Here's a new story! I hope you like it.

It was a early saturday morning in the Alola region, very early. The sun had barely risen past the horizon.

Ash slung his backpack over his shoulders. "Time to go Pikachu! We don't want to be late!" Ash called out to his yellow partner who wasn't quite finished with his breakfast yet. "Let's go." he hurried, anxiously jumping at the door.

Pikachu gobbled up a good portion of food, nearly choking, then rushed to Ash. "Pika-Pika!" He greeted him. Rockruff got up and walked to the kitchen from his doggy bed, then looked in the food bowl that him and Pikachu shared. There was hardly anything left for him!

Kukui also walked into the room from the hallway, "What's with all the commotion...?" he yawned, stretching out his arms. "...It's kind of early, isn't it...?" To Kukui, they were both being very loud. He had just woken up from his seat at the computer.

"Heh, sorry..." Ash gave him a sheepish smile. "Kiawe, Lana, and I are going to do some early morning training today and we're really excited. Right, Pikachu?"

"Pika pi-ka!" Pikachu said, pumping a fist in the air. "Pikachu!"

"This early, huh?" Kukui smiled tiredly, then winced in pain when the two figures blurred from his vision. "Ugh..." He suddenly swayed to the side slightly before placing his hand on the edge of the kitchen counter to catch himself.

"Professor!" Ash, Pikachu, and Rockruff rushed to his side. "Are you alright?" They all looked very worried.

Kukui pinched the bridge of his nose. "Y-...yes, Ash... I'm fine." He sighed heavily as his vision returned to normal. "I just felt a little dizzy, that's all."

"You sure?" Ash had never seen something like that happen to anyone before. Ever.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine." He let go of counter and playfully pulled down Ash's hat over his eyes. "Maybe it was a head rush?"

"Hah-Hey!" Ash laughed.

The Professor took cautious steps into the kitchen. The dizzy feeling hadn't quite left yet. "You wouldn't want to keep Kiawe and Lana waiting, would you?" He said, pausing to look back at him.

"But,... Professor Kukui-" Ash started.

"Go on, Ash. It's fine." Kukui picked up a mug and attempted to fill it with some juice, "Like I said-," but dropped it due to another wave of dizziness. The mug shattered, splashing juice all over Rockruff. He had been following Kukui into the kitchen to observe him. The Professor sighed, "Sorry Rockruff..." Rockruff whined sadly, the drink was very cold.

"I don't think you're fine..." Ash said, watching Kukui clean up the mug shards.

Professor Kukui picked up the last piece and walked to the trashcan. "That could've happened to anyone..." He then threw them away. "There."

"Uh, Professor Kukui..?" Ash said, pointing to his hand. "You're bleeding."

"Huh?" Kukui looked down at his hands. He wasn't very careful handling the broken mug. There were small cuts on each. "Oh..." He said, frowning at the blood seeping through them.

"I'll go get some bandages." Ash went to the bathroom and picked up the first-aid kit. "Here you go." He said, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

Kukui hadn't felt any pain at first, but now his hands were beginning to sting. "Just a second, Ash. I should probably wash my hands first." He walked over sink and proceeded to wash his hands with cold water, because the hot water made his hands hurt worse. "There." Kukui then went over to stand on the opposite side of the counter and showed Ash his hands. "All clean."

"Oh,..." Ash looked helplessly at him. "Um..?"

"What?" Kukui asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Well,..." he looked from one hand to the other. "Now, I can't tell where the cuts are."

Kukui also looked. "Oh,...yeah. That is a problem isn't it?" Ash nodded. "Well, I could do it myself if-"

"I can do it!" Ash interrupted, smiling enthusiastically. "I just don't know where they are."

"Haha, okay. Just keep in mind that Lana and Kiawe may be waiting on you." Kukui laughed. "Here," he pointed to his palms. "That's where the cuts are. There's a big one across the middle, too."

"Okay." Ash used a bandage roll to cover Kukui's hands. It took about ten minutes for him to finish. "There, I'm-...done-... Professor Kukui...?" Kukui had just been staring at the counter the entire time. "Professor?" Ash waved his hand in front of him.

"...!?" Kukui jumped a little, sending a chill throughout his body. "Uh..Yes...?"

"Maybe I should stay here..." Ash said, putting his hand down.

"Nah, it's fine Ash. I'm just a little... out-of-it today." He smiled, surprised by the great job Ash did with the bandages. "I'd hate to deprive you of your time." Ash gave him a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms. "Alright, just go...and, if you're worried about me, just come back later...?"

Ash shook his head. "I can't, I promised Mallow I'd try some of her new recipes this afternoon."

"Hmm,..well. I guess that is a problem..." Kukui said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Ash sighed in frustration, trying hard to think of a solution. He folded his arms again. "Hmm...

Pikachu did the same. "Pi-ka..."

Kukui walked around the kitchen island and over to Ash, trying hard to balance since the room began swaying again, and turned stool to face him. Ash looked confused as Kukui laid a hand on his shoulder. "Look, I'm an adult. I can take care of myself." Ash opened his mouth to protest. "But..." He raised a finger. "You could leave one of your Pokemon here if you're concerned."

"Oh, right! That's a great idea! Okay, then I choose-" Ash looked to Rockruff, who had been trying to shake the juice out of his fur. "Rockruff! It's been with you longer than me, it'll do a great job."

"Arf!" Rockruff exclaimed, wagging his tail. He accidentally flicked some juice on them.

"Heh, sure." He shrugged. "Why not? All of what you said is true." Kukui looked outside. It was brighter now and the sun had risen a lot higher. "You should probably get going now, Ash. We've wasted almost thirty minutes."

"Okay." Ash jumped down from the stool, grabbed his bag and ran to the door. "Thanks Professor, see you later! Bye Rockruff!" He waved, then left, accidentally slamming the door.

Kukui cringed at the sound. He had been slowly developing a headache since he had walked into the kitchen. "They're so loud..."

"..arr." Rockruff whined, tilting his head is confusion.

Kukui looked at him blankly. "I think you need a bath."