subterfuge, but she had agreed to it none the less. Trying to ignore the regulars and the drunks that were dotted around, hiding from their miserable lives, she made her way over.

The man who was meeting her definitely didn't look like he had been there before. He was wearing an expensive suit, his hair styled and overall he looked immaculate. However, Freya thought as she sat down across from him, he looked like he was quite at home amongst the lower end of the city's inhabitants.

"Thank you for meeting me at such short notice," he greeted genially.

"You could have picked somewhere less, you know, movie villain," Freya replied, taking another glance around them. "There's a Hampton hotel up the road, you know?"

The man chuckled. "Yes, well, call me a sucker for the ambience," he said. "What have you got for me, Freya? Did you find the earliest point in her life where they meet?"

She nodded. "You're not going to like it," she warned him as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She laid it flat on the table, pressed the touch screen a couple of times, and the data appeared in a projection in front of them.

"Just tell me," he said impatiently. "I don't have time for presentations."

"You're going to need this information," she replied. "He met her when she was born."

His brows furrowed. Freya had known that this wasn't the information that he'd been expecting. "I'm sorry?"

"Just what I said," she replied. "She was born on the TARDIS, according to what I could find. She's literally known him her entire life, probably beforehand as well from what I've found out."

She pressed the touch screen and the information displayed gathered together, forming the picture of a woman. "You know who this is, I gather?" she asked and was unsurprised when he nodded.

"River Song. The woman who killed the Doctor. Or, at the very least, the woman who got the closest. And then became friends with his wife."

Freya nodded. "That's her," she agreed. "She's also her mother."

She felt a bit a smug satisfaction when the man looked positively taken aback by the news. "There's more," Freya continued. Another press of the screen and the image transformed into a picture of a man. "This is Captain Jack Harkness, also known as the Face of Boe. Or he will be when he loses the body."

The man nodded to himself. "Yes, even without a body the man won't die," he replied. "We've known about him for a long time."

"He's her father," Freya told him. "Not only is she born on the TARDIS, but two of his closest friends are her parents. He's interweaved into her very existence."

The man sighed heavily. This was probably the worse news she could have brought him, she knew that. When she'd first been approached to look into Danielle Fielding, she hadn't been in the best state of her life. Drunk and falling over in the street had been commonplace for her, but she'd been given a purpose and she'd completely turned her life around. Still, she had no idea what they wanted the information for. "I'm guessing that's not as helpful as you thought it would be?" she pressed gently.

He didn't reply straight away, staring at the picture of the Jack Harkness without much expression on his face. "Why did you want to help us, Freya?"

Her hand instinctively closed around the piece of paper she hadn't let go of. "The Doctor rampaged through my home town," she explained quietly. "His mess caused chaos. There were gangs, my family got caught up in it. I had a career, I was a detective. I had a husband. Now they're all gone. All because his wife was missing. The man is a menace."

He nodded slowly before reaching forward to turn off the screen on her phone. "My masters want to put a stop to all of that," he told her. "He's an asset to the universe, but he needs to be calmed."

He stood up, picking up a coat that Freya hadn't noticed. "Thank you for your help, Freya," he told her. "We'll take it from here."

Those were the last words she ever heard. The gunshot that rang out in the bar didn't even cause the regulars to flinch. Once she had dropped to the floor, all life completely gone from her body, he bent down and tugged the newspaper from her fingers.

He pocketed it, put on his coat, and went on his way.


Hi everyone! Welcome to the new side story. Yes, another one. Don't judge! The brainbug got away with me. Blame Tumblr XD

Should be updated every week, on a Saturday, until it's done. Can't tell you how many chapters, but I'm going for 10-ish... maybe...

Anyway, leave a review! Let me know if you want more. Give me motivation to continue this, because I think it'll be a hoot :D