The Maelstrom of Stardew

Year 1 (Spring)

Chapter 25 – Finally Friday

Friday, the 19th of Spring, 2017

[Quest Announcement] - Gamer Ability/Notification



Taeko got up from bed feeling rather good about himself as he made breakfast of hashbrowns and pancakes with a side of milk. A quick shower and a change into a simple folding short, pants, and his sneakers, he checked his mail first finding a letter from Sandy.

[Letter from Sandy]

Hey, Taeko, I just wanted to inform you that everything with Angel went through fine. Our legal system has…a lot of holes to use to our advantage. I secured Angel and she's safe. I did have to implore Penny about handling her education. She's pointed out that her going back to her regular high school would not be safe for her. All and all, she's safe, happy, and glad to be out of the Dragons. Just keep the child support payments up, Daddy. And here's something for you.

[Enclosed 1x Catcus Fruit]

Taeko ate it without another thought before moving on to see if he had anything else. A letter from Lewis about funding which added 500 gold to his budget. Logan and Tom were nawing on fish they had caught. He rubbed his pet's heads affectionately before filling their water bowls. He checked his text messages, one from Sebastian citing the events of last night.

"So, he wants me to train Lin in use of ki? It may do her well." Taeko thought as he moved to one from Woozie. "So, he got into what I was asking for…"

He called him up.

"Ah, Taeko. Good to hear from you, I assume this is about your request. Well, we got a report that Tsoi was killed. Of course, we took advantage descending on his assests like vultures. And while we got a good chunk of product off the street and into the sewers, we got a houseboat. About the size of a small apartment, but I wonder what you're planning to do with if I give it to you." Woozie said as Taeko rolled his eyes.

"It's not for me. One of my cohorts wants to move out and she needs her own place. What's the specs on it?" Taeko asked.

"Well, jet drive engine, two bedrooms, and it's a modern one. We removed some of the gaudy pieces of furnishings and clean it up. I'll hand it over for 200,000." Woozie remarked.

"Consider it done. I'll have the money ready." Taeko remarked.

"And my guy is on the way in an hour." Woozie said. "Please doing business."

"Same, Wooz." Taeko said before hanging up. "May as well try the headset again."

Before he got to the headset, he went to the Kegs.

Taking up the VR headset, he put it on falling into the void. He looked through the options and decided to go with Marnie's path.

[Marnie Event 1 – Olymplic Workout]

Taeko found himself working out with Marnie, both of them being in the buff. Well Taeko was not exactly hesitant that they were already getting straight into the action. Marnie stretched a bit relaxing her muscles.

"You've done rather well." Marnie said as Taeko sighed. "Thanks for working out for me."

"No issue as all except the muscle that's stayed up all this time." Taeko said shamelessly.

Marnie giggled.

"Your erection was a bit distracting…" Marnie said with a blush. "You're certainly well endowed, but you're certainly healthy. I've been trying to encourage the girls to try a naked workout, and you've be a good motivator."

"I don't know about that…I'd be oogled." Taeko said coyly.

"Oh, don't worry, it'll be all fair. All of us will be naked…" Marnie said sweetly. "But I suppose I can't just leave you all hot and bothered. And Lewis has been rather neglectful on the physical side lately…he's letting his work consume him."

"I don't know how he ignores a woman like you." Taeko groaned as she was stroking his length.

"I'm not too mad…I was planning on suggesting this idea to him, but I think you'll do just fine in his stead." Marnie said as Taeko's hands with her ample chest. "I could use a male on the more virile side for this, and one who isn't all too focused on work."

"Just for excerising?" Taeko said fondling her. "Or is there something else going on?"

"Oh well…maybe the other women have been considering a sencario from…those adult flims. The stud trainer with her own desparte housewives in need of a workout." Marnie purred.

"Never pegged Marnie for a porn-watcher…than again, all considering Lewis…it makes a bit of sense she would be a bit more adventurous." Taeko thought. "Or this could a bit of an exaggeration for the stimulation…who knows?"

He moved his face in close and began to suck on her breast, with Marnie placing a hand on the back of his head and smiling. He eagerly licked and sucked at her mammary for a few minutes before pulling his head away, using suction to tug hard at it until it popped out of his mouth.

"You want a workout, hm?" Taeko said before lifting Marnie up by the waist. "I'll give you a hard one."

"So strong, Taeko, but can you handle me?" Marnie said with a smirk.

He slammed her down on his shaft getting her to squeal, but Marnie curled her legs around his waist tightly.

"Ok, that hurt a bit, but I am going to milk you, little one." Marnie said with a look of seriousness.

She suddenly started slamming down violently on him, bouncing up and down on his length and sliding his stiff erection in down to the base then back up to the tip again and again. Taeko was caught off-guard by this but stood firm. Marnie was strong with her grip and her thrust, and Taeko put up a bit of strength to match.

He gritted his teeth while grasping her hips, resisting the urge to ejaculate with all his might, but loving every second of it. But her large breasts bouncing around as she rode him, the nasty look of pleasure on her face he had never seen before, and her muscles pushed him over the edge. He unloaded in her all inside before being pulled into a very heated kiss as she climaxed on him. They broke away with a trial of drool connecting that.

"Oh my, I…may have put a little too much in that kiss." Marnie said as she was set back on her feet as he long pulled out.

"Heat of the moment." Taeko panted as cum pooled down her legs.

"Well, then. I think you'll work out just fine." Marnie said.

Taeko took off the headset and put it away looking at the time. He got his blades, his [Protoplasmic Cannon], and his shield generator just in case before leaving with Tom following along. He headed down to the docks finding Lin talking with a Triad member and the houseboat in question. It was rather boxy but was rather sleek in design. Taeko walked up as the Triad bowed.

"200,000 Gold as promised." Taeko said paying him before receiving the ownership paperwork and the key.

The Triad was a bit annoyed that Woozie was having him take the bus back, but he shrugged it off. Besides, he knew that a Purple Dragon would never expect a Triad to take the bus. Taeko texted Penny that he had good news for her and that he would meet her at lunch. With Penny moving out, this would leave Pam all by her lonesome much to his glee. He walked along wondering what he could do today.

"Oh yeah, upgrading my tools." Taeko said heading back home.

With the bars of iridium enough to up his pickaxe, hoe, watering can, and axe, he came to Clint's.

"How much to upgrade them?" Taeko said putting them on the counter. "And getting the Trash Can?"

"112,500 Gold." Clint said dryly and excited.

Taeko paid and the game explained that the trash can upgrade would allow for any item that he would dispose of so he could get 60% of the monetary value back.

"How long until my tools are good to go?" Taeko asked.

"One day, I'll get to work right away!" Clint excitedly said, "If I can have the leftover iridium from what's left."

"Consider it done." Taeko said before leaving.

Next was Robin's place, to which the Grant matriarch excitedly worked that she had new products to sell. Taeko looked them over and grinned at the benefits.

"I'll take a Workbench, a Mini-Fridge, and a barn set up. I'll be paying you all for all the materials needed, upgrade my coop to a Deluxe Coop while paying you again for the materials, and a King Chair." Taeko said before calucating the total. "50,500 Gold."

Robin had a look of absolute glee hugging Taeko with joy thanking him for the business. Taeko paid for his items while Robin dragged Demetrius out citing, they had a long weekend of work much to the scientist's ire. Taeko went home setting up the Workbench, Mini-Frigde, and a King Chair as his new desk chair. With the workbench, he could craft in-house without even needing things out of his chests. Speaking of chests, he promptly built another making it specifically for raw materials.

"Hm? I could go fishing, but I want to check up on things with Mr. Chen." Taeko said getting to his desk opening up his laptop.

He checked up by calling up Mr. Chen and imploring about any orders that he wanted.

"So, Mr. Chen, you want a product sampler? All right, I can offer 6 bottles of wine and 5 jars of jelly. Be aware that I'm limited to what fruit is in season around my farm and the number of kegs, materials that I do have, and the machines I got. Ok, I got the sampler set ready. In total: 4,606 gold." Taeko said typing up a small receipt. "But I'll slash the price in half and even it out, 2,000 Gold. Sounds good?"

Mr. Chen gratefully accepted as Taeko printed the receipt.

"All right, I'll have it ready to be picked up now. Bai is on the way? Good. Thank you for your business." Taeko said before hanging up. "Now I need a box."

He got up and went to JojaMart waltzing in to grab a box out the pile of empty only for Morris to give him the stinkeye. Of course, he flipped Morris off and went on his way. The boxes were free after all and Taeko reminded him of it. He came back home, taped the receipt on it, and loaded the coconut and cactus fruit wine, the two salmonberry jellies, the two cherry jellies, and a peach jelly before taping it up. He went out with the box to see Robin hard at work at building the farm buildings. He wondered what the VR would do with such a sencario. He headed down to the bus stop as Bai rolled up in the work van.

"Here's the product, all here and good to go." Taeko said. "Just sign the receipt."

Bai did so and gave him the promised 2,000 gold before he left to catch up with Penny. With Marnie's uptake in butchery, this got Gus to serve new products at the saloon.

"Taeko, my friend, thank you so much for helping Marnie out." Cosette said kindly. "We've been able to add new recipes to our menu."

She put down a plate with a cheeseburger on it citing it was on the house as Taeko hungrily tore into it. Tom simply left to go to sea to hunt for food as Penny came in ordering lunch for herself as Jas and Vincent got their lunches.

"So, what's the good news?" Penny asked curiously.

"Well, let's just say I granted your ultimate wish and got you freedom. Walk down to the beach and you'll see it moored to the shore." Taeko said cryptically.

Penny only needed a second before the widest grin grew on her face. Cosette and Gus caught on as well.

"How about I watch the kid…." Cosette said as Penny bolted out of here. "Well ok…"

Penny did come back to take her food as Taeko followed along to the beach. Penny saw her new place and had to hurriedly swallow her food down, in hopes not to choke.

"This had to cost a fortune." Penny remarked.

"Nope. 200,000 Grand. It used to belong a gangbanger, but he died because he screwed up and his bosses killed him. So, I had some friends re-acciqure his assets. I asked for this." Taeko said handing her the key. "And don't worry, as your landlord…I'm only asking for half-price to be paid to me in return. You can also do jobs with me to ease the debt. I'll let you know."

"I'm finally here of my mother…but I need her out of the house so I can get my stuff." Penny remarked. "And I got an idea."

Penny went home deciding to give her mother one last test. She found Pam laying on the couch and Penny came up.

"Mom?" Penny said sweetly.

"Yeah, squirt?" Pam asked.

"I've decided to give you some money for a saloon crawl." Penny said slapping down some gold on the table.

Pam sprang up, grabbed the money, and bolted out of the door not even questioning why Penny would even give her money.

"Well, she failed." Penny said before beginning to pack her things.

Taeko was jostling to fish when Alex came up to him.

"Alex? What brings you to seek me out?" Taeko asked.

"I need advice. I want to improve my fitness better because I'm working to see if I can try out for a professional team." Alex said earnestly. "And seeing you fight monsters and stuff, figured you'd be the best guy to go to."

"Ok, I can help. I just need how much can you lift in pound on max with ease before strain." Taeko requested.

"About 90 pounds…." Alex said before Taeko got up on his phone. "What are you doing?"

"I train with weighted bands on my body. Arms and legs, to restrict movements and build strength. I'm just asking my father to mail me by old training bands. The ones I used as a child will suffice for you to work your way up." Taeko said before sending his father a text.

Alex did not dare how what weights that Taeko currently wore now but had thanked him for the help.

[+65 Friendship Points Gained with Alex]

"No problem, man. If you succeed and you survive the training, I can assure my bets on you to win." Taeko joked as Alex chuckled. "Later, I'm off to fish."

He headed for home again to take up bait and put the leftover yam juice and wine in the fridge. Taking the bet, he decided to go to the lake for fishing sending off Logan to snatch some Spring Onions and Leeks. As he walked along with Tom walking beside him, he found Anton was in town and he realized he completely forgot about her. He sauntered over to her cart to which she lit up.

[Traveling Cat BGM Unlocked – Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time & Darkness OST - Kecleon's Shop]

"Welcome, young one." Anton said kindly. "I've got plenty to sell today. The items: coffee beans, fresh shrimp cocktails, fresh fried eels, morels, blueberries, basic fertiziler, crabs, Joja Cola, pine tar, caviar, rabbit's foot, duck feathers, bombs, life elixirs, and coal."

Taeko remembered the bundles, but curiously used [Observe] on several items.

[Item – Bomb – Generates an explosion grander than a cherry bomb. Crafted with care, a terrorist's virolitic best friend! Explosion Impact – 5x11 | Sell Price: 50g]

The idea Taeko could make and sell bombs with impunity was a disturbing thought along with the fact that Anton was just openly selling them. Considering he could not craft bombs yet; he raised the idea of making bombs to sell to Woozie.

[Item – Bomb – Generates an explosion grander than a cherry bomb. Crafted with care, a terrorist's virolitic best friend! Explosion Impact – 5x11 | Sell Price: 50g]

[Shrimp Cocktail – Food Item – A sumptuous appetizer made with freshly-caught shrimp. (Ingredients: [Not Yet Unlocked]) Healing Properties: +225 Energy/+101 Health [Buff: +1 Fishing/+1 Luck for 10 minutes and 2 seconds] Sell Price: 160g]

Taeko was definitely going to buy that and thensome.

[Item – Life Elixir – An ancient method of healing toward using the healing power of mushrooms mixed into a prefect blend. Basically, your world's senzu bean. Healing Properties: Restores all health and energy. Sell Price: 500g]

With thought of the bundles, he bought a bottle of truffle oil, a rabbit's foot, a bottle of pine tar, a morel, and a duck feather totaling up to 7,220. He wanted to buy the other stuff, but he figured he would go deal with the bundles.

[BGM Ends]

After a quick trip and to the desert, he snuck into the community center. He added one item to the [Dye Bundle], the [Enchanter's Bundle], and the [Artisan Bundle], and was able to complete both the [Exotic Foraging Bundle] and the [Blacksmith's Bundle].

[You completed the Exotic Foraging Bundle! Five Autumn's Bounty dishes placed in your Inventory!]

[You completed Blacksmith's Bundle! A furnace has been placed in your Inventory!]

Now he had five furnaces, he just remembered the iridium bars he left in two of them. He went back home to snatch them up and before returning to Anton. Of course, he put the fifth furnace in the farm cave.

[Traveling Cat BGM – Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time & Darkness OST - Kecleon's Shop]

"Anton, I'll take a small case of blueberries, a small case of coffee beans, a case of Joja Cola, a dozen bombs, a Shrimp Cocktail, and a dozen Life Elixirs, please." Taeko requested.

"Well, Mr. M. My policy only limits me sell five of them per person. They are hard to get." Anton remarked. "As for the case of Joja Cola, take them on the house. I've been meaning to get rid of them considering they don't sell. As for the rest, that adds up about 10,500 Gold."

"What if I offer these two iridium bars? Can I haggle the price in half?" Taeko asked.

"Oh, I can sell those for twice as much to another customer!" Anton thought deviously before accepting Taeko's offer and saying, "Come again!"

[BGM Ends]

Taeko ate the cocktail and happily went off to the Beach to fish sitting down on the dock to fish. Lin was there on the dock fishing as well.

"So, Lin, when will be ready to start training?" Taeko asked.

"Tomorrow. I am quite interested to get further into martial arts with you." Lin said as they casted their lines.

"How's thing with Sebastian? Can I make a ship name for you two, yet?" Taeko teased.

"Oh, ha ha." Lin said scarastically.

"Truly, the boss of Shadow Yakuza is a matter of comedy." Sebastian said coming up. "Hey, Lin. I'm done with work today; I was thinking we could watch a movie."

She reeled a halibut leaving with Sebastian. Taeko fished for a few minutes reeling in a pair of sardines before moving to the river in town fishing off the bridge.

"Ok, I got a bite. Come on, get me a new fish." Taeko said before reeling in a treasure chest. "Ah damn it! Waste of good bait."

Inside the chest, ten pieces of [Wild Bait].

"Is the game mocking me?!" Taeko thought before blasting the box with an energy blast.

He decided to go to Cindersap Forest to fish at the forest's lake. Taeko got a bite and reeled it in. He got a measly bream. He downed a cola, and casted once again. He managed to get another bite and reeled it in feeling it was a big one.

"Come on…" Taeko said as Marnie was walking up. "Gotcha, bitch!"

He pulled one another treasure chest which smacked Marnie in the stomach sending her to the ground.

"Ah shit!" Taeko said checking on Marnie. "You all right?"

"Hon, I've taken worse." Marnie said getting up and opening the chest. "Well, no wonder it did not hurt at all…only had a piece of paper in it."

Taeko snatched the paper reading it to which it said I.O.U. Treasure in glitched text. Taeko was not amused before burning the paper with energy and storming off for home. He walked in fuming at the indigiantly, before facepalming. He moved all five furances into the shed. It was just better organized to have it all in one place. Turning to the kegs, he had placed three blueberries (one in three kegs), the two coconuts he got from the desert earlier, fifteen coffee beans (five in three kegs), the three parsnips and an ancient fruit from the fridge. For the preserve jars, all blueberries. He went home to offload a few things, get his armor and gear on to go to the desert. He took the MP5 with him…just in case. Readying the hovercar from out of the garage, he waved Robin and Demetrius goodbye before driving away with his pets. Before long, they were in the desert, but he spied a few cars around Sandy's shop. Normally, he would not bat an eye, but then he noticed the symbol on the Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 and pulled over. That was the symbol of the Korean gang that attacked the Purple Dragons. He, Tom, and Logan walked to the front door to see a Korean gangster standing guard.

"Shop's closed, heug-in." The gangster said.

"Oh. Who's orders?" Taeko asked.

"The Sauseubeam…."

Taeko smacked his head on the wall letting him fall into the sand with blood pooling the ground. The banger would live…for now. Taeko went in to see Sandy and Angel was in the midst of a 'discussion' with two Koreans girls, twins. Both of them did not exactly look like serious gangsters. Taeko groaned as he could tell these two idiots were going to be like Kendra. Although, from the tone, they were clearly new to being gangbangers.

"So, you think you can make me pay you, so you don't wreck my shop?" Sandy said crossing her arms, not impressed. "This desert is already claimed."

"By whom?" The one with pink dyed hair barked pressing the gun she had deeper in Sandy's head.

"By the Shadow Yakuza, now unless you want be to paint the walls with your blood." Taeko said raising his MP5s to the back of the girls' heads. "Drop them. Now!"

The twins complied.

"Wait, what happened to Myung?" 'Pink' asked.

"From the look of that guy I gave brain damage and your inexperience, this was a test to prove your worth into the gang." Taeko guessed. "Am I wrong?"

"No…" 'Blue' remarked. "We didn't know this was Yakuza turf…but you're black."

"Half-black." Taeko corrected. "But that's not important. Jeez, you two remind me of Kendra."

"Kendra? That annoying lil' shit. Wait, you're the guy the streets have been talking about. The Bloody Black Shadow…" 'Pink' said paling with fear. "Look, we didn't know the desert is your turf. Please don't kill us!"

Seems Taeko had a rep much to Sandy's surprise.

"Look at them, nothing but fear in their eyes." Sandy said shaking their head. "If those are the gangsters the South Korean Snakes have…well they aren't lasting long."

"You know Kendra? You two idiots high school dropouts as well?" Taeko asked as 'Blue' nodded. "Jeez, how can you expect to go anywhere if you do that?"

"We'll do anything to walk away alive." 'Pink' pleaded.

"Ok, the Challenger outside. Who does it belong to?" Taeko asked.

"Myung's. Why?" 'Blue' remarked.

"Good, I'm taking it. And you two are going to leave this place…whether by airport or boat. You're leaving the Republic. You have until the end of day, because if I find you still here and banging. I'm just going to have to shoot you both." Taeko said. "Now get going."

The twins scrambled out as you could hear them starting their cars and peeling away. Sandy took up the guns opting to keep them. As for Myung, Taeko dragged into further the desert for some answers. A few beatings and he got some information. Mostly on their opium and racketeering. But the valuable information was the group was trying to worm their way here. That got Taeko hold Myung by his throat.

"Look man, they just thought the place would have perfect to hide their stash of opium. They were planning on setting up in the mount-"

Taeko threw him to the ground before emptying a round of bullets in his face. He promptly took his keys and the 4000 gold before vaporizing him with an energy blast. He had to hide the Challenger and come back for it later. He told Sandy all was fine, before going to the desert lake to fish.

"Finally, I can fish in peace." Taeko remarked before remembering the bus. "Shit, I'll need to move that car…like now."

He had to walk back to Sandy's and hand her the key to his hovercar.

"Sandy, I need to drive that dead Korean's car to my garage to get it repainted. So, keep an eye on my wheels for me." Taeko said as Sandy chuckled.

"Sure, Taeko. Always glad to help out." Sandy said as Taeko rushed to the Challenger as Logan and Tom got in.

Driving it back to the farm was not a hassle but making sure Robin and Demetrius did not notice was. The moment he got it into the garage, he got it repainted and license plates changed. He also searched through the car finding a trunk with a few bags of opium. He got rid of them immediately flushing them down his toilet before coming back to the car feeling good about ridding drugs off the streets. With a few minor repairs, the car was unrecognizable. However, there was the matter of what to do with it. He already had a muscle car.

So, he gave it to Penny mostly because she needed her own wheels considering he highly doubted she liked riding the bus. Much to his surprise, the game counted this a 'gift' which got her friendship level with her raised to eight heats.

"This is just what I needed." Penny said eyeing her new wheels. "Where did you get this?"

"Well, let's just say the previous owner is dead to the wind." Taeko said.

"Regradless, I can finally take those two on that field trip." Penny said excitedly as Jas and Vincent lit up excitement.

"Ferngill's Coral World!" Vincent said ecstatic.

"A field trip? I've never gotten to go to one….our old school is picky with them." Angel remarked.

"Wait, they have a Coral World too? Jeez, the one in St. Thomas must have been a massive success." Taeko remarked.

"I can make calls and finally get the ball rolling. Taeko, could you come with us on the field trip? I could use a chaperone." Penny asked as a quest pinged up for Taeko.

[Penny Story Quest: Field Trippin']

Penny's 8-Heart Event has been expanded to helping her take her and her students to the aquarium, Coral World. A place of marine life and wonder.

Quest Objective: Chaperone Vincent and Jas on their field trip.

Defend your party from any harm.

Ensure they have a good time.

Quest Restriction: Obviously, don't get those kids killed or maimed. You can also take one person with you to assist whether it be one of your pets or an ally.

Quest Reward: Friendship with Penny remains at 8 Heart, Friendship with Vincent will be maxed out, 2000 Gold, ?

Bonus Objective Reward: 1 Friendship Heart for the person you go with/7 Stat Points to spend on your pet you chose to go with.

Accept? Y/N

Taeko accepted and asked when the trip was.

"Monday." Penny said sweetly before hugging Taeko. "I'll start making arrangements. Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Taeko said pulling away. "But where are you going to park it?"

"I guess next to where Lin parks it." Penny said with a shrug as she was tossed the keys.

Taeko went home for one happy to see Penny smile wondering what to do with his day. He put the bait away, put the cola in the fridge, and moved all the fish to the freezer. He had to catch the bus back to the desert to get his car back from Sandy. Driving it back into the garage, he noticed Linus was nearby. Taeko came up noticing he was dressed differently this time, in the Fusion Fall's Black Knight set, with a [Fountain Pen Sword] sheathed on his back and an [Ultimate Humungousaur Helmet] on his head.

"Linus, you look intimdating." Taeko remarked.

"Figured I may as take advantage of the stuff Joja leaves behind. I got my old friend, Myth, adding on to them for better protection. I came wth a warning that up on the mountain, it seems Asians are moving some kind of drug." Linus asked. "I don't want to accuse but…"

"I get it. The Triad has been to this town, but because of my alliance with them. The people up on the mountain are the Sauseubeam, a South Korean gang." Taeko explained. "I found out they're running opium."

"That's good to hear, but they are having their goods delivered by train. And seeing that the path up the mountain from town is blocked off, that makes they can't slip down into town. But you need to do something about it." Linus warned. "I'll do what I can."

"Right." Taeko nodded.

Taeko went to the coop to snatch the eggs while checking on the chickens and the dinosaur. Moshi yipped rolling around on the ground. Three of those eggs went into the mayo machines, while the rest went in the fridge. The rest of the day was spent with light training which Lin ended up joining in on.

"Not bad at all…your time learning will make picking up ki easier." Taeko said as Lin was barely enough to get a small energy blast out of her hands.

"It's still a bit more of the hard side than using a firearm." Lin said panting. "But let's pick this up tomorrow."

Lin left and another hour past before Robin called it a night much to the relief of her husband who gave Taeko the stink eye on the way home. Sure, Demetrius loved his active wife, but he was exhausted by her.

"You know, sweetheart, seeing you work with me has gotten me all riled up." Robin said with an air of suggestiveness.

Demetrius went pale. Normally, he could handle this, but he was exhausted already. Robin looked as energetic as ever.

"And I think I know what I want to try. Something I got for International Women's Day." Robin purred as his butt clenched.

Demetrius never wished he could be single bachelor for just a few hours. Taeko looked up from the fanfiction he was reading having an odd feeling that someone was thinking about him. He shrugged and got to preparing what he was going to put in the selling bin. He settled for three bottles of cherry wine, five bottles of salmonberry wine, five green beans, and three sardines. As he closed the bin, he saw the Wizard standing here.

"Here to warn me about the South Koreans? Linus did that already." Taeko remarked.

"No, not that. I just wanted to ask for a Purple Mushroom." Myth said. "And thank you and your group for keeping the gangs out of the valley."

"I haven't checked my farm cave…so we can go check it." Taeko said as they walked in.

"On that note, things in the magical community have quite active lately. Most are rather terrified…as is the martial arts community. Joja's meddling wth forces that they shouldn't." Myth said with worry. "Recently, there's been apparently some kind of disaster at one of Joja's offshore labs. Some…thing was freed. Be wary, my friend."

Myth took the purple mushroom which the game counted as a gift Taeko gave him upping his friendship. Taeko went inside and off to bed. Ironically, his off day let him forget about picking up the crops that were fully grown. Of course, San snatched one of the green beans for her to eat. She did at least water the plants before taking it.


Taeko Kiba Maelstrom

Occupation: Farmer/Oyabun

Age: 20 years

HP: 970/970

Energy: 869/869

Overall Level: Planter

Farming Skill Level: 5

Mining Skill Level: 5

Foraging Skill Level: 10

Fishing Skill Level: 5

Combat Skill Level: 10

Gold: 780191

Taeko is a former employee of the corrupt Joja Corporation. Screwing it over, he got away with it free to chase his dreams and ambitions. An anti-hero and a roughneck, he's shown the town he's no pushover. Running Shadow Farm, the ronin is thrusted into plenty of strange happenings within the valley. Pushing ahead, he's formed the mysterious syncidate, Stardew Shadows, to further his business with his own gang of yakuza. Among his favorite foods are pepperoni pizza and pancakes. His favorite gifts tend to center around gaming, manga, and combat. His least favorite food is sea cucumber as he can only tolerate it in Lucky Lunches as he recently discovered.

[Taeko's Perks]

The Gamer's Mind – Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of Mind. Immunity to Psychological Mass Effect and Hypnotism.

The Gamer's Body – Grants the user a body to live life like a video game, Immunity to Physical Damage, but not the pain. Sleeping in a bed fully restores HP/Energy, Sleeping in a tent restores HP/Energy by 75% of total amount, and sleeping on an improvised surface (a couch, the ground) restores HP/Energy by 50% of maximum amount.

Made of Iron – You can survive your HP going down to zero, and you only need four hours and ten minutes of sleep to function perfectly. (Downside, you have to bed before 2 A.M. or else you pass out.)

Fighter – All attacks deal 10% more damage. (+15 HP) (Augmented by Anasatsuken fighting style)

Brute – Damage is increased by 15% (Frozen until further noticed)

Gatherer - Chance for double harvest of foraged items. (20% chance of double harvest)

Botanist - Foraged items are always highest quality. (All foragables found will be of iridium quality.)

Geologist - Chance for gems to appear in pairs. (50% chance per Node. Also applies to geodes spawned from breaking rocks.)

Fisher – Fish are worth 25% more.

Tiller – Crops worth 10% more.

Matters of the Mind - Gamer's Mind has expanded your mind to where you can perform new feats. (Access to learning telekinetic abilities)

Friend to all Children - You are considered a great person for kids to look up to. (This perk can have children more likely to trust you and see you as a role model. It can attract "MILF"s and make it easier to befriend motherly people.)

Fruitful Multiplying - Leah lends you support! Forage finding are doubled when you forage, and the growth of fruit trees are halved (V-Card Boost Doubles the multiplier).

Booze Boss - Pam lends you support! You have the ultimate tolerance. No Tipsy effect from drinking liquor. Any liquor you make is automatically silver quality. Double all sales of liquor.

[Item's Equipped]

[No change]


[To make things easier, friendships will only be shown here if they are decreased or increased.]

Penny – 8/10 Hearts – 2060 Friendship Points

Alex – 2.4/10 Hearts – 600 Friendship Points

Myth – 5/10 Hearts – 1150 Friendship Points

[Status of the Farm]

[Column 1]

Row 1) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 2) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 3) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 4) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 5) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 6) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 7) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 8) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 9) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 10) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 11) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

Row 12) Rice (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 5/5)

[Column 2]

Row 1) Rice (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 4/8)

Row 2) Rice (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 4/8)

Row 3) Rice (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 4/8)

Row 4) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 5) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 6) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 7) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 8) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 9) Beans (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 21/10) (Will Produce More Every 3 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 10) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 11) Beans (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 19/10) (Will Produce More Every 3 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 12) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

[Column 3]

Row 1) Beans (Basic Retaining Soil) (Days in the Soil: 19/10) (Will Produce More Every 3 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 2) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 10/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 3) Beans (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 18/9) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days after it's Fully Grown)

Row 4) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 10/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 5) Beans (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 19/9) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 6) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 11/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 7) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 8/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 8) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 10/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 9) Ancient Fruit (Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 4/25) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 10) Kale (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/6)

Row 11) Kale (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/6)

Row 12) Kale (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/6)

[Column 4]

Row 1) Kale (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/6)

Row 2) Kale (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/6)

Row 3) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

Row 4) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

Row 5) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

Row 6) Ancient Fruit (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 39/28) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 7) Ancient Fruit (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 39/28) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 8) Ancient Fruit (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 39/28) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 9) Ancient Fruit (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 39/28) (Will Produce More Every 7 Days after its Fully Grown)

Row 10) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

Row 11) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

Row 12) Spring Seeds [SP] (Basic Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 3/7)

[Column 5]

Row 1) Coffee Bean (Deluxe Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/7) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days)

Row 2) Coffee Bean (Deluxe Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/7) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days)

Row 3) Coffee Bean (Deluxe Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/7) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days)

Row 4) Coffee Bean (Deluxe Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/7) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days)

Row 5) Coffee Bean (Deluxe Speed-Gro) (Days in the Soil: 3/7) (Will Produce More Every 2 Days)

Row 6) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 7) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 8) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 9) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 10) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 11) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 12) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

[Column 6]

Row 1) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 2) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 3) Garlic (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/4)

Row 4) Tap Sapling (Days in the Soil: 2/20, Will Produce Every Day After Fully Grown)

Row 5) Tap Sapling (Days in the Soil: 2/20, Will Produce Every Day After Fully Grown)

Row 6) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 7) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 8) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 9) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 10) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 11) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

Row 12) Spring Seeds (Quality Fertilizer) (Days in the Soil: 2/7)

[Flower Box]

Slot 1) Blue Jazz (Days in the Soil: 7/7)

Slot 2) Blue Jazz (Days in the Soil: 7/7)

Slot 3) Blue Jazz (Days in the Soil: 7/7)

Slot 4) Blue Jazz (Days in the Soil: 7/7)

Slot 5) Tulip (Days in the Soil: 6/6)

Slot 6) Tulip (Days in the Soil: 6/6)

Slot 7) Tulip (Days in the Soil: 6/6)

Slot 8) Tulip (Days in the Soil: 6/6)

-Bee House (Tulip Honey) (3/4)-

(Day 19 Total Profits: 2,278 + (Gold Gained from Bus Profits: 900) = 3,178)

(Shadow Farm's Total Profits (This adds all the money made by the end of each day): 1,478,357 Gold)

[Status of the Pets]

[No change]




(A/N: For a day off, Taeko was certainly getting around. I'm sticking to it be a minimum of one to two VR sessions per chapter. No need to overdo them. Moving on, I've expanded on Penny's 8 Heart Event for a simple reason…a chance to further explore the world. Plus, seeing that Spring is drawing to a close, I want to prepare something big to go out on. And it seems I've forgotton Pam's birthday. Well, whatever. Next chapter is Shane's birthday…and the Egg Festival. Yeah, I completely forgot about it. Thankfully, I can excuse myself citing the Town Hall Meeting. So tomorrow, we'll deal with both of them.)