A/N1: The characters in this episode are a mix of characters from the Dunk and Egg books as well as the ASOIAF books. You may not recognize some of the names, but they are all canon (at least according to the Wiki of Ice and Fire :) ).

A/N2: I'm currently editing some original fic, so my writing time for fanfic will be a little curtailed for the next while. However, I will be updating as regularly and as quickly as possible.


The mood in the Jaime Lannister Investigations offices is consistently glum for two weeks before Jaime decides he's had enough.

He stomps into Brienne's office, plants himself in her doorway and says, "We need to find a case."

Brienne raises an eyebrow, her magnificent eyes cool, and says, "We've had several cases. We just finished one today, in fact."

Jaime rolls his eyes. "That was nothing but simple insurance fraud. Hardly worth using our impressive detective skills to solve."

"My impressive detective skills," Brienne says drily, "and those simple cases keep the lights on while we wait for meatier cases."

Jaime wanders closer to her desk and raises an eyebrow as she crosses her arms and leans back in her chair to scowl at him.

"Look," he says, lowering his voice so Bronna won't overhear, "are you still pissed about Cersei?"

He's rewarded with pursed lips, a glare, and a tightening of Brienne's shoulders.

"What you do in your private life is none of my business," she growls. "I'm just grateful you've both managed to keep it out of the media."

Jaime drops his gaze and keeps his eyes on the play of light and shadow on his gold hand. "We learned a long time ago how to be discreet," he murmurs and bites back a bitter laugh.

Brienne abruptly straightens in her chair and starts shuffling the papers on her desk. "Well, you just better keep it that way," she grumbles. "I've worked too hard to have everything disappear because of somebody else's carelessness."

Jaime watches her bent head and opens his mouth, but before he can speak, there's a discreet chime as the door to the outer office opens.

They pause, listening as Bronna greets their visitor—a man, judging from the deep voice that responds to her—and they both look up with expectant expressions as Bronna walks into the office.

"Your two o'clock is here," she says. "A Gormon Peake?"

Brienne nods and stands, unfolding to her full height. Jaime appreciates the sight although a part of him rather wistfully remembers those four inch silver stilettos she'd worn when they were chasing after Arya Stark.

Then the name Bronna said sinks in.

"Gormon Peake?" he says. "The famous movie producer?"

Brienne and Bronna stare blankly in response and he rolls his eyes.

"You all still have so much to learn," he mutters, and heads to the outer office before anyone can stop him.

"Mr. Peake?" he says, radiating charm. "Jaime Lannister."

Gormon Peake is sour mouthed, with dark hair and neatly trimmed beard sprinkled with silver and gold. His eyes are thoughtfully calculating as he shakes Jaime's left hand.

"I'm honored the great Jaime Lannister himself has taken the time to meet with me," he says.

Jaime thinks he can hear Brienne's teeth grinding behind him. "If you're the Gormon Peake behind some of the greatest heist and spy movies of the last ten years, then the honor is all mine."

"Guilty," Gormon says, his lips twitching into a half-smile. "I take it you're a fan?"

"Oh, gods," Brienne groans, "please don't get him started!"

Peake raises an eyebrow at her and Jaime smiles. "My most trusted associate, Brienne Tarth. Brienne, Mr. Peake is the producer of such classics as Selmy's Heroes, The Great Train Robbery, and—of course—the Jeor Bond franchise."

Brienne's smile is suitably impressed while remaining coolly professional.

"Of course," she murmurs. "Won't you come in to the boardroom, Mr. Peake, and tell us why you've asked to meet with us today?"

They settle at the boardroom table, and while Bronna brings them coffee, Peake says, "The fact that Mr. Lannister—"

"Jaime, please."

Peake tilts his head in acknowledgement. "The fact Jaime is a fan makes me hopeful you'll agree to my request." He leans back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him. "As mentioned, I am the producer of the Jeor Bond franchise. We're getting ready to launch the next series of movies with a new actor in the title role. The announcement will be made next week and filming will begin four weeks after that."

Jaime sits up straight. "Please tell me it's Daemon Blackfyre," he pleads. Brienne gives him a disapproving frown and he shrugs. "Don't look at me like that—I have a hundred dragons riding on the answer!"

She shakes her head and turns back to Peake.

That gentleman is watching them with a sour half-smile on his face. He says, "Well, you're going to be a hundred dragons richer, Jaime: it is Daemon Blackfyre, and his first Bond girl is Daenerys Targaryen."

Jaime's eyes widen and he whistles. "The scions of two acting dynasties, made legendary by their family feud, working together for the first time?" He shakes his head. "Box office gold."

Peake nods. "The new movie is called Dragons are Forever."

"Right," Jaime murmurs. "So what do want with us?"

"I'd like to hire you as consultants."

Brienne frowns. "Consultants? We know nothing about making movies."

"Speak for yourself," Jaime mutters and she rolls her eyes.

Peake's half-smile reappears. "Your expertise in security is what I need. The plot of the movie revolves around a plan to break into the vaults of Casterly Rock in order to steal Westeros' supply of gold bullion. Naturally, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock are not forthcoming about their real security measures." He leans forward, his dark eyes intent. "I want to hire you to critique our fictional security system for the movie's version of Casterly Rock and then help us determine the most dramatic albeit realistic way to get past it."

Brienne says, "But why—?"

"We'll do it," Jaime blurts, his hand clamping down on hers, stopping her in mid-sentence, "on one condition."

Peake raises an eyebrow. "Which is?"

"We get to watch you film it."


Brienne turns to Jaime as soon as the door closes behind their new client.

"This isn't a case!" she snaps.

He grins at her, his eyes shining with excitement. "It's a movie, Brienne! We get to help create a movie!"

Brienne glares but finds her annoyance melting beneath his bright-eyed and almost bouncing enthusiasm.

She rolls her eyes then points a warning finger at him. "No hounding the stars for autographs," she warns.

Jaime gleefully rubs his gold hand. "No promises."

"Just don't embarrass me, then."

He laughs. "No promises," he says again. "Come on, Brienne—relax! This is a chance to have some fun." He abruptly sobers and takes a step closer. "Nobody's going to die," he says, suddenly gentle, "and the only crime is fictional. Maybe this is just what we need."

She looks down and turns away. "Well," she mutters, "it'll be different, anyway."
