DISCLAIMER: ...Harry… Potter ...Isn't… Mine- expelliarmus!



Hermione threw herself at the boy standing in the doorway, wrapping her arms around his middle and hugging him close, this lasted for a brief couple of seconds before she pulled away, and delivered a harsh slap to his face- the crack echoed through the empty hallway.

Abraxas stared at the young witch with wide sharp eyes as an angry red mark formed on his face.

"What was that for?"

She swatted his arm and scowled. "I've sent you so many letters, why haven't you replied?"

"U-uh I wasn't- I was busy."

"Liar," she grabbed him by his arm and pulled him inside her room. Once inside, Hermione turned to stare at Abraxas and crossed her arms angrily over her chest with a loud huff. "What was it really?"

Abraxas sighed and threw himself onto a chair near the desk. "I didn't know how to reply-"

"What do you mean you didn't know how?"

"I- I don't know how to explain,"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him, and smirked as his face became a light tinge of pink. "Well, you better learn quick, explain."

"Well, its not that I haven't missed you… I really have. I think perhaps too much.."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hermione," he sighed, and found her for eyes. "I really don't know what's wrong with me…"

Hermione rolled her eyes at the blond, sighing and running her hands down her skirt. "Well, tell me when you find out."

"No, wait, I really-"

"Abraxas if you have nothing to say, then don't say anything. Please, let's move on, yeah?"

He looked down at his shoes, and nodded. "Okay."

"Have you heard anything from Maximus lately?"

"No, the fucker hasn't replied to a single letter."

Hermione raises an eyebrow. "That's rather odd, do you think he might have given up, or changed his mind?"

Abraxas shook his head. "No, that's not something he would do, at least I don't think so."

"That's rather strange, maybe we should seek him out."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Hermione shrugged. "What do we do then?"

"We wait."


Hermione closed the door behind Abraxas with a chuckle. The two had fun together, getting past the awkwardness was tough, but once they got through it things turned out quite pleasant.

She sighed to hear self as she sat down on her bed and looked up at the wooden ceiling. She wondered where Tom was, what he was doing, did he still think about her? Where'd you go?

A click coming from the door interrupted her thoughts, she watched with confusion as the doorknob slowly began to turn and the door's hinges began to creek. Without thinking she ran to her desk and picked up her wand, pointing it at the door as it opened. She raised an eyebrow as it opened to reveal an empty hallway, she walked towards the door cautiously. "Hello?"

She jumped as the door slammed shut. "Boo!" The voice of her hidden intruder seemed to come at her from all corners of the room. She frantically looked around, and began backing up against the wall. A scream escaped her lips as she felt herself pressing into a human body, a hand grabbed her arm, and another covered her mouth as she violently began to struggle out of its grasp.

"Hush, it's only me," the voice of a male whispered in her ear, the cool tone had her shivering, goosebumps covered her forearms.

"You've really got to be more careful though, if it was anyone else you'd be dead by now." An arm slid around her waist, and she shivered. Tears began to build up in her eyes as fear finally began to settle on her.

"Oh, don't cry," the male chuckled and let her go. She pushed herself away and turned to look at him, only he wasn't there.

"I'm over here," Hermione snapped her head towards the direction the voice was coming from. A long haired man stood in the corner, a hood covered his face, and a emerald green was draped around his tall frame.

"Who the fuck are you?" She sneered, and raised her hand to point her wand at him, but realized that it wasn't in her grasp. She'd dropped it when he grabbed her.

"Looking for this?" He asked and pulled out the wand from the sleeve of his cloak. "You really let your guard down."

"Who are you?" She asked again, her voice wavered and betrayed her false confidence.

The figure took a step forward, and removed his hood. Hermione found herself staring into into heavy blue orbs, ones that she missed so dearly.

"Tom…" the word escaped her lips in a breezy sigh.

"Missed me?" A knowing smirk played on his lips as he took another step forward.

"How'd you…"

"Escape? Find you?" She nodded and he shrugged. "Doesn't matter much, all that matter is that I'm here, and I shan't be leaving you any time soon."


"Tom, I'm not coming with you." Hermione uttered, and the male turned to her with a look of confusion.

"By that you mean?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I can't just- just leave."

"And why not? It's not like you're leaving anything behind."

"Well, actually-" she cut herself off as an image of the blond haired boy came into her mind. Abraxas. She had developed feelings for him, that she couldn't deny anymore. But when she looked at Tom she couldn't help but melt at the rush of feelings that attacked her, she actually wanted to be with him. But then she'd remeber who he was, Tom Marvolo Riddle, the Dark Lord. The man that took everything away from her, she couldn't forget that. But then she'd think, that wasn't him, not yet anyway.

"Well, what?" He walked over to her, as she sat cross legged on the bed. "Hermione," he crouched down to look her dead in the eye. "I've missed you so much, you can't just take this away from me."

"I've missed you too, but you can't just rip me away from my life and drag me elsewhere."

"What life, Hermione? You're just like me, we've got nothing here, look around- there's nothing here to miss." He sighed and placed a warm hand on her cheek. "Please, just come with me. Please."

Hermione blinked at him, surprised. He'd never pleaded with her for anything before, it just wasn't in his nature, he'd changed over the past two months. Looking into his eyes, she couldn't help but wonder about what could've happened to change him so. "Tom, I'm not sure…"

she looked down at the wooden floor, but he lifted her chin and brought his lips to hers. Her eyes widened at this but it didn't take long for her to react, she placed a hand on his shoulder, sliding off of the bed and onto the ground to become level with him. His tongue ran carefully over her bottom lip, and he fastened an arm securely around her waist and pulled her closer as she opened her mouth to him. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and began to explore the ridges and corners before tangling with hers. A small gasp escaped Hermione as his cool hand under the hem

of her shirt, and began tracing careful circles that revolved upwards with his thumb. She broke the kiss as a rush of heat exploded in her stomach.

Tom stopped, watching her as she exhaled. "Please?"

She nodded, pushing herself upright. "Ok."


A/N: "oof." Been a really long time.