Disclaimer: I do not own Ben 10 or its sequels, spin-off and related characters. All is the property of Man of Action and Cartoon Network. I'm just borrowing them for some non-profit entertainment.


Chapter Two: Therapy Elevator

Slipping the red sweater vest over the white button-down shirt, Devlin examined his reflection in the mirror. He didn't really look much like himself. He didn't usually wear so much color ('color' here meaning 'something other than black', in this case red and white). Black was his color. Black and gray. But the only thing that was black on his new school's uniform were the slacks. Slacks, not black denim jeans.

Sighing to himself, the Osmosian exited his room to meet up with the rest of the family for breakfast. It was the first day of school and Devlin still didn't know if Kevin was going to -finally- give him back the use of his car, or continue to drive him and Kenny to and from school and Group every week.

Speaking of Kenny, the younger boy was already at the breakfast table when Devlin arrived -an uncommon occurrence in the Tennyson-Levin household. He looked up when the Osmosian sat down. Blinked a couple of times as if not actually recognizing him, then raised one eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. "What are you wearing?"

"My school uniform." Devlin supplied as if this should have been obvious -and, in fact, it should have.

"Bellwood Prep has uniforms!?" Kenny gaped. "That's insane!"

The only uniform Kenny had ever worn in his life was his soccer uniform, and that he only ever had to wear a handful of weekends out of the year during game season. The idea of attending a school that required students to wear uniforms every day of the term sounded crazy to him. To be completely honest, Devlin wasn't so thrilled with the uniform thing either, but it was all part of the switching schools package.

The Osmosian gave a non-committal shrug as he sat down.

With nothing else for Kenny to comment on, the table fell quiet. Devlin pored milk over his serial almost mechanically -and crunched loudly when he ate. Kenny watched him for a bit, his own cereal turning soggy.

Then, in classic Kenny fashion, he blurted out what he was thinking without giving it a second thought. "You won't be able to spend as much time with your boyfriend now that school's started up again."

Devlin looked back up, momentarily forgetting his own food. He glanced to the kitchen door to see if any of the adults were coming or in ear-shot -specifically Kevin- then turned back to his cousin. "I know that." A pause. "And, could you maybe not call him my 'boyfriend' while we're at home? Kevin doesn't know Sigil and I are dating."

As far as the older Osmosian knew, his son and Darkstar's spawn were just friends -two guys who hung out at lot.

Kenny blinked at the older boy. "Kevin doesn't know you're gay?"

With a self-conscious shrug, Devlin looked away. "He's been stuck in the Null Void for sixteen years, that's almost two decades. The last time he was out and about in the world, it was 2017, gay marriage was still illegal in parts of the world, and 'conversion camps' were a thing. Since he's been locked up, his views haven't had the chance to evolve with the rest of the world's. I don't know what his stance was back then, and I don't know what it is now."

It was a little surprising that Kevin's opinion mattered enough to Devlin that he was willing to hide that aspect of himself from the other man. It was especially surprising considering the fact that when the other Osmosian had first shown up in their lives Devlin couldn't stand him. Guess that road-trip they took over the summer was actually really good for them.

Kenny cleared his throat, deciding it was best to change the subject. "So, I heard Aunt Gwendolyn talking and apparently Bellwood prep gets out half an hour later than Bellwood Public."

"Yeah." Devlin confirmed. Giving up on his breakfast and pulling out the most recent book he was reading. "Its more academically driven than most public schools."

"So, I was thinking." Continued the younger boy, ignoring the fact that his cousin was distracted. Kenny knew perfectly well that Devlin could both read his book and pay attention at the same time. "What if I walk over to your prep school after I get out? That way, Uncle Kevin only has to make one stop to pick us up."

The older boy almost dropped his book in his food. "'Uncle Kevin'!? What the hell? When did you start calling him 'uncle'? Why are you calling him 'uncle'? I still have trouble calling him 'dad'!"

Kenny only shrugged. "He and Aunt Gwendolyn might not be married, but they are..." he paused to consider his vocabulary choices "...mates, and since I call Aunt Gwendolyn 'aunt', its seems only fair that I should call Kevin 'uncle'. Plus, he's been pretty cool since he was let out of the Null Void. He helped you and Dad save Aunt Gwendolyn, he saved my life back at the Rooters' base, he cleaned you, Ally, and Billings of Servantis' mind control, and he stood up for me after I was seduced by your boyfriend's crazy sister."

"Huh." Devlin gave a thoughtful little head-tilt.

"Ya know, I'm not the only one who thinks Kevin is actually a pretty cool guy." Kenny added. "Ally also thinks he's pretty cool for a grown-up."

"Maybe you should start a fan club." The Osmosian snorted. "Look, I don't hate him anymore."

In all honesty, Devlin was pretty sure he never really hated his father. He was just angry at him for being Kevin 11,000. Resentful of the time he'd been absent from his life. And confused, because the rest of the world said that Kevin was an evil person and that Devlin should hate him. But he wasn't going to say that. He and Kenny didn't talk the way they used to. They didn't share their feelings anymore.

"But the thing you don't get is that its different for me. Its easy for you and Ally to like Kevin because he's not your dad. But he is my dad. Its different with me. You and Ally can't get that."

Maybe that was another -lesser- issue between Devlin and Kenny. In addition to their trust and jealousy, Kenny just didn't understand Devlin anymore. Especially not in regards to Kevin since Kenny's own view of the older Osmosian was -overall- so much more positive.

As if the very speaking of his name had summoned the devil, Kevin appeared in the kitchen. Wearing only pajama pants, he yawned and muttered a sleepy, "Morning."

He flopped down in a vacant seat between the two boys. Then glanced between them as if in confusion. Jabbing a thumb at Kenny, he muttered to Devlin. "I don't usually see this one up this early."

"First day of school." The younger Osmosian said by way of explanation.

"Gotta make a good first impression!" Kenny elaborated. The first day of school was the most important day of school.

Kevin made a non-committal noise and turned his attention to the finding and drinking of coffee. He had never gone to school past the fifth grade and so didn't fully understand the struggle of a teenager attending a public high school. Or a teenager attending a private high school for that matter. Getting up from the table, he found the coffee pot and poured himself a mug, drinking it black because he did not trust the unlabeled glass bottle in the fridge to be milk and not some strange and bitter tasting alien condiment.

That was when Gwendolyn entered. Showered, fully dressed, and ready to face the day.

She didn't announce her presence or wish anyone a good morning immediately. The first thing she did was grab her son's messy ponytail and pull it straight, twisting it into a tight knot at the back of his head. She fixed it in place with a couple of bobby pins and a prayer to the elder gods for it to stay neat and in place for the duration of the day. It was Devlin's first day at a new school after all. He should look his best. She understood the importance of the first day of school.

"Ow! Ow!Ow! What the hell, Mom!?" The Osmosian pulled out of her grip, glaring up at his mother with betrayal in his eyes. One hand reaching up to feel the man-bun she'd just contorted his ponytail into. "Why?"

Kevin snorted into his coffee. "She just likes hair pulling."

"You hush." She jabbed a finger at her -as Kenny had put it- mate (whom also had admirably long and pullable hair). "This is Devlin's first day at the school I've wanted him to go to since he was able to go to school. I want him to look his best! Now you go put a shirt on. I don't mind you wearing your pajamas to drop off the boys, but you should at least cover your chest. And don't forget, after school today, the boys have Group again."

"Pierce still has them going to that stupid therapy thing again." The older Osmosian took another sip of his coffee. He'd never received a day of therapy in his life and so had a very low opinion of the practice. Nobody seemed to care about his mental state or mental well-being back when he was a plumber. Oh, how the times have changed.

"At least until they set a date for the boys to take their Psychologicals so they can continue at the Weekend Academy." Gwen reminded him. "Now, shirt! Go put a shirt on!"

She ushered Kevin out of the kitchen. He never even got to finish his coffee.

Bellwood Prep was a wide, brick building with a Tudor-style facade. Kevin dropped Devlin off out front. Kenny watched from the backseat as his cousin walked up to the building, reaching a hand up to pull out the tight knot Aunt Gwendolyn had twisted into his hair. The dark pony tail bounced back into place, slightly perkier than it had been before.

Kenny expected the older boy to stop and look back. This was the first time they would be going to different schools since Devlin gained a human form and was able to attend school at all.

But if he was going to, Kevin pulled the car away from the building before the older boy got the chance to. Kenny didn't know if Devlin missed him or regretted switching schools at all.

It was only after the car had merged back into traffic and turned a corner that the Osmosian looked back. But Kenny was already gone.

Suppressing a sigh, Devlin forced a casual shrug into his shoulders.

He had missed orientation -thanks to Kevin's mandatory summer road trip- and so had no idea what his schedule was or where his classes were. Luckily, Devlin wasn't the only one whom had missed orientation. There was a line of freshmen waiting in chairs in the main office and a sign taped to the counter informing all new students whom had yet to pick up their schedules that they should wait for their name to be called.

Ooh... Devlin cringed. Waiting for his name to be called. The Osmosian had his first stab of worry as he realized that every other student in the office would hear them call out 'Levin', and everyone would know that he was the son of Kevin 11,000. Siting down next to a blond boy whom looked like a freshman, the Osmosian resigned himself to his fate. Kenny wasn't here to protect him this time. They were in completely different schools now. Devlin was completely on his own.

Bitting his thumb with nerves, and tapping his foot anxiously, he listened to other names and watched other students walk up to the counter to receive their schedules. Finally, it was just Devlin and the blond freshman next to him.

"Levin, Devlin E."

And there it was.

The other boy looked up, watching Devlin as he stood up and crossed the space to the counter. Collecting his schedule, the Osmosian leaned in to the administrative assistant and asked, "Any chance I could change the name I'm enrolled under from 'Levin' to 'Tennyson'?"

She blinked at the boy in confusion. "No."

He was expecting that answer. But he still needed to ask. So that he could remind himself that he tried.

Turning to leave the office and get to his first class, Devlin accidentally made uncomfortable eye-contact with the other boy. He looked away immediately. He hated making eye-contact with people he didn't know. But to the Osmosian's great surprise, the younger boy smiled at him. Smiled.

"I thought it might be you." He said.

"What?" Devlin blinked at him. "Do I know you?"

The blond boy stood, as if to introduce himself -or reintroduce himself since he appeared to already know Devlin. But the administrative assistant cut him off before a single syllable could pass his lips.

"Wagner, Sven."

That name Devlin did recognize. Emily Wagner was his mother's best friend since forever. Back when Devlin was still trapped in his monstrous mutant form that he inherited from his father, Gwen would take him over to Emily's house for piano lessons. (Not that the Osmosian was particularly motivated to learn, but it was nice to get out of Headquarters twice a week.) And Aunt Emily had a son that was two years younger than him.

"Oh! Sven!" The Osmosian blinked at the younger boy, finally recognizing him. "Wow, its been what, five years? I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yeah." Sven collected his schedule from the administrative assistant, never taking his eyes off the older boy. "I didn't know you go here too. On all the YouTube videos of you I've seen, you always seem to be at Bellwood Public with your cousin."

"I just transferred in for Junior year." The Osmosian explained -without offering to elaborate further.

To Devlin's relief, Sven did not ask further. "I'm just starting my freshman year. We should meet up again at lunch."

"Uh, sure." The Osmosian wasn't really sure what the schools social climate was like yet, or what the etiquette was for upperclassman sitting with underclassman at lunch. But he had -literally- no other friends at this school (yet?), so there was no significant reason not to sit with the younger boy.

"Cool. I'll see you in the cafeteria and we can catch up then." Sven left the office, just as the first bell rang.

Kenny sat alone at lunch. It felt so strange to sit and eat his food without being ignored by a gloomy introvert reading a book on the other side of the table.

He poked at his ketchup with a french fry and wondered exactly what he was supposed to even do during lunch. If he couldn't talk at or annoy his cousin, how was he supposed to fill the gap between morning classes and afternoon classes? Actually eating his food? Kenny popped the ketchup soaked fry into his mouth, decided he did not like ketchup today, and pushed his lunch tray aside.

Should he get started on the homework his first three classes already assigned? Nah. It was the first day of school. You weren't actually supposed to do any actual work on the first day of school. Everyone was still coming down from their summer vacations. Homework on the first day of school should be outlawed. (Summer homework should also be outlawed, but that was a thought for another time.)

A group of kids in his year passed his table carrying their own lunch trays. Some of them glanced in his direction then did a double take when they realized that he was alone and Baby 11,000 wasn't sitting with him. Kenny watched one of them whisper something to the rest of the group. Then all off them were glancing at him in confusion then looking away quickly as if doing so might escape his notice. They sat down at their own table, gossiping to each other over their trays.

Suppressing a very un-Tennyson-like growl, Kenny found himself getting up from his seat and crossing the cafeteria to the group.

There was no reason to automatically assume that whatever they were talking about had something to do with Devlin or his sudden absence from Kenny's lunch table or the school entirely. But as the changling and dormant Anodite drew closer he caught a few snippets of conversation.

"...don't you remember that fight they had last year?" One of them was saying. "Tennyson doesn't want Levin around him anymore."

That cut. Being reminded of the things he said to Devlin here in this very lunch room last year just before summer vacation.

"And remember:" another one cut in, "Kevin 11,000 is out of the Null Void. I saw it on the news. What kind of trouble do you think Baby 11,000 is getting into now that Daddy's back to give him a few pointers?"

Someone else at the table opened their mouth to volunteer a guess, but Kenny cut them off. "Hey!"

All eyes at the table turned to stare at him.

"Oh. Hi... Tennyson..." Unconsciously, eyes flicked down from the boy's face, to the watch he wore on his wrist. The Omnitirx. A device that could change him into any of ten different and terrifying aliens that were all perfectly capable of beating all of them up without so much as breaking a sweat (assuming said aliens did sweat). "We were just-"

"You were spreading rumors." He once again cut them off. "So I'm gonna set you straight."

Kenny leaned forward, placing both hands on the table, making sure that his Omnitrix was visible to everyone there, and locked eyes with the one that suggested Devlin was getting into trouble now that Kevin was back. He recognized the boy as one of the two from elementary school who threw Devlin in a dumpster and closed the lid on him.

"The reason why Dev isn't here, is because you people are all so cruel and insufferable that he had to transfer to a different school." He was gonna leave it at that. Let them stew in their own guilt for a bit. But this guy was one of the ones that threw Dev in the trash. Why assume he had a conscience that would stew him for driving a person to change schools? (Even though, technically, it was Kenny that drove Devlin to change schools.) "And, by the way, Devlin isn't the only one that Uncle Kevin's been giving pointers to."

There was a pregnant pause.

A person could feel the tension like a prickling on their skin.

Then, "'U-uncle Kevin'?" The boy blinked at him. "You- you call Kevin 11,000 'Uncle Kevin'?"

"Yeah. I do." Kenny nodded. "You wanna make something of it?"

"N-no. No." Everyone at the table shook their heads.

"Good." He nodded, leaning back from the table. "I'm heading over to Dev's new school after we get out and Uncle Kevin is gonna pick us up. He loves hearing about our days. I'd hate to have to tell him that Dev's bullies are still making trouble for him even after the transfer. He really would not be happy to hear that."

Kenny didn't wait to hear their reply, or even give them time to process the threat he'd just made. The changling turned around and walked away from the table, his backpack over one shoulder, and headed to his next class. It was the first class he was early for all day. But he didn't notice. Kenny was thinking of his cousin the whole time and how he was doing at his own school.

Sven caught up with Devlin again after school let out. Half an hour later than the Osmosian was used to. Bellwood Public did not put as great an emphasis on academia as Bellwood Prep did. They preferred to shave classes so that the school day ended half an hour earlier so that, that time could be devoted to their sports teams. Prep also had sports teams -among other extracurriculars- but they were held after school hours with parent permission.

The younger boy came up beside Devlin, brushed a strand of golden hair behind his ear. "I was gonna try auditioning for the show choir. Are you gonna join any clubs or teams, Devlin?"

"Uh, no." The Osmosian informed him, heading straight for the school's main gate. "I'm a loyal member of the Go-Home-After-School Club."

That, and every Monday and Wednesday he and Kenny were both required to attend a therapy group. At least, if they wanted to continue their Plumbers training, and Devlin definitely wanted to continue his Plumbers training. So no after school clubs or teams for him.

"Oh. Okay." The younger boy shrugged. "Well, tell Aunt Gwendolyn I said 'hi'."

He turned around and headed back inside.

"Who was that?" Kenny was waiting for Devlin outside the gate. He looked so out of place in normal street clothes surrounded by so many other people all wearing the same uniform.

"Do you remember my Mom's friend -Emily?" He asked by way of explanation. "That was her son. He would hang out when she used to take me over there for piano lessons when we were younger."

"Huh." Kenny looked back to the place where he had disappeared back into the school. "I've never seen you hang out with him before."

Devlin shrugged. "He's two years younger than me, and we don't really have that much in common."

"Ah." Kenny nodded.

There was an awkward pause.

Devlin brushed his long dark ponytail back over his shoulder.

Kenny rocked back and forth on his heels.

The silence between them stretched.

Kenny sucked on his teeth. What else was there to say? So, like he usually tended to do when he didn't know how to fill an awkward silence, the boy just blurted out his every impulsive thought without filter. "I spoke to Dave Karovski today."

Devlin's eyes flashed at the name. "Oh?"

Kenny flushed. Remembering the last time he 'spoke' to Dave Karovski. "I may... -or may not- ...have threatened him again."

"I see." There was no judgment there. Devlin never disapproved of Kenny threatening his bullies. That being said, he didn't exactly approve of it either. As someone aspiring to be a Plumber, he shouldn't promote the use of violence -or the threat of violence- as the first go-to method for achieving and preserving peace. That being said, the Osmosian couldn't argue with results. "Is Uncle Ben gonna get another concerned phone call from the school?"

"No..." A pause. "Probably not."

Devlin rolled his eyes.

That was when another person came up to them. It wasn't Kevin, whom was supposed to pick them up. It was Sigil.

He took them both by surprise, neither boy expected to see Devlin's magical boyfriend much after the school year started. Sigil walked right up to Devlin, took the other boy by the hand and leaned into kiss him. The Osmosian hesitated for just a second, then leaned in the rest of the way to meet his boyfriend half-way. Lips slightly parted, heads tilting to the sides, bodies pressing together. -And then Devlin moaned.

It made Kenny very uncomfortable to watch. He politely averted his eyes. Watching the street instead of his cousin.

An electric green muscle car with black racing stripes turned the corner and was pulling up to the school. Kenny elbowed the Osmosian in the back. "Your dad's here."

Devlin instantly broke the kiss, letting go of Sigil as if the other boy had burned him.

The car stopped right in front of the gate and Kevin leaned over the passenger seat to look at the trio. "The hell is Darkstar's kid doing here?"

Devlin hesitated just one second too long, not knowing what to say.

So Kenny stepped in and blurted out the first thing that came into his head. "He's coming to Group with us!"

"What?" Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Devlin blinked.

"Yeah!" Now Kenny had to scramble to explain his absurd suggestion. Sigil was neither a cadet at the Plumbers Weekend Academy, neither was he a Plumbers kid that could take advantage of Plumbers benefits. "Because of what happened over the summer, ya know. His sister betraying him, and her and his dad abandoning him and all. He should come to Group with us!"

Sigil looked at his feet at the reminder of how his sister had betrayed and abandoned him the moment they met their real father. Devlin offered, what he hoped, was a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Kevin only rolled his eyes. Therapy was never offered to him for anything when he was their age -or even younger and in more need of it. No one offered him therapy when he was eleven and emotionally imbalanced and didn't know how to use his powers without going completely off his nut insane. No one offered him therapy when the Omnitrix mutated him into a stone-wood-Taydenite golem that couldn't even feel the touch of his girlfriend's hand in his. No one offered him therapy after he came back from his Ultimate Kevin mutation and had to come to terms with the fact that he nearly killed both his best friend and the woman he loved.

Kids these days were so coddled. "Whatever. He rides in back next to Tiny-Tennyson. Now get in and lets get going."

The boys piled into the car and Kevin pulled away from the curb and merged into traffic.

Very tactfully, Sigil did not ask what 'Group' was until after the older man had already dropped them off and was pulling out of the parking lot.

"Its a stupid therapy thing Kenny and I have to go to if we wanna continue at the Weekend Academy." Devlin informed him, waiting until his father was out of sight before taking his boyfriend by the hand and leading him into the building. "Its stupid."

They passed a sign in the lobby that said 'Elevator Out of Order! Please use stairs.' That was fine. Their Group room was on the ground floor anyway, they didn't have to take the elevator -or the stairs.

"What's it for?" Asked the sorcerer, thinking of Kenny's explanation that he should come too because of what happened with his sister over the summer.

"Its therapy." Kenny took up the explanation. "Because-" a pause "-because of what happened to all of us during the Rooters thing. Devlin, Ally, and Billings brainwashed. Speedy kidnapped. Me almost killed. They decided to postpone our Psychologicals until the shrink says we're all better."

"Oh." Now Sigil understood. 'Group' was something you sent people to when bad things happened to them. That's why Kenny brought up his father and his sister. "Does it help."

"Not really." Both Osmosian and changling shook their heads.

"It'd work a whole lot better if everyone felt more comfortable and could actually talk about what bothered them." Kenny elaborated. "But nobody likes our shrink, and we're all pretty private people in general. No one wants to say their personal business out loud where everyone else can hear. Honestly, the therapy would be much more effective if everyone could just do one-on-one sessions. They could really go deeper. Ya know?"

Sigil didn't really. Not fully. But he had an idea. -And was getting an idea.

"This is it." Devlin held the door open for his boyfriend and his cousin.

As per usual. Everyone else was already there. Kenny and Devlin were the last to arrive. All heads looked up when the door opened, then all eyes instantly shifted focus to the new and unfamiliar face.

"Who's the manic pixie dream boy?" Billings asked, rustling his Necrofriggian wings and crossing his arms over his chest.

"There's no need to be rude." Ally chided him.

"You're not an authority here, Albright." The moody hybrid reminded her. "You don't get to regulate my behavior. And who's regulating Fake-Tennyson over there? You can't bring guests to therapy, Fake-Tennyson. These things are supposed to be a safe space -no audience. Why do you think there are rules about shrinks talking about sessions."

"What if I want him here?" Devlin asked, taking Sigil by the hand. "What if having him here would make me more comfortable and more willing to share?"

It was an out and out lie. Devlin had no intentions of sharing anything in Group. If he wasn't going to share his feelings, hopes, and fears with Kenny, then he sure as hell wasn't going to even allude to his deeper feelings in front of Dylan Billings.

Minie stood up on her hair.

"For cripes sake, let Devy have friends, Dilly!" She snapped.

Minie Armstrong was the youngest member of their group -only 10 years old. A Tetramand-Kinecealeran hybrid. She was the daughter Manny Armstrong and Helen Wheels, both of which had been victims of Hector Servantis' Amalgam Project where they were only children themselves. After learning that his experiments had managed to successfully procreate in the adulthood, Servantis had kidnapped Minie along with Devlin, Billings, and Ally in order to both study, and brainwash into becoming another one of his Rooters.

"Don't call me 'Dilly', brat!" Billing snapped.

The little hybrid girl just hmphed. She had no intention of listening to him.

There was a beat in which all eyes then turned to the shrink for a final ruling.

A stylus tapped a tablet in thought. Lips stretched into a patient and practice 'gentle smile'. "I think its wonderful you found someone who makes you feel more comfortable about yourself and willing to open up." The councilor finally said. "But these are group sessions and I can't allow a guest to sit in on sessions unless the rest of the Group is okay with it. Having an outsider listening might make the others uncomfortable. I don't think I need to explain to you how that's counter productive to what we're trying to do here."

For a moment, Devlin looked like he was about to argue the point. But then Sigil patted him on the shoulder.

"I can wait in the lobby." He left.

Kenny and Devlin came into the room fully and claimed the only two vacant seats left.

The councilor tapped the stylus on the tablet one more time. "Okay. Lets get started. We haven't seen each other all summer."

Not knowing how long this Group session would take, Sigil paced the lobby, waiting for Devlin and Kenny -mostly just Devlin- to get out.

He walked up to the out of order elevator. The doors were stuck slightly open and the sorcerer poked his head in to fins a tight little box of a room. An electrical access panel hung open, an empty chair -presumably for a maintenance worker- was pushed back from the exposed wires and cables and sat in the center of the elevator floor.

Staring at that chair in the tiny room, he was reminded of what Kenny said about their Group therapy. That it would work better if ti wasn't a group. If it was one on one. If people were alone, they could really go deeper, and get into the roots of their issues. Maybe Devlin and Kenny could get to the roots of their issues. He had been joking before, but maybe Sigil really could fix his boyfriend's relationship with his best friend.

A therapy elevator and a few blank roses.

(A/N: Just a friendly reminder, this fic is fully illustrated on AO3.)