Bella opened her eyes to see her Dad asleep on a chair and she didn't want to disturb him so she climbed out of the bed then she walks over and opens the door then she walked out of the room only to bump into a nurse "Bella, you're should be in bed" the nurse told her in annoyed voice as she went to put Bella back to bed
She shakes her head and stopped walking towards the room "I want to go to the toilet" she said to the nurse so she walks into the toilets and looks into the mirror to see bandages on her face so she takes the bandage off only to see claw marks running down on her left side of her face then she fell down on her knees and started sobbing suddenly someone pulled her into their arms so she cried into their shoulders then she pulled away to see it was her dad
He picks her up and started walking towards her room once he reached the room so he places his daughter back on the bed "Billy and Jacob wants to come to see you tomorrow" he said to her in a calm voice with a smile on his face
She lays on her right side facing the wall while her back was away from her dad as tears were rolling down her cheeks "I don't want to see anyone" Bella said in a sad voice knowing people are going to talk or laugh at her because of her scars
He looks at her then turns her around only to see tears rolling down her cheeks so he wipes her tears away "you're still beautiful with your scars" he told his daughter in a calm voice
Bella closed her eyes "I want to be alone" she murmured as she opened her eyes again to see her dad looking at her with a concern look on his face "go home" she ordered him while she turned her back on him again then turns back to see her dad still sitting on the chair "look at me, dad! I am scared for life" she cried out as she pointed to her face
Charlie looked out of the window to see it was morning then looked to his daughter "I need to sort something out at work and I promise that I will be back soon" he informed her as he stood up and left the room before she could say something to him
She stood up from the bed just as Dr Gerandy walked into the room "can I go for a walk to the cafeteria" she asked him in a polite voice with a smile on her face
He walked over to her with a plaster in his hand "first thing is to get this plaster back on you" he told her in a calm voice with a smile on his face as he opened the package and pulled the plaster out of the package then places it on her face "I want you to keep this on your face from now on" he ordered in a serious voice
She nodded her head with tears rolling down her cheeks "thank you Dr. Gerandy" she said to him with a small smile on her face as she walked over and opened the door "if you're need me I will be in the cafeteria" she informed him then walked out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria "can I have a hot chocolate please" she said to the staff behind the counter "thank you" she said in a calm voice as she got her hot chocolate
The staff smiled at Bella
Bella sat down at a table and placed her drink down on the table to let it coll down then she gets up and went to the food court to see what food was there but she didn't like anything there so she turns around to go back to her table only to bump into someone and looked up to see it was Paul Lahote which made Bella let out a little scream and tried to back away from him but to bump into the counter "get away from me" she murmured in a scared voice while tears were welling up in her eyes
He takes a step towards her with a sad look on his face "Bella, I am so sorry" he said as he reached out his hand to grab her hand trying to support her because it was he's fault
She quickly drew her hand away from his reach "just leave me alone" with that she walked away from him and sat back down on her table while she hung her head down trying to hold back the tears "Bella" she heard a deep voice which made her look up to we Sam and unfamiliar women walking towards her so she quickly grabbed her food and dashed away in a hurry at the cafeteria "wait" she heard but she kept on walking till she got back to the ward where she is staying
Charlie was about to walk out of the ward to find his daughter after he found out that the doctor allowed her to leave the ward but he told Billy and Jacob to wait here and he won't be long but he only brought them to cheer her up and they were worried about her as well
Bella spotted her dad leaving the ward and ran up to him "don't let them near me" she begged him as she let him guide her into the ward "what I am going to do now with my face like this" she said as she walked into her room only to stop when she saw Billy and Jacob sitting down on the chair "you brought them here" she looked at her Dad with an angry look on her face
He nodded his head and looked down on the floor
She laid down on the bed and faced away from them "just leave" she said to them but stayed where they were "GET OUT" she shouted with tears welled up in her eyes once they're left the room then she started sobbing till she fell asleep