Here we go, last chapter! Enjoy ! Thank you to my loyal followers throughout the whole story, you guys rock. Leave me some love with a fav/review/follow!

Moving Barry from the medical bay to the helipad was the most strenuous, stressful journey that Kara had ever been on-and she fought beings from different universes for a living.

She and Mon-El carefully cradled Barry from the bed to a rolling gurney, where the machines were going haywire. She took his legs because she didn't trust anyone risking anymore damage to his most essential commodity. When they laid him down, sweat was forming on her brow she was concentrating so hard.

"Get ready, Kara," Henshaw noticed her expression too, "that was the easy part."

She wished she could say she just gripped the gurney and flew him through the halls nice and easy, but that would be a narrative you pulled from a child's storybook. No, everything was complicated in the real world. The halls might've been wide enough for her to fly through, but certainly not her and a gurney with a 6 foot tall Barry lying in it.

So they had to wheel him to the elevator, her heart stopping every time the wheels jostled over a step and blood seeped through the napkins Alex was holding down on his leg. They successfully were able to get him into the elevator, all of them squeezing into the rather spacious car. However, they had to make one more change into another much smaller, much rockier elevator. Great.

"How's he doing?" Winn asked.

Alex looked at him. She didn't even have to answer.

That was grim.

No one really wanted to talk after that.

So, the journey was in silence as they slowly trekked upwards, the numbers ticking by as they passed the floors. The doors dinged open and all of them spilled out to let the gurney past as Mon-El and her still gripped both ends and rolled Barry through. Not all of them could fit this time. Henshaw would pilot the helicopter, Alex was there to look after Barry in the final leg of the trip, and she was there to be sure everything ran smoothly. It would, it had to.

Mon-El, Cox, and Winn stayed behind, but Winn ran down to the control desk and communicated via ear piece and coms in the helicopter.

"Okay, Winn," Henshaw started up the engines, clicking buttons left and right. Kara had helped Alex get Barry situated into the chopper, "Where am I going?"

"It'll be where he first arrived, I think," they waited for him to confirm, "yes, fortunately, the breach will open where Barry first landed."

"Got it."

The blades of the chopper started to whir faster and faster, she lost track of each individual one. The bars lifted off the ground, the chopper taking flight and starting to gain speed as it started to make its way downtown.

"Winn, how long till the breach is open?" Alex asked, impatience tinging her tone. Barry groaned in the gurney beneath her, his head tossed to the side as the medication slowly started to wear off.

"Less than two minutes until the breach is open," he responded.

They all wondered why the breach was slow-forming, but they would never get there in two minutes, obviously. She was just hoping once the breach opened it would stay open and maybe someone would come out from the other side. There was still the possibility that the breach opening wasn't one from STAR Labs, but they didn't have time to fool around.

"Henshaw?" Alex looked to him.

"I'm trying," he didn't look back, but shouted into the headset.

"We're not going to make it," Kara looked down at Barry once more, running a hand through his hair, "He'll be gone by then..."

"We'll get there," Alex nodded, sounding she was trying to convince herself as much as her alien sister.

"Here we go!" HR shouted, "Places, people! Breach is opening!"

Wally jogged next to Cisco, stretching a little as he prepared to burst into the breach. Joe and Julian stood a little to the back, both had guns and weapons nearby in case of something foreign and sinister bursting through the breach. Iris was Caitlin's assistant, holding bandages and setting up a little cot for Cisco when he finished. Cisco, on the other hand, had his face screwed up in a mask of pure concentration, sweat making his shirt damp as his body swayed a little back and forth. HR was looking at the monitors, observing virtually as the tear between realities started to occur.

"Now!" he shouted and at that moment, Cisco shouted in effort as he broke the barrier between the two worlds and the blue wormhole grew bigger,

"Go, go, go!" HR yelled at Wally who nodded, tossed a look at his dad, and sprinted through the breach.

"Cisco, come on! You can do this!" Iris encouraged, "Wally will be back in no time with Barry!"

Caitlin shook her head, knowing Cisco couldn't hold out any longer. What she was going to do next was rash, but it had to be done. She rounded the corner out of the room and headed towards the Pipeline. Sure enough, the breacher was still there, sitting in his cell and back against the wall. He looked surprised to see Caitlin there, not entirely knowing who she was. She could say the same. They never had a chance to run the identification measures properly with Cisco and Barry's situation their main concern.

"Finally! What is this place?" the breacher immediately rose, "Get me out!"

"It's a prison," she raised an eyebrow.

"No prison can hold me!" he shouted back defiantly.

"Your breaches don't work in here, it's designed specifically for meta-humans."

"Get me out! Now!"

"Only if," she paused, watching him flinch, but listen as well, "you help me."

He paused for a moment that laughed, "What? Help you? You must really be desperate!"

"I am," she growled, "and you will help me or I swear I'll make sure you rot in here for the rest of your life."

"Nice try, sweetheart," the breacher sneered, "but no deal."

Caitlin felt herself twitch with anger and immediately the air dropped a few degrees. Sure, the necklace that Julian and Cisco made could keep her powers under control, but sometimes when she was overcome with emotion…

Her eyes glowed a frosty blue, and she slammed her palm down on the glass, ice already starting to spread across the surface.

"W-what? What are you doing?!" the breacher frantically looked back and forth and soon he wasn't visible through the sheen of ice that had settled and steamed off the glass.

"Now, listen!" Caitlin shouted, loud enough so he could hear. She heard banging on the other side, "I can increase this layer ten-fold and you'll be a breacher popsicle and freeze to death," she threatened, "or, you can knock three times on the glass and I'll know you're willing to cooperate."

There was a brief pause.

Then three, solid knocks pounded behind the ice.

She nodded, feeling guilt already starting to form in her chest as her emotions started to thaw along with the ice. Caitlin didn't feel that intense and burning anger anymore that prompted her reaction, but she had to do everything she could to get Barry back.

When the glass was completely thawed, the meta-human was in the corner, rubbing his shoulders as his breath came out like an icy mist. He shivered as he looked at her, fear in his eyes. She didn't like that look, but at least he was willing to help.

"If I open this door, you won't run away?" she raised an eyebrow, swirling her fingers in the air as a warning to what could happen with her cold touch.

He nodded shakily and Caitlin pressed the "release" button.

"What in God's name is he doing in here?!" Julian shouted as Caitlin walked in, the meta-human at her side. She had a firm grip on his forearm, his two wrists shackled together in handcuffs, but he looked at her in fear and at her fingertips on his arm in caution.

"We need help," Caitlin explained shortly, "Cisco is worn out!"

It was true, he was barely on his feet now. Cisco sunk to his knees, his chest heaving up and down as he took exhausted breaths.

"He'll help?" Joe didn't question Caitlin, seeing how the meta-human looked at her. His mind was solely on Barry's well-being.

"Yes," she said tersely, looking at him.

The breacher nodded once, smoldering.

"Good," HR nodded, "someone get Ramon out of there, he's spent."

Joe and Julian went over, helping Cisco up.

"Look," HR told them, "the breach is going to close for a moment," he turned to the meta, "that's where you come in."

"You want me to open the breach where you're little speedster ran off to," he guessed, but he clenched his jaw in anger.

"Precisely," HR continued, "and you'll do it, cause you don't wanna piss her off."

Caitlin gave the breacher a hard glare.

"What's in it for me?" he bargained, "I'm not going back into that cell."

"If you get Barry back, then there's a nice little life waiting to be ruined by you on Earth-19, okay?"

"Earth-19?" the breacher looked at him, "and you guys won't come after me?"

"Promise," Julian nodded, "just hurry!"

The meta-human waited for a moment then agreed. Caitlin steered him over to the chair and sat him down.

"Open it."

He shuffled for a moment, then closed his eyes. Immediately a breach opened again. He had time to recuperate, unlike Cisco, and therefore could open the breaches much easier.

"Yes!" HR shouted triumphantly, "Channel is open!"

HR hoped Wally would come sprinting back through that breach, B.A. with him and all would be well.

"There!" Kara yelled, "Henshaw, down there!" she pointed down at a little alleyway between buildings. The aerial view was a godsend, because everything was so clear to see. She saw a zigzag of yellow light streak through town and knew that was a speedster. It was Wally West.

Henshaw nodded, indicating he understood and veered the chopper, preparing to descend.

Kara ripped the headset off her, opened the door, and stood at the ledge. She gave Alex a nod, looked down at Barry with a broken heart. His head was now in Alex's lap, who held him protectively. She cared for him this whole time and she'd be damned if anything went wrong now. Kara smiled enouragingly and stepped over. Her fists were in front of her as she plummeted like a missile down, following Wally's yellow lightning trail. She caught up to him, descending in front of him so he screeched to a stop when he recognized her.

"Kara?" He looked her up and down.

"Wally," she laughed in relief as she pulled him in for a hug, "you don't know how good it is to see you."

"I wish it was on better terms," his gaze darkened, "Barry?"

"The chopper," she pointed up as they heard the whirring of the blades and it sailed past, towards where Kid Flash first emerged.

Wally didn't hesitate. He broke into an 800 mph sprint and criss-crossed through the streets at a literal lightning speed. Kara was right on his tail.

They made it just as the chopper touched ground, but Alex didn't wait as she was already standing up ready to go as the bars were just a few feet off the ground. The rotating blades were loud, and the wind was strong, but Kara and Wally were right there with her.

Alex saw Wally West and she felt immediate relief burst through her chest. There was a chance they could pull this off!

But the pleasantries were skipped as Wally immediately saw the gurney in the dim light and a certain red-suited figure lying in it.

He faltered for a moment, not wanting to accept it. T-that couldn't be Barry, no, it couldn't...but he recognized that custom Flash suit and lightning emblem.

"Barry!" he surged forward and to Alex's side, "Oh my God!"

He looked down in horror at his friend's mutilated leg, the blood surrounding it enough to make him woozy.

"What happened to him?!"

"No time," Alex jolted him back to reality, "come on, we need to send you guys back!"

Henshaw came to the entrance and helped as all four of them carefully put Barry's gurney on the ground. It hit it rather hard and Barry groaned.

Wally winced at the sound of it.

Alex knew that this was it. Now or never. Barry and Wally would go crashing back into their world and who knew when the next time she would see Barry. He had grown on her, even if he was in his condition. The first time she met Barry, she was wary, but now she would trust him with her life. The way he had so much fight in him, the way he was prepared to warn his friends despite his injuries. She felt a tear spill down her cheek as she watched him go, as Wally and Kara wheeled him away. His ruffled brown hair and sharp features was something she would miss seeing, but she told herself that Barry would come visit when he was healthy, and she would see him again. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Henshaw, a profound exhaustion seeping into her limbs.

Henshaw nudged her, "You did good, Alex. You're a hero."

"Please," she reddened and smiled, "stop it."

"I'm serious. Not all heroes come with capes and superpowers you know. Your sister might be the Girl of Steel, but at least we know where she gets it from," he nodded at her in approval.

"I need to get back!" Wally looked at Supergirl, "Cisco can't keep the breach open for long!"

Kara nodded and she and Wally gripped both sides of the gurney and started to wheel it towards the breach. She looked at it in hope then down at Barry in worry.

"I'll come with you!" she noted the worry lines etched into his face, and Wally looked to her, relief in his eyes, "But I'll need to immediately go, before the breach closes!"

"Right!" he nodded, shouting over the wind, "On three?"

Kara dipped her head, her hands tightening on the gurney bars.


She took a deep breath, trying to convince herself that this would work.


Supergirl glanced over her shoulder and saw Alex standing next to Henshaw, blood staining her uniform. Alex waved slightly, her eyes directed towards Barry.


She broke into a sprint and ran through the breach with Kid Flash.

"Incoming!" HR yelled as there was a bright light coming from the breach and they all shielded their eyes from it.

A huge wind blew through the lab and papers fluttered in the air wildly. The shape of three figures started to form in the blinding light. Two figures and a gurney spilled through. One figure, Wally, kept his pace as he ran through, but the other, a tall young woman, stood just at the mouth of the breach. She stood there, motionless.

Julian squinted his eyes and made out the beautiful, slender features of Supergirl. She made brief eye contact with him, and he nodded in thanks. She returned it and stepped back. Just like that, she was gone.

The light died. The wind stopped. Team Flash slowly rose to their feet. In the center of the room was Wally, panting, and Barry. Oh, Barry...

"Barry!" Iris surged forward, as she saw Wally, hands on his knees, panting next to a gurney with Barry Allen the Flash lying in it.

Caitlin and Joe were right after her as she immediately appeared at his bedside.

"Bar!" Joe was right next to Iris, looking at his son up and down, making sure that he was real, that he was here. He placed a hand on his shoulder, and it came away wet with blood. His eyes widened and he felt faint, "Caitlin..!"

"," she held his pale cheek and looked up and down at his debilitated form. Caitlin's eyes widened as she saw the blood staining the uniform and sheets. Julian was pale and in mouth-open shock as he saw his friend's appearance.

"Barry..." he whispered in fear. Julian didn't like Barry at first, but now this sight was enough to give him nightmares.

"Quick!" Caitlin snapped back to reality. She ordered Joe to help as they gripped both sides of the gurney and wheeled him out. Iris and Wally trailed behind, and Cisco could only see red flashes, not sure if it was blood or the suit in his hazy vision.

Before all of them walked out, Julian and HR didn't forget the breacher who was possibly tempted to jump through with Caitlin gone. It was hard to shift their attention and the even the breacher looked with wide eyes at Barry being wheeled away.

"Don't even think about it," Julian had a gun pointed at him as the breacher gritted his teeth in anger.

"Get walking," HR ordered, by Julian's side as the meta got to his feet and shuffled out of the room, the breach closing as he and Julian walked out. Julian didn't give him an inch, as the barrel of the gun was pointed straight at him.

HR looked across the room and went to Cisco, draping his arm across his neck, "Here we go, buddy, let's get you fixed up."

Winn stooped back in his chair in relief, the tension dissipating from his limbs as Henshaw excitedly reported that Kara made it back with Wally and Barry successfully back home.

Mon-El cheered and hugged Cox tight, almost breaking his ribs.

Henshaw, Alex, and Kara returned soon after. Alex was dead tired, but mustered a triumphant smile as she received applause and praise from the team.

"I wonder if he's all right," Kara shrugged, "I saw him make it safely, but maybe his healing didn't kick in or-"

"Stop," Winn held up a hand, "This is Barry Allen we're talking about."

She laughed and agreed.

If anyone could make it through this all, it would be him.

However, a thorn of worry still pierced her heart.

Caitlin was in surgery for three hours. Joe, Wally, Iris, HR, and Cisco were impatiently waiting in the main cortex. Julian was in there to help her out after depositing the meta-human back into the Pipeline, promising to release him if Barry made it through the surgery all right. Cisco was in a wheelchair, a bag of saline hooked into the crook of his elbow through an IV drip, and Iris had a grateful hand placed on his shoulder.

The minutes continued to tick away until finally, the door opened and time seemed to stand still. The worry and anxiety gnawed at their hearts like an animal, but Caitlin took a deep breath and nodded.

"He's gonna be okay."

Iris, Joe, and Wally cheered, tangling themselves in a family hug as HR and Cisco laughed in victory and relief. Julian stood by Caitlin's side right after and hugged her, applauding her on a job well done.

"Can we see him?" Iris asked, tears of joy in her eyes.

"Yes, but he's still under," Julian answered, "it'll be a while yet before he wakes up."

"Let him," Joe smiled, "he deserves the rest."

"Congratulations !" HR pumped his fist in the air, "We did it, team! Next coffee round is on me!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, before Joe burst out with laughter, majority tinged with relief. All of them joined in and sincerely thanked Caitlin for her hard work during the surgery as they shuffled through to see Barry.

HR and Julian stayed behind, making their way to the pipeline as they opened the breacher's cell. There was one last thing to do...

"Lucky for you," Julian raised a brow, as the breacher looked at them expectantly, "the surgery went well and the Flash is fine."

He huffed, but secretly looked relieved. That meant he was able to go.

"Earth-19," HR nodded, pulling a tablet from behind his back "and if you try anything funny, I'm tracking your movements and sending Caitlin after you."

He gulped and nodded diligently, willing for a breach to open as the meta stepped out of his cell. Julian and HR watched him step through the blue wormhole, but it left a sour taste in Julian's mouth.

"I can't believe we're just letting him go," he sniffed.

"Well…" HR shrugged, "Not exactly."

Julian looked at him in question.

"I may have contacted Gypsy through Cisco's technology and alerted her that a certain evil breacher was being sent her way. She should be able to take care of it."

Julian laughed in amazement, "HR, you surprise me!"

He laughed and shrugged, "Sometimes, I even surprise myself! By the way, I didn't wanna ask in front of everyone you know, the family, but how did you get Barry's speed force cells activated again?"

"Caitlin had a serum from when Zoom took Barry's speed last year," Julian explained, reiterating what she had told him, "she had multiple mixtures, but she's been monitoring Barry's vitals for a few years, so she knew how to manipulate the cells. Took a few tries, but she did it."

HR walked side by side with him, "And that was it? It just worked?"

"God, no," Julian's gaze darkened, "When Allen was wheeled in, I thought he was bloody dead for sure. Did you see him? Caitlin uncovered a bullet wound to the leg that chipped bone, a massive cavity to the abdomen from the knife wound, and multiple contusions and dislocations. It was a miracle he even survived! I suspect Supergirl's team had proper care, or Barry would be in a body bag by now..."

"Nicely done," HR patted his should, "B.A. has got Snow to thank for all this, that's for us. I'll grab us all a round of double-shot espressos to celebrate!"

Julian laughed.

Alex closed her apartment door after a long day at the DEO. Supergirl, once again, kicked ass and saved the day by arresting an evil alien trying to wreak havoc on the city, "Maggie, I'm home!"

"Hey!" she heard her partner's reply, "There's mail for you!"

She shuffled through it tiredly, but her eyes settled on a certain parchment. It had no return address on it other than: Earth-1.

She felt confused, but intrigued as well. Who did she know from…

Oh, that's right.

Barry Allen the Flash.

It had been nearly a month since the whole ordeal, and the memories still haunted her. None of them had gotten word from the speedster or his team, so they didn't want to assume the worse.

She opened it eagerly, her hands carefully observing the crinkles in the envelope. Winn hadn't reported any new breaches in the city, so she'd have to follow it up in the morning. How else could it have gotten there? Via multi-dimensional mail?

The letter read:

Dear, Alex:

I wanted to sincerely thank you for all the hard-work and care you put forth to take treat me in my time of need. In a strange world, disoriented, you were my light at the end of the tunnel, and I'd be dead if it wasn't for you. My family and friends wouldn't have known my location and everyday Joe never fails to remind me how kind and generous you were to have helped me. Please extend my regards to Kara and the rest of the team as well, as without them I wouldn't have been able to get home. I don't know how you did it, but you all truly worked a miracle that will not go amiss. Star Labs is committed to return the favor in any way you necessary and never forget that whenever you need we'll be there. I'm sorry I can't come in person, I'm still trying to get back on my feet. Caitlin worked a miracle surgery and we dealt with the meta-human once and for all. Besides, Wally is so eager to get back and see you guys, I don't know if he'll leave! Hopefully we can all meet again soon and I'll be able to formally thank you. If you ever need a hand in anything don't hesitate to call…I'll be there in a flash!

Deepest regards,

Barry Allen

She closed the letter, tears in her eyes. She felt laughter bubble at her lips as two emotions clashed.

"Hey!" Maggie had a smile on her face as she came in with wet hair from her shower. It immediately melted when she saw Alex crying, "Are you okay? Alex?"
"Yes," she laughed once more, her hand wiping away the tears spilling down her cheeks, "Yes, I'm fine. Everything is perfectly fine."

In her world, you weren't able to say that often, but this time she meant it.

The End.