A/N: Super sorry how ridiculously late this was. The moment I wrote there was one chapter left, my mind went on vacation... I rewrote this like six times and I'm still not happy with it, but I really want to give you all closure. Thank you so much for sticking around and writing reviews! You guys are the best!

The whole incident in the Shimane Prefecture took about a whole month to settle. For the Shima family, that meant a lot of traveling back and forth to ensure the safety and health of every single citizen there. Unfortunately for Mamushi, that meant only seeing her fiance a couple of times a week. But instead of being upset, she shoved all her wants and needs behind an imaginary door, and threw herself into her studies.

It was only when Juuzou, tired and weary, burst into their room and surprised her by twirling her around and yelling, "I'm finally done!" did she realize that imaginary door she kept locked was just about ready to burst.

They had always talked about going slow; they're getting married so it's not like they needed to rush. But Mamushi didn't realize how much her life had changed from revolving around being an exorcist to revolving around Juuzou.

Obviously not all of her life was about Juuzou, but he was there for her when her anxiety kicked in. He was there when the nightmares happened. He was there when all she needed was a friend. And so, seeing him all raggedy and travel-worn, she happily pushed him onto their bed and told him she was going to kiss him for each day he was gone.

Since then, it was like they were playing catch up over the month they missed. There was never a time when they got tired of each other and Juuzou didn't seem to mind at all when he started losing more and more of his sleeping shirts and finding himself being pulled along to go on more "shopping trips" with Mamushi.

It was nearing Christmas time and the end of the school semester, which Mamushi thought meant no stress and relaxation, but she seemed to have forgotten that the holidays makes everybody go on edge.

There were presents that needed to be bought for her new in-laws and family members. The list basically tripled since last year and she also needed to get all the books for next semester, all while looking for a part time job that she could balance, and her mother-in-law wanted to have a giant family dinner which meant she had to practice her cooking as well.

All in all, it was no wonder she got sick the week before Christmas. Everything she had done to prepare for the holiday was barely finished and yet, she could barely get herself to leave the bed. Every part of her felt achy and uncomfortably hot, which was strange for December.

Juuzou looked especially concerned, but she brushed it aside and told him it was nothing to worry about. It was most likely a cold, after all winter was just starting, she just hoped she didn't cause everyone else in the family to get ill as well.

It was only four days til Christmas when Mamushi woke up in the early morning to vomit, which was surprising. She could barely eat the entire week so far, so it was more dry heaving at this point, but the panicked noises she made woke Juuzou up immediately.

"We should go to the hospital." He said, rubbing her shoulders and pulling her hair away from the toilet bowl.

"I'm sure it's not that serious," Mamushi replied, focusing on taking deep breathes instead of her roaring stomach.

"You haven't gotten better at all this week!" Juuzou exclaimed, his mind speeding through the last couple of days, wondering what on earth could have gotten his fiance this sick.

"That's not true… It's just in the mornings… I feel better after I eat something."

"I don't care. It doesn't hurt to just get checked Mamushi."

"But… I still have so much to do to prepare for Christmas…"

"Who cares about Christmas! Your health is way more important than some holiday!"

"But it's the first one we'll be celebrating together," Mamushi pouted. She had waited so long for this. She had the whole day planned with both their families getting together during the day and the two of them would then head out and enjoy the festivities outside at night.

"Just a second opinion," Juuzou pleaded. "If it's really not a big deal, I'll help you with getting everything ready. You should be relaxing regardless."

"Okay," She smiled, leaning onto Juuzou's side. "If it makes you happy."

"I've been happy ever since I've met you." He replied, wrapping his arms around her.

"Liar," She teased. "I know you got mad when Ryuji-sama said he liked me more than you."

"That was like fifteen years ago!"

Juuzou is a truly unique person. He learned at a young age that children were precious and must be loved. His older brother died protecting children and so he took the steps to be the eldest son without any complaints or fears. While his parents were busy protecting the world, he became a top student at school and always made sure to look after all of his siblings while also protecting Bon. Everything the world took and gave to him, made him be who he is today.

However, when Mamushi was given opportunity from the world, she saw both the dark and light side of it and became scared. When Takezo died, she learned the reality of the jobs of exorcists and the morality of humans. She put her faith in the only person she believed could never die, the Most High Priest, but then felt lost when he said he wouldn't fight.

She went to school and pretended the reason why she couldn't make friends was because she was better than them when in reality she was just scared. And because of that, she naively grabbed onto the first person to give her a safe place. Always, she felt like she was being pushed into a corner, never doing the right thing. In the end, leaving the exorcist world was probably the best worst thing to happen to her. But now the fear that left her was starting to come back.

Pregnant. She was pregnant.

It was probably obvious if anyone knew their active lifestyle for the past month, but for some reason, the smart, responsible, Mamushi forgot that having sex usually produces a child if certain procedures weren't followed.

"A baby?!" Juuzou's eyes were twinkling in a way that actually felt a little too bright for the eyes.

"A baby!" He repeated again, while the doctor politely smiled and wrote down suggested vitamins and prescriptions. "What a perfect Christmas surprise!"

"You're very excited about this," Mamushi gave a small smile. She remembered this was how Juuzou reacted to any news about children, whether it was his own siblings or his nieces and nephews.

"How are you not?! We're already starting our family. We need to move up the wedding! Oh, I have to call everyone to come down. We haven't had anything big since Jun got married."

Mamushi was quiet while Juuzou rambled. They never really talked about children. She knew it was going to happen eventually, after all, everyone knew Juuzou loves kids. However, could she, with everything she has done, become a good mother?

"Are you ready to go Mamushi?" He nudged her carefully, getting her attention. "We should get you back home and warm. I'll tell mom that you shouldn't be cooking for Christmas."

"I'm pregnant, not injured!" She replied. "You don't expect me to just sit for the next nine months do you?"

"I know that, but you threw up this morning, so you should take it easy anyways!"

"Oh... That's sweet, but I think I'll be okay. I told you, it's just the mornings. I'm fine after everything calms down."

He stared calmly on her blushing face. She always hated it when he caught her with a face as red as candy, but this time, his eyes still had that beautiful twinkle that just hit her with little hearts and kisses and so, for a moment she positively thought, everything will be fine.

The reaction from the family wasn't a typical one. While it was happy, it seemed they were laughing at some inside joke instead of celebrating their firstborn child.

"Amazing, you guys barely lasted six months!" Kinzou screamed.

"We all knew a baby was coming, but this was even sooner than anyone imagined." Their father said with a bright smile.

"I'll have to call Jun and Gozou to come down immediately. We should move the wedding, yes? I should also talk to Torako-san about rental space…" Their mother already spitting out logistical plans.

"Ah, I can help as well." Mamushi replied, getting up to grab a notebook from her room.

"So.. How many kids are you guys planning on having?" Kinzou fiddled with his hands like he was playing air guitar.

"The number doesn't matter, as long as it's big and loud." Juuzou could already imagine the little feet thumping around on the floor and laughter filling the rooms.

"How are you gonna do that with what house and resources?" His dad muttered, picking up a newspaper to look at instead of his son's dreamy face.

"I can be patient you know~"

"Juuzou, can you go check on Mamushi? She should be back by now." His mother said, already crunching numbers and dates for the wedding.

"Oh, you're right, let me go see…"

Walking down the hallway, Juuzou hummed a simple tune, everything in his life was going great! Besides that little issue with his little brother being a spy, he has a beautiful soon-to-be wife, a job that could at least cover most of the bills, and a soon to be child! But when he heard a soft sniffle through the door to his room, he paused.

"Mamushi?" He knocked softly. He knew if he went in without permission, she'd deny everything and try to hide even more in her shell.

There was a small gasp, but otherwise that was the only sound he heard her make.

"Mamushi, can I come in?"

He tried to hear any kind of acknowledgement but was about to give up when the door opened slightly.

His heart weakened, seeing this image of Mamushi looking so sad and hurt.

"Oh Mamushi…" He slipped into the room, closing the door behind him as he began immediately to wipe her tears.

"I know we never talked about our future and children, but if a baby isn't what you want, I don't want you to think you need to do it for me. We have options!And you can decide whenever you want." He tried to be as soothing as possible, bringing her in and rubbing her back.

But it seemed to cause more tears as she gripped his shirt and shook her head no.

"Of course I want a child with you!" She breathed deeply. Her face was red again like a child's, eyes puffy and cheeks wet from tears.

"I just.. I don't know if i'll do a good job. I've screwed up everything important to me, what if the same thing happens with this baby?"

Juuzou paused slightly before laughing loudly and bringing her closer.

"It's not funny you jerk!" Mamushi said, as she began to try and squirm away from him.

"Yes it is!" He pecked her lips before lifting her up until she was high enough to kiss her stomach as well.

"You've gone mad!" She yelled, desperately trying to balance while also trying to squash all the butterflies fluttering in her body.

"Come on, let's go see my parents!"

"What?! No, I just cried and my face is all messy!" She whined loudly as Juuzou left anyways, carrying her down the hallway.

Hiding behind him immediately the minute she was put down, she was ready to smack Juuzou and hide back in their room for laughing at her feelings that took her all her courage to say, when he started to speak.

"Mom, Dad, Kinzou," he said, getting everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" His father asked, noticing Mamushi's… state.

"You'll always help us with the baby no matter what right?" Juuzou asked.

"Well of course we will!" His mother said, surprised he even needed to ask.

"And so will Mamushi's family right?"

"That is generally what family does…" His father confirmed.

"Please, with how popular you two are, I'm sure the whole sect will help you guys out." Kinzou blabbed.

"Mamushi, don't you see?" Juuzou turned to smile at her.

"We have so many people who want to help, that's what being a family is about. You're not alone, and you never have been!"

He took both her hands and drew them close.

"You can trust us, Mamushi." Her eyes began to water again when she realized what Juuzou was trying to say, what she's been trying to find for so long.

"We've all been waiting for you to. No one will let you down ever again."