AN: So, since I got this idea, and it's another angst fic I though I'd continue this story. Ish. They're not related, they're one-shots. But both are Malec. I think I'll try and write something where it's Alec who comforts Magnus, but I find it hard to write in Magnus's POV. But I'll try. Enjoy :)

SPOILER ALERT: CONTAINS INFORMATION FROM THE BOOKS. (Character death from 3rd book and how the 6th book ends)

He ran. He didn't know where to, he just ran. He tried to outrun his demons. He tried to outrun his past. Maybe, just maybe if he ran fast enough, long enough, everything that hurt would go away, wouldn't be able to follow him. Maybe then he'll be free.

His legs burned and his face wet with tears. But nobody looked his way. Nobody cared. He'd deactivated his invisibility rune, hoping that maybe the mundanes would see him. Would care, say something, do something. But no, no-one care, they just looked away. If only they knew that he was their protector, that without his kind, without his suffering, they'd all be dead.

If the mundanes knew that his young brother, still just a child, had to sacrifice his life to protect them. Maybe they'd care. If they knew that all of Alec's pain was caused while trying to protect them. Maybe they'd care. But he doubted it.

He ignored the burning in his legs and pressed on. After all, it was what he'd been trained to do his whole life. He was trained to press, to perserve. To keep going until he died. But no-one taught him what to do when it wasn't a physical death. How do you handle emotional death?

He hadn't been able to save his brother, he hadn't been able to save his sister and he hadn't been able to save Magnus. No-one saved his brother and the others were saved by Simon. Simon who sacrificed everything he knew, everything he was, is, to save Magnus. And now, now his sister was hurting, his sister was the one who lost her love, it should've been him. How was he ever supposed to thank Simon? Simon who didn't even know that he'd saved the world, saved Alec, saved Izzy, saved Magnus. Saved everyone he loved, everyone he cared about, even if he destroyed Izzy's heart in the process.

Alec hated himself, he was too weak to lose Magnus so instead his sister lost Simon. Did she break? No, she pressed on, didn't give up hope. Would he? No, he was prepared to die with Magnus. Did he think of how that would effect Izzy? No, he was selfish and didn't want to live without Magnus. He was so stupid. He didn't do anything but hurt the ones he loved.

He couldn't breath. There wasn't enough air. But he pressed on, if he stopped everything he ran from would catch him. He wasn't ready to face anything, he didn't want to ever face it. He continued running through the streets of New York. He wiped away the tears with anger, he didn't deserve to cry, he didn't deserve the relief.

He stopped. He didn't deserve to escape. He deserved getting caught by all his demons. To let them devour him, kill him, torture him, that's what he deserved. So he stopped and he fell to his knees. He's giving up, he's just about to fall to the ground, the hard and cold ground, when he feels strong arms, a warm body, someone catching him.

"No" he whispered. He didn't deserve to be saved.

"Alexander, darling, it's okay" the voice belonged to the warm body, the strong arms holding him close.

"No" he whispered again. It wasn't okay. Nothing was okay, everything had turned to shit and he'd failed everyone. He'd failed saving the ones he loved, he was trained to save people but he'd failed, his whole life had been for nothing. His brother is dead and his sister heartbroken. He tried to pull away, he didn't deserve the warmth or the love but he failed, he wasn't strong enough. His body exhausted after all the running. Instead the arms pulled him closer, held him tighter.

"It's not your fault" the warm body, belonging to Magnus started to rock him slightly. He gave in, he was weak, he let Magnus comfort him, he buried his face in the other man's chest, breathing him in.

"We'll get Simon back, Izzy is going to be fine, she's strong" Magnus continued. Alec wasn't so sure, he had no hope in getting Simon back, in getting him to remember. However he knew that Izzy was strong, she'd always been strong, stronger than him.

"No-one blames you Alexander, you're not a bad guy, nothing of this is your fault" Magnus continued to comfort Alec. "Now, please, let's go home"

Alec nodded in Magnus's chest as he watched him open a portal, when Alec was about to stand up he felt Magnus lift him up, carrying him in his arms as he stepped to the portal. He wanted to protest, but he didn't have any energy left, he felt absolutely empty, of everything, the only thing he felt was exhaustion. When they entered the loft he whispered "I should shower" into Magnus shoulder. He knew that he was sweaty and probably smelled like shit. He didn't feel like showering, didn't think he had the energy to manage it.

"hm" Magnus simply said as he snapped his fingers "there, why have a warlock boyfriend if you can't use his magic every now and then" Magnus put Alec down in their bed, careful as if he might break. Too bad he was already broken, smashed into little pieces. He felt himself starting to shake, his body and mind was exhausted. He'd been running for hours, he'd run miles, just running around the streets of New York, crying, thinking, losing his mind. He had tried to outrun his demons, but it was pointless, unlike real demons you couldn't outrun them and you can't kill them. You'll have to learn to live with them, he didn't know if he would be able to do that. But he knew he had no choice, dying would mean hurting Izzy more, hurting Magnus, failing his loved ones even more. Not to talk about how it would effect Jace, is parabatai, his brother. It would kill him. No, Alec didn't have the luxury of giving up. He had to press on, he had to live with the fact that he'd failed everyone he loved. That it was his fault that Max was dead.

Suddenly, he felt arms around him again, strong arms, a warm body. The arms pulled him closer and he was too tiered to fight it, he wanted to, didn't feel like he deserved it, but he just couldn't get himself to protest. Once again, he buried his face in Magnus chest, absorbing his warmth, taking in his smell, the familiar smell that was Magnus. He felt Magnus rub circles on his back, he knew there was magic flowing out of Magnus fingertips, making him calm down, making him relax and feel at peace. Wiping away all the anxiety inside him, making him even more tiered. He hadn't slept for far too long, he'd been up all night on parol, he'd probably been awake for over 24 hours. He tried to fight the sleep. Didn't feel like he deserved it, didn't feel like dreaming, he almost wished that he would have nightmares. That he would be tortured in his dreams too. But Magus probably used some magic to stop them. He wanted to tell him not to, to pull away, he just couldn't. He was weak. Always so fucking weak, he thought as he felt sleep embrace him.