Yeah, I have a problem…but-



Mew was snoozing in his room with the television still on, shining lights on different colors on his sleeping form. He had been doing perfectly fine in the hall ever since Parafrosyni Island ended. Sure, he still had issues thanks to Victini, but he was still doing pretty well.

At the moment, as he lied in his black jawbreaker colored bed, nothing was on his mind but rest. However, all good things had to come to an end.

His door was kicked open by a small pale yellow foot and our favorite jackass fox floated in with a neutral expression. The sound of his door being kicked open, caused his eyes to pop open, waking him. He didn't move from his position and just groaned.

"Whoever the hell you are, go away!" he exclaimed.

"No," Victini replied, floating up to the cat's bed. "We have work to do. Arceus and Giratina told me that we can have another season."

"What?!" Mew exclaimed when he suddenly felt his tail be grabbed. "NO! They said that we had enough!"

"Come on lazybones," Victini said as he dragged Mew out of his bed, all the while the New Species Pokemon protested against it.


Victini dragged Mew, who had just stopped fighting and held a look of agitation, to the legendary couple's main room. It was 1:36 in the morning and also one of the few times Arceus and Giratina got to sleep, as they were always kept up by the ruckus caused by the other legendaries, as well as private business that they had to attend to outside of the hall.

The Renegade Pokemon, in his Origin Forme, had himself coiled around the Alpha Pokemon's body, bringing her close and under his chin.

Their door, which was usually locked, swung open and hit the wall of their room, which didn't make them move in the slightest. Victini drug Mew inside before releasing his tail and seeing that the alpha couple was still asleep. He groaned.

"The one time they decide to sleep!" he growled.

"Oh well, looks like we have no new season after all," Mew said, floating up and dusting himself off. "I'm going back to bed."

He teleported away, only for Victini to bring him right back and grab his tail, which didn't really hinder anything, as Mew still teleported away. Victini brought him back once again, making Mew groan in vexation.

"WAKE UP!" Victini exclaimed, which didn't make them move in the slightest; the couple continued snoozing.

"Can't you see that nothing's working?" Mew questioned, his arms folded. "You know that when they sleep, only they can wake themselves up. So, again, I'm gonna go back to bed."

As he floated out of the room, Victini groaned in annoyance. Sure, it was early in the morning, but if he was awake, why couldn't they be?! They were the head honchos of the hall, after all.

He groaned and, despite his eagerness, decided to wait until they were actually awake. He turned on their television and sat on their enormous, memory foam bed.

And, despite them usually being in a deep slumber, as soon as their television was turned on and the light shined on them, Giratina grew irritated and shuffled a bit, seeing the light through closed eyes, and Arceus moaned in discomfort at the light as well.

Giratina, knowing that their remote was at the foot of the bed, uncoiled himself slightly from around Arceus' waist and moved his tail toward the end of the bed, but instead of feeling the remote, he felt a body instead.

Victini floated up with a sneer after feeling the ghost dragon's tail, and turned the brightness of the TV up a bit, eventually causing both of them to groan. He suddenly heard Arceus' voice and floated toward her.

"Ugh… who's in here?" she asked with an agitated tone as Giratina coiled back up around her.

"It's Victini…" he replied confidently.

Giratina groaned upon hearing that, bringing his face closer to Arceus'. "What do you want? We're trying to sleep."

"It's about my and Mew's series. You know? The one that's actually progressing?" Victini questioned, folding his arms.

"Get on with it…" Giratina groaned, annoyed by the apple rabbit's pretentiousness.

"So, what do we have to do for it?" asked Victini. "We need another island since Parafrosyni is now 'uninhabitable'."

"Ugh," Arceus groaned. "We don't care. There's another one near the pseudo-legendaries' island; go to that one. Now get the hell out…"

"Okay, so what-"

"GET OUT!" they both exclaimed.

"Alright, alright, jeez…" Victini said, as he put the remote on the table that was on Arceus' side of the bed, which she wasn't facing. "I'm leaving."

"Hey! Turn the fucking TV off!" Giratina exclaimed, lifting his head up slightly.

They got no response, which made them both groan.


Victini had gone into the second Boys' Club to use one of the computers. He searched the island Arceus was talking about and smirked to himself upon seeing how large it was compared to the other ones around it, especially the Tyranitar and Dragonite's. He peered at a list of names and numbers next to the computer and immediately started calling.


It was now 3 in the morning, and Mew was back asleep in his bed. However, that wasn't going to last long.

Victini kicked open his door yet again and Mew's eyes popped open.

"Time for the show!" Victini cheered as he grabbed Mew by the tail and started dragging him out again.

"Oh come on! I don't even care about the show anymore! I just wanna relax!" he protested while being dragged out.


A shot of an enormous island was seen with other smaller ones in the distance. The island seemed to have underwater volcanoes surrounding it, as well as a larger volcano on the land. There was a normal mountain to the side of it, and a cliff near the beach. It was pretty similar to their first island overall, but with some changes in where certain areas and aspects were located.

"We're back Total Pokemon fans!" Victini greeted, floating on a dock. "You thought that we were done at Parafrosyni, but you were wrong!"

"...Yeah…" Mew said unenthusiastically. "I really just wanna go back to the hall and chill…"

"No one cares," Victini exclaimed. "I'm sure that you don't want our poor competitors dealing with just me, right?"

After a while, Victini's eyes widened. "Actually, that doesn't sound too bad. Feel free to-"

"No, no, no...I'm here now, so don't even try it," said Mew. "Plus, you're always the one to abandon the show, not me. So, I'm ready for it to happen again."

Victini rolled his eyes. "Not gonna happen this time around."

"Sure," Mew said, rolling his eyes, not believing him. "So, what the hell is this season about anyway? Did you bring in more newbies?"

"Nope," Victini said, looking back at the camera. "This season, we're bringing back FORTY Total Pokemon Underdogs for another chance at the prize money. 5 million Poke!"

"Y-You were fucking serious about the uninteresting competitors thing?!" Mew exclaimed, shocked.

"Yep," Victini replied proudly. "So, you might as well get ready because here they come now!"

A similar tiltrotor from the first episode of All-Stars appeared. Actually, it was the same one from All-Stars!

"From PARAFROSYNI Island, welcome back Ace!"

Zahku held the Sylveon by his ribbons before dropping him from the aircraft.

"The second worst villain ever behind Vladimir...Brian!"

"Evil does not conSEEEEEEEENT!" the Reuniclus started before being punched out of the aircraft.

"Clumsy fool Chlotz!"

"Hey, I've learned how to walk with these dumb feet a bit bet-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Chlotz started before tripping out of the craft on his own.

Victini laughed. "Still funny. Next, girly-boy Taylor!"

"Oh, go fuck yoursELLLLLLLLVES!" Taylor yelled as he was dropped from the tiltrotor.

"Conspiracy nut, Pia!"

"This is highly illogical and doesn't make any SEEEENSE!" the, now Hypno, yelled as she was dropped.

"And...yaoi lover, Macey!"

Zahku didn't even bother touching her as the Gourgeist floated out of the tiltrotor with a journal and a camera, a smile plastered on her face.

Mew shuddered. "You seriously brought her back?!" he whispered through gritted teeth. "I thought you said uninteresting!"

"Well, it's a combination of them, some people that I wanted back, and some who should have been in All-Stars to begin with," Victini explained. "Anyways-"


"From REVENGE of the Island. We have Ashton!"

The Meganium looked out of the aircraft before jumping out with a scream.

"Shy Amy, or Amethyst!"

Amethyst was clinging to Zahku as he tried to throw the Amaura into the water, eventually getting her off of him.

"Dumb bell Carson!"

"Hey, that's mean!" Carson exclaimed as he floated out.

"Rich bitch Aspen!"

"This is so STUPID!" Aspen, whose fur had grown back, shouted as Zahku kicked her out.


The Swoobat flew out of the aircraft before Zahku even got a chance to grab her.

"That's just eleven. So you all know that this season is gonna be all about the originals who were just downright...blah!" Victini announced.

"Or you just made them come..." Mew said, giving him a look.

"Yep!" Victini said happily as the others who had to jump in the water first, swam to the shore. "So, from out original cast, welcome back...Annie!"

The Bellossom looked down at the water before sighing and jumping out just as Zahku was about to kick her. This caused him to trip up and almost fall out of the aircraft himself.


A Blastoise laughed at the Hariyama's misfortune. "Nice one, Su-mope!"

Zahku growled and kicked the back of his legs before standing up and punching him out of the tiltrotor.

"Sabrina, Fez, and Klavier!"

The Staraptor, Unfezant, and Gliscor flew out of the tiltrotor one after the other.

"Rapid and Reta!

The Linoone was carried forward by his tail, struggling the whole time, while the Furret was under the Hariyama's arm.

"This is so dumb why are you even carrying USSSSSSSSSSSSSS?!" Rapid exclaimed before Reta bit Zahku's arm, making him release her momentarily.

"Rapid!" she exclaimed before jumping out behind him.

"Striker and Farra, the stalker and stalkee!"

"Ready Striker?" the Girafarig questioned the still Metapod that was in her horns. "Farra, stop it...I told YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!"

"Bashful Connor!"

The Bouffalant nervously looked over the edge before being kicked in the behind by Zahku and pushed out.

"Frosty the snow cone!"

The Vanilluxe groaned as he floated out. "Why the hell am I back here?"

"Wife of magic mutt, Morgan!"

The Persian groaned as she walked forward and looked at the water below. She felt Zahku come up behind her and gave him a death glare. "Don't even think about it…"

Zahku backed off as the Persian jumped out.

"Wife of badass Jet, Sally!"

The evolved Ampharos leapt out of the tiltrotor without saying a word, though she had an irked expression on her face.


The Froslass floated out of the tiltrotor with a sigh.

"Titan and Cramad!"

"C'mon Shiela, we got another chance. Though, I'm unsure if it's worth it," the Galvantula said, looking down at all of the competitors swimming to shore.

"Titan, why did you agree to this?" asked the Parasect. "You know that we're bound to be fucked with…"

"We're all gonna be fucked WIIIIIIIIIIIIITH!" Titan screamed as Zahku knocked him out. Cramad immediately jumped after with a scream to avoid Zahku.

"Ex of the evil Ray...Summer!"

"Touch me and it'll be the last thing you do…" Summer threatened, glaring at Zahku, who left her alone. She looked down at the water and growled before looking down at the water. "Nope. Somebody better help me here…"

A giggle was heard as a familiar Feraligatr approached the Typhlosion. "I gotcha…"

Summer got on the Feraligatr's back as she jumped out of the tiltrotor.

"And Marie!" Victini added upon seeing the Feraligatr jump out with Summer. He shook his head in disappointment.


The Raticate moved forward and jumped out of the aircraft.

"'Mrs. Fuck your man', Aura!"

"Oh, fuck YOOOOOOUUUUU!" the Shiny Glaceon exclaimed before being dropped out.

"Mr. Steal your girl, Kojo!"

The Mienshao groaned as he walked forward and jumped out on his own, uncaring.

"Skater girl Marionette and Dhaunt!"

The Banette and Gengar floated out of the flying apparatus.


The Cryogonal floated out of the tiltrotor with a smirk.


The Sudowoodo walked forward out of the tiltrotor with his same creepy smile.

"Uh huh…" Victini said, seeing this. "Cano and Vixen!"

"This is fucking bullshit…" the Arcanine growled, padding forward with a Ninetales by his side.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it, now can we?" asked Vixen as she climbed onto his back.

He jumped down into the water.

"Sparky and Luna!"

The Luxray groaned and jumped out, with the Mightyena following suit.

"Wife of Satan….Shine!"

The Espeon glared upon hearing her introduction, but leapt out anyway.

"Wife of Diablo…Sola!"

"Okay, seriously why the hell are you just saying that we're the wives!?"

"Because you are and you're not significant!" Victini explained as Mew remained quiet.

"The most annoying player in the history of these shows...Egridos!"

"FOURTH WALL!" the Cofagrigus exclaimed as most of the other competitors groaned in annoyance, minus the ones from Revenge and Parafrosyni.

"And finally, the last competitor, the winner of our first Total Pokemon Island...Skore!"

The Drapion took a breath and jumped out, screaming as he splashed in the water below with the others watching. Some of whom flinched upon hearing the sound of him slapping against the water.


On the shore of the new island, the competitors that sat or stood in the sand were agitated, watching the two hosts float down toward them.

"So, you fucks decided to actually keep this bullshit series going?" Sabrina asked with a glare.

"Yep...and you fucks are going to be the victims this time around," said Victini. "Hope you enjoy another season…"

"Oh fuck you. You know that we all hate this fucking show," Shine said, with a piercing glare. "And you."

"We know why you hate it," Anthony spoke up. "Your devil mate got fucked by this slut against his will…" he said, gesturing to Aura, who blew Icy Wind at him, which didn't do much.

"He loved it and he knows it," Aura retorted. "It's not my fault I can get pregnant and that bitch can't."

"FUCK YOU!" Shine growled, a piercing glare set upon the Glaceon.

"Alright, alright, calm down," Mew said, finally speaking up among them. "Now, just so you all know, this season was all Victini's idea. I didn't want another season, but he literally dragged me into this…"

"Then why are you here?" Klavier asked.

"Do you really want to deal with Victini alone?" Mew questioned, knowing their answers.

"You're just as bad as him, so there's not that much of a difference!" Fez squawked.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…" Chlotz spoke up. "In our season, Victini was the one pulling the most bullshit. Mew was actually doing good."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Phill asked.

"We all can ask you the same thing, rat boy," Aspen commented. "Even I don't remember your fucking name."

"Uh...weren't you eliminated first in your season?" Reta asked mockingly. "You don't have any room to talk…"

Once Reta said that, the competitors erupted in arguments, with only a few remaining silent and moving away from the group, them being Carson, Sally, Cramad, Ace, Ashton, Skore, Holly, and Amethyst. Suddenly a whistle got everyone's attention again.

They all turned toward the two hosts, who were next to a flagpole. The competitors all exchanged glances before walking toward them.

"Welcome to Total Pokemon Underdogs!" Victini started, as if the entire scene on the beach didn't just happen. "You forty have been chosen by me to return because I found you either boring, I wanted to see more from you, or you should have been in All-Stars and just didn't show up," he said, passing his glares toward Morgan, Cano, Skore, and Striker.

"Oops, sorry, I was too pregnant to actually compete in your season of ruining lives…" Morgan commented sarcastically.

"Every season is the season of ruining our lives," Kojo said blankly as some of the others muttered and nodded in agreement.

"Haven't you been getting acting jobs and aren't you still dating a model?" Victini questioned. "What part of YOUR life is ruined?"

Kojo didn't respond.

"Mmhmm, exactly," Victini replied. "Now-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're still dating that model bitch?" Phill questioned. "Hasn't she cheated on you like...four times already?"

Kojo gave him a look. "Let's NOT talk about that, huh?"

"ANYWAY!" Victini exclaimed, getting their attention again. "Since only one of you has actually won the competition before, I'm gonna just call you all losers anyway. And because you all are losers, your teams are gonna be given loser names."

"Yes, apparently that makes plenty of sense for this season of insanity," Mew said as he started unfolding a list given to him by Victini. "Team One, dubbed…" he started before giving Victini a look of annoyance.

"Just read them," Victini said upon seeing the look.

"Dubbed the 'Horrible Ho-ohs'," Mew continued as the competitors gave Victini a 'seriously?' look, only for him to smile in return. "Brian, Aspen, Cano, Pia, Clay, Luna, Dhaunt, Marion, Klavier, Aura, Phill, Lassie, Titan, Cramad, Fez, Sabrina, Rapid, Marie, Anthony, Summer, Freezeo, and Annie…"

"Oh great, we're horrible birds," Fez commented. "That's just wonderful."

"And the rest of you are dubbed…" Mew started before groaning. "The Loser Lugias. Ace, Amethyst, Skore, Ashton, Striker, Vixen, Carson, Shine, Sparky, Sola, Kojo, Macey, Egridos, Holly, Frosty, Morgan, Connor, Farra, Taylor, Reta, Chlotz, and Sally."

"Great, they're called horrible, and we literally get called losers," Taylor said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, you're a he-she, you ARE a loser," Aspen commented, earning her a Hydro Pump to the face by the Milotic.

"Drown on that, bitch," Taylor growled.

"Alright, both teams are settled, so let's get you guys situated with this new island," Mew said.

"Hey, as long as it isn't zombie infested, I'm A-Okay," Ace said with a smile.


Victini moved to the larger campground, located in the center of the island. There were two cabins in a situation similar to All-Stars, with one being much much shabbier and terrible and the other being large, rather average looking, and clean.

"Now, I'm sure that some of you that have seen All-Stars. If you haven't, well fuck you," Victini said, causing a bit of recoil from a few of the competitors. Apparently their lives HAD to revolve around this show.

"Fuck you, too, bastard!" Vixen growled.

"Yeah mate, our lives don't revolve around this here game!" Titan exclaimed.

"And yet you're here," Victini replied.

Mew groaned. "Basically, if you win challenges, you sleep in the Winner's Cabin, if you lose, you get the shitty cabin, same as All-Stars, but this time you just get another cabin because you're well, underdogs," Mew commented.

"Great explanation, ten out of fucking ten," Egridos commented, rolling his eyes.

"Alright, those are the cabins," Victini said as he continued floated to a large, open picnic area. There were two long tables with ten seats on each side sitting on a large, rectangular concrete slab with one wooden pillar on each corner. A mahogany roof sat upon them.

"What? Are we too bad for a mess hall, now?" asked Rapid.

"Precisely," Victini replied before Rapid groaned.

"Okay, did you make this season up just to insult us and make us feel like shit?" Summer growled, folding her arms.

"Hmm...partially," Victini said before tapping Mew, who he expected to explain.

Mew, upon receiving the tap, gave the fox a look and groaned. "He wants to see you all's true colors. You barely did shit in the seasons you were in and were pretty much insignificant to him, so he decided to bring you back to this season to see how many of you will break and put down the boring, lame facade you established," he explained monotonously.

"It's not our fault the author is shitty!" Anthony exclaimed.

"No, you-"


Everyone groaned.

"What the hell do you mean, 'true colors'?" asked Lassie.

"He's talking about the fact that none of us knew that Flynn was married, Demenio was psychotic, Jet and Aylesha dated when they were younger. Things like that…" Mew explained as some of the competitors eyes grew wide and they exchanged nervous, frantic looks. "And...judging by those expressions, a lot is going to be brought up that you don't guys don't want to be."

"Yep, this is going to be hell," Freezeo said with a sigh.

"All right, those are the cabins and that's the eating area," Victini smiled. "Let's move on."


The group approached the bathrooms. "Here are the washrooms. You can bathe and use the toilets in there."

"Obviously," Skore said, rolling his eyes.

"Moving on, we have everyone's favorite device, the confessional!" Victini said, approaching an old, beaten up outhouse.

" didn't think to upgrade it? Or just fix it and clean it?" Sparky questioned.

"Now why on Earth would we do that?" asked Victini.

"Point taken," the Luxray muttered.

"Alright," he continued before turning in the direction of the volcano. "That's the volcano, where a few of your challenges will be held. Near that volcano is a mountain, where other challenges witll be held." He then turned back to the beach and pointed a cliff, one that was much smaller than the one on the first island. "And that is the standard cliff that almost all of these islands have."

"You're not making us jump off of that are you?" Chlotz asked nervously.

"You'll find out sooner or later," Victini replied. "Plus, we made a good majority you all fall from a plane, be flung by a catapult, or be fired from a cannon. Heights should no longer be a problem for you."

"Whoa, wait, CANNON?!" Striker exclaimed in shock, his eyes widening.

"Yep, I can tell that none of you outside of Aura and Shine ended up seeing that season," Mew commented.

"How could I not when you had my fucking kids on!" Aura growled. "And my son ended up falling for this fag over here," Aura said, gesturing to Ace, who shuffled his paws in discomfort, not facing her. "Always coming over to hang around my boy. His real dad may not care, but you know damn well that my new man doesn't tolerate that fuck shit."

"Yeah, and that's why he's moving in with him!" Ace exclaimed with a blush and a glare.

Aura growled as she started stalking toward the Sylveon, who growled back.

"Calm yourselves. You'll all have plenty of time to catch up, try to kill each other, screw, whatever you want, when we're finished," Mew said indifferently.

"What the hell else is there on this island? You covered all of the main things already," Sola asked annoyedly.

"We have a couple of other structures on this island," Victini explained. "Follow us."


The two hosts led the competitors to a large building that looked broken down and condemned. It had a flag on the top of it with the words 'LeGrae High School' engraved on it.

" LeGrae High School," Victini explained. "An old, abandoned school that some idiot constructors put in the wrong area. It was supposed to go somewhere in Alola, and they actually believed that this place was part of Alola."

"So, this is pretty much the 'jail' of the island," Morgan inferred.

"Yes, only there's no phone for sexy time," Mew explained, causing groaned and shouts of anger to come from the group. "Uh...Victini was recording every time others went in there. I'm pretty sure that none of you wanna be on porn sites, though I'm pretty sure he sold some of the videos already."

"WHAT?!" most of them exclaimed.

"Yeah, so you're welcome," Mew said, folding his arms.

"And...I believe that's it…" Victini said, rubbing his paws together. "Oh, actually, there's a gym somewhere around here as well, but oh well, you'll find it on your own. Now, all have fun and catch up a bit and we'll be back for you all's first challenge.


"Yep. Gonna start right off the back," Victini said. "So, have fun."

And with that, the cat and fox disappeared, leaving the forty contestants alone as they exchanged glances before going their separate ways.


Fez and Sabrina flew toward the cliff of the new island. The twosome's relationship had been on and off for a while now, and at that moment, they were together. The Unfezant peered over the edge of the cliff and saw the numerous other islands in the distance.

He sighed. "You think there are shows being hosted over on those islands?" he asked, staring out as Sabrina came up behind him.

"Hell I don't know," Sabrina replied in an irritated tone. "I'm just pissed that I'm competing on a damn island with these bullshit hosts!"

"Hey, this is your first time competing on an island. This is my second," Fez replied. "If anything, I should be the one pissed off!"

"You made it to the merge," Sabrina replied with a blank expression. "I don't think you should com-"

Fez suddenly groaned, cutting her off. She glared at him, as she hated being interrupted, no matter the circumstances.

"What's the groan for now?" she questioned aggressively.

"Hey guys," she heard from behind her. She recognized the voice immediately and screamed in her head. Despite this, she took a breath and put on a fake smile before turning around to face the source. "Hello Klavier…"

The Gliscor rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I uh...wasn't so sure on what to do since everyone ended up going with certain groups or going alone."

"So the most logical choice was to follow us⎼out of the thirty-seven others you could choose from," Fez said, walking forward and standing by Sabrina's side.

"Look, I understand that things are a bit…." he started before pausing, attempting to find the right word. "Well, a bit 'tense' between us, but I just want to let you know that I don't have feelings for Sabrina anymore."

"You sure about that?" Fez questioned, not believing him one bit. "Because the last time you said that, you ended up kissing her for FAR too long…"

"Hey, it was Christmas, she was under the mistletoe, and I had too much eggnog. Not my fault," the Gliscor replied.

"Oh yes, blame the nog," Fez said, rolling his eyes as he walked away. Sabrina sighed as he did so and looked Klavier in the eye.

"Look Klavier, I understand that you like me, but I'm with Gary, and that's that," Sabrina explained. "You need to leave us alone."

"Wow, when you use his real name I know you're dead serious," Klavier said, eyes slightly wide. "But, I'm serious, too. I'm fine."

Sabrina was hesitant to believe him, a glint in his eyes causing this unsurety. Klavier was very persistent and it really creeped her out at times when she and Fez, or Gary, were at home and he showed up out of nowhere. Sure, he was nice and he liked her, but it got extremely annoying after a while.

"I don't know, Klavier. It's just…"

Klavier looked down. "It's okay, I understand," he responded regretfully. "I admit, I messed up and...I probably shouldn't have even come here. I'll just go."

Sabrina looked back at Fez, who held an aggravated expression as he stared off the cliffside, before turning back around. "Yeah, I think that'd be for the best."

Klavier nodded before taking flight. Sabrina shook her head before walking back up to Fez.


"I honestly don't know what Sabrina sees in him," Klavier said. "I mean, I respect him and everything, but it just doesn't make sense to me. He's really boring and inconsiderate."

"But, if Sabrina wants him, I'll let her have him,'' he continued. "Hopefully she realizes…"


Dhaunt, Marionette, Lassie, and Egridos were all at the abandoned high school. The eeriness of the area resonated with them, so they felt that this would be a good place to hang out. Both couples had been good friends outside of the game, so even though they knew that the game was going to be torturous, at least that had good early allies.

"Never thought that we'd actually be back on another island," Lassie brought up. "This is…weird."

"Yeah, it's kinda out of nowhere," Dhaunt spoke. "I mean, sure we were brought back for stupid cameo appearances and to help with challenges, but actually competing again is... a bit nerve-wracking."

"Hey, at least they didn't bring back any real threats," Egridos acknowledged. "Everyone here is practically harmless in one way or another."

"Uh...Skore, Cano, Sparky, Marie, Morgan-" Marion started.

"Bah. Skore is still weak mentally, Morgan is just a housewife now, I doubt the psycho brothers will be the same as the other two, and well, Marie is the only true wildcard you've listed," Egridos stated, folding his top two arms.

"Wow, you've really gotten analytical since you left the show," Dhaunt admired.

"Yeah, I figured that if I ever got re-entered into one of these dumb seasons, I should be on my A-game for once," Egridos explained. "Hopefully they don't treat me the same way they did in the past times I've competed."

"Maybe if you don't scream 'FOURTH WALL' all the time, they won't," Lassie said, folding her arms, giving him a serious look.

"Now you know that I can't do that," Egridos replied. "Where'd the comedy be?" he asked as sudden a laugh track was heard, causing the other three ghosts to look around in confusion.

They then turned back to the Cofagrigus, who was now holding a soundboard. They gave him a look of unamusement.

"Oh-ho come on, you gotta admit that that's funny," Egridos said, chuckling.

Lassie sighed at his eccentricity.


Skore, Frosty, Farra, and Striker were on the beach on the opposite side of the island.

"Well, we're back in this game," Frosty said. "I wish we were back home, instead, but I guess that trying to win more money isn't that bad of an idea. Rent is a bitch this time around."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Farra said before giggling. "I still can't believe that we're all in the same apartment complex!"

"Uh...Striker's the one who told you about the empty apartments, Farra," Skore said, sheepishly.

"I know, but it's still so much fun," she said with a smile.

"'s a hoot," Striker said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on Striker, it's not that bad with her living there," said Frosty, as the two of them were roomies. "She's not even as crazy as she used to be."

Farra gave him a glare.

" offense," Frosty said.

Farra huffed. "None taken."

"I thought you got over Striker," Skore said as Annie approached them.

Farra, seeing her approaching, hid a glare. Despite Striker insisting that he wanted nothing to do with her, Farr still cared deeply about the cocoon. The fact that Annie was his ex really irked her.

"Hey guys," the Bellossom said, sitting next to Skore's legs. "How've you all been?"

"Fine," Frosty said.

"Same here," Skore said.

"Yeah…" Striker said in agreement.

"That's good," she said, seeming to completely ignore Farra. The Girafarig didn't really care, but it made her hate the Bellossom even more.

"So, I bet you guys are all happy that you're on the same team," Annie said before looking to Striker and eyeing Farra. "Well, three out of four of you, anyway."

"Uh...what are you trying to say?" Farra asked with an irritated tone.

"I'm not saying anything," Annie replied, knowing what she was doing. "It's just an assumption."

"And why did you make that assumption? Hmm?" Farra questioned, tightening her glare.

Annie scoffed. "Let's not do this Farra. I'm mostly nonviolent."

"Whoa whoa whoa, who said anything about violence in the first place!?" Skore exclaimed, shocked to hear that.

"Oh, so you want violence, huh?" Farra asked with a growl.

"Uh, that's the exact opposite of what she said," Frosty said, a bit nervous about the situation.

"Actually, she said, MOSTLY nonviolent, so-" Striker started before catching himself. "Yeah, don't do this. It's stupid."

"Well, this is because of you, dude, so…"

"Don't. Remind me…"


Cano, Vixen, Sparky, Luna, Sola, and Shine were all at the picnic area near the cabins. Cano kept his head down, while the others tried to figure out their moves for this season.

"Well, isn't this wonderful?" Sola asked agitatedly. "We're all back on another Arceus-forsaken island for more bullshit torture."

"I'm pretty sure none of us want to be here," Sparky replied. "But, now that we're here, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Have Shine teleport us the fuck out of here," Luna countered, giving Sparky a look of 'obviously'.

"You know doing that won't do us any good," Shine replied. "Those fucks would bring us back as soon as they figured it out."

"Well, looks like we're stuck in this damn game again," Vixen growled softly.

"Hey, come on guys, I know that this is a shitty situation, but at least we each have a chance to win the big prize at the end," Sparky said, trying to stay positive.

"Yeah, that ain't happening," Cano finally said, lifting his head with an angry glare. "I don't wanna be here, none of you want to be here, and nobody watching this dumb show wants us to be here, so just leave it at that. I got second place in the first season of this stupid show and I was mostly just quiet and Vixen's already won another show, so it's unlikely that she's gonna win this one. You guys have a chance, but being related to me, or just us in general is a huge fucking problem."

"And why is that?" asked Vixen. "How do you know that our chances are slimmer than everyone else. Just because I won another show doesn't mean I don't have a chance."

"You realize how much hate we get because of this stupid show, right?" Cano growled, keeping his glare. "Nobody gives a shit about us! I'm apparently a jackass because I try to avoid problems whenever I'm in this show and it's boring, and Vixen is STILL getting called a slut every time we go out! Someone even sent a fucking DEATH THREAT!"

"We're immortal because of this same show, dude," Sparky said, bringing up a positive point. "Anyone who tried would fail anyway."

Cano growled, turning to him abruptly out of agitation. "You're missing the fucking point, as always. Plus, it's likely that because the others know about our 'family mental problem' thanks to douchebag daddy, we're gonna be out early on. actually a good thing on my account."

"You are such a fucking downer lately," Sparky said, glaring back. "I get it, you're pissed the hell off that we're back because you think this game has ruined your life, but need I remind you that you met Vixen here!? That you've made a lot of fr-"

Cano gave him a look before he could finish that sentence. He barely conversed with anyone outside of this game besides his own family and Dew's family. Sparky, seeing his look, immediately abandoned that statement. "That we're all, again, IMMORTAL!? If that isn't worth the bullshit we've gone through, then you have issues."

Cano just laid his head back down, making Sparky groan.

"We'll just go for along as we can. If we get eliminated, who the hell cares?" asked Luna. "We go home and live our lives like normal again. It's as simple as that."

"Yeah, and if we end up making it far, then we fight for our place…" Shine said with a confident grin.

The girls all smiled, as did Sparky, but Cano remained adamant.


Cano: Bullshit. We'll be gone before they know it.


Connor was walking through the lush forest of the island, eventually coming upon a small lake in the middle. It was very clean and had a very soothing atmosphere around it. Taking a breath, he looked around the perimeter of the lake and saw Amethyst, Ashton, Carson, and Holly lying on the opposite side, talking.

The Bouffalant hadn't truly maintained fond connections with other 'original' competitors. Sure, he was able to talk to some of them, but he didn't really consider any of them friends. It had been years since he competed, but he still was pretty diffident. He couldn't really explain why, but he was. He was actually debating on whether or not to interact with the old new guys, or the 'second generation cast'. He didn't know them and they didn't know him.

He wasn't in that big of a rush to ally with people anyway. Sure, in most cases, being alone in a game like this made you a target, but what were the odds of him getting cut early again? He got eliminated in the second season for a dumb reason anyway; they blamed him for a loss that would have happened even if he was there the whole time.

"Hmm...maybe not yet," he said to himself as he started walking away from the lake.


"Well, we've got another chance for the moolah!" Carson said cheerily.

"Yep. Hopefully we're able to make it further than we did in our season," Holly added.

"Yeah, we can only hope," Ashton said, nodding in agreement. "The competition is looking half-tough and half-average."

"Yeah, a lot of these veterans are intimidating," Amethyst said before laying her head in the grass. "I wish they brought Sven back instead of me. I'm not good under these kinds of conditions just yet. We were still working on it."

"Uh...what conditions?" asked Carson.

"Large groups. Public. Just around people I don't recognize in general," Amethyst explained, staring at the grass.

"Amy, I'm sure that you'll be fine," Ashton said soothingly, rubbing the Amaura's back with a vine.

"I hope," she muttered.

"Speaking of hoping, how are things going for you guys' relationships?" asked Carson with his same demeanor.

"Well, uh...Ross and I decided to break it off," Holly explained, looking down. "Apparently we 'went too well' together. So our relationship ended up getting boring."

"Aw...that sucks," said Carson. "I've never heard about a relationship ending because the partners were too good to each other."

"Well, it happened. Luckily it was a mutual relationship. We're still okay."

"That's good," said Ashton, nodding. "Well, Raiden and I are now married," she revealed with a blush.

"Aww… Congrats," Holly replied.

"Yeah, that's awesome!" Carson said with a smile. "Where's your ring?"

"Oh, I left it at home," Ashton replied. "Knowing this game, I was bound to lose it, so I cut out the middle 'mon."

"That's smart. Kyle keeps losing his whenever he goes out somewhere, but then he just buys himself another one," Carson explained as the girls shared confused expressions.

"Wait, what do you mean buy himself another one?" Amethyst asked in her same position.

"Oh, he got married to Wave and Scarlett," Carson revealed, causing the girls to bug out a bit.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Holly exclaimed. "KYLE proposed!?"

"Well, it wasn't really a proper proposal," Carson started. "He just asked them did they want to get married. Wave said yes almost instantly and Scarlett was so shocked that she pounced on him."

"Wait, how did he afford the rings?" asked Ashton.

"He sells his pies to prank shops and normal bakeries for a BUNCH of money. He's got like over three million Poke in the bank right now!"

"Just from pies?" Amethyst questioned. "That's...weird."

"It's Kyle. Of course it's weird," Carson said, chuckling. "It's even weirder considering that's he's fully evolved now and he still has his same demeanor."

The girls remained silent at that information. It was just all too strange to think about.


Ashton: Wow, I guess you CAN make it huge outside of the game. I still can't believe Kyle's a millionaire now…


"So you really got pregnant by the pink bitch's husband?" Aspen asked as she and Aura lied in the female side of the cabin.

"Yep," Aura said with a smirk. "Only one of my kids is his, though, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I'd have loved for both of them to belong to him."

Aspen giggled. "That's a bit trashy in my opinion, but your personality really makes up for it."

Aura chortled. "I get that a lot."

"So, how was he?" asked Aspen.

"Oh ho-ho…" Aura started with a naughty smirk. "Are you a virgin?"

"No," Aspen replied. "I have a man, myself…"

"Well, I'm not gonna be too explicit, but I'll just say...Coke bottle," she said with a giggle as Aspen blushed and laughed herself.

"Ooh~" Aspen said, amused to hear that. "So, how did it feel to be pregnant?" she asked. "My boyfriend and I are thinking about having a little brat, but we're unsure."

"Well, luckily for Glaceon it doesn't take that long, I'm unsure about what a Furfrou's gestation period is, though," Aura explained.

"Fuck…" Aspen growled.

"Your parents never told you and you didn't think to search it up yourself?" asked Aura, surprised by her lack of knowledge regarding her own species.

"My parents didn't bother because they didn't think I'd fall for someone, and I wasn't really thinking until now," Aspen replied, a bit embarrassed.

"Ah, well I'm sure when you and your boyfriend are back home, you can look it up, weigh your options, and decide what you want to do," Aura insisted. "I didn't plan my pregnancy, it just happened, and I was lucky that one of my baby daddies actually cared enough to help me."

"Was it the one with the bo-"

"No," Aura said, rolling her eyes. "He actually cared about wife more than me and wanted nothing to do with me or his kid. His wife actually had to MAKE him care, and now he cares a lot."

"Wow, that bitch really is dumb," Aspen stated. "If my man got another girl pregnant, all ties are gonna be broken. If it's not property of BOTH of us, then fuck it."

"Well, I'm kinda happy that he's in her life. If he wasn't, she'd probably burn down my house and I'd kick her out," Aura said honestly. "She's got his awful genes, so he's good for helping her control herself."

"Yeesh," Aspen replied. "Sounds like a problem child."

"Well, she spends more time with him now anyway, so it doesn't really matter," Aura said with a shrug. Suddenly, a question popped up in her head. "Say, why are you even competing if you're already rich?"

"No such thing as too much money, now is it?" Aspen asked rhetorically. "Plus, I want to be able to make money for myself."

Aura nodded. "Understandable."



Aura: I think Aspen and I will be getting along just fine.


Brian had easily found a cave to reside in and set up his new lair. After Parafrosyni Island, he attempted to go back to his normal life, but the pull and passion to be a villain was too strong for him to break. So, he was back to his original antics. And with Esmeralda not around to talk to him, and the fact that only a select few here even knew him, if he had succeeded, that was that.

As he sat down in his chair, he sighed to himself and rubbed his face. "Alright," he started. "Back in this competition. Thirty-nine others in my way this time. Gonna be a lot more difficult."

He suddenly felt arms wrap around him. The feeling of the arms was all too familiar for the Reuniclus and he floated out of the chair quickly.

"Woman! I keep telling you to leave me alone!" Brian exclaimed as the Gourgeist just smiled at him in response.

"Aw, come on Brian, you know that I'm wonderful," Macey said cheerily.

"You despised me on the other island, missy! And I don't believe in dating!" Brian exclaimed as he sat back down in his chair. "Now please leave the vicinity or I will be forced to well...force you out!"

"Forced to use force?"

"Whatever!" Brian exclaimed, looking back at his computer and starting to look up information on the competitors that he could remember the names of.

"What are you even doing?" asked Macey, floating forward in interest.

"Combeeswax, mind your own," Brian replied, causing Macey to smile to herself.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have to tell your team that you're cheating when we get to the challenges," Macey threatened.

"Ah yes, using information available to everyone; that's definitely cheating," Brian said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"You're the only one with a computer here, so...yeah," Macey said. "It's an unfair advantage."

Brian twitched turned around in his chair, giving her a glare. "What the hell do you want, woman? I don't have or know anything that you'd find helpful, so why keep pestering me?"

"Because you helped my dreams become reality," Macey said with a chipper smile. "And I'm finally among some of the originals, where my true dreams will be able to become a reality."

Brian gave her a look. "I'm not making you any rays."

"Oh, I'm sure that if Ray was here, he'd love what I'd do," Macey said with a creepy giggle. "See," Macey said, holding up a rather crudely drawn picture of an Absol with a Samurott connected to his behind and an Arcanine connected to his mouth.

Brian, seeing this, had to suppress his urge to gag.

"Yeah~" Macey said, marvelling at her work. "If only he and Dew were in this season. But, since Cano's the only one here, I'll have to use him as my master seme. He's not bigger than Dew, but he'll have to do."

Brian shuddered. "Why do you obsess about this so much?"

"Because it's extremely attractive to those with open eyes...and just seeing guys, who are supposed to be all about masculinity, be pounded by each other, it's so...fulfilling to me," Macey said with a blissful sigh.

Brian blinked before turning back to his computer, unable to respond to that. Macey giggled and rubbed his shoulders, causing him to groan in discomfort.

"I'll make you a deal, Bri-Bri…" Macey said. "You make me another Love Ray, and I'll leave you alone for the rest of this season."

Hearing that, Brian gave her a look of disbelief. Nobody here knew of him and his antics other than Pia, Macey, Ace, and Taylor, and he was lucky that they were all on the opposing team, minus Pia, so they couldn't get to him. At least he hoped.

"Fine…" he said through gritted teeth.

Macey cheered and kissed his cheek, causing him to twitch as she disappeared. He immediately wiped it off and shuddered.


Brian: I'm not sacrificing my sanity to that psycho gay porn addict. I'd apologize, but I find there to be no reason to.


Phill and Kojo were walking around the island, eventually sitting on a log that was on the outer edge of the forest on the west side of the island. The Raticate and Mienshao hadn't really communicated often in the first two seasons nor when they met back up for cameos, but they ended up connecting again when Phill went to the mall a couple of years back and saw him signing autographs with a sad expression on his face. Ever since then, the two have been good friends.

Since Jesse and Volante moved on with their lives, Phill didn't really have any luck with friends beside that time, and Kojo, being an actor, was friends with other celebrities, but it didn't feel real, leaving him to become depressed. Meeting back up with Phill, someone who barely talked to initially, was actually beneficial for his sanity.

"Never thought we'd be back in this competition," the Raticate commented sheepishly.

"Yeah," Kojo replied, slouched over with his head in his paws. "This fucking sucks."

"Hey, at least when you get eliminated you won't have anything to worry about," Phill said, patting the Mienshao's back.

"'Zella is probably cheating on me at this very moment…" Kojo replied in a disheartened tone.

Hearing that, Phill groaned, rolling his eyes. "Dude, why are you still with her if she's openly admitted to screwing around? YOU'VE EVEN CAUGHT HER!"

"Yeah, I know, but like I've told you before, if I dump her, she'll ruin my career," Kojo explained. "That's what's happened to other guys that she's dated."

"Wait, so she sleeps around, and when the guy gets fed up and leaves, they get their lives ruined?" Phill questioned. "How does that even work?"

"She has connections and lies," Kojo said, swiping at the sand and causing some of the particles to blow off. "If I dump her, I'm done for."

"Dude, can't you just expose h-"

"They know that she sleeps around!" Kojo interjected. "She essentially brags about it on Instagram and Twitter!"

"And she's still the successful one?!"

Kojo sighed. "Just forget it, man. I'm here, and hopefully I make it far enough for me to still be relevant. I'm just gonna dump her when I get out and take whatever happens."

"Dude, you're not supposed to be so down on yourself," Phill said. "I mean, I know that your mom died when you were filming and they wouldn't let you go, but you can't let that one event control how you feel about your situation. You've got a good thing going on, outside of the bitch."

"Just drop it Phill. You're not making me feel better," Kojo said bluntly before sighing. "I appreciate it, but it just isn't worth it."

Phill looked down, saddened.


Phill: Well, hopefully Kojo is able to pull himself together.


Morgan was getting a feel of the new island, walking around the beachy areas. She shook her head agitatedly. She couldn't believe that she was back on another island to compete. Just a few months after she had her and Hex's daughter, too.

She wanted to be back with her family, not on this stupid show! She didn't even care about the money! Despite her anger, she had to sigh, as getting angry wouldn't help the situation. She lied down in the sand and slashed at the sand, leaving three marks in the ground.

"Okay, Morgan…" she told herself. "You're back in this stupid game and your chances of winning are...rather unlikely at this point. You can handle this, though. You're here, so you might as well just try to win again."

"Hey!" she heard as she continued weighing her options. Looking up, she saw Summer and Marie approaching her. She rose a brow in confusion before getting back on her feet, shaking a bit to get sand off of her underside.

"What's up?" Morgan asked hesitantly. She wasn't afraid of them at all, it was just weird to have them come up and likely try to talk to her as if it was normal. Then again, they've all been in this series for years, so it should be normal to talk to each other.

"Nothing, just annoyed that this stupid show is still a thing," Summer growled, folding her arms as Marie rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, we're all immortal now and the fact that they're giving us another chance to win a bunch of cash is a good thing!" Marie highlighted. "I don't get why all of you are acting like this game is awful."

"The game IS awful!" Summer exclaimed. "You know that it is!"

"The only things that are awful are Victini, some of the challenges, and most of you guys' attitudes," Marie replied.

"Oh, so you're fine with what Ray did third season? What Otto was doing to Archie?" Morgan questioned.

"'re blaming the game in place of the people who are PLAYING the game," Marie explained. "I'm not condoning anything, but people have their own way of going about things. But overall, the game isn't the problem, it's the players," she said confidently.

Morgan sighed. "I suppose that makes sense."

"Please," Summer said, not believing Marie's statement. "The game is the reason people acted the way did!"

"Yes, making friends, finding love, experiencing relationship issues, and wanting money is completely the game's fault. The person's own character and moral compass has nothing to do with it," Marie said sarcastically. "You know what? I'm not gonna argue. You can keep thinking negatively about the game if you want, Summer, but know that it's actually done a lot more good than what most of you complain about."

Summer grumbled to herself, while Morgan shook her head slightly.

"So, how's the hubby and kid?" Summer asked, attempting to change the subject.

"They're fine," Morgan replied, taking a seat back in the sand. "Alexa absolutely loves her daddy," she giggled.

"I bet she does," Marie said with a smile. "So, what do you think will happen this time around?"

"Shit...same as always," Summer said exasperatedly.

Marie sighed in response, shaking her head.


"So you got eliminated because of over competitiveness?" asked Rapid as he sat around with Chlotz, Reta, Pia, Sally, and Freezeo.

"Yeah, the team I was on was full of overly serious girls that gave no fucks about how anyone else felt," Chlotz explained.

"Geez, that sounds like hell," said Freezeo.

"It was," Chlotz replied. "No one could say anything, or make a mistake without being called weak or being blamed for the whole loss when they were just as at fault as the person they blamed. They fucking set me up to fail when there was a much faster, better way to finish the challenge!"

"Oh that's messed up," Reta said. "They aren't here are they?"

"Well, as far as I know, Autumn's mom and stepmom are here, and Karen isn't here, thankfully," Chlotz replied.

"I think that's a conspiracy handled by-"

"Pia...nobody cares," Chlotz interrupted. "I'm sorry, but no. No conspiracies."

"You can't silence me," the Hypno replied. "You all voted me out because of the conspiracies going on and now I've got a lot more respect in my group."

"What group? The group of-hey, we're on another island!" Rapid said, looking around.

Reta sighed. "Not again," she muttered to herself.

"What are we doing on another island, Reta? Are we on vacation? Who are these other people?" Rapid asked quickly while looking around giddily.

"Again?" Sally asked. "I thought you got treatment for him."

"We got some pills, but he forgets to take them sometimes," Reta explained as she grabbed his constantly moving head and held him close again her. Bringing him closer to her almost always calmed him down when the pills wore off.

Rapid sighed in comfort as Reta kissed his nose, making him smile a bit.

"There's a conspiracy that says that medical conditions don't exist and people that claim to have them just do it for attention," Pia said. "It's unknown what the truth is, though."

"The truth is that people in your group are morons who try to make everything into a problem just because you don't like information given by professionals…" Freezeo stated.

"There are no professionals! Everyone works for the government!" Pia exclaimed.

Chlotz groaned, face-fanning himself. "You see why we voted her out early?"

"Well, we can't just judge and vote based on our own prejudices or anything," Sally chimed in. "This time around it needs to be purely based on challenge performance."

"Yeah, that's not gonna be happening and you know it," said Reta, slowly releasing Rapid. "Remember my list? I seriously got eliminated because of THAT."

"That was years ago. And I doubt anyone here is that entitled or arrogant anymore," Sally said. "We need to be thinking about this strategically."

"Well, this is a new side of you," Rapid said, regaining focus.

"Yeah, did Jet fuck the shyness out of you or something?" asked Freezeo. "I mean, you barely did anything in your first seasons."

"That's practically everyone's case here, which is why Victini chose us to return," Chlotz explained. "Though I'm confused as to why I'm here. I actually did things for my team."

"Remember, he said he chose some people to come back just because, too," Reta added.

"It's a conspiracy, I'm telling y-"

"Hush, please. No conspiracy talk needed," Chlotz said, interrupting her.

Pia growled, folding her arms.


Cramad and Titan were eyeing Clay, who was standing motionless around the campgrounds with his smile on his face. Others that were around, upon seeing Clay there, immediately left the area, not wanting to be around him.

"Uh, mate?" asked Titan, seeing him, poking him. "You alright there?"

"He's been like this since the beginning," Cramad spoke. "He was the original over-optimist. It's creepy."

"Yeah, that's true, Shiela," Titan said, looking back at Clay, who was now staring directly at them. They jumped back from surprise.

Suddenly, children's songs were heard softly, getting louder a bit. It was extremely creepy, causing the two bugs to look around for the source of it.

Ring around the rosie

Pocketful of posies



"We all fall down," Clay muttered.


"We all fall down," Clay said louder. "WE ALL FALL DOWN."

"Um, I think we should go," Cramad urged as she and Titan started scuttling away from the Imitation Pokemon.



Titan: Okay, the mate is completely gone, mentally. I have no idea how to really respond to that.

*Sigh* And he's on our team, too. This is going to be a pain.


Ace was walking through the forest, alone. He was surrounded by others he barely knew or he completely hated. The hatred was mainly focused on Aura, Chase's mother. Every time he came around or Chase went out with him when he was with her, there was this huge problem. He really preferred when Chase was with his father and stepfather because they were more accepting. They were the same way, after all!

He sighed as he continued walking, eventually sticking his front paws into the lake out of carelessness.

He backed out of the lake and looked around, seeing that no one was around. He took a breath and leaned down to take a drink just as a large splash and wave got his attention. Water dripped from his body and he groaned in annoyance.

"Huh, for a femboy you sure know how to get wet without your boyfriend around," he heard a familiar voice say. He growled in annoyance, seeing Taylor there.

"Speak for yourself," Ace retorted with a snarl. "You're the femboy here! I didn't pretend to be a girl for most of the season."

"Oh please," Taylor said, rolling his eyes. "That was just strategy. And since my cover's now blown, there's no point in trying the charade this time."

"Yeah, because you're gonna be eliminated early anyway," said Ace. "All I have to do is remind a few people on the team that you're the one who hurt Autumn."

"What?" he questioned with a chuckle. "Why would anyone care? It was years ago, for one, and her mom's on the opposite team."

"That bitch may be on the other team, but her uncle and aunts are on our team," Ace said cheekily. "Meaning, if you step out of line, all I have to do is remind them, and you're gone."

Taylor paled. The competition hadn't even truly started yet and he was already in check. And by the twink, no less!

"What the hell happened to you?" Taylor asked. "What happened to the shy little bitch that was on Parafrosyni?"

"Chase and his dads helped me build up my confidence," Ace said, turning around to head back to the campgrounds. "So...enjoy this new me, because I'm not gonna be taking any crap from ANY of you."

Taylor growled with a glare before gaining a smirk.


Taylor: So, the little fluffer thinks that he's gonna be all take charge? We'll see how far that gets him. Most of these people didn't even bother watching our season, so it's gonna be a battle of words…

We'll see who comes out on top.


While the campers got acquainted and reacquainted with each other, the two hosts decided to head back to the hall and watch.

"So, what's the first challenge for this 'Oh-so great season'?" Mew asked Victini as they watched the footage in the first Boys' Club.

"Oh, it's gonna be good. It's kinda gonna be based off of a movie," Victini said with a smile.

" these challenges are gonna be homages, too?" asked Mew.

"Yep," said Victini. "And I'm set and ready to begin…"

"I bet you are…" Mew muttered.


Yeah, this series will live on. I figured that the problem was with the different format, so I'm just gonna stick with who I have for now. Unfortunately, this means that Risible Race won't be happening. However, that doesn't mean the OCs won't be used sooner or later. I don't entirely know where I'm gonna go, but I will try to finish this after I finish Alola. I'm still waiting on certain people before I can continue with Alola, so this is just an in the meantime thing. Also, I figured that since career will be dealing with drawing and writing (Animator/Writer/Showrunner for cartoons), that I'd might as well get used to it. I'm feeling fine now, so don't worry. I know that you're all tired of me saying that I'm taking a break and then coming back soon, but...hey, deal with it. Anyways, yeah. These are the returners. Any hopes? Predictions on what's gonna happen? Let me know!

Also, I know some of you won't follow a damn thing going on, but at least give this a chance and feel free to ask me for better understanding. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time on Total...Pokemon...Underdogs! See ya guys, BYE!