Okay, here is technically my fourth Sailor Moon story (I think) but it's my third betrayal one. I gonna try a story where I make the betrayal more realistic as opposed to coming from nowhere. So our first act is gonna take 5 chapters, then we have a 15 chapter long arc and 10 chapter long arc for the third one. Each has their own name, this one known as the Betrayal Arc.
It was a Monday morning, roughly 10 am. Usagi and the others, with the exception of Rei, were at their high school. Usagi was staring out of the window, not fully paying attention. She looked very tired, something that could be explained by the senshi work that she had to do. The night prior, they had to take on a pair of stray Youma and Usagi had bruised a rib so she had trouble sleeping after she got back home. She closed her eyes and half-listened to the rambling teacher, who was calling students up to collect their result for a test that they had done before the weekend. "Tsukino-san."
Usagi jolted up at the sound of her name, grumbling under her breath. She stood up and took her result, her eyes instantly catching sight of the 25% or a complete and utter F grade. It was expected, the poor girl wasn't able to understand Maths at all. The numbers just scrambled in her mind and waved along the paper like a pacman with his dotes or something along that line. The teacher didn't look pleased and asked to see the girl after class. She simply nodded and walked back to her desk, noticing the dirty looks that Makoto and Minako were giving her. Her thoughts were going like 'it's not my fault I failed' and 'if you explained it better like Ami, you could help', but she never dared to say it.
She sat down, staring at all the questions she got wrong and the lucky couple of she had gotten correct. But they couldn't be called 'lucky' in reality, as they were what you learn in the early years of Grade School. She just never understood the topic, Ami had helped her get into the high school. But they never really had study sessions now, so she couldn't even get Ami's help without asking the girl over and she often had cram school so that wasn't a easy option. 'What am I gonna do...,' she thought, her mind now sidetracked away from the class.
Though, the bell went shortly so she wasn't sidetracked for long. When everyone had cleared out, she walked to the front of the class and stood before her teacher. She waited as the teacher wiped the board. The teacher then sat down and motioned for the girl to pull a chair up and sit too. "Tsukino-san," started the teacher, in a quite serious tone. "I'm quite concerned that your lacking in maths. Your average everywhere else, except this subject. Have you always had difficulties dealing with numbers and such?"
Usagi nodded and explained. "I've never been able to understand the topic, it looks scrambled and I sometimes can't help but panic. I was only able to get into the high school because my friend Mizuno Ami-chan tutored me in the topic. But, I don't see her often due to the fact she had cram school. So I just kinda slipped back into the phrase of not understanding the topic...," she breathed in and looked straight at the teacher. "I'm sorry and I accept anything that you wish for me to do."
The teacher nodded. "Yes, about that. I want you to redo the test on top of your homework, I expect it back by Thursday at the latest. I have high hopes that you'll at least pass it this time," she handed Usagi a clear test for her to do. "That's enough, you can head to lunch now."
Usagi nodded, placing the paper gently into her bag so it didn't crinkle. She then got up and headed to the lunch hall, she saw Ami waving her over. This made her smile a little, causing her to walk over. She hesitated for a second when she got close enough to see Makoto and Minako too, but she continued and sat by Ami. She got the lunch her mom had made that morning and ate quietly, waiting for one of them to initiate the conversation.
Makoto was the first to speak and it was directly to the blonde. "So, Usagi-chan. How did you manage to fail your test? You know that your meant to study, right. Or were you reading too many mangas."
The comment pierced through Usagi like a knife. Did her brunette friend seriously believe that was the reason for her low grade, that was just mean. She wasn't sure how to structure her answer, so relief came to her when Ami said. "Mako-chan, I'm sure that Usagi-chan studied hard. She might have just encountered some hard questions that she wasn't fully prepared for."
It made the girl feel better knowing that she, at least, had one friend, who didn't assume that she wasn't studying. She had tried to, after all. Even Chibiusa helped out, but she just couldn't get her head around the topic and it left her panicky when they did the test. "...I did with Chibiusa helped...," Usagi murmured. "But, it wasn't enough to soften my nerves..."
Minako seemed interested now. "Nerves, Usagi-chan got nervous over a test. Whoa, I managed to live to see the day. She actually cares about her grades..."-her mood then seemed to switch. -"But your still not getting the passing grade."
"Gee...thanks..." grumbled Usagi, they definitely weren't being very supportive. All it would have taken was one of them to offer to help her study, but did that ever happen. No.
"I can help out," the voice came quite out of nowhere. Usagi turned to Ami and managed to force a smile. "I can't do much, but I can come over this weekend to help out with your studying in maths."
"Your a life-saver, Ami-chan...but I have to redo the test as homework for Thursday..." groaned Usagi, trying to mask how stressed it was making her feel. She was just really annoyed at the other two and at herself for failing constantly.
"Oh, I'll try to come over tomorrow night. I'm sure Chibiusa can help out tonight, you did say that she helped you prepare for the test," the blue-haired genius said with a reassuring smile. It made Usagi feel back, especially after she continued. "I'm sure she can help for tonight and I promise that I'll try to make arrangement to come over and help tomorrow."
Usagi nodded her thanks. Lunch was drawing to a close and she was already done. She stood up and put her empty lunch box in her bag. She then said, with a nervous smile. "I'm gonna get to class and get a start on my homework."
Okay, that definitely elicited some shocked expressions. It really annoyed her that they had expectations of her and when she didn't fulfill them, they got angry. But now that she was trying to, they just were shocked. It was stupid, extremely. Especially, since she knew Rei's reaction would be the same. She didn't bother to say anything and just headed to her next lesson. She sat down on her seat and got the maths test out, she looked at it for a while. She weren't sure of what to do, but she looked at the sheet and tried to come up with suitable answers.
She was rekting her mind just trying to think of how to solve the first question. She suddenly heard a kind voice from behind her. ''2(2x + 5)," she looked up to see Ami reading the question. "That's just a simply Bidmas/Brackets question. You expand the brackets by multiplying the 2 by the objects within."
"Times?...," muttered Usagi as she wrote down some working out. "It's 4x + 10..."
"There ya go, you can do it, Usagi-chan. Just like I knew you could," Ami smiled. She then looked at the second half. "Now using that formula, work out what that is when it is equal to 30."
"...Subtract the 10..." whispered Usagi, as she got to 4x = 20. She then gasped as she divided it. Her mental struggles seemingly non invalid. "I really can do you, Ami-chan. Your a big help."
"You did that one by yourself. You don't need to thank me for it. You'll do fine, I'm sure. But if your still struggling, I can come over on tomorrow and Wednesday." the blue haired girl smiled and then sat down in her own seat, which was quite a distance away from Usagi's. This brought some dismay from the girl, but she diverted her attention back to the paper on her desk. She managed to answer 3 more questions on that topic now she know what to do. Maybe it wasn't gonna be as bad as she thought, after all. She looked up as people droned into the room, it soon becoming quite full.
She simply waited for the day to roll on so she could get home, though she wasn't looking forward to her parents' reactions so her failure. They never responded well to that, stop giving her help at the age of 10 and told her 'do it yourself'. It never helped her in Maths, even though she was lucky to even be passing the rest of her subjects presently. She mentally sighed and just decided to listen to her teach instead of concerning herself with things that would be dealt with after the school day had ended.
She walked up to her home's door, half-prepared for her mother to be on the other side of the door. Her fears were confirmed by her mother, who was smiling. Though, it was obvious that the smile was a little more sinister. Ikuko was waiting on her daughter showing the test's results, Usagi knew she couldn't hide it. She reluctantly gave her mother the sheet of paper that said her grade on, she looked down with shame.
"USAGI. No dinner for you tonight, get up those stairs and get studying. When I come up later, I better see that you have completed half of your homework. No coming down and no snacks,'' strict but Usagi knew that it was needed. She should have tried harder or studied more then she already had.
She walked up the stairs, mentally beating herself up over failing. Chibiusa had seen her walk in and choose to follow her upstairs. The pink haired future child opened the door to see her past mother sitting at her desk, trying so hard to do her homework. ''Usa-mama,'' she'd only call the girl this outside of public, Chibiusa really did care about Usagi even if she didn't show it often. She did wish that she could treat her like a proper mother and not have to hide, but they were in the past. And it wouldn't be the same with her actual mother in the future. "Are you okay, do you want some health?"
"Chibiusa...thanks, sweetie. It would be helpful..." Usagi pulled a smile, as she looked at her future daughter. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad, she had Chibiusa and Ami at least. She wasn't sure about the rest of the inner senshi, besides the fact she felt it was her own fault for their 'broken' friendships. But she knew that if she didn't buckle up her ideas, they would never care about her like they once did. It was her own fault for having bad grades after all, regardless of how much she tried to come up with 'excuses' and such. She wished they would love her, however. More then just as the princess they had to protect.
Hope you enjoy. Next chapter will be up soon, I planning on continuing this chapter with a studying-like session. And that'll go through the transitional period between Monday to Thursday. Seen you then, I'm out-nya.