Kukui fell back onto the couch, completely exhausted after having to mop the kitchen. He had also given Rockruff his second bath, not to mention change his clothes due to him being splashed again. Kukui suddenly felt a little nauseous and recalled that neither he nor Rockruff had eaten anything that morning. He gazed at the ceiling wearily. "I'm not very hungry..." He mumbled to himself, then turned to Rockruff who had been resting on the floor. "You hungry Rockruff?"

Rockruff jumped up and wagged his tail excitedly. "Rarf-arf!" Food sounded good right about now. He was starving.

"Shh-!" Kukui hushed, surprising Rockruff. "I'll get you something to eat, but please try to stay quiet. I have an awful headache." Although, it felt more like a migraine now. Rockruff gave a small nod and continued to wag his tail. "Thank you." He sluggishly gave Rockruff a pat on the head, then got up and walked to the kitchen. "Let's see. I'll give you dry food today." Just thinking of canned food made Kukui even more nauseous. He then poured some for Rockruff. "There you go."

"Arf-" , Rockruff had forgotten about Kukui's headache and saw that he winced slightly. He didn't want to hurt the Professor, but how do would he thank him without barking?

"I thought you were hungry Rockruff." Kukui said, pushing the bowl closer to him. "Don't you want it?"

Rockruff smiled. He now knew how to thank him. Kukui tilted back slightly as he stepped towards him, giving Rockruff a strange look. Rockruff then surprised him by giving him two gentle doggy-kisses on the cheek, then proceeded to eat.

"Oh..." Kukui sat dazed for a moment, a hint of red how risen in his face not only from his fever, but from the thought of how sweet Rockruff could be. He never found himself thinking about how much Rockruff really cared about, or even appreciated him. Kukui watched him eat for a while and felt kind of hungry himself, but didn't want to eat. "Hungry, but not hungry... Empty, but also full..." He mumbled, looking at the dog food. "..still nauseous."

Rockruff looked at him curiously. "..?"

"Hm...?" Kukui noticed that Rockruff stopped. "What now?" He paused for a moment. "-no more licks. You have food on your face." He pointed to Rockruff's nose.

Rockruff went cross eyed for a second, trying to find it, then licked it off and continued to eat.

Kukui stood and yawned. "I'm gonna go lie down. Don't make a mess Rockruff." He began to walk to his bedroom, but stopped at the bathroom to look in the mirror. "Man, I really do look awful." He said to himself. Kukui looked at his hands, then continued to walk. "These bandages aren't helping either..."

Upon arrival, Kukui fell onto the bed. He laid on his back and gazed at the ceiling. "There's a lot of dust on the up there-ACHOO! ...ugh, dust..." Kukui allowed his eyes to close, the feeling of sleep was quickly approaching and he had no intention to fight it. Rockruff, having finished his food, jumped up onto the bed. Kukui felt as he sniffed his arm and torso, then climb on his chest to sleep as well. He didn't mind it much, or rather he was to tired to care and soon fell into a deep sleep.

"I hope Professor Kukui likes this." Ash said as he walked out of the Alola marketplace. It was getting late and he needed to be at Kukui's house before dark. He rummaged through the bag he held and pulled out an orange box. "What do you think Pikachu?" His partner simply twitched his ears, gazing curiously at it. The box read 'Herbal Tea' in green letters. Ash recalled Mallow saying that it's helpful when trying to get to sleep or when you're sick. He figured it may help Kukui feel better. "I guess we'll find out when we get there, huh?"

"Pika-pika..." Pikachu nodded, then yawned. He sat in his usual spot upon his Ash's shoulder. It had been a long day for both him and Ash. Pikachu, right now, wanted nothing more than to get some rest. "Chaaa..."

Ash returned the tea to it's bag and gently pet Pikachu. "We'll be home soon buddy." They both gazed out at the sunset that blazed orange, reds, and pinks across the horizon. Also, stopping occasionally to enjoy a light breeze every now and then before reaching home. Ash unlocked the front door and made his way into the kitchen, placing the tea box on the island countertop. "Professor Kukui?" He looked around, then peered into the hallway. "I'm home." No reply.

"Pika-chu, Pika pi..." Pikachu noticed how quiet it was, wondering if there was even anyone there. "Chuu..?" He jumped down and wandered towards the hallway.

Ash scooped up his partner and walked further down. "Hello...?" He called, stopping if front of Kukui's room. "Huh, what's in here?" Ash opened the door and looked around. "So this is Professor Kukui's room," he spotted Kukui and Rockruff on the bed, "and he's asleep."

"Pika pika..." Pikachu whispered, looking up and giving him a slight nod before shifting his position. Ash's hold was quite comfortable and could easily allow him fall asleep himself.

"Let's get ready for bed, too. Okay?" Ash asked, but Pikachu had already dozed off. "Heh, I guess that's a yes then."

"Uh-oh!" Kukui suddenly woke in shock as he had feared that Ash hadn't made it home yet. From his lying position, he glanced towards the window to find that it had already become very dark outside. Rockruff had long rolled off of Kukui's chest and onto the bed, allowing him to sit up.

He noticed a light glimmer in the corner of his eye and, upon closer inspection, discovered that it was a mug that contained a warm substance. "This had to have been made recently..." Kukui thought aloud, making a mental note that it was warm and not hot. He took a cautious sip. "Tea? But, who...?" He looked around and figured out that he and Rockruff were not alone. Ash and Pikachu slept soundly beside them, resting underneath the covers. He gently brushed Ash's hair away from his face and lightly stroked Pikachu's ears. "Hmm, I'll have to thank them in the morning..." Kukui finished his tea, then returned to his previous position when lying down. He gave Rockruff a light scratch behind the ears before closing his eyes, yawning, "...Goodnight guys."

They all enjoyed a peaceful sleep. The End. I hope everyone who read this fanfic enjoyed it. Also, please review if you can, I love to hear positive feedback.

Just to clarify, I DO NOT own Pokemon.