Pidge and Keith made their way towards the hall where they — or rather Lance — kept Kaltenecker. They were all surprised that Lance knew how to care for a cow, much less that he actually could. So there he was in the east wing of the Castle sitting on the fence of the enclosure, feeding Kaltenecker, and singing.

Do you hear me?

Talking to you

Across the water,

Across the deep, blue ocean

Under the open sky, oh my

Baby I'm trying

"Wow Lance, I didn't know you could sing," Pidge said with a genuine smile.

The Blue Paladin jolted and grinned, turning to face his friends. Hunk smiled warmly, knowing Lance hadn't sung a note since they left Earth. Back at the Garrison Lace was always humming, always whistling, but he seemed to quiet down after the started living in the castle.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things you don't know about me Pidge."

The Blue paladin turned back to his bovine companion and Pidge joined him, leaning forward on the make-shift fence.

"I know we were all excited about getting a cow earlier; but will her milk even be safe to drink?"

"I actually already checked her over," Lance admitted. "Her original ID number is 3-6-9-1-9-1-4-5-9-8-9-2-6-7-7-9, and was the property of Sweeter Side Dairy. They take very good care of their cattle so I'm sure she's had all her shots."

"How the heck do you know?" Pidge asked incredulously.

"My grandparents run a dairy farm and Sweeter Side is one of their competitors. I recognize the branding on her shank."

Hunk and Pidge's attentions were directed to one of Kaltenecker's hind-legs where, indeed there was a brand mark. Pidge adjusted her glasses with a slight look of surprise.

"Well," Hunk said. "If Lance says she's clean, we're in the clear."

So, Lance got the milk and assisted Hunk in making the cheese as Pidge watched in fascination. The two worked together and by the time dinner was ready they had a lovely little cheesecake ready for dessert. The two Alteans in particular were excited to try an 'Earth-delicacy', curious of their Paladin's culture. Keith and Shiro were just silently pleased. When Pidge took a bite, she almost cried. It was so good it was almost sinful. Then again, that might've also been the longing for something familiar talking. She pushed it aside and dug into the pastry with glee.

"OMG, Hunk! I would kill someone for this cheesecake!"

Before Hunk could even think to thank her, Coran had snatched up Allura's plate and flung it at Pidge. The slice hit the youngest Paladin's face with a 'splat', stunning all the others into silence. Pidge recovered first, blinking in confusion.

"What just happened?"

Poor, poor simply Allura stared in nonplussed disappointment at the area her food had occupied. Coran on the other hand looked downright mad. Ready to pounce on any would-be attacker.

"She said she'd kill someone for the cheesecake, so I let her have it," he said.

Keith facepalmed at the misunderstanding while Lance and Pidge giggled. Hunk and Shiro on the other hand shared a sigh.

"Coran, that was just a human expression. Pidge wouldn't actually kill anyone for the cheesecake."

"Says you," Pidge commented with a wicked smirk and an evil glint.

"Alright, thats it," Shiro interjected. "Starting tomorrow, we're teaching Coran and the princess English. We can't keep having more of these mix-ups. Someone could get seriously hurt."

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

Pidge, Keith, Lance, and Shiro all looked over to the Yellow Paladin. Hunk breathed a sigh of defeat.
