Hey guys! I'm back. Okay, I'm really sorry this update is late. But you guys are lucky! Really lucky! Wanna know why? This wasn't actually going to be written for ages. Because I've have no time for it, plus I've had writers block. But! My school scheduled a last minute excursion, meaning, I had an extra day to complete homework. So I can procrastinate and complete this story. But you're especially lucky, because I managed to have a breakthrough on this exact day! Lucky, right?

So without further ado! Here is the last chapter of Silent Support!

Yuuka Kurona


Once we arrived at the door to the dining room, we let go of each other's hand. We had both agreed that we weren't going to give reveal any signs of our relationship around my father until we formally told him. We weren't going to risk jeopardising anything before we even began explaining anything. That would just cause more trouble than necessary. Checking for any imperfections in my posture, I faced straight ahead. In my peripheral vision, I saw Tetsuya straighten up, as well as take in a deep breath. In sync, we closed our eyes and placed on our respective masks. Mine being stern and serious, as it always was in front of my father. Tetsuya placed on his signature monotonous mask. Giving once last scan over each other, I raised my hand. My knuckle made contact with the hard, polished wood thrice. Without a moment's pause, a response of 'Enter' was heard. Just that one word had a great deal of authority behind it. I was used to the unwavering tone that Father often used, but the same can't be said for Tetsuya. I certainly hope that he can deal with the pressure.

I swiftly swung open the door and the two of us were met with the sight of my father sitting on the far end of the (excessively) long dining table. It didn't surprise me that he was able to detect Tetsuya's presence the moment we entered. I nodded a greeting to him and he returned the gesture. Tetsuya, however, decided to go for a more formal approach; a bow.

"Dōmo, Akashi-sama. Please excuse the intrusion. Thank you for having me over." His voice was level and calm, not revealing any internal turmoil, if he had any. He straightened himself up again, his stance perfect yet not rigid. Tetsuya was always one to stay calm when a situation called for it. He really was a special one. I turned my attention back over to my father, watching as his eyes displayed approval.

"You may address me as Akashi-san. Take a seat." Tetsuya didn't so much as flinch when he heard the booming, sharp voice that he used. Silently, with only the sound of our shoes clacking against the tile floor accompanying us, we made our way to the mahogany seats directly opposite to my father.

We didn't often have conversations whilst waiting for the food to the arrive, so I was partially surprised when I heard my father's voice cut through the regular silence.

"What is it?" Tetsuya and I glanced at each other for a split second. Neither of us had said anything. But not answering was not an option.

"Father, you will have to be specific. We do not comprehend what your question is." Most parents would find this type of speech pattern to be disrespectful, but it was common around the two of us.

"You both have something you're hiding from me. Spill it. We both know I don't appreciate it when things are dragged out for longer than necessary." Crap. Crap. We weren't meant to discuss this until after dinner. God, Father, sometimes I hate how perceptive you are. I cast my eyes over to Tetsuya, who had... what? Is he amused? Why is he amused? Why are his eyes showing hints of amusement?! What's so funny?! I was screaming mentally, thoughts going haywire, but my mask didn't betray me. Before I could open my mouth to response, Tetsuya let out a small chuckle. Both my father and I were taken aback by this. The atmosphere was tense, but he was laughing. My father and I locked eyes, both confused, and it wasn't often that my father got confused. Kuroko Tetsuya was an anomaly. No questions there.

"Akashi-san, you're very observant. Indeed, Akashi-kun and I have a very serious matter to discuss with you. We were hoping to have this conversation after dinner, but since you've decided to bring it up, we may as well." His usual, emotionless, timid tone had been replaced with the same bold one that he used to confess to me. His expression softened once he made eye contact with me, both of us having a mental conversation between us.

'Akashi-kun, shall we?' I smirked.

'I've been ready this whole time, my love.' He smiled in response, and we faced my father once again.

"Father. Do you remember that warmth that spread through you when you had Mother with you? Do you remember the feeling of the upward twitch of your lips whenever you were around her? Do you remember that feeling of a connection between you so strong, you couldn't be to be separated?" He was positively baffled at my questions, though he composed himself in record time. He closed his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. I must have brought up fond memories, as an almost undetectable smile crossed his face. He opened up his eyes again, but this time they had lost the layer of guarded emotions over them. He said a solitary 'yes' in response to my questions. I smiled as I reminisced at the memories of our family before she left and our bond was tight.

"Well, I have a person I feel those things towards as well," I took Tetsuya's hand into my own, interlinking our fingers together and giving them a gentle squeeze, "and that person is Kuroko Tetsuya." Crimson orbs widened at the confession. I believe I have rendered my father speechless. Gentle pressure on my joined hands brought my undivided attention to Tetsuya, who had tears of joy glistening in the corners of his eyes from my little speech. Using my free hand, I wiped away the evidence of tears and kissed his forehead tenderly. I had forgotten that my father was in the room as well, only being reminded when I heard a chair moving backwards. The both of us looked over to my father would was hiding his eyes underneath his bangs. Which he never did. What if he's angry? What if he's going to disown me?

No. I couldn't care less about that. As long as I'm with Tetsuya, I don't care if I do not receive the approval of my father.

"Excuse me for a moment." His voice was thick, like he was trying to disguise his emotions. Before he reached the door, the door connected to the kitchen opened, with a tray of food being wheeled in. The head chef had a grin on his face. He was one of the only staff members who knew about my relationship with Tetsuya. He must have been eavesdropping. His timing is a bit too impeccable. But he didn't look too worried about my father's reaction. He must know something. The click of the door alerted us that my father had exited, and the chef rushed over, the goofy grin plastered to his face.

"Seijuurou-sama, Kuroko-sama, do not fret. Your father has been hiding something for some time now. Please, go follow him. You will not regret the decision." Deciding to abide by his suggestion, the two of us gave him a quick thank you before jogging after my father.

We caught up to him within a few seconds, but he didn't notice either of our presences. He was in some kind of daze. Normally, I would have been concerned, but seeing my father not be his typical composed self was rather intriguing. He stopped in front of the door that he had forbidden me from entering. The door was so forbidden that he threatened to pull me out of school, away from my friends, if I ever went in. He found one of my weaknesses, so I had no choice but to restrain my curiosity. He threw open the doors, before falling onto his knees, blood coming out of his nose. Tetsuya and I ran towards him, feeling worried about his state. But we stopped in our tracks when we saw pictures littering the floor. Thousands of pictures on the floor, and taped to the walls. But it wasn't the amount of pictures that stunned us. It was what was on them.

"...Father. Are you, by any chance, a fudanshi*?" Yes, that question just came out of mouth. I could hardly contain my laughter, and neither could Tetsuya, seeing as how his small figure was shaking in muffled giggles. After all, it's not often that you see your own father have a room dedicated to pictures of you and your beloved together. At the word 'fudanshi', Father bolted up, stars shining in his eyes. Flowers and sunshine were practically shooting out of his aura. He must have been 'shipping' us, as I've heard before. Ohh. I see. He must have been having a nosebleed because I was acting sweetly to Tetsuya in the dining room earlier. I must make note to thank Chihiro for his obsession with light novels. I felt two large hands places themselves on my shoulders, and I looked up to meet my father's practically glistening eyes. He removed one of the hands on my shoulder, and placed on it Tetsuya's, who was standing behind me. And he pulled us into a hug. A goddamn hug. The man who was cold to me for years of my life, forcing me to be perfect and giving me so much pressure that I got a split personality, was giving us a hug. I felt my shirt get wet, and my jaw dropped when I saw tears falling from his face.

"F-father. Are you okay?" Oh god, what's going on? This is too much to take in.

"Son, I am very proud of you! You have my complete approval! But I must say something," he coughed to clear his throat, "it took you long enough! The romantic tension between you two was suffocating! " I blinked once. I blinked twice. Tetsuya was as baffled as I was. But our confusion only last for a few seconds, before the three of us burst out into a hearty laugh.

"Oh! But wait! I've been waiting years for this. Let me grab my camera! I've waited way too long for this, you two HAVE TO let me take some photos." And with that, my father bolt off towards his room.

And all was good.

(A/N: From that day onwards, whenever the couple needed anything from Akashi Masaomi, they literally just bribed him by being lovey dovey in front of him)


*Fudanshi - a male who likes yaoi (Fujoshi is a female who likes yaoi, btw) These are pretty rare compared to fujoshis.

Okay! Bad plot twist? Good plot twist? Please r&r! But go easy on me, it's like 11pm here and I'm super sleepy. Anyways, that's all for now I think. I have a few other ideas coming up, so look out for those! If you want a reply to your review, I recommend PM-ing me.

Until next time!

Yuuka Kurona