Two figures slowly crept through the darkened capital, slinking through the shadows and the crowds, calmly making their way towards a small mansion, intent on calmly making a good pace through the night-time people. Both wore dark cloaks, with a smaller figure leading the larger one. Both had Katana Holsters on their backs, one being of a deep purple color on the shorter figure, while the taller figure's holster was a black that was so dark it looked as if the air around it darkened to match its void. Their faces were shadowed, perfectly hiding their identities. The larger figure looked up slightly, catching two shadows that just barely caught his vision, a testament to their speed.
"It seems we've been beat." A male's voice called out, looking down at the cloaked head of the figure in front of him. "Yes, it would seem that way. I wonder if Nee-san will be among them." This time, the voice of a girl called out, continuing the slow pace towards the mansion, merely walking up the long dirt path that lead to the isolated building. "Hehe, it would be nice to see Aka-chan again." The male responded in a fond tone, walking next to the girl to his right. "Yes, it would be nice to see Akame." The girl muttered next to him, in a far darker tone than before. The boy merely nodded calmly, entering the mansion after the girl, naturally holding the door open for her.
As they walked, the boy looked around the mansion. "It's relatively… un-flashy? I don't know the word that I'm looking for. Either way, it's surprising to see." The boy remarked, staring at the almost common-people level of furniture in the mansion. "The Client was worried that he would spend too much money on material things, choosing to save and invest. Now he could lose his life though." The girl explained, slipping closer to the boy and slinking her arms around his waist, the boy having no reaction, merely continuing his walk as if the girl wasn't tied around him, her head leaning on his shoulder.
"Ah, there's the client!" The boy exclaimed, rushing forward leaving the girl to catch up, the boy happily jumping in front of the man and shaking his hand, though his cloak remained on. The Client was an older gentleman in a white suit, gray hair pulled back into a small pony-tail with a bushy mustache covering most of his mouth. He taped his cane on the ground lightly, shaking the boy's hand with a smile. "Haha! So you are the protection I ordered!? Splendid!" The man remarked, twirling around in sudden fear. "You will protect me right? They could be anywhere…" The man remarked, his eyes scrambling about the room.
"Yes, we are very capable of protecting you." The girl stated, climbing onto the boy's back, his hands automatically slipping underneath her thighs to grip her, again not acknowledging her presence on his back. "Ah, Client-san! I will now find any potential assassins in the room!" the boy informed, before suddenly he slumped over slightly, the girl on his back getting off and sitting down in front of him. The air around him began to darken, two small white lights coming out from underneath the shadowed hood. The boy straightened his back again, looking around his room. He gazed around for a little white, until his head snapped up to a corner of the ceiling. "Aha! There are three of them!" The boy shouted happily, the glow of the hood disappearing along with the darkened air. "Hehe, Client-san!" The boy called out, turning around, only to find that the Client had already ran.
"He is a coward, surely." The girl stated, still seated on the ground, the cloak covering her appearance. "No, he is smart! Those three, they are strong. They are probably from… what was it called? Light Nade? Right Maid? Aha! Night Raid!" The boy shouted, only to jumped back as a small beam passed by where he once was, before he picked up the girl and jumped far away back, grateful for the large room as three people made themselves present. One was a tall blonde woman wearing a rather provocative outfit, with two big lion paws and a slightly feral appearence. The next was a short pink-haired girl with a massive gun in her hands, wearing an all pink dress. The final woman was fairly average height, with glasses and long cascading purple hair, a purple dress was her apparel, and she had a massive pair of scissors propped up on her side.
"Ah! Night Raid! Hehe, I was right! Let's see here, Leone, user of the Teigu Lionelle. Mine, user of Pumpkin. And Sheele, the Extase wielder! Hehe, this will be exciting, ne Kurome-chan?" The man questioned, turning around to catch the sight of the now-named Kurome remove her hood, revealing her dark-hair and eyes, along with her school-girl outfit, making the Night Raid members widen their eyes slightly. That girl… She looks just like Akame… Leone thought, prepared for whatever these two would throw at them. They had numbers advantage anyway.
"Surely. They might also be friends of Nee-san. Do you see her anywhere?" Questioned Kurome, going over and leaving over the boy's shoulder. "No. It's a shame to. I really wanted to see Aka-chan after all this time. Ooo, I wonder if she got Murasame to connect with her!" The boy squealed, jumping around and grabbing Kurome's shoulders, shaking her slightly. "Oh wouldn't that be wonderful for Aka-chan!?" Shouted the boy, until Kurome grasped his shoulder. "Naruto. We have business." Kurome stated, nodding her head towards the Night Raid members. "Oh yea. I suppose I must introduce myself, it's only kind." The boy replied, stepping forward and removing his cloak, a brilliant head of blonde hair and shining blue eyes revealing themselves. He was wearing a school boy's outfit, a black blazer and red tie blowing slightly in the wind. "Hello! The name's Naruto! Wielder of Shihaaku! (Shi meaning Death and Haaku meaning Grasp, so Death's Grasp) I will be your opponent today! Let's all get stronger from this fight!" Naruto exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, staring at his opponents.
Leone only observed the strange pair, trying to figure something out. They know so much about Night Raid it's not funny. And they apparently know Akame from before she even had Murasame mastered, which that in itself is scary. Anyone from Akame's past is sure to be powerful. We must be careful. Leone thought, looking to Mine and Sheele, nodding slightly. "That's enough Naruto. Stop playing with them. Just kill them already." Kurome ordered, pouting as she stared at Naruto. "Ne, Kuro-chan! They are Aka-chan's friends! I can't kill them!" Naruto pouted back, until Kurome began to glare. "And Akame abandoned us." Kurome stated calmly, a dark aura building. "Maa, you know she didn't!" Naruto exclaimed, until Kurome glared intensely. "Maa, maa. I get it. Women are always right." Naruto muttered, until suddenly his face lost all emotion, much like Akame's face usually.
"I am sorry. But I must eliminate you. If you live, send my regards to Akame." Naruto stated, calmly drawing his sword. The black was an eternal black, the air around the blade darkening considerably as he lowered it, it's tip digging slightly into the floor. He drew the blade back, pointing it around his back and to his left side, leaning down and touching the ground with his left hand while his right gripped the blade. It looked much like a sprinter's stance. "Eliminate." Naruto muttered, suddenly blurring forward and slashing at Sheele's midsection, who just barely managed to block with the blades of Extase. Naruto turned around, spinning into a slash at Leone's midsection, who had rushed him upon seeing him engage Sheele. Leone stumbled back, paw on her midsection as blood leaked.
The Blood splatted against the floor as Naruto flicked his Teigu, the blade now clean. He then began to lean and dip as multiple beams from Pumpkin were shot at him, his dodges perfect each time. Suddenly, after dodging to the left, he dashed forward, blurring in front of Mine. "They say that the gun reacts to the amount of danger you are in. However, it's really linked to your heart-rate. So, it's rendered useless when said Heart-Beat… stops." Naruto informed, kicking at the gun barrel, launching Pumpkin's next more powerful shot into the ceiling, before he leaned in and grabbed the gun, flipping his sword into a reverse grip and slashing upwards, a cut appearing on Mine's thigh and continuing up to her chest. "Agh!" Mine shouted as she fell, Pumpkin landing harmlessly next to her. Blood leaked out slowly from her long gash wound.
Naruto flipped around, dodging a slice from Extase, before he turned once more, slashing at Leone's Achilles tendon, causing the blonde to cry out in pain as she fell forward, flipping to her midsection to defend herself while Lionelle worked to heal her wounds. Naruto set his Katana in a straight-up grip, both hands firmly on the handle as he squared against Sheele, said woman opening Extase menacingly. "The only thing I am good at is killing. I am sorry, Naruto-san, but you must die." Sheele stated, rushing forward and attempting to cut Naruto in half. Naruto ducked underneath the slice, before flipping onto his two hands, jabbing Shihaaku into the ground before kicking up towards the scissors, successfully dislodging Sheele's grip, and launching Naruto into the air, who managed to grab Shihaaku's grip, before he descended upon Sheele. The purple-haired woman was unprepared, and could not dodge. Leone and Mine watched in horror as Naruto landed softly, a shadow covering his face as his blade dug into the ground, a testament to the strength behind the slash. Suddenly, Sheele's body exploded in a show of gore as two halves of her began to separate, falling to the ground. Naruto's clothes were clean, a show of his sheer skill with Shihaaku. The blade began to darken once more, and Naruto's eyes brightened slightly.
"I am sorry. I do hope that Akame-chan isn't hurt too much by this loss. Clearly you two are in no condition to continue. You have 15 seconds to run. Do so, now." Naruto calmly stated, staring at Mine and Leone. "Fuck you!" Shouted Mine, reaching to Pumpkin and pointing it at Naruto, until Leone grabbed her and hoisted the pink-haired woman over her shoulder, dashing away quickly. "What're you fucking doing!?" Echoed as the pair disappeared into the night. Kurome suddenly began clapping happily, running up to Naruto and clinging onto his arm. "Good Job Naruto! Let's go report in!" Shouted Kurome, running out of the room. Naruto looked behind him, making sure Kurome was not there to see what he was about to do.
Confirming that she wasn't, Naruto leaned down and allowed a brighter aura to surround his body as he carefully placed the two halves of Sheele side-by-side, like how the alive body was. The Woman was calm in death, seemingly accepting it. Naruto looked up, watching as he saw a bright ball of light float around slightly. It began to take shape, forming into Sheele. Naruto smiled softly, reaching out to the aspiration of the woman. The ethereal form stepped to it's left, avoiding Naruto's reach. "I will bring you back, even if you are screaming as I drag you from Heaven." Naruto stated, though he knew the soul could not hear him anyway. Naruto reached out more forcefully this time, managing to grip onto the soul, before dragging it downward. Sheele's aspiration began to distort and scream, reaching towards the heavens in vain. "I'm sorry, but your death will make Aka-chan too sad. I do not like the thought of a sad Akame." Naruto muttered, forcefully placing the soul back inside Sheele's body, which remained lifeless.
Naruto grasped the blade, watching as he saw the aura around the blade extend and reach out, drawing in energy from the surrounding area. Plant life outside began to die slowly, withering away into dust. Naruto nodded slowly until he began to gather the energy in the hand that wasn't gripping the blade, touching said hand on Sheele's two halves, a small white glow emanating from said place. "There we go." Naruto whispered, watching as the wound began to close, starting from the end of the wound where Naruto's blade had exited. Slowly, the glow traveled up the wound, said cut disappearing as it went. The light brightened around the entry point, Sheele's left shoulder, before disappearing all together.
The woman began to breathe, slowly at first, until it began to pick up pace. Suddenly, Sheele sat up quickly, looking around until she spotted Naruto, jumping back and raising her fists, reaching into her dress and retrieving a hidden blade she always kept on her. Naruto dropped Shihaaku and raised his hands in surrender. "Easy. Calm down. I just brought you back. You will injure yourself if you keep stressing the new tissue." Naruto explained, watching as Sheele tried to process what he said. "The last thing I remember, you were descending towards me. I could see your blade as it entered my shoulder, and then nothing. What happened?" Sheele questioned, still pointing the blade at Naruto.
"I killed you. It's as simple as that. The blood all over the floor is yours. But, I know your death would deeply sadden Akame. I… I don't like that, not one bit. So I brought you back." Naruto explained, causing Sheele's eyes to widen. "What… What do you mean, brought me back." Sheele demanded, slowly lowering the blade. "My Teigu, Shihaaku. It allows me to have direct contact with life energy. I can see it, I can manipulate it. When someone dies, there is a small window where their soul still exists before it's life energy is returned to the Earth, presumably going to Heaven or Hell. I saw your's, and brought you back. I fully-healed your wound in the process, but again, be careful, The new Tissue is weak when it's new." Naruto explained, calmly sheathing his Katana, which Sheele looked at in a whole new light.
He controls life itself with that blade… Just what kind of power did they put into that blade? Sheele had to question herself. It was such a strong ability. Suddenly, she looked up at Naruto as he kicked Extase over to her. "Go. Get out of here. I did this without Kurome's knowledge, and I'd like to keep it that way for now." Naruto explained, placing the cloak back over his figure as he disappeared.