J K Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 3 – Karma Incarnate

"Karma" was indeed smiling, as she had rescued her only grandson from the fate he had been doomed to even before his birth.

When the very confused boy and the messenger snake arrived, she had felt many emotions: love, anticipation, a bit of fear if the child misunderstood her reasons as well as intense anger at the condition he was in. One only had to look at him to see that he was an abused child so why did no one, Muggle and/or Magical, notice? Dumbledore. That was the reason.

"Ah…where am I and who are you?" the boy asked timidly.

With her emotions in turmoil, she hesitated a moment before answering. "I…I am your savior and will explain all to you, after I do a medical check, give you a good feed, let you relax in a nice herbal bubble bath and get you some decent clothes. But first things first – Goody fetch some medium cool water for Harry."

A house elf immediately appeared with the water, handed it to Harry and did a slight compulsion charm on the boy so that he would drink it properly. He drank it slowly and actually asked "May I have more please?" and with a snap of her fingers the glass was refilled and he begin to drink that.

The witch who had brought him here had subtly started the charm for the medical/magical history of Harry Potter. It was rather lengthy and finally Harry noticed the long piece of parchment. "What's that?"

"It's a medical evaluation that shows any and all injuries you've had. Surely Poppy Pomfrey has done one of these on you?"

"Well, actually no" said the boy.

"Surely…McGonagall" the women spat out in disgust "would have had you sent to Pomfrey to get your magical examination and inoculations as she does for all Muggleborns."

"There are magical exams and inoculations?"

"Of course, as from what I heard you were raised by Muggles, so naturally you didn't have your magical shots. I also heard that you were told nothing about magic until…the groundskeeper…found you and took you shopping. Is this correct?" she asked glancing at the on-going list.

"Well…maybe they thought I already had them as a baby."

"Many magical inoculations cannot be administered to a child under the age of three. Didn't your Muggleborn friend, Hermione Granger mention this fact? All Muggleborns must report to the Infirmary for an exam and the inoculations no later than September 6th."

"Well…I really wasn't a friend of Hermione until after…Halloween."

"Nevertheless, McGonagall KNEW about your circumstances as did Pomfrey. The question is WHY? Why did you not have a complete exam before your first school-related injury?"

"Well" he mumbled looking down at his feet so as not to meet the lady's eyes "maybe I did but I was unconscious so didn't know."

"Ah…the list is finally complete" she replied before summoning the elf again. "Goody take Harry to his room so he may have his herbal bubble bath, lay out his new clothes and burn those rags."

"But I don't know your name or why I was brought here and…."

"You may call me Kitty for the moment and I will explain…much…but for now you need a healing herbal bath and I need to study the results of your test."

Instead of dragging off a struggling Harry, Goody just popped him away to "his room" and his bath.

Now that the boy was out of the room, "Kitty" could throw the temper tantrum she needed to have. She knew that the boy had been mistreated, starved, over-worked and probably spelled silly, but with the whole truth of his abuse was finally laid out before her, it exceeded her worse fears. It would take weeks to free him from all the illegal magic placed on him and to start him on the road to health. How long it would take to even begin to heal his mental and emotion damage would be a very, very long time. She was afraid that the damage the Dursleys had done to him would never completely heal and he might need to be obliviated – something she definitely would prefer not to do – but if it absolutely, positively had to be done, she would do it.

She still had much to do before dinner and the unavoidable questions the child would ask, so she better get started.

As soon as the bomb dropped, Kitty had anonymously alerted Algernon Allway, one of the few (if only) trustworthy reporters at the Daily Prophet that the living quarters of the Boy-Who-Lived had been attacked and completely destroyed. "The house had been totally destroyed and if the boy was in the house, he was probably dead and Dumbledore would try to cover it up" the note had said.

The note had given the address and Allway dropped everything and went to Privet Drive, disillusioned himself and started writing his story about the conflagration, the arrival of the local fire department and their desperate but futile battle with the flames and evacuation of the Muggles. The Aurors finally arrived and did their job of obliviating the Muggles, firemen and police and attempting to put out the magically induced fire.

Then Dumbledore arrived, tried to take control of the situation and ordered the Aurors, in his capacity as the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, that nothing was to be said to the public until he did his own investigations. He then left the Aurors to their work and unknown to them or Allway went directly to Gringotts to access Harry's trust vault.

Allway left shortly thereafter as he wanted to make the deadline for the Evening Prophet. He even had a few pictures of the scene and Dumbledore giving orders the Aurors. This was the scoop of a lifetime and, after all, the public had the right to know.

Dumbledore went to Gringotts and demanded to see Badfinger, the Goblin who handled the Potter accounts and who was in his pocket. Much to his shock, the Goblin teller informed him that Badfinger had had a coronary attack and died before a healer could be summoned. At least that was the official story as all at Gringotts knew differently.

Dumbledore asked to see the Goblin who was replacing him and after what Dumbles considered too long of a wait, Ragnok, the Head of Gringotts Britain, summoned him to a conference room. He was insulted that he had been "summoned" like a common wizard and the least Ragnok should have done, would be to invite him to his personal office and treated with the respect that was due to Albus-of-the-many-titles-and-positions-Dumbledore.

What was truly annoying was the fact that Dumbledore was not offered the usual refreshments given to a wizard of his positions and…power. He almost didn't notice that two Goblin guards were stationed inside the conference room. Could it be that Ragnok didn't trust the Leader of the Light?

Definitely, as Ragnok knew better.

Before Dumbledore could sit down Ragnok spoke "No doubt you are here due to the tragedy that has just happened? Before you ask, the trust vault of Harry Potter has been closed and absorbed into the main Potter vault, signaling that the poor child is deceased."

"Then the boy's Will must be probated and…."

"Oh no. No, no, no, no. As Harry Potter was a minor, no Will could be legally made or accepted as…."

"Harry was the last of his line and I was his magical guardian and last year I persuaded him to draw up a Will just in case something disastrous happened."

"It still wouldn't be legal as: (1) you were his self-appointed magical guardian, (2) you sealed the Potters' Will for safety's sake, I believe you said; (3) provisions were made in the Will of his grandfather if the boy died without blood issue of his body; and (4) it was automatically done the instant the child died."

Naturally, Dumbledore began to argue several points but Ragnok just sat there and patiently listened (for a Goblin) for the next 15-17 minutes to the rant before saying "What has been done is done, finished, finite, over, ended and cannot and will not be contested. I suggest you leave now as no doubt you have announcements to make and other schemes to re-plan."

Dumbledore was not going to take no for an answer and had no intention of leaving until he got his way – which was why Ragnok stunned him and had the two guards drag him (rather roughly) out of the conference room and through the main lobby, opening the door and depositing him outside the bank. This was seen by the wizards and witches doing business in the bank and walking by the outside. Some people went to the old, revered wizard's aid and once the Aurors arrived, checked him out, he was finally unstunned and pronounced "unharmed" by the Aurors.

However, Dumbledore was LIVID but couldn't let it show to the public. He called for Fawkes and the two of them flashed out to the enjoyment and awe of the populace. Rita Skeeter had arrived too late to ask any questions of Dumbledore but Bozo, her faithful photographer, finally managed to get a shot of Dumbles being flashed away by Fawkes so it wasn't a total loss as it would be the only known photo of that act. Rita did interview the people who had witnessed the expulsion but was refused entrance to Gringotts. She too hurried off to make the Evening Prophet's deadline, confident that this would be on the front page and all that people would be talking about.

She was wrong as she would soon find out.

Meanwhile, back at Privet Drive, Petunia Dursley was in hysterics. You couldn't blame her as she had lost all of her personal possessions, including all of Dudley's photos from his birth to the present. Although they were heavily insured, some things couldn't be replaced and she wouldn't be comforted. She had to be admitted to hospital and that was where Dudley found her. He had heard the commotion, saw the biggest flames he ever saw light up the sky so he and his pals went to view the tragedy only to find out it was his house.

His friend Pier's mother took him to his mother but no one had thought of informing Vernon, who arrived at home to find out he didn't have one. He finally had that coronary that had been threatening for years, but was rushed to hospital just in time to be saved.

The next morning when all had settled down, Vernon swore he was going to sue somebody. Normally he would blame the Freak but he was told by the hospital chaplain that although his wife and son were safe, his poor nephew was presumed to be in the house and burnt to ashes like everything else. Since Vernon couldn't speak at the moment, the chaplain was spared the shock of Vernon saying what he would have said but instead started to hyper-ventilate, turned a bit purple/blue and the monitors went crazy. Nurses and doctors ran into his room in the ER and began resuscitate him.

They failed.