Here it is the final chapter! I hope all of you who have come this far have enjoyed it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my imagination



Chapter 15: The end run

(Normal POV)

"Campers! Welcome to the semifinals! Today we are rewarding you with an all you can eat pancake breakfast!" Chris announced over the camp speakers.


Gwen was leaning back against the confessional walls with her legs crossed over each other sketching on her notepad "So I actually made it to the final three, just goes to show how far a bad attitude can get you, ya the money would be awesome, but you know what would be better? Making sure Heather losses!" Gwen said smirking.


"Whatever, I knew I would make it to the end! Big shocker! I just can't believe weird goth girl made it with her even weirder boyfriend" Heather said applying makeup to herself "Luckily I am up against the freak show and stoned-faced creep, so they might as well just give me the check I mean come on we all know who is going to win here" she added.


" I honestly don't care about winning, I have money, what I didn't have was people to fill the hole left by my uncle's death. That has made these 8 weeks worth it" Gaara admitted with a small smile. "But Heather is definitely going to lose today" Gaara said grinning.


Gaara and Gwen picked up their pancakes and sat at the opposite table to Heather.

"so what are you going to do with the money if you win" Gaara asked. "I'll buy camp Wawanakwa just to burn it down and turn it into a graveyard" Gwen answered smirking.

"I think you can find something more productive to do with the money" Gaara joked back.

"We need a plan to deal with Heather, being with you has been fantastic, but 8 weeks of Heather has been about as much fun as a mouthful of impacted molars" Gwen said grimacing.

"With the two of us against her I think our odds are pretty good" Gaara said smirking.


"8 weeks with these losers has been cause for insanity but at least now the mothership knows where to find Gwen and prison can take Gaara back to solitary confinement! Honestly I am not worried about beating Gwen, Gaara is the one that has succeeded at almost all the challenges and his ability to consume anything edible concerns me" Heather said disgustedly. "Thankfully Gwen has no skills, she is just a low rate gutter punk with dragon breath and ugly hair!" Heather added smugly.


"Heathers only strength is here bottomless pit of mean, I am banking on her pride being her downfall" Gwen said thoughtfully.


At the challenge.

"Campers welcome to the semifinals! The producers ran out of insane ways of torturing you, so they asked the ousted campers for ideas, turns out they have a lot!" Chris announced grinning.

"They provided us with the sickest most twisted, and insane dares imaginable for TDI's version of...spin the bottle!" Chris gestured to a wheel with all the campers faces taped onto it.

"What is this grade five? Why don't we all just play 7 minutes in heaven in a skanky basement closet?" Heather sarcastically added.

"Because no one wants to go anywhere near that mouth of yours" Gaara said smirking.

"Each camper will take turns spinning the bottle, the camper you land on determines the dare you will be challenged with. You can take the dare yourself and get a 'get out of dare' freebie or inflict the dare on a fellow camper in hopes of booting them out" Chris explained.

"And if we refuse to do the dare?" Heather asked.

"Oh not a good option, anyone who chickens out of their dare will be sent directly to the dock of shame and go on the boat of losers. Do not go to bonfire, do not collect marshmallow and do not win 100,000 dollars" Chris answered.

Wow a sudden death elimination? Good one! Gwen thought surprised.

"Okay who is ready to embarrass themselves first?" Chris asked.

"Oh what the heck let's get this over with" Gwen said before Gaara put a hand on her shoulder keeping her placed in her chair.

Gaara stood up and walked to the wheel

"Duncan's dare is...lick Chef's armpit!" Gaara smirked.

"Gaara you can perform the dare yourself or dare one of your competitors to do it, either way someone is licking some armpit in a minute" Chris explained.

"Heather" Gaara said looking right at her with a grin.

Heather looked as if she was about to puke. She walked up and spun the bottle.

"Ezekiel's dare is chew your own toenail slowly" Chris announced.

"Gwen!" Heather said quickly.

"Happy now?" Gwen asked. "Very, I imagine Gaara won't be eager to lock lips with you anytime soon" Heather said smugly.

"It's her toenail, I can deal with that after she rinses her mouth out, at least it wasn't Chef's armpit" Gaara retorted.

"Yeah, your one to talk pit-breath" Gwen added.

Gwen went up next.

"Cody's dare is to drop a tray of ice into your undies and let them melt" Chris said.

"That's it? I can handle that" Gwen said smirking.

Heather was up next

"Tyler's dare is eat jelly out of Chef's bellybutton" Chris said.

"Twice in a row must be harsh" Gaara said smirking.

"Izzy's dare for Gaara is to give a purple nurple to a sleeping bear" Chris said.

"Easy" Gaara said.

Heather used her freebie so she didn't have to lick Chef's toe jam.

"Geoff's dare is to drink juice out of the communal toilet" Chris read.

"Quite the predicament Gwen, do you use the freebie or save it for an even sicker dare down the line?" Chris asked.

"I am going in" Gwen said plugging her nose.

Gwen came back after puking a lot.

"At this rate Gaara is going to need a fumigation squad just to-" Heather started to taunt before Gwen burped in her face causing her to stop.

"I'd kiss her long before I go anywhere near yours when it's clean" Gaara said pissing off Heather.

Gaara spun the bottle.

"Eat dog food"

"Easy enough" Gaara said.

"Dude you could use one of your freebies, or dare it to someone who doesn't have a freebie" Chris said pointing to Heather.

"I have an even better plan" Gaara said before eating the dog food in record time.

"You still have some jelly on your lower lip" Gwen taunted.

"Go put your head back in the toilet!" Heather yelled back.

after another hour of dares

"I can't believe no one has dropped out yet and Gaara had 20 freebies!" Chris said surprised "Gwen and Heather have squat" Chris added.

"Chris! I would like to give away half of my freebies!" Gaara said suddenly.

"Uh okay are you sure?" Chris asked.

Gaara took half of his freebies and gave them to Gwen "Ready to bring down Heather?" he asked smirking, Gwen grinned and nodded.

"They are obviously ganging up on me with dares! There had to be a rule against this sort of thing" Heather yelled angrily.

"Sorry thems the rules, not a rule to be had" Chris said.

Gaara and Gwen gave all their dares to Heather while using their freebies on hers.

Finally she was dared to have her head shaven off by Lindsay

"Lindsay rules!" Gwen yelled.

Heather kicked the razor away at the last second causing it to shave off her hair accidently.

"Well that was an unfortunate accident, looks like Heather is out" Chris announced.

"What are you talking about! He shaved my head!" Heather yelled pointing to her hair.

"True but you didn't accept the dare, if you had you would still be bald, but at least you'd be in the game" Chris explained.

"Tough break Heather?" Gaara asked tauntingly.

Heather screamed in rage "What happened to there being no rules!?" Heather yelled at Chris.

"Ya it's complicated but here is the rub, you lose they win" Chris said pointing to Gaara and Gwen.

"We won!" Gwen yelled grabbing Gaara in a hug.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers!" Heather yelled as she walked off towards the boat.

"And then there were two!" Chris announced.

"Looks like it's just you and me left" Gwen said smiling.

"Ya, we should really go scrub our mouths out before celebrating" Gaara said pulling her along towards the bathrooms.

The next morning

(Gaara's POV)

I walked into Gwen's cabin that morning while she was still sleeping with the scrapbook I made for her done with the acceptation of one last picture of whoever wins.

I placed it onto the table by her bed and walked towards the door.

"Gaara?" I heard her asks as I was leaving

"It's just me, you can go back to sleep it's still pretty early" I said sitting on the end of her bed.

She yawned before rolling back over "see you in the winners circle" I said kissing the top of her head.

3 hours later at the starting line for the final challenge

Me and Gwen stood at the each side of Chris while all the campers who were kicked off chose a side for who they wanted to win.

Heather surprisingly sat on my side "Nice rug" Gwen said tauntingly.

"Oh stuff it goth girl" Heather yelled back.

"Why is Heather smiling like that?" Gwen asked me.

I shrugged "Maybe she likes her new hair" I said sarcastically "Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious, she hates you more than me" I added warning her.

"Ya, thanks for the gift this morning" Gwen said, I smiled at her "Your welcome, it took me awhile to finish it" I said.

"The muffin and the card were a nice touch" She said.

"Muffin? I didn't give you a muffin or a card" I said surprised.

"Then who did?" She asked.

Heather I venomously glared at her.

"Gaara and Gwen please tell the others what you would do with the money if you win and why you deserve it" Chris said interrupting us.

"Well I guess I am pretty proud of getting this far, if I can survive here the rest of High school can't be that bad" Gwen started.

"I guess I would go traveling and then to university for art history" Gwen said smiling.

"Wow that is really sweet, boring but sweet. Gaara?" Chris said waiting for me to answer.

"Honestly I have more money than I need to last me the next 20 years, the only reason I stayed on this long was to spend time with Gwen" I began

"Awwwww" Most of the girls and DJ said in response

"Boring!" Heather yelled. "If I win I will be giving the money to Gwen since she is going to need it for school anyway" I finished smiling at her

"Aw that is even more boring than Gwen's" Chris said.

"The final challenge has three parts, first you must go shimmy up the poles there and grab your flag, next you will be crossing a 300 meter plank suspended over a deep gorge while carrying an eagles egg!" Chris explained.

"Is that all?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, below is your friendly man-eating sharks" Chris added "You had to ask" Gwen said smirking at me.

"The last part of the race will be to run back here to the finish line the first to cross will be the winner" Chris finished.

"Good luck Gaara, if I had to lose to anyone here it'd be you" Gwen said through one of her beautiful smiles.

"Good luck to you also, I am looking forward to seeing who wins" I said back smiling.

"On your marks...get set...go!" Chris yelled.

We ran to the poles and started climbing, I had mine before she even was able to get up hers, she kept sliding back down.

I looked back at Heather to see her smiling holding a bar of butter

So that's how you want to play it then?

I slid down and walked over to her flag pole and wiped it down with my flag and then waited for her to grab hers.

"What are you doing!" Heather yelled. "If I am going to win it's not going to be because you cheated for me" I said back glaring.

Gwen came down the pole with her flag "Thanks" she said before we dashed off towards the next part.

We both made it to the gorge, "See you on the other side" I said grabbing an egg and beginning to cross.

"I am going to freaking die" Gwen said before starting to cross.

about halfway across she started looking wobbly "Woah!"

"Take your time and get your balance back" I said trying to calm her down "Look at me, just take a second and start again" I said keeping her attention away from the sharks.

An angry eagle started coming around and trying to grab the eggs back from us as we were crossing.

"Step on it!" Gwen yelled as we increased our pace.

"Woah!" Gwen yelled getting off balance again, "Gwen just-" I started as she fell.

I dropped down onto my legs and hung upside-down hanging by the back of my knees grabbing her hand.

"I got you Gwen just take your time and climb back on" I said reassuringly "Okay" she answered back shakily.

after she got back up we made it across and began running towards the finish line.

we were only about half a mile away from the finish line before Gwen fell to her knees grabbing her stomach in pain.

I stopped to see what happened, "What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"My stomach hurts so much, I don't know why" she said back.

"I think that muffin was from Heather" I said glaring in her direction.

I picked Gwen up bridal style and started jogging towards the finish line "You're not out of this yet" I said carrying her.

"The winner is Gwen!" Chris yelled loudly into the bullhorn.

"Why are you doing all this for me? I know we are dating and all but I didn't think anyone would just give away 100,000 dollars for me" Gwen asked shocked.

"Because...I love you Gwen" I said back nervously.

"" She asked back shock evident on her face.

"More than anything in the world" I said back.

"I love you too!" she yelled before pulling me into the most passionate kiss I have ever had.

(Normal POV)

At the final bonfire.

"After 8 grueling weeks it's my pleasure to award this 100,000 dollar check to the last camper standing, Gwen!" Chris announced.

"Gwen I grant to you the final marshmallow" Chris said handing it to her.

"Y'know after I pay for my tuition, there might be enough left for a rocking party and everyone is invited!" Gwen yelled pumping her fists into the air.

"Everyone except Heather" she added as everyone cheered.

"Yo Gaara! You know what its time for?" Geoff asked.

Gaara nodded back smirking at Chris before him and the other guys picked him up and carried him towards the docks

"No, no guys! My hair! Dudes!" Chris yelled in protest.

"One! Two! Three!" they all yelled as they threw him into the water.

"I have been wanting to do that all summer! How do you like that pretty boy!" Chef yelled.

"Oooooh chef" Geoff said in a sing song voice "Your next" Gaara said smirking.

"Oh come on you have to be a little bit happy to see him get dunked?" Gwen asked bumping Heather with her elbow.

"No! Yeah, a bit" Heather admitted.

"You still stink tough" Gwen said smirking at her.

an hour later Gaara and Gwen started walking off together.

"So we love each other" Gwen said "What is going to happen to us after we go home?" Gwen asked nervously.

"We may not see each other for awhile, but we will stay in contact and I will come to visit you as often as possible" Gaara said reassuringly hugging her.

"I love you" Gwen said with a tear running down her cheek as she hugged back tightly.

"How about we finish that scrapbook?" Gaara asked with a smile holding up his camera.

they took a picture of them as they kissed.

"I love you too" Gaara said with a sad smile.

Three months later

(Gwen's POV)

I was still sad about leaving Gaara back on the island we stayed in contact but the past week he has been to busy to talk for long

It was the first day of school I walked back depressingly towards my art class and sat down in the back corner by the window.

"Oh look its Gwen" Tina the twin sister of Heather by attitude alone came up to me with her group of followers behind her.

"Don't start thinking your worth anything now that you won that stupid reality show, everyone knows that was all scripted and you don't actually have a boyfriend" She said tauntingly.

"Just go back to the hole you crawled out of" she added as she walked back to her desk.

The teacher walked in and started to make an announcement.

"Good morning everyone welcome back, today we have a-" he started before I plugged in my headphones effectively tuning him out.

I heard all the girls squeal suddenly

ugh why does everyone here have to be so annoying

I felt someone poke my shoulder trying to get my attention as I looked out the window.

"Beat it" I said irritably, Next thing I know I feel someone's lips on my cheek

"What the hell do-" I started before seeing who it was.

Gaara stood right there in front of me "And here I thought you'd be excited to see me" Gaara said with a smirk.

"Gaara!" I yelled grabbing him into a kiss quickly.

"That's more like it" he said through the kiss.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to surprise you! I moved in to the house for sale across the street from you" Gaara answered.

I was so happy all I could do was hug him tightly in response.

"I love you too" Gaara said causing me to laugh.

That's the final chapter everybody! I may be writing an epilogue but haven't decided yet