Hello and welcome back to the story! Sorry for taking over a month to update. That definitely wasn't the plan, but I went on vacation and then got a little side tracked. So without further delay, here is chapter 6! Thanks to all who have followed the story thus far and have reviewed!


Despite my heavily sealed eyelids, I could tell that the morning sun shined brightly. Refusing to awaken fully just yet, I cringed instinctively at my current headache, inevitably caused by excessive drinking in the previous hours.


My phone alerted from somewhere nearby. My eyes fluttered open slowly, reacting unpleasantly to the harsh light streaming in. Groggily, I realized I was tangled unceremoniously in a blanket. I had drunkenly fallen asleep on the couch. Following the sound of my beeping phone, I swatted a hand at the other end of the couch, grasping it successfully in one strike and bringing it to my squinting eyes to read the message.
It was from Garcia. The BAU had been presented with a new case, requesting the team arrive to work as soon as possible. I groaned silently, unappreciative that not only was it 7:38 in the morning, but I was also severely hungover and still in my clothes from the night before.

From somewhere across the room, another device was beeping identically. I threw the blanket off my body, and stood in search of the unanswered alert. Turning to face the other end of the living room, I nearly jumped out of my own skin in shock. A sleeping Spencer Reid was sprawled peacefully on the opposite end of the couch, his own blanket partially covering his professionally clad body. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, not remembering the previous night's events. My sight then was shifted to the source of the periodic beeping. Spencer's phone was placed on my bookshelf, lighting up to likely reveal the same message from Garcia.
What happened last night? I wondered, trying to piece together what I could remember. There were two half-full mugs on my coffee table along with a full glass of water and several books of varying genres scattered lazily about the table.

Spencer's phone sounded a final time. I looked back at him to see him stir slightly and return to his quiet, restful state. Should I poke him? I thought to myself. I retrieved his cell from across the room, and returned to stand a few feet beside him. "Uh, Spencer?" I whispered, not wanting to completely shock him out of his peaceful slumber. However, we did have a case to get to, and I was definitely curious as to how the two of us ended up doing whatever the heck we were doing last night. No response. I placed an unsure hand on his shoulder, leaning over him. "Reid," I tried, a little more assertive this time.
His eyes shot open, and his body jerked severely, stunned awake immediately. His lips parted as if to say something, but he inhaled sharply instead. Realizing that I was still hovering over him, I stepped back. "Shit, sorry," I excused myself awkwardly. I handed him the still-beeping phone. "It's Garcia," explained. "We've got a case."

He rubbed his tired eyes and stretched his lanky limbs, several joints popping at the motion. Spencer looked around the apartment as if he was assessing where exactly he had woken up. "Late night, huh?" he exhaled, offering a drowsy half-grin. He paused briefly, reading Garcia's message.

"Uh, yeah," I replied, looking back to the collection of books strewn across the coffee table. "I'm not exactly sure what happened after I brewed the coffee," I admitted with embarrassment, motioning to the half-drank cups.

Spencer's lips cracked into a fully amused smile, picking up my favorite book from the table in admiration. "So you don't remember forcing me to recite The Hunchback of Notre Dame from cover to cover?"

"Wait, what?" my brows furrowed in horror, but I couldn't help releasing a laugh.

"You, uh, didn't believe that I'd memorized all these books word for word, so you followed along while I recited them," he explained. His eyes were visibly tired but there was a lightheartedness dancing within them. Spencer looked around the room once more. "I must've dozed off on the second go-round," he yawned. His lengthy brown locks were even more tousled than usual.

"You quoted Hunchback twice?" I asked, a little more than slightly confused.

"Not in its entirety," he clarified. He stopped to remember the events of last night and exhaled a hearty laugh. "I got to page 153 before you asked me to start over in French."

"Oh my god." I shook my head to myself, mortified that I'd not only wasted his time by accepting the ride home, but also drunkenly forcing him into my home to entertain me with his endless amount of knowledge. "I'm sorry," was all I could say, cringing. I made a mental note to never touch booze again. The hangover was bad enough, but the embarrassment really was the kicker.

"Don't be," he stood: a few more joints popping in his lean body. "You should get inebriated more often." Spencer paused for a second, slapping himself mentally, and then stammered, "I mean, you know, because you were so humorous. It was entertaining. Not that you aren't funny anyways, you were just..." I interrupted him with a giggle at his nervousness. I was the one who had embarrassed myself, and yet he was still unconfident because the topic didn't involve facts and statistics. "I guess I should probably get to the BAU," he changed the subject quickly, acknowledging the fact that we were needed at work as soon as possible. Spencer folded the blanket and placed it back where it belonged on the couch and reached for his cardigan.

I glanced down at my wrinkled outfit from the previous night. "Yeah, I should probably go change, so it's not too obvious that I passed out on my couch." Spencer returned his barely used coffee cup to the kitchen and placed it in the sink before heading to the door, and I followed to see him out. "Maybe we shouldn't mention that you stayed over. You know how the team is." I rolled my eyes, not eager to find out how Garcia would react to our night if she ever found out. Despite the fact that it was completely platonic, she'd no doubt prod me into giving all the juicy details that didn't actually happen.

"Understood," he nodded. "I don't think Morgan would ever let me live it down." He opened the door to leave but remained for another moment, running a hand through his unruly hair. "Hey, a theater downtown is having a screening of the 1970s Russian musical An Ordinary Miracle next week. I don't know if that's something you'd be interested in since it'll be in Russian, obviously, but we should go, you know, if you want to or you don't have anything else to do." Spencer had opened up to me a little since my start at the BAU, but even the simplest forms of human interaction seemed to make him uncomfortable.

"Will there be subtitles?" I smiled.

"Probably not, but I can always translate it for you," he offered.

"Sounds good," I affirmed.

It took him a second to register the fact that I had accepted his offer, and he returned the smile. "Great. See you at the BAU."

"Bye, Spence." I wasn't exactly sure, but I might have just agreed to a date with Spencer Reid.

I hadn't had the amount of time I desired to get ready for work, so I simply sprinted to change into more professional attire and replaced my slept-on makeup with a thin layer of powder to even out my skin tone and a coat of mascara. My long hair had to be thrown into a messy ponytail, and my black-rimmed glasses thankfully camouflaged the appearance of the dark circles under my eyes.
I was the last to arrive to the case briefing. Spencer hadn't bothered changing clothes; obviously he hadn't had enough time to go by his apartment, and I wasn't the only one to notice. Morgan made a snide comment about him resembling "the walk of shame," and I kept my gaze focused on anything other than them. "I stayed up late reading," I heard him explain nonchalantly. It was all I could do not to look their way or give myself away by giggling like a teenage girl.

Agent Todd briefed us on the current case in Phoenix, Arizona, involving several cop killings in the past week. As intently as I tried to stay focused, my hangover throbbed unforgivingly, and I sat with my eyes locked on the case file, pretending to give it the utmost attention that it deserved but that I was currently not capable of giving.

"Wheels up in twenty," Hotch's stern voice commanded, pulling me back into reality. The traveling members of the team filed out of the room, leaving Garcia and me to head to our positions at the computers. On the way, we stopped for coffee per usual.

"So..." she trailed off suggestively, raised an eyebrow at me. Although she had seemed just as intoxicated as I was the night before, Penelope was her usual bright and put-together self.

"So what?" I poured a cup, not paying attention to the accusation in her tone.

"Would you care to explain why you look a mess and not up to your usually professional beautiful self?"

"I'm hungover," I grumbled, taking a sip of the steaming liquid, currently hating myself for forgetting the ibuprofen at home. I made yet another mental note to never drink again, at least not anywhere near that heavily.

"Clearly. But I also noticed that in conjunction with your below average appearance, a certain young doctor is in the same exact clothing he wore to dinner last night, and I know for a fact that he isn't hungover." She had trapped me. Damn her for being so observant. "Although, he did look quite exhausted." Her wriggling eyebrows mocked me suggestively.

I was hoping she wouldn't put two and two together, but I now I had to explain before she jumped to conclusions. God knows Penelope can only keep a secret for so long.

That's all for chapter 6! It was short, I know, but there is a lot more to come. There will be a lot of drama going down in just a few chapters, so please stick around. Also, as the romantic relationship begins, the story will have to eventually be changed to M if you know what I mean, so I'm just giving you a heads up. Can't have a story with serial killers and sexy doctors without it being a little risqué. Please don't forget to review, and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!