Day 7 – Happily Ever After

~School Rooftop~

"I still remember us coming up to the school's rooftop during recess, and we would share homemade bentos," said Mayuna as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. The comfortable breeze caressing and enveloping her in a delightful mood. "Such fond memories."

Tezuka looked at her, in a way which made Mayuna had to struggle to keep the smile on her face. Before she could utter another word, Tezuka raised his hand to cut her short, "I have shown you the school the first day you arrived, and now it's been a week. It's time you get used on your own."

Mayuna knew what he meant and it wasn't just about getting used to a new school. This time, she could not keep her smile anymore or her composure. She took a step back and let herself leaned against the fence, as though she couldn't carry her weight anymore. "Your boyfriend said something?"

Tezuka wondered if he should mention that the spitefulness spilling out of her mouth was contorting her features, but he decided against it. "Ryoma has said nothing. He trusts me and I have no intention of maintaining any relationship with you."

Mayuna started to wheeze and hiss as though she could not breathe but that did nothing to soften Tezuka's stance. Tezuka was a man of his words; he wanted NOTHING to do with her anymore.

Having made clear what was on his mind, Tezuka was about to turn and leave but he detected a gleam of malice in her eyes.

"I wonder if your parents knew….uhhhhhh!" Mayuna's eyes went wide with fear, Tezuka had grabbed her by her throat and she was lifted from her feet.

"Try me, Mayuna, try me." Tezuka would not allow anyone to hurt Ryoma, not even himself. Mayuna had taken a step too far, so far that she was on the brink of destruction brought upon by him.

Mayuna was too scared to even struggle. She thought she might die. She couldn't breathe…

Then a loud thud on the floor broke the deadly silence.

Tezuka dropped Mayuna and the latter fell to the floor gasping for breaths. A tennis ball was still spinning beside her.

"Captain, I know I said I trust you and all, but I think you should forgive me…as I might have saved the day," said Ryoma with a smirk as he tapped his shoulder with the tennis racket he was holding.

Tezuka pinched his nose bridge, trying to hide his embarrassment. He had lost control. "Ryoma…"

Ryoma approached them - with the smirk still plastered on his face. When Tezuka was about to speak again, he wriggled a finger and hushed his captain. "Mayuna or Mizuka or whoever you are. One day, Captain and I will be crowned kings and we will conquer Wimbledon. We will make history as the royal couple of the tennis world."

Mayuna stared at them hard, her eyes darting from one boy to another, and then she let out a strangled cry. She stumbled to her feet and ran for the door. She had lost.

"I knew you couldn't do without me."

Tezuka loved the way Ryoma smiled. "Yes, I think I would like that to be how it is for the rest of our lives - my prince and one day my king."

Ryoma smiled wider as a red tint crept across his cheeks. "We still have some time, let's share a sandwich in the garden."

Tezuka nodded and bent over to pick up the tennis ball. He had to use a strong grip as the ball was still spinning. As he straightened himself, he felt a tug on the back of his head. His playful lover had caught a lock of his hair.

"Guess who has drawn you back by the hair?"

Tezuka thought for a while and decided to play along. He had read a German version of the poem. "Death? Is it death?"

"Love, even in death, my love will linger."

Tezuka smiled indulgently, and when Ryoma released his hair he turned around and they shared a kiss.

They had no doubt they were meant for each other.

One day they would be kings and nobody, nothing could come in the way of their happily ever after.


Author's Note: The poem belongs to Elizabeth Browning. I suppose it's famous enough that I don't need to name it. This is really the end. I'm sorry I took so many years to finish this story. If there is still anybody waiting for the ending, this is it. Thank you reading and if you have stayed for the past ten years, thank you, I really thank you for waiting.