I do not own Captain America anything.

But I am bored of Bucky being in cryofreeze.

Anything Stupid

The fight was raging in earnest.

And it was getting messy.

Steve on the ground, making quick work with his shield and hand to hand.

Natasha was somewhere around, no doubt racking up a bigger body count than all of them.

Clint held the rooftops with his bow and arrows.

And Sam was in the air.

Occasionally he'd shout, "On your above!" and Steve would duck.

An enemy would go down and he'd move on to the next.

They were fighting hard but slowly being pushed back.

Just one break, just one more ally. Something to turn the tide.

But they were giving it all they had as long as they could.

Because Steve wasn't one to give up.

Or back down.

So they kept going.

He had to get to the checkpoint, that was all he had to do.

It was in sight. Spatially speaking, not far away. Getting there was the problem.

A huge behemoth of a creature landed in front of him, throwing back a heavy arm laden with a no doubt brain bashing weapon.

And crumpled dead as a bullet hole appeared right between the eyes.

Good timing.

"Nat, is that you?"

Her voice came back distracted.

"Sorry, can't talk. A little busy, sweetie."

No more than another step or two brought another beast to bear down upon him.

Only to crumple at his feet in the same way.

"Sam, what's your position?"

"Coupla streets over, Cap. Callin'?"

"No, keep going."


No sign.

A few feet at a time, Steve Rogers made his way through a myriad of enemies.

Each standing firm only to blossom a grisly bullet wound between the eyes and fall dead.

Something familiar tried to tug at him but he didn't really have time pay attention to it.

The fate of the world hung on him making the checkpoint and pressing the red button.

Finally, with a reverse breadcrumb line of dead bodies trailing behind him, Steve Rogers slammed a gloved hand down on the red button.

And watched the skies reclaim their minions.

It was over.

Gasping for breath, he took stock of his own wounds and found surprisingly few. Mostly thanks to the hidden shooter.

He looked around, seeking out the rest of his squad.

And the friendly.

Who's out there?

The familiar sensation was getting stronger.

He tried ignore it.

He's not here. He can't be. He chose . . .

"Uh, Cap?"

Clint Barton.


Dry witted and even as always, note of amusement might have colored his response.

"Got your sniper up here. Says he wants to give you some of your stupid back. Said you'd know what that meant."

But Steve Rogers wasn't listening anymore.

Shield flung away, he sprinted, strong legs pumping toward the building upon which something now upright caught the sun and glinted.

Don't do anything stupid 'til I get back.

How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.

Bucky Barnes' dark hair was still long.

His left arm was still metal.


But the small smile on his face was new.

"You know, sometimes I think you like getting hit."

And now to completely ruin the moment, a Scrubs flashback.

"Turk!" "J.D.!" "Eagle!"


Anyway. Yeah.

So oneshot or add on for some AU fun?

One rule, no Stucky, thank you.

Everybody appreciates feedback.

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